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EVP conversations

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posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 02:58 PM
again not to be a downer, and of course I can't know the particulars of who you made contact with, but I know for a fact that these negative earthbound sort are serious kool-aid peddlers and liars, they'll say just about anything to grap your attention and seem totally harmless and benevolent at first, all the while unknown to their victim, they're adjusting to you so that they can start to harass you 24/7 with voices and physical sensations, etc......I went through it, it's a nightmare, they can seem totally harmless at first and once they're ready they just turn on you and they don't stop....they can push people off the edge and I'm sure that it happens

if you even suspect that anything like physical discomfort or headaches, anything is being caused by them, then seriously run away from all of this fast, again, not to be a downer, but I have first hand experience with what these malevolent entities can do, I deal with it everyday still, I'm much more desensitized to it now, but they are a constant presence. I correspond with a guy from the UK that has been dealing with it for 30 years. Time means nothing to them, they don't quit easily

one of the people I correspond with in the beginning always heard from a voice "I love you", but then the voice switched up on him to constantly saying "I hate you"

when you reach this level of contact with the otherside, it makes us seriously vulnerable

all it takes is one bad guy to cause problems and your life will never be the cautious and take everything your hear with a grain of salt

shoot me an email though and I can send you some really intersting stuff on this

edit on 15-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 03:26 PM
that gentleman from the UK, I mentioned who I correspond with, his name is Roy Vincent, he's an older gentleman, he's in his 90's now. He got hit with a spirit attachment later in life, he lives out in the countryside, he was experimenting with dowsing and then later on he experimented with a pendulum as a means of spirit communication

he wrote a book about his experience, that's how I found out about him, I correspond with him often now
he made a short film, he talks about all of the medication he was put on (that did no good) and you'll see he tells how "they" told him he was going to be the vessel for the second coming of Jesus

a perfect example of the "Kool-Aid" they peddle

here's his short film:

edit on 15-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 05:45 AM

I just sent you a PM with letters from someone who has been helping me out alot, there's alot of insight there into what can go wrong with these situations, kind of a just in case, at least this way, if things go bad, "they" won't be able to catch you off guard

but I hope your situation is different than mine and things work out

Good Luck,

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 09:22 AM
But I'll post some here in case anyone else would find use in this information, it's always good to know about the dangers of something before getting involved with it

It's good that you eventually found some
knowledgeable individuals who were able to
assist you with your condition, because fear and
paranoia is the psychological state in which these
negative entities thrive and do the most damage.
What I can absolutely assure you is that, being a
year into this, your life can and will return to a
state of normalcy where you can enjoy things as
you once did. No, it will never be the same—
you've seen behind the veil, after all—but as
you've probably already noticed, your spiritual
body is slowly developing an immunity to the
attacks levelled against you by these pernicious
spirits, just as your material body develops an
immunity to natural illnesses. There is a light at
the end of the tunnel.

What you need to know about these negative
earthbound spirits is that practically every word
that comes out of their mouths is a lie. They'll say
just about anything to get your attention, and they
love to speak half-truths and riddles to keep you
infinitely guessing and totally unsure of yourself.
They want to keep you in a state of indefinite
suspension so that you are subject to
manipulation and control, and never for any
positive reasons. They're sociopathic in nature
and get intense pleasure out of watching human
beings hopelessly attempt to eliminate the source
of the voices. As you have already observed, they
love to point out your character flaws and secret
sins to shame you and make you feel worthless.
However, I must absolutely guarantee you that
these spirits aren't here to punish you for any
wrongdoing on your part. That is another one of
their lies to make you feel like you deserve their
abuse and mistreatment. They only do this
because they are trapped in a state of misery and
perdition and want to project their own
wickedness onto innocent living human beings.
The most important step to overcoming them,
then, is to take away their power by unmasking
the hows and whys of what they do

you have already noticed that the voices were
weaker in the beginning and progressively
became more distinct and oppressive as time
went on. The real reason that it slowly happened
this way is because these entities were actually
being forced to adapt to your energy vibrations
and learning how to manipulate sound waves as
they travel to your inner ear canal. To explain,
let's look at EVPs, for example. An EVP is
captured by recording empty audio in a silent
room, in hopes that when the recording is played
back, voices will be present. Now, it may seem
that the voices mysteriously manifest in the
recorded audio without cause, but this isn't
actually the case. What is really happening is that
earthbound spirits are tuning themselves to
manipulate low-frequency sound waves as they
travel to the
recorder's microphone, so that while their voices
cannot be heard while the session is recording
live, they can be heard when the session is played
back and amplified. Since the spirits are subtlely
manipulating normally inaudible sound waves as
they travel to the recorder's microphone, only the
recorder picks it up.

