Hi Jason,
Glad to hear that you're not recording anymore, I know a few researchers who got clairaudience from doing EVP (getting clairaudience from it is well
known and not that uncommon) and managed to get a handle on the situation and keep going with their work, but I don't think most of those I know got
hit with it with the severity that I did (as well as others), it can hit light, or it can hit real heavy, and when it hits heavy, it's a terrible
situation to live with, especially in the beginning.
There's certainly risk invovled that a majority of the general public may not know about, or at least we've all heard that malevolent entities can
attach, but what does that look like?, well it looks like these things causing you to hear them insult you ,trying to break you down 24/7 non-stop as
well as often creating physical sensations on your body that makes keeping your focus or getting to sleep a challange....it sucks, and certainly there
are people that are far more vulnerable to it that others, but they may not find out until it's too late (like with me)....and these entities are
masters at deception so things may seem all harmless and fun at first, but when they're ready, these negative earthbound entities can turn on you at
the drop of a hat. If someone wants to pursue this, then being as informed as possible about the dangers is always wise, I wish I had looked into it
more first myself.
and there's also the fact that time doesn't mean the same thing to us as to spirits, they'll stick around and torment you for life if they want to, I
have no idea how old some of these ones I hear are, though once I did hear a voice say "I haven't had a body in 130 years"....but who knows
If you want to submit some EVP recordings for other researchers to review, I'd recommend this site: it's where I submitted most of mine in the
it's a forum for researchers (most based out of the US), there's alot of people with experience there that are really good at hearing the faint stuff.
A guy by the name of Ron Ruiz (Arizona EVP) is a moderator there, he has the best ear for EVPs of anyone I've ever met and he filtered alot of my
recordings for me and gave me alot of feedback on them, there's also another website where researchers out of the US post articles, here's a link
there was some really remarkable contacts made in the 80's and 90's with the the spirit dimensions, mostly by researchers in Eurpope...there was alot
of video , telephone calls, and other evidence gathered that was mind blowing, I've posted this link before but here's a good 1 hour film that covers
all of that
this is a very well made film, however, it doesn't talk about the dangers, but many of the researchers intervied in this film do in books they've
written, such as Mark Macy....he wrote a good book called Miracles in the Storm that covers all of this, the miraculous stuff and he goes into the
"dark side" as well....he's a good writer
this is certainly interesting stuff, and you and I have experienced some if it first hand....but yeah....I'd recommend just sticking to reading about
it, it's much safer...getting into this kind of thing has very real and long lasting dangers
and as for who they are,(the tormentors) I don't really know of course and gave up trying and everything they say is mostly just Kool-Aid anyway,
it's certainly possible that they were never living humans, or maybe they are from a world that over laps ours, perhaps sprits from there?, who
knows,...alot of the books I've read state that between our world and the spirit realms, there's this more dismal "shadow world" where people that
were extremely negative and hateful and selfcentered get stuck until they can work those issue out for themselves, but unfortunatley some don't want
to, they'd rather spread their misery, and since they are close to us dimensioanlly, they can interact with us easier
I was never one to just throw the label demon out there....just dealing with them first hand, they seem too clownish most of the time for me to
believe that that are eons old fallen angels or something like that.....getting into that mindset would be like giving them street-cred they don't
deserve and would probably make the situation worse....you want to take their power away, not give them more by throwing titles on them that you could
never be certain about
and as for dealing with them, yeah they seem pretty much immune to everything I've tried so far. The only thing that seems to help is trying to close
your mind to them as much as possible, become desensititzed as much as you can to their torments and tricks and try to take your focus off of them,
but of course all the while they are trying to keep your focus to stay on them, so it's a diffucult challenge
hopefully one day when the reality of all of this is finally accepted, there will be some real research done into how these life forms from other
dimensions effect and interact with us and what we can do to deal with the hostile ones, they are composed of energy, so there must be some
scienctific/energy based counter-measure against these things, I hope some day we find some answers
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