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Are all schizophrenics or mentaly-ill people really crazy or do they have some kind of supernatural

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posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by 1337cshacker
The personalities do not take over my control of my body, they are internal and manifest as imaginary friends. I see them, I have managed to vanquish all but 1, as I need 1 for my brain to function or to do any task with precision. Thoughts must be in conversation.

Sounds similar to me to be honest with you. I suffered from depression around 3 years ago, I'm fine now and at the same time had a few spiritual experiences and now not a day goes by where I don't have conversations with myself (or what I perceive to be myself.) I'm an only child so my up bringing was always playing with toys by myself etc at home, but of course I had friends. I also am adopted and have a brother, part of my flesh and blood somewhere out there, that I've never seen before, EVER. Maybe that has something to do with it, who knows.

Funny actually, I was only thinking yesterday that I really need to learn meditation to find inner peace again. Spiritually, but also just peace within my head. I'm a very chilled out, normal 'lad's lad' person, don't get me wrong. Always have been. But sometimes my brain can get so active. I'm speaking and having conversations about certain things with myself, my head is full of lyrics and songs that I've heard. Sometimes I stop and think bloody hell!

As for the delusion I had, it was actually fun. I used to think when I was a kid (from about 9 years old) I was not a human, instead, a machine created by a supreme race of people from an ice planet to serve the universe and defeat evil planet conquering creatures. I remember thinking I was in existence for hundreds of years, creating memories of it, riding around the universe in advanced space ships with a crew of people to maintain me, and test my power.

My story is different but around that age I thought I wasn't all human. I could (and this part is real btw) jump from high walls and land virtually silently on the ground. Your story is different but it's weird that you brought it up.

That loneliness developed addiction to drugs cigarettes, and alcohol, I have quit all but alcohol. It was possibly created because of my disgust of the world as it is today, my disgust for what humanity has done, and I did not want to be a part of it, EVER.

Same thing happened to myself. I got hooked on drugs at a young age, but then I guess all youngsters 'dabble' a bit. I went through a bad alcoholic stage around 3 years ago after my depression and still can't fully kick it. i have no urges to get 'pissed' as it were, but when I start drinking heavily, it can last weeks. I've stopped this week again. I've gone 5-6 months without alcohol this year so the habit is definitely kicked and now it's more binge drinker.

Further, I do not consider myself mentally ill, possibly mentally superior as my logic portions of my brain are very well developed. I have a high leaning understanding when I am learning MY way and am quite good (actually superb) with computers/electronics.

Exactlly the same as me. I sometimes consider myself more intelligent about the World around me than my friends and my family. Sometimes the rubbish that spouts out of their mouths makes me cringe. As for being good on computers, exactly the same as me, but that leads me onto the next quote...

My standard day is waking up to video games (duke nukem 3d, guild wars, PAINKILLER, stalker), having a run outside, working out a few and meditating, then practicing stealth movement until my parents get home. Ya I know... LOL at my parents.

Same day as me, but my reasons are slightly different. I suffered with a stammer from a young age and it slipped away naturally. The depressed stage of my life 3 years ago made it come back. 3 years ago though I slipped into the World of online games because I couldn't face making a fool out of myself in public. (which was never the case when I was younger - I was centre of attention.) Now everything is ok, my speech is back under a degree of control from courses, but I still play video games.

You play Guild Wars!? LoL so do I. We gota hook up soon you know that!

[edit on 6-10-2007 by Arawn]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:22 AM
Demon posessed? I thought you were an Atheist? Also, according to some blacklisted files, Einstein was mentally ill and was fed Opiates to relax his mind. Perhaps this is why there is speculation on interest in Opium production.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Zyanith
reply to post by Burningfallen

There are no known cases of a person being diagnosed with schizophrenia that did not have a blood relative with it. While this does not mean that it's 100% impossible for someone with no genetic predisposition to get it (stranger things have happened, after all), I would say that it's extremely unlikely that you have schizophrenia. Especially if the doctors were unsure about it.

Just out of curiosity, did they give you any other possibilities besides schizophrenia?
I have schizophrenia and no one in my family has it other them me.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by wantsome
I have schizophrenia and no one in my family has it other them me.

Thats an interesting point, because This is what I think about that.
None of my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc have it at all. But my cousin does. Therefore I think can be dormant and go from one generation, skipping one, and proceeding to the next. What triggers it is still a mystery. Its apparent everyone who has it has had a bad or secluded childhood. I used to think my childhood was GREAT because it was all in my head, all the fun parts anyway. The reality of it was, my childhood sucked like hell, but I never realized because I lived, for the most part, internally.
reply to post by Arawn

Its good to meet you friend. I'm not taking joy in your bad times, but feel proud that it makes me feel a bit better someone else actually went though all of this. Sure your situation is different, but the same.

