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Cop Pepper Sprays, Punches, Nearly Breaks Girl's Arm During Curfew Arrest

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:26 PM
I really don;t get people, if she did what the guy told her to do, none of this would of happend. So why is what he did wrong? she resisted arrest she had it coming. She was could of did what he said and that would of been the end of it. I am not a cop, but i hate them getting # on for stuff that could be avoided if people just do what they say.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Kudos to this officer for in my opinion a great job with dealing with a non-compliant individual. He tried his hardest to have the young lady comply with orders and just put her hands behind her back, and she failed to listen - well over ten times. I see the title of this thread completely misleading and think the police officer did an outstanding job handling the situation. He knew he was on camera, he knew she was much smaller then him so tried minimal force, she failed to comply, so he had to do what his job entails.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:51 PM
The girl was 'going crazy'? She was scared, so scared that she was panicking and beyond listening to the cop.

The thing about this video that is really bothersome is that the cop is so ineffective at the basic job of restraining a 100lb. girl, and then just casually pepper sprays her as though he is turning over some eggs while cooking his morning breakfast.

Again, put yourself in the position where a cop is grabbing you and trying to pin your arms behind your back as he slams you down onto a car hood, etc. Let's assume you have done nothing wrong as far as you know. What is your reaction going to be? Will you simply submit to the officer, or will you fight back against what you perceive to be a completely unjust use of force and police power?

To those that consider these people in recent videos 'criminals', um... yeah. A girl drops a piece of cake and gets a broken arm. A woman complains about being herded off her flight and she ends up dead in a terrorist cell. And this girl? What is she doing that makes people think she is on meth or crack? She is simply frightened out of her tree and acting on instinct.

The people who are outraged at citizens 'fighting back' against police abuse are the ones who will nod and happily file their way into the camps when their government tells them it is for their 'own safety'. What's that? The train car is getting a little more crowded than the brochure promised? By all means sir, feel free to file a complaint with your camp liason officer when you arrive at Port Paradise!

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by KaiBosh
The girl was 'going crazy'? She was scared, so scared that she was panicking and beyond listening to the cop.

One might ask, why was she panicking, though? Seriously, I don't like cops. But in that video the cop sounded very reasonable. She must've been high on amphetamines or something -- wild-eyes, paranoia, can't keep still, misplaced aggression. All classic symptoms.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by KaiBosh
The people who are outraged at citizens 'fighting back' against police abuse are the ones who will nod and happily file their way into the camps when their government tells them it is for their 'own safety'.

Sadly true.

What gives them the right to manhandle an obviously distressed woman like that? Absolutely pathetic.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by SteveR]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 11:19 PM

Originally posted by KaiBosh
The girl was 'going crazy'? She was scared, so scared that she was panicking and beyond listening to the cop.

I really think you're blowing this out of proportion.

What's she doing out past curfew if she's so scared?
Ya know there are officers out there to protect and serve?
Not all of them are out to punish and enslave.

The thing about this video that is really bothersome is that the cop is so ineffective at the basic job of restraining a 100lb. girl, and then just casually pepper sprays her as though he is turning over some eggs while cooking his morning breakfast.

And his hand must have looked like bacon, cause she tried
to bite him, thus the need for 'seasoning' in her eyes.

Ya know what's REALLY bothersome? If something happened
to her that night, everyone would be up in arms, "Where were the cops?"

Where are her parents?

Again, put yourself in the position where a cop is grabbing you and trying to pin your arms behind your back as he slams you down onto a car hood, etc. Let's assume you have done nothing wrong as far as you know. What is your reaction going to be? Will you simply submit to the officer, or will you fight back against what you perceive to be a completely unjust use of force and police power?

Ya know what happens when you assume..

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:08 AM
Can someone tell me what is the fine for breaking curfew by an otherwise law abiding citzen of the usa.

Coz working out the arrest, the paperwork, dealing with follow up law suit the bad publicity and the further breakdown of trust between police and the citzens. It must be hellish huge to be worth it.