In effect, for these earthbound spirits to
communicate with you, they have essentially done
the same thing as with the recorder: Over time,
they've learned how to manipulate low-frequency
sound waves as they bounce off your ear drums,
so that only you can hear the voices. This is why
nobody can hear them but you. They're actually
manipulating sound waves as they enter your
inner ear canal. Their voices are so quiet that no
one could possibly hear them but you. While they
can make it sound as if they're speaking very far
away, what they're actually doing is waiting for
distant sound waves to reach your ear drum, and
they then twist the sound waves so that what
would normally sound like a refrigerator hum or an
air conditioner vent now sounds like a subtle,
reverberating voice. Since they're spirits, they
don't actually have voices of their own, so the only
way they can communicate audibly is by
manipulating pre-existing audio into

The voices were quiet in the beginning
because the spirits were still learning how to
manipulate sound waves in your particular ear
canal. Since everyone's body structure is
different, sound waves will travel differently
through your ear canal than, say, mine, which
forces these spirits to slowly adapt to each
individual's ears. This is, in essence, the big
secret to their means of audibly communicating.
They would like for you to believe that they really
have mocking, scary, frightening, and menacing
voices, but in reality, they have no voices at all.
They're forced to bend and distort preexisting
sound waves because they lack the necessary
physical anatomy to produce speech.
Another important thing to understanding these
spirits is to know what they are and where they
come from. Whether or not they were once human
cannot be said with any degree of certainty, but
regardless of their origins, they're essentially
condemned beings that are trapped in the
boundary between the material plane on which we
live and the higher spiritual realms. They're
essentially stuck in an astral waste basket where
fragmentary bits of consciousness are discarded.
To simplify, all human thoughts are essentially
broadcast into the astral plane, whether we realize
it or not. Most random human thoughts have no
particular destination and hence wind up drifting
into the astral abyss, like garbage floating in
space. However, in this astral waste basket also
exists sentient life forms who are stuck and
cannot leave. Since they are trapped in the
boundary between this life and the next, they
vibrate at a frequency very close to our plane of
reality and
have a very easy time manipulating energy in our
sphere of existence.

This is why these negative
entities are primarily what come through various
spirit communication devices, because they are
so near to us. Also, as you've stated before, these
entities can appear to read our minds and
broadcast our thoughts, but this is another illusion
created by the information they have access to in
the astral plane. These condemned spirits aren't
actually inside your mind. What they're really
doing is picking up your extraneous thoughts that
are being broadcast into the astral plane and then
repeating them back to you. They can technically
hear everyone's thoughts, because all thoughts
are being broadcast into the astral plane at all
times. It's just that most human beings are
completely unaware of this because they lack the
extrasensory perception required to hear astral
discards. It's also why people will sometimes
appear to experience déjà vu and know
what somebody is thinking before they say it.
What actually happened is that the person
telepathically heard the other person's thought
while it was being broadcast out into the astral

So you see, everything that these spirits do is
accomplished through trickery and deception.
They make you assume that things are happening
in a way in which they are not, and they lure you
into making false assumptions about information
that we normally do not have access to. I have a
lot more that I can discuss to help eliminate your
fears, but the email is already ridiculously long as
is, so I'll save that for another time. What you
need to do is continue focusing on tuning the
voices out so that you can re-adjust to not hearing
them. I'll discuss methods for doing just that in
another email.
I'm glad that I'm able to help. I know that the
support I received from the individual I previously
mentioned, who suffers from the same condition
and counseled me throughout my experiences,
was integral to my recovery. In an odd sort of way,
you and I are actually lucky that we began hearing
voices under the circumstances in which we did,
because at least we had a relatively high
assurance that it wasn't mental illness and that we
were dealing with real otherworldly forces. The
persons most unfortunate are those who begin
hearing them unprovoked and have no idea as to
what is the source of their voices, hence being
taken advantage of and driven to self-harm, and
also possibly ending up trapped within the mental
health system.