I had friends, but only at school, never had them over to a home except 2 people really, and not even they I considered to be good friends. My best friends were in my head, and much rather preferred hanging with them, building legos.

Interesting your good with computers too. Most people tend to think there are allot of people who think they are better/supreme to everyone else in terms of thinking functions, but this is not true, only people with schizo, or sociopaths (I consider scocio an illness that I'm glad I don't have that!), truly believe they are supreme in thinking, logic, and understanding. Which in fact we are. Then you have a few ignorants who really are not smart, or complex, but think they are. The people who like the think, everyone is as smart as everyone else, is a large majority of humanity.

The things people say sometimes makes me want to smack the living crap outta them. Like my dad, thinks humanity will live on forever, as smart as he is, hes just optimistic. Nothing wrong with that, but I feel like saying "dude seriously, see the FACTS ok?" I have tried to convince him of 2012/2021 and he wont buy it. Its only been my words, I need to link him to some sites, or hell, even invite a scientist over to tell him about it, I've tried everything short of that! Part of me though dosen't want to end his little "world", hes sucked up in the lie, as much of a genius as he is, and refuses to come out. Its like the matrix, hes "dependent on the system, will fight to protect it", I feel I must "free his mind", but again, part of me just want him to "be" so hes at least somewhat happy in it. In this true world we live, there is little to be happy about other than God.

Now it sounds like you got hooked at a younger age than I did, I got hooked on 'wacky stuff' about 2 years ago (late 18) but have quit it. It was the stuff thats not physically addictive so it wasnt that hard, it was just wanting to mentally that was the problem. Once you get back into the 'nrom' of things its really ok. The only thing I miss now is the time perception, I wish I could slow things down again, because days seem to fly by now and I hate that! I drink everyday, normally every night. I have about 2 beers worth. Nothing over the edge, sometimes I just have a small mixed and thats it. Its only natural that once you quit one thing you move on to something else, something legal that is. Don't feel bad about the drinking, just try to moderate it and not go on a "drinking fringe". Have only about enough, even if its everyday at night, so your not out driving killing people, hehe.

Further, I read that people born in the winter (me, Pisces, feb 27, 87) are more likely to develop schizo. It would be nice to know your birthday, if you don't feel like posting its cool, but I would ask for a u2u for my own information. Would be interesting to know if all the claimed or diagnosed schizos in here were born in or around winter. Also whats the zodiacs of claimed/diagnosed schizos in here? Count 1 for Pisces. I think most are either pisces, gemini, saga, or other winter/close to winter signs.

Ya I'll u2u you we gotta get up on some gw.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Hi folks I just figured I'd add to this discussion. I have paranoid schizoeffective disorder and I was diagnosed 11 years ago. Shcizoeffective disorder is schizophrenia and bipolar mixed.

First I'd like to say thier is nothing speritual or supernatual about this illness.

I've been to the far reaches of insanity and back. If it werent for modern day medicine I would have been locked up in a insane asylem.

I used to hear voices and have had severe hallucinations along with delusions. I've been on medication for 11 years now and I no longer have hallucinations or delusions.

This illness is caused by chemical inballance in the brain nother more. I know becuase everynight I take a chemical in the form of a pill. I have stoped taking it before and gone back to being insane.

In my journey form madness and back to reality I've learned alot about what the human mind is capeable of.

I'll try to explain more later but I have to go for now.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by wantsome