Does the kid get a record?

What is the cops' rush anyway, he has 1 arm locked he has her controlled why is he screaming at her. just wait and talk calmly. Explain why he wants to cuff her, what is going to happen to her. Get her to relax not be terrorified. She is 15 a kid and not a harden marine cadet needing their spirit to be broken.

Why doesn't the police just stop the kid call the parents put the kid in the back of the car and drop them off into their parents care. with a large enough fine only to cover time and gas. That way LAW abiding citzen see police as protecting their kids and their community.

Curfews are supposed to helping comunities not as someone else mentioned enslaving them.

May god help the good cops coz the devil certainly appears to be helping the bad.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Although I can see how he is justified in using the amount of force that he did, I can offer one observation on how he could have handled the situation better. Instead of constantly repeating the same order over, and over like a broken record player, he should have paused, lowered his pitch and tone of voice, and simply assured the girl that she would be released to her mother, and that the charges were not a big deal. Constantly repeating yourself to a resisting suspect such as this girl (not some violent drunk grown man), is only going to make her more scared and paranoid as she feels you are not even regarding her line of questions and fears (ie, going to jail). Simply explaining it to her in a different fashion would have most likely calmed her down by alleviating some of her greatest fears.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:31 AM
Thank god we have such fine police officers to make sure kids dont stay out after 7pm, just like Nazi germany.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
Unbelievable video, absolutly disgraceful conduct to this young lady. Our American police no longer are the "Peace Officers" [snip]

Come on, are you kidding? This officer handled himself quite well and should have pepper sprayed her after he bounced her off the hood a little bit
I got a kick out of that part. Really dude she was under arrest and she bit him. If she had bit me I would have done the same.

Kudos to the officer for showing restraint.

I think police brutality sucks, but this was not a case of such but more a case of fine police work and patients.

Edited to make better sense...I hope it worked?.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:45 AM
Justified??? What this officer did was assault a terrified child. He had no right twisting her arm to the extent that he did or punching her in the face. It was a simple curfew violation! This matter could've been handled more professionally, like having dispatch call her parents to the scene. I greatly feel this officer should be suspended and charged with assaulting a minor. Now this child is facing a felony charge for battery on a police officer. How absurd!!! How would you feel if that was your child???

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:47 AM
What if he gets infected with you know what? Will it be worth all the force he laid upon the girl? Please.. Karmas a B, and it is instant. You give suffering, you recieve it instantly, believe it. All this domination, gladiator, good job, beat up kids for nothing stuff.....He punched a 15yr old girl full force in the face then maced her.period.I respect you all for your fine points, and I agree, and have changed the way I look at it personaly. I just think he could have handcuffed her in the front of her body the way he had her held, or like I said before chained her one hand to something else and guarded her untill more assets can arrive. Yes the girl was out of line but the cop obviously has her in control no matter what she does, he was getting into tweaking her arms around, I saw what he was doing, then the extra long pepper spray,I know a abuser when I see one.


[edit on 6-10-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Omega99
How absurd!!! How would you feel if that was your child???

I used to pepper spray my kids all the time when they got out of line!
Just kidding.

Seriously dont give me that about if it was my kid, my kids know better than to bite anyone let alone a police officer. I have griped at just about every tazer incident that was abuse of force. This was not abuse, she was under arrest and bit an officer. She was way out of line. He was not.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
Thank god we have such fine police officers to make sure kids dont stay out after 7pm, just like Nazi germany.

Oh gimme a break.

Let's drop you off in the same neighborhood in the middle
of the night, or let me pick an area around here, and let's
see how fast you run to those nazi cops.

Come on people, there's things waaay worse than this to exaggerate about.

Justified??? What this officer did was assault a terrified child. He had no right twisting her arm to the extent that he did or punching her in the face. It was a simple curfew violation!

Then she had no right to be on the streets.

This matter could've been handled more professionally, like having dispatch call her parents to the scene.

I agree, she could have cooperated.