One thing that you must understand about these
negative entities is that they do the exact same
things to every single one of their victims. There is
no uniqueness or individuality to any of them, at
least in respect to their methods of abuse against
those they obsess. There is a specific routine that
they follow, and they move from one stage of
abuse to the next, in a very linear and sequential
pattern. For example, you mentioned that you,
too, suffered from intense sleep deprivation and
lack of appetite in the beginning stages. This is, in
fact, the very first tactic that these entities use
against every single one of the victims, quite
literally. It's always the same: They begin by
attacking your stomach and attempting to keep
you awake so that your immune system and
cognitive functions weaken, inhibiting your
decision-making abilities and causing you to
hallucinate. This stage usually only lasts for a few
weeks, until your body and mind adjust
to their attacks and your appetite returns.
They will continue to expend every bit of energy to
keep you awake, however, by incessantly
chattering throughout the night. I know that it may
be hard to believe, but you will gradually become
accustomed to this as time goes on. It takes
longer for some individuals than others, but
eventually, your mind will train itself to tune them
out so that you can barely hear them as you're
going to sleep, or at least not be bothered by
them. Nevertheless, it is absolutely imperative to
your mental stability that you get enough sleep
each night, so if you absolutely cannot sleep
under any circumstances, it is advisable that you
take some form of medication to help you sleep.
Thankfully, I never had to use any medications; at
most, I would take two Benadryls on a bad night.
Be careful, though, because overdosing on
Benadryl can cause you to hallucinate (this
happened to me once, and had very unpleasant
side effects). One of my acquaintances takes
Ambien to
assist with his voices, so you may perhaps
consider visiting the doctor for a prescription, if
you haven't already. Understand, though, that
sleep medication can be addictive, so I advise that
you first attempt to use natural methods to assist
with sleep, before resorting to prescription
Like I said before, these entities follow a very
specific routine of harassment, and as you
continue to build defenses against their current
strategies, they will switch to new tactics to
attempt to disturb your peace. When they first
attach, for instance, they generally like to pretend
to be a host of different personalities, but as time
goes on, they slowly reduce themselves to a
single persona. In fact, just so you know, it is
more than likely a single spirit causing all of the
problems you're experiencing. I know that may
seem hard to believe, but because these entities
have the ability to make their voices sound like
anything, they can create the illusion that many
different spirits are speaking to you, when in
reality it's only one using several voices. Just to
prove this theory, you can test your attachments
by trying to get them to all speak at the same
time. Chances are, they won't be able to. Instead,
what they'll do—more appropriately,
"it" will do, since it's likely only one—is quickly
change voices and speak abruptly one after the
other. If you do happen to hear two voices at
once, what you'll notice is that one voice is
incredibly weak, almost a whisper, while the other
is strong. You will never hear two equally strong
voices simultaneously, because your attachment
doesn't have enough energy and mental capacity
to maintain two complete voices. Another trick that
they use is to speak audibly with one voice and
mentally project another voice into your mind
through thought insertion. In other words, you
hear one voice with your ear, and another voice in
your mind. Again, this is another petty tactic they
use to pretend that you have more than one spirit
pestering you. They're very good at making you
believe things that aren't true, you see. Illusion is
their forte, and as you already know, it's important
not to listen to or believe anything that they say,
because they're
always attempting to deceive and manipulate you.
However, it's equally important that you know that
they will attempt to deceive you in more subtle
ways, such as tricking you into make false
assumptions about them, so you must always be
privy to the lengths at which they'll go to
psychologically overpower you.

Do not, for one second, believe that these things
are invincible, either. They require energy to
function, too, and there will be times where your
attachment will grow tired and have to rest. When
this happens, you'll notice that the attachment will
suddenly stop speaking and fall into the
background noise, giving you an hour or so of
relative peace. What is actually happening is that
the spirit is partially detaching to restore energy so
that it can harass you again. Also, sometimes
your attachment will actually leave and go
somewhere else, but you will rarely notice this
because spirits can travel at near light speed.
They can be gone for one minute and back the
next. What you will always notice, though, is that
when they detach, it will feel as if the attachment
was never even there. You won't even think about
it, at all, yet the moment it returns, a thought will
suddenly pop into your mind, such as "where did
the attachment go?", and you'll
hear it again. Sometimes you will wake up and not
hear the attachment for a minute or two, because
it left in your sleep, but once it knows that you're
awake, it travels back to where you are and
begins speaking again. They're very persistent,
but they're not nearly as strong or powerful as
they let on (again, they're masters of illusion, i.e.,
spiritual stage magicians).