Jeese, you guys....The very first thing you HAVE TO take into account is that you cannot trust the mental health professionals!
The travesty of the incarceration and confinement of perfectly good minds is one of the biggest scams of the modern age.
One thing that must always be taken into account is that the mental health professionals are workers in an INDUSTRY!
This industry has tortured and drugged persons since before Freud.
....gradually turning into the tangled mess that we see today.
Woe betide the poor booger that comes into their powers.
They are the very essence of the problems they "diagnose "most people with.
Having come into contact with this wierd situation personally it is obvious to me that the people who work in this INDUSTRY are themselves touched with the same madnesses .....the absolute idiocy and stupidity of how they "care for"the afflicted persons is sicker than you can ever imagine.
The first thing that happens to a person who is diagnosed with anything in their inventory is the de-empowerment of their whole being.
The so called therapists are more than eager the rack up expensive hours at prodigious rates over years in treating ailments which are mostly imaginary.....their imagination too!
Yes i agree that there are some persons who need to be protected from themselves, and for the protection of others too, are incarcerated.
Consequently, many many people find themselves going through a bad patch, and end up in the hands of these mostly quacks....!
Check out people like Ewen Cameron (former head of the MK Ultra experiments in conjunction with Nazi paper clip scientists imported by the military into Canada.!)
One has absolutely no idea what these vultures have done to people who have come for help or fallen into the mental health industry`s grasp by happenstance.
The cruelty and casual disregard for humanity of mental patients has NOT improved over the old system under which people were incarcerated for life in bedlam.
Please, if you are dealing with these institutions BE CAREFUL!
They have crushed and broken perhaps many more than they ever helped, and they have definately hastened the untimely deaths or debilitated thousands of their patients.
The very medicines they prescribe are capable of destruction of the finer faculties of the human mind in many cases.
Many of their diagnoses are entirely based on their predjudices and personal agendas.
They are dedicated to making the people they deal with into copies of what they believe to be sane....but they themselves have the power, and are insane!they do not deal in reality, and they do not live normal lives themselves so cannot understand from the outset what we lower grade humans deal with in society...They are elitists and totally unconscionable....,after all they are the model they want us all to comply with.
My suggestion is investigate the mind on your own....look into shamanism more deeply......there are beings who understand much about these realms of consciousness but they dont work in the mental health INDUSTRY>

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:54 AM
I am convinced from my reading only that a lot of people that are diagnosed as mentally ill are actually infected with some sort of organism or parasite, that could affect their brain or actually consume some of the matter there, some of which I do think are parasitic worms and such have the ability long term to do things that alter the persons mood and mental state, don't get me wrong I don't believe that all cases are because of this but many could be.

As far as schizophrenia, I think certain drug use could contribute to it, such as use of '___' and heavy usage of marijuana, some people can become schizophrenic that were otherwise normal.

All the rest of the reasons could be caused by some physical handicap or brain anomoly and I think it could be possible that some of these may have rendered or enhanced certain brain function to work out of bounds of normal capabilities and therefore you might see some extraordinary powers that would not be notable in a normal brain.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by phinubian]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 12:55 PM
they have super strength also, this is where the term "retarded strong" as in: "he is retarded strong and can lift the front end of his car"

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 02:07 PM

What a fantastic thread.

Some brave, frank and honest people here.

Flags, stars and outdated Way About Top Secrets broadcast.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 02:32 PM
It depends on the person, i guess.

For someone who has followed a spiritual path for a lengthy period of time (like i had) it's quite likely that individual is being influenced in some way.

I used to be paranoid schizo, now i'm just paranoid - you might wonder what the difference is, and i'll explain it in simple terms; Paranoid schizophrenia is what people think of when they say the word 'paranoia'; as in - you think everyone is out to get you and you make up various scenarios to support this.

Paranoia by itself is different, you begin to accept the fact that, given a proper reason, people will come out to get you.

I find often that this reason is boredom, especially in the society we live in.

It doesn't help if you're an individual with razor sharp sensitivity either - in such situations paranoia is usually the mental manifestation of that sensitivity.

There's a difference between 'people out to get you' in order to kill you and 'people out to get you' to make your life a misery.

You just gotta remember that the supreme law of nature is change. Everything changes, if not things exterior to you, then you yourself.

If the world around you does not change, then you change.

I've also found that paranoia is usually a symptom of the depth of experience the individual holds - which is strange because i'm pretty sure i was 'paranoid' by the age of 6.

That said, i also had a reoccuring dream pretty early in my life (Before the end of the second year - pre 18 months; i know this because at 18 months my parents split up, and i remember having the dream in the same house they moved into together), and my current understanding of it is that it represented the end of my previous life.

Amusingly, at one point i believed that the people around me were creating scenarios in which a paranoid schizophrenic would believe were the cause of some sort of monitering process or 'secret war' type of thing, but i never went beyond the point of suspecting people of simply trying to # me up by trying to cause my thoughts to head in a certain direction.

I know it wasn't anything special - it just got irritating after the 3rd year and decided that i had to do something about it (hench the world not changing and i change).

The point of this post is not to provide definitive answers, but to provide an example of just what paranoia is - i believe that my reoccuring dreams caused my paranoia.

Where do dreams come from in one at that age?

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax

What a fantastic thread.

Some brave, frank and honest people here.