How would you feel if that was your child???

If she were my child, she would not be out past curfew,
and she would know to listen to officers of the law.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by intrepid

I know what you're saying but how does it apply in this case?

Just don't expect martial arts techniques to work in the streets the way it suppose to. Dealing with diverse people.

i 100% disagree.

what the cops need to do is be put through more vigerous training involving throws(judo), locks/manipulations/chokes(jui jitsu)...
the 'standard' training in that aspect for cops is next to nil. i think it is different everywhere.
i was in a store buying a club one day and i got to talking to a cop cause i heard him talking to the counter guy about a lock(i am a submission junkie) and he said that here in this city, they go through a very basic course and then certain officers offer their own type course for any other officer that wants to come learn but not many do.

i know in new york, renzo gracie teaches many police officers at his house. he is a world champion mma fighter, jui jitsu grappler.

these are the kinds of things the police should be learning....
not saying in lieu of any 'non lethal' weapons but in addition to.
if a police officer could use leverage(like interpid mentioned) properly and knew how to apply proper chokes and locks, it would make his job a lot easier and everyone a lot safer.

it is not going to solve every problem but the right choke at the right time(done properly, HOOKS IN, etc) will render a person motionless long enough for a partner to get cuffs on or till, night night...then, they wake up in cuffs.

in 1994 rorion gracie sponsored a country wide program called G R A P P L E. i forget what it stood for but gracie police something....
another course like renzo did/does.

these manipulations(if done properly) will hurt and sometimes hurt very much BUT, it will restrain and they will live...

even with a properly applied choke..a death don't just happen by accident.

say i was choking you out. pick your choke. lets say clock choke, something you will never see a cop do but lets just say that..i will feel you go limp when you pass, if i am a cop what i then do is, let go.
of course if you continue to crank the choke then you have, stay within the paremeters of a proper choke.

throws that are all about leverage...

if they are standing there and it is escalating with a guy in front of him, if the guy moves his arms in the right way, cop could toss him(uchi mata) and land in dominant with one of the guys arms in his hand...that sone cuff right there. he could go down with him and mount(and put the hooks in)..what will a guy with no experience do? roll. now cop has his back (with the hooks in)...means guy is not moving.

he could go to armbar..he could go to many different holds...all depends. how big is the guy? where are they at? is his partner there?

say if he has a partner, he could toss, go to mount(all in one motion) hook in and roll to back, holding him in rear naked choke, fully extended...

know what would happen? the guy getting choked would not be flaling his arms about..he would bring his arms up to the arm chiking him to try and pull it away...right there for the other cop to cuff.

i know NOTHING will solve all problems but i think the bottom line is, in my opinion is the cops do not have adequate training...

i agree that teaching them tae kwon do is not going to help them but the things i mentioned very much will.

i am a huge fan of leg locks. that was almost my thing...heel hooks..get them on like lightning but anyway..

leg locks hurt like a mofo man..when you are the one that is doing the manipulating, you do not have to be all or nothing. you don't have to hook the guy and split his shin(:cool could hook the guy and torque just anough to he starts to lay perfectly still cause if he tries to fight it, it hurts...

these are effective techniques.

also, the proper hand techniques can help with gun/knife issues too.

i guess it depends on how you see things. i know it is always easy to claim what you would do in any given situation...i can't help but when i see these vids say "i would have __________" because the way i see it, so many of thse incidents of crazy force could have been avoided with a level head and a little knowledge.

i know the force can't keep bjj blackbelts and all american wrestlers and gold medal judoka on staff but i am sure it is not impossible to work out a reimbursment program for the cops that want to learn, then slowly incorporate it into a must course...kinda like continuing education.

you guys have all heard of randy couture right? ufc champ, all american wrestler..well, he used to run team quest but he split and has his own club now called extreme couture.
there are several schools in the country with vegas and new york being a definate..anyway, there is a staff of trainers there(many of them fight in the ufc) that give private and open classes. there are also private lessons with the trainer of your choice and i mention this cause extreme couture offers discounts for ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT and ACTIVE MILITARY people.