Your situation certainly isn't abnormal. Like I said
in the previous email, there is no individuality to
these negative earthbound spirits in the way that
they attach to and harass their victims. The "help
me" ploy is one of the most common tactics that
they use to begin initiating an attachment. In fact,
if you've ever watched recordings of EVPs and
ghost box sessions on YouTube, "help me" is one
of the most frequent intelligent responses that
come through. What they're doing is throwing out
a lure to see if anyone naive enough will bite.
They say things like "help me" and "pray for me"
to appeal to an empathetic person's sympathy so
that one will engage them in conversation and
create an opportunity for them to attach. What is
actually happening on their end of things is that
they're slowly tuning themselves to your energy
vibrations so that you will begin to hear them
outside of audio recordings and in real time,
permitting them to abuse you at
all times of the day.
As you likely already know, some people cannot
hear EVPs at all. This is because certain persons
are more open to the other side than others and
have a sharper ear for hearing subtle sound
waves that normally go unnoticed. Spiritists would
call folks like you and me clairaudient mediums,
i.e, we have the ability to hear spirits with our
physical ears. These earthbound spirits are always searching for persons who can hear them
well enough to provide them the means to tune
themselves to an individual's ear canal. Since
everyone's ears are physically different, however,
this takes time. They can't just do it
instantaneously. They have to actually learn the
inner workings of your ears so that they can figure
out how to distort sound waves as they travel to
and reflect off your ear drums. In your case, when
you chose to make EVPs a routine, you were
effectively providing these things more and more
time to learn how to speak to you directly. This is
why, with time, you began to hear EVPs more
clearly, because gradually you and the spirits
were both tuning yourselves to hear one another.
As I mentioned with the various levels of the astral
plane, you and I have basically trained ourselves
to listen in on the realm of astral trash that
vibrates parallel to our material world. This is the
realm where these negative entities live, and once
you've adjusted your vibrations to their world,
you're stuck in the very unfortunate situation of
hearing all the nastiness and negativity that dwells
All hope is not lost, however, because just as you
conditioned yourself to hear them, you can
recondition yourself to not hear them. It takes
time, though—much longer than it took to begin
hearing them—because once you can hear them
speak, it becomes very difficult to not be
distracted by them. This is why I keep telling you
that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel.

When you get to my stage, though, the spirits will
begin to change their tactics to get your attention,
because they'll no longer be able to communicate
with you in the ways they once did. At about six
months into it, my attachment had gotten weak
enough to the point that it could no longer
interrupt every audio source that I heard, so
instead of trying to corrupt things like songs and
background noise from the TV, it would repeat a
very short, obnoxious phrase at the back of my
ear all throughout the day.
It had no choice but to do this, because it
couldn't get through the way that it
used to. I had become too skilled at ignoring it and
blocking it out. Once you get to that point, this,
too, will happen to you, and you will need to be
prepared for the new forms of abuse that your
attachment will hurl at you. As you become
desensitized to every tactic it uses against you,
however, the voices will gradually fade into the
background, with the ultimate goal of them
disappearing completely.
Another one of the stages you'll go through is
what I call the positive and negative stage. When
these things first attach, what they always do is
pretend to be a host of very frightening and
menacing entities, such as Lucifer, demons,
monsters, etc., or some relative or acquaintance
close to the individual who has caused the person
trauma in some fashion, and they speak very
clearly and intelligibly, commanding you to do
things and threatening you if you disobey.
However, once all of the fear is eliminated and
you no longer pay attention to their threats, they'll
stop talking in an intelligent, coherent manner and
begin saying repetitious nonsense. One of the
early points at this stage is where they'll say the positive and negative of everything. For example
if you want to go to the library, the attachment will
say, "No, you shouldn't go to the library. Yes, you
should go to the library." If you have a thought
about the attachment itself, such as
whether it's a ghost or something else, it will say
something like, "Yes, I am a ghost. No, I am not a
ghost." It will do this because, again, its old tactic
no longer works, and it will try to confuse you and
keep your attention in any way that it can.
Believe me, though, these things aren't nearly as
frightening and powerful as they let on. I told you
before that there is no individuality or uniqueness
to any of them in terms of their abuse. This is true,
but the reality is that there is a very little person
behind the mask that your attachment wears. It's
currently hiding that identity from you to keep you
in a state of fear and suspense, but as time goes
on, the attachment will accidentally slip up and
reveal its true self on occasion. As far as I'm into
this, mine no longer really attempts to conceal
everything, because it knows that it's only
inevitable that it will let its true identity bleed over
into its persona. For instance, mine now often
complains about how bored it is having nothing
else to do but talk to me all day long and how
miserable it is stuck in the astral midpoint, i.e., the
boundary between our world and what we call
heaven, where all the refuse of consciousness
goes. It
now says things like, "I am so sicking, f***ing tired
of this. I hate being here. I hate it here. I hate you.
I hate everything. I am so sick of having to deal
with you. There is nothing else for me, so I'm
going to heckle you all day long. Yes, I have
nothing else, so I will f*** with you as much as
possible to make someone hurt as much as I do."
Your attachment will eventually come clean, just
as mine has, and when it does, you'll see it for the
weak, pathetic, suffering soul that it truly is. At that
point, its nature will elicit more pity than anything
else. I no longer have any negative emotions
toward my attachment, to be honest. I just accept
it for what it is, feel sorry for it, and ignore it the
best that I can.