Flags, stars and outdated Way About Top Secrets broadcast.
Totally agree, though I'm concerned about the amount of folk who have mental or emotional disorders. Not just on this thread. It seems quite prolific and I can't help but wonder if a lot of folk would have gotten better sooner if it wasn't for the pills? Or is it something they put in the food these days? No insult to anyone is intended here. I've had times when I haven't felt right inside, feeling bad for no reason, but it goes away. I often wonder if I took medication for feeling bad would I be worse? When my gran died in the early 70s my mum got a wee bit depressed and the doc gave her valium. She went on taking them and similar meds for the rest of her life, and god help us when she ran out for any reason. I often wonder how much different our lives would have been if she didn't take them. She went to work and she went to sleep and that was it. Sorry for going off topic, I've just noticed there's a lot of folk with a lot of problems they can't cope with without medication.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:19 PM
This is a god question, i often find myself pondering these things at night.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Interesting topic. Well one thing is for sure. The human brain, (consciousness and subconsciousness) is very complex and I dont think scientist's will discover how it really works anytime soon.

Why is it some people study all their lives and show very little improvement in some subjects such as math. Yet someone who isnt very good with numbers suddenly gets hit by a baseball and then wakes up as a mathematical genius. Basically certain people who suffer some sort of brain damage develop savant abilities literally almost overnight. Why is that? So instead of spending all my life studying, maybe I should just buy a baseball bat and proceed to hit myself over the head with it.
(The idiots guide to higher intelligence).

A savant or idiot savant is someone that expresses extraordinary mental abilities, often in the fields of mathematics, art, or music but set within the context of an otherwise unexceptional intellect. It is a rare phenomenon which occurs in some people with autism and/or certain developmental disorders. Some people have acquired savant-like abilities after suffering from head injuries.

Savantism is usually recognised during childhood and is often but not always found in autistic children. However it is also sometimes acquired in an accident or illness, typically one that impairs the left side of the brain. There is some research that suggests that it can be induced, which might support the view that savant abilities are innate within all of us but obscured by the normal functioning intellect.

I think it's possible that schizophrenia might be caused by information overload. Somehow the brain cannot process or handle the amount of information that is being thrown at it and this factor results in the person going crazy.

I agree WIGIT. Medication such as anti-depressants affect your brain chemistry and everyone's brain chemistry is different. As a result some people have adverse reactions to certain medications. Currently, there is no simple way to determine whether people will respond well, badly, or not at all to a medication; therefore, pharmaceutical companies are limited to developing drugs using a "one size fits all" system.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by kindred]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:50 PM
First off, I am so glad someone clarified between multiple personality disorder and schizo. There is something called schizoaffective disorder
where a person experiences the mood swings of bipolar 1 and the symptoms of schizophrenia such as delusions,hallucinations, and thought disorder. No one really knows the cause of schizo. It is thought to be passed on geneticaly by they are not 100% sure. They do know however, that psychosis; that is like that of a schizo. is brought on by at least a chemical imbalance.Other factors possibly contributing are extreme stress, and one's enviroment. I too have personal experience with paranoid schizophrenic psychosis. Let me also reinterate that it is not from demon possesion. Nor do I have some supernatural power. It is a real disorder that requires medical treatment, esp. medication. The antipychotic abilify, literaly saved my life. I've made a complete recovery with the right kind of treatment. Will I experience a break in reality again? Who knows. If it happens so be it. I will fight my way back to sanity. I have too much to live for. Please if anyone is suffering from mental illness get help now.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:48 PM
It is possible that people with these "illnesses" are being taunted and acted upon by outside forces, rather supernatural, or demonic, sure.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:59 PM
It's been nice reading everyones posts. I suffer schizoaffective, ever since 2002. I know the reason for my illness, it was drug induced by sustained usage of methamphetamines. I deserved what was coming to me. I'm quite familiar with delusions, hallucinations and so forth. I can assure it's all natural, meaning chemical imbalances in the brain... no angels of demons here. Although one can still have a hallucination that he saw an angel very easy. Reality is morphed and warped big time when suffering the illness. Meds are our savior from lock up. Along the lines of evolution I often wonder did neaderthal suffer mental illness? Poor guy had no meds, no help at all back then. Everyday day we're trying to see reality as best as we can perceive it. And maybe in the future new drugs will come about that will save us

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by wigit

Totally agree, though I'm concerned about the amount of folk who have mental or emotional disorders. Not just on this thread. It seems quite prolific and I can't help but wonder if a lot of folk would have gotten better sooner if it wasn't for the pills? Or is it something they put in the food these days? No insult to anyone is intended here. I've had times when I haven't felt right inside, feeling bad for no reason, but it goes away. I often wonder if I took medication for feeling bad would I be worse? When my gran died in the early 70s my mum got a wee bit depressed and the doc gave her valium. She went on taking them and similar meds for the rest of her life, and god help us when she ran out for any reason. I often wonder