now obviously you are not going to be training with randy but why can't say teh vegas pd get in touch with extreme couture and work out a deal..each week so many officers are going to log so many hours with the wrestling coach, then the bjj coach....
pay the officers to encourage them to go....

maybe i am living in a dream land but these techniques are effective and they are efective on the street. these are the 'tools' you want when you are dealing with unknowns.

dude could be a bad mo but if you know leverage/tosses/locks, it don't matter.
you're only so tough when the blood is not pumping to your head anymore.

this would also be a HUGE benefit for FEMALE OFFICERS.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by LoneGunMan

Yes she did bite him, only after he almost broke her arm. And I'm glad your children are "perfect."

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:01 AM
Being a long, long, long time member here on ATS i have finally reached the point to where I have to say ATS members are the only ones loosing it. I am a strong supporter of this site but these police brutality and 9/11 threads are becoming overwhelming.

The fact remains the officer was EXTREMELY kind when initially trying to perform the arrest. The fact that he too was assaulted by being bitten only adds to it. SURE SHES 15 which is more than old enough to know better.

She received more then ample warning. She deserves no different treatment then any other offender.

In the past year ive seen this site evolve big time in the sense of cop hating. You guys truly dont understand what these guys have to put up with to make sure your asses arent the ones being victimized. One must account that there are thousands if not hundreds of thousands of armed police officers in the states.

Their job isnt an easy one including being treated by crap by the general education, being lied too on a person by person basis, being shot at, long 12 hour shifts on top of being on call 24/7. From my limited experience this is all I can come up with.

You treat an officer with respect the same attitude will be returned. But when you treat an officer like the enemy then you are in for a rude awakening when your treated the same way.

You guys need to hop of your NWO,Illumanati fanatic bandwagon and realize officers for the most part are no different than you an I.

[edit on 10/6/2007 by AndrewTB]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by Omega99
Justified??? What this officer did was assault a terrified child. He had no right twisting her arm to the extent that he did or punching her in the face. It was a simple curfew violation! This matter could've been handled more professionally, like having dispatch call her parents to the scene. I greatly feel this officer should be suspended and charged with assaulting a minor. Now this child is facing a felony charge for battery on a police officer. How absurd!!! How would you feel if that was your child???

It could have been a curfew violation but who knows what could have happened to her had she been free to roam the night.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:06 AM
sorry but i have to keep on.
it's 2am and i am wired..had to take my dog to the emergency vet.


when looking at these vids where the cops seem to go straight to the tazer and such, i don't know about you but i often wonder if they are doing this cause they KNOW if they get into a mix, they would get beat.
look at the shape some of these cops are in...some have weight lets say they are smokers. they have cardio issues so they KNOW that if they have to give chase, they are not going to catch the person.
they have a pretty serious collection of gear on them and i would imagine that would slow down the fastest of people so, when/if they are overweight and have no air, this don't help.

the cop has not been in any sort of 'fight' training since the academy back in the day..he sees a couple guys in a truck and he KNOWS that if the mix starts, he's done...why? cause he can't friggin fight or at the least, defend, and/or subdue.

so what is the solution? since i am slow and heavy and i can not breathe and i don't know how to subdue you, let me just crank up the juice..

imo, that is not what a 'peace officer' is supposed to be about. not what a law enforcement officer should be about.

in the end nothing will solve all the issues but i am 100% convinced that if the cops knew some of the things i am talking about, they would feel less threatened in general and would have more at their disposal to subdue a person without having to worry they can't handle it...

just my thoughts on the matter.

btw, inrepid, hammerlock eh?
so you're a wrestler.....gotts pick up on the lingo...we always called them 'keylocks'..
now 'they' are calling them 'americanas' and i friggin hate it...

it's hammerlock/keylock....

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by AndrewTB

True. His strength is much greater than hers. He could've used other restraining techniques instead of almost breaking her arm and punching her in the face.

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