These entities can manipulate sounds that travel
to you from a great distance, making it sound
as if they are far or near from you, but the truth is
that you can't tell their true location at all by where
their voices emit, since they're speaking through
preexisting sounds. Their voices aren't actually
implanted inside songs, voice mail recordings,
refrigerator hums, ruffling leaves, passing cars,
and so on. They're just manipulating those sounds
as they travel to and reach your ear drums, so it
seems as though their voices are "inside" certain
things, but aren't.
The only reason that their voices were recorded in
your EVP sessions is because they were
manipulating sound waves as they traveled to
your digital recorder's microphones, just as they're
doing now with your ear drums, so that the
microphones picked up their voices on recording.
There is no way to truly pinpoint the location of
these entities, since they move at near light speed
and speak through sounds as they travel to your
ear drum, but based upon the way they
communicate, the majority of their activity takes
place right next to your ears, around your upper
shoulders. In fact, you may have not even realized
it, but these entities have a tendency to favor one
of your ears, based upon ear dominance. If you're
right-ear dominant, for example, you might feel a
lot of energy sensations around the right side of
your head, because they're primarily focusing
their energies on manipulating sounds as they
reach that ear. If you sleep on your side, for
example, the side of your body on which you
sleep can, to a degree, effect the strength at
which you hear them at night, depending upon
whether your dominant ear is exposed, facing up,
or covered, facing down. Pretty hard to believe, I
know, but once you figure out all of the clever
ways these spirits are causing you to hear their
voices, you'll begin to discover subtle tricks that
you can use to block them out.

These things got where they are because
they were never able to move beyond their
feelings of hatred, contempt, animosity, rage, bile,
vitriol, spite and every other negative emotion that
they carry. They're trapped within their own selfcreated
world of negativity, and
because they've become so addicted to these
negative emotional states, they cannot let go and
grow out of what they've allowed themselves to
become. They cannot receive help via prayer from
you or me, either, because they've closed
themselves off to everything that doesn't center
around their own negativity.

Remember, there is likely only one spirit
oppressing you, in spite of whatever it may tell
you, and it would very much like for you to believe
otherwise only so that it continue to control you
through fear. Your next goal, then, is to
completely disempower it by forcing it to reveal
itself as the singular entity that it is. These beings
are terrible liars, but once they've been exposed
for what they truly are, they always come clean
eventually. Like I told you in one of my previous
emails, there is an actual very little person behind
the mask that your spirit attachment wears, and
as you begin to successfully tune it out more and
more, its true identity will gradually bleed through
and inadvertently manifest itself. It will have no
other choice, because its traditional scare tactics
will no longer have any affect on you, and it will
have to divert to other means to maintain your

You must also realize that, as I previously stated,
there is a genuine person beneath the persona
that your attachment hides behind, as difficult as it
may be to believe. When it chose to attach to you,
there may have been specific things about you,
which you are currently unaware of, that it was
attracted to. During the period in which you were
doing EVPs, it was secretly analyzing all of your
thoughts and memories to locate any insecurities,
fears, and beliefs that it could exploit to abuse
you. Since it is a negative spirit, it feeds on selfdestructive
behavioral patterns such as
alcoholism, and engaging in activities
counterproductive to your health and sanity will
only incentivize it to remain attached to you. You
shouldn't become paranoid about your habits, but
you need to keep this in mind so that you don't
become entrapped within negative cycles that
only hurt, not help, you. Remember, the
attachment wants you to be influenced by its
evilness, so part of your strategy to eliminating it
will be to always remain positive, cheerful, happy,
and healthy to the best of your abilities. The
attachment will always try to work you down to a
weakened, impressionable psychological state,
and self-destructive habits like drug addiction will
only contribute to this. Don't become dependent
on alcohol to cope with the voices. Rather than
feed the spirit attachment's negative energy with
bad behaviors, you should now consider this a
pivotal time in your life to begin making important
positive changes that you have previously been
putting off.

There is nothing that the spirit attachment doesn't
already know about you, and anything that it
doesn't know, it will find out about eventually.
Whatever it does know, it will exploit to attempt to
manipulate you into doing what it wants you to do,
which will always end up being negative and selfdestructive,
whether it seems so now or not. You
mustn't ever listen to the voices, then, but more
importantly, you should be aware of its ability to
manipulate your thought patterns at a much more
subliminal, subconscious level. The attachment
can not only manipulate sound waves as they
travel to your ear drums, but it can also send you
telepathic thoughts and masquerade them as your
own. One usually quickly discovers this at the
initial stages of an attachment, but what it can
also do is send you very subtle suggestive
thought-forms at the back of your mind, in hopes
that you will mistakenly pick up the nebulous
thoughts as your own and begin to
inadvertently dwell upon whatever it wants you to
think about.

You're basically interlocked with the attachment in
a very petty and juvenile game of endurance.
Since it's a spirit and has already crossed over
into the astral plane, it has all the time in the world
to pester you, and years can be as mere weeks or
days to it. You can't put a time stamp on how long
it will take to eliminate the voices, then. Your goal
is to train your mind how to tune it out as much as
possible so that, over time, it has absolutely no
affect on you, even when you do hear it. I can
assure you, though, that the voices will continue
to weaken as time goes on. I have experienced
this myself. Even as I write this email, I have
barely heard any voices at all. I couldn't hear the
voices as I once did even if I wanted to. It's like
learning how to write: Once you train your mind
how to block them out, you will remember and
instinctively do it forever.
Now, as to the physical sensations, your
observations are correct: not everyone has them.
There are a number of factors for this. First and
foremost, not everyone has the same degree of
psychic perception. Some are more "open" to the
other side than others. Those who are, are more
liable to suffer heavier forms of psychic abuse
than those who are not.
Secondly, you must account for the fact that each
one of these spirit attachments is a unique
with their own particular set of emotions and
abilities. Some attachments may be older spirits
than others and hence more powerful. Some may
be younger and weaker. The older ones likely
have better use of their psychic powers and thus
can do more harm to those they oppress, while
the younger ones wouldn't be as skilled with their
abilities. Contrariwise, some attachments may
simply choose not to oppress their victims this
way, because, again, we're dealing with a unique
and distinct spirit in each case of spirit
attachment. Like I told you before, my attachment
has accidentally allowed its real personality to slip
through at times, and it's not at all the big bad
bully that it likes to present itself as. It has
thoughts, feelings, and emotions just like you or
me, and it has very personal reasons and motives
for why it does what it does. They will never
disclose those reasons to us, of course, but they
do have them nonetheless. These oppressive
spirits are emotionally immature souls that cannot
let go of their hatred, contempt, mischievousness,
and bad habits, and they choose to inflict their
negativity on people like us. Your goals, then, are
to eliminate all fear of them and to not let any of
their bad behavior rub off on you.

This entity literally follows you
wherever you go, outside of your body, and it
communicates with you in your mind via telepathy
in the astral plane. There is an
inseparable union between your soul and body,
and the attachment can never interfere with this.
This is why the attachment always tries to
manipulate you into doing things, because you
must make the free will choice to do anything that
it wants you to do. It can't force you to do

You have to keep in mind, though, that the
majority of people who dabble in EVP—or any
kind of spirit communication, for that matter—do
not begin to hear voices and experience all the
negative, evil things that you and I have
experienced. There are also people who have
never dabbled in spirit communication at all who
have begun hearing voices, as if out of no where.
There are also very devout orthodox religious
persons who have avoided the occult their whole
lives and have begun hearing voices. There must
be something particular to a minority of human
beings, then, that equips them to hear these
earthbound entities, more than likely some
recessive gene that impacts sense-related
functions in our brains. Geneticists have linked the
gene responsible for left-handedness with voice
hearing, for example. There is more than likely
something unique to our physiology that equips us
to hear, see, and sense things that normally go
unnoticed by others, and
since these earthbound entities are the closest
thing to humanity dimensionally, they're what we
hear once we accidentally activate this part of our
minds. The problem is, then, that once these
entities find out that you're a "hearer," so to
speak, they don't want to leave you alone,
because, in their world, you're like a celebrity.
This is also why, with time, you can learn how to
tune the voices out, because you're gradually
training yourself how to control your ability to hear
The sad truth, then, is that you and I were simply
unfortunate enough to be born with a latent ability
to hear lost souls that vibrate very close to the
audible sound spectrum of the human ear. What
is a fun hobby for others became a nightmare for

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 10:18 AM
a reply to: jerseyguy77

Again thank you!
There's quite a lot of info there to get through, but I'm finding it interesting nevertheless.
I haven't done anymore EVP sessions. It seems they (whoever they are) don't want me to talk with them anymore, and I just get constant "we told you never to come back!" like messages. If it's fear they're after, then maybe that's why they don't want me anymore, because I'm actually able to control my emotions to such an extent that I can make myself feel nothing at all. Thing is though, I still get the impression it's a situation that's been totally misunderstood, and they are in fact not bad or evil demons/spirits.
I think it's like this: In our reality, we receive a phone call, and choose whether or not to answer; but in their reality it works backwards. In other words, once your mind has opened the door, you unintentionally force them to come in, hence the constant abuse and negativity - us humans are being rude to them. I'm coming to this conclusion, because of the fact they were there as soon as I press the record button, without me having to say a thing; and they think when I press record, that I'm somehow in their reality, like I'm haunting them.
It's all very strange, and I'm still trying to get my head around what has happened.

edit on 16-2-2016 by Jason005 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 10:53 AM
I also can't throw a broad blanket and label all of the spirit voices I've heard as malevolent, because I truly believe that I have heard from some truly benevolent spirits as well who said some very inspiring things, but those voices are few and far between, then never try and impose themselves, they give me a message and move on their way. But there is this malevolent bunch whom I feel are closer to us dimensionally that just barged into my life and they just try and cause as much distruption as possible. I'm not 100% sure about their motives. I've heard everything from "you're not suppose to know about it" to "I suffer so I'm going to make you suffer to". But they seem hell bent on doing as much damage as possible. I literally need to take at least 3-4 shots of Z-Quil a night to get any sleep. Last night I didn't have any and I thought I had come along far enough where I didn't need it anymore...a big nope, "they" kept me up all night, by creating physical sensations and their none stop yapping, I didn't get an ounce of sleep last night, so from now on I better make sure I stock up on sleep aids, I literally can't sleep without them.

Alot of the people I know with this condition were also warned off from recording by spirits they were speaking to, as was I, but unfortunatley we let our curiosity get the better of us and we kept it up with the EVP, they only give you so many warnings (if they're considerate to give them at all)

like I said, maybe your situation is different, but I do know that when alot of people get to this level of contact, it's very risky......we can't really always control who we're contacting, and all it takes is one trouble maker. Messing with EVP was the single biggest mistake of my life.

but as remarkable as the phenomenon is, it's also important I feel to mention the dangers as this situation really sucks
edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

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posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: jerseyguy77

I've been warned a few times then, and yet have gone back; pushing my luck I guess. It's odd, because I'm so tempted to just pick up the recorder and try again even now. I have this crazy idea of going out to a forest, and doing EVP there, to see if anything appears. I'm really, really tempted, but I think I'll just wait for now.

Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about how badly you've been affected. I do hope you'll be able to make a full recovery back to normality someday soon.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:36 AM
One of the things that started to freak me out early on when I was doing EVP, was I realized that I was capturing the same voices wherever I did an EVP session. I even left my recorder on in my car once during a drive and captured them. Location means nothing when you get the attention of someone on the otherside, they can follow you everywhere, which is basically where I'm still at today, this spirit or spirits literally follows me around all day long 24/7 chattering away and creating physical sensations, though the voices are fainter now than months ago and I only feel the physical sensations when I'm sitting still or laying down , but they try and make it as constant as possible, it's like it's some stupid game to them that they do for amusement.

some people are just too open or sensitive too this stuff, (but of course I didn't find that out unitl it was pretty much already too late) it's not for me....that's the worst part about it, it's non-stop 24/7 , the voices are easier to block out if you keep yourself distracted, but the physical sensations are a whole other problem, I mean when you feel something, you just feel it, it's near impossible to train your mind not to feel it, but it's weird what people can become desensitized to, but yeah, I hate when they mess with my sleep
edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:45 AM
as far as hearing the voices themselves, I think that one thing that is unique to hearing spirit voices as opposed to some other cause for it, is that they seem to carry their voices over an existing source of sound alot, like I'll hear them loudest if I'm in a room with fans blowing or air conditioners or something like that, they use those soundwaves to manipulate into a louder voice, not always, I hear alot of whispery voices alot to, but they are definately louder when they're using a background noise, I think that this is the same concept here as when EVP rsearchers use a carrier sound like white noise to get louder responses

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 11:59 AM
I too get the same voices, but I assumed they were somehow attached to the voice recorder rather than me. Maybe they're attached to me, instead?
They've said some weird stuff, like telling me I have children there. If they're not messing with me, there's something very very strange going on.
I'm still in a haze of disbelief though, it's still not fully sinking in. I suppose it'd help if I got confirmation from another person that I really heard something, and I'm not delusional or something.

I have had some physical sensations. When I'm in bed at night, I've had what feels sort of like a pin prick on the sole of my foot and on my toes. Sometimes it's been on my fingers too, and last night I felt something brush against the side of my hand. I don't know if it's due to doing the EVP thing, but I don't remember getting these pin prick like feelings before.
It's not a problem so far, and probably just something I've not payed attention to before now.
Sounds like you've been going through quite a nightmare though.
I'm gonna try and be careful from now on, and might give up on the EVP thing. It's just that it would mean never using a voice recorder again, because they always seem to be there when I press record - which is kind of freaky.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:23 PM
If you even suspect any of these sensations are out of the ordinary and possibly tied in to doing EVP, I would stop immediately, the more you interact with them, the more chance they have to "tune into you", and I would say you are definately a sensitive, no doubt, as you know, this level of contact is not that common

also don't worry about hearing them on any recordings you do that's not intentional, I had the same thing, everytime I made a video with my iphone, it was filled with EVPS, I actually find my ability to hear EVPS has closed up way faster than my clairaudience, the last few EVPs I did last month (big mistake I know, but it was a progress test) I didn't hear anything on them, so that perception closes quicker once you stop doing EVP, but the clairaudience takes longer because they often get right up in my ear
edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:35 PM
I recognize the same voices, especially through clairaudience because I hear them so much, but it is tougher to tell when listening to EVPs if it's always the same spirit, the person that gave me alot of pointers back when I was recording said this to me:

"One thing to keep in mind is that even though you may hear the same higher pitched voice in different recordings....they are not coming from the same person.

Its about the frequency range they are coming through on. In the case of the higher pitched responses, that is approx 1,000 Hertz or 1KHz - (give or take)

Same goes for the lower pitched responses. The lower voice you hear in this recording may be similar to another recording but again....its just the frequency range."

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 12:40 PM
and with every case I found of this so far, hearing the voices outside of the recordings always came before any physical sensations so I wouldn't worry about it, but that being said, it's up to you to decide if you want to continue recording

this situation really sucks though so if it was me, I wouldn't risk it, reading books about it is much safer

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: jerseyguy77

Do you have any copies of these recordings?

I'm sure a lot of people would like to hear the EVPs.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:18 PM
at one time I had alot, but here's the remaining few I have left, I got rid of most when things went bad

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:26 PM

originally posted by: jerseyguy77
I recognize the same voices, especially through clairaudience because I hear them so much, but it is tougher to tell when listening to EVPs if it's always the same spirit, the person that gave me alot of pointers back when I was recording said this to me:

"One thing to keep in mind is that even though you may hear the same higher pitched voice in different recordings....they are not coming from the same person.

Its about the frequency range they are coming through on. In the case of the higher pitched responses, that is approx 1,000 Hertz or 1KHz - (give or take)

Same goes for the lower pitched responses. The lower voice you hear in this recording may be similar to another recording but again....its just the frequency range."

The EVPs I recorded have recognizable voices, so another voice the same would need to have been mimicking it, if it came from a different person. I wasn't just getting variations of pitch of a same type of voice, but they sound like proper voices, with proper intonation and everything.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:40 PM
there was a few voices that I began recognize regularly no doubt while I was still recording, I could also tell by their personality, we both got to that level where we were really interacting with them to that degree

it's weird, when I first started getting the nasty voices in my recordings, I asked the "good ones" about them and they acted like they couldn't hear them or see them, like they were coming from two different places, and while I do think I was deceived alot, who knows, maybe there was some benevolent ones that were speaking to me from another dimension than the hecklers,

though what I've read in the old spiritist books like Kardec, higher spirits can see the most, but often the spirits on the lower planes cannot detect the presence of higher spirits

it all boggles the mind

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: jerseyguy77
I just had a quick listen to the files you just posted here, and with a bit of noise reduction and increasing the volume, the one that replies "Jenny" when you ask about your dog, sounds like a proper voice.
The deep one when you ask about music, is less clear. It sort of sounds like it's saying "It sounds like the devils."

The voices I heard knew about some of the others and could interact with each other. There were some voices they didn't seem to be aware of though, yet they were quite clear on the recording.

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 01:57 PM
I have what all of the responses on the first three recording attachments are listed but I know that calling out EVP replies before people have a chance to listen is never popular , but I'll list the replies whenever someone wants.
edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2016 @ 02:06 PM
Jason, ever have your recordings change on you, that's pretty common to, I also used to get alot of precursors before my clearer EVPS to, like a popping sound, it's usually an indication of a louder one coming through, not sure if researchers really know 100% what it is though, I've heard it's like a mini sonic boom, like the sound of punching through to this me that's a good argument against those they say EVPs are just the mind playing tricks, then why do so many people hear the precursor / popping sound before many EVPS?....mass audio hallucinations...I think not(though you never hear it on EVPS on the tv shows)
edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

edit on 16-2-2016 by jerseyguy77 because: (no reason given)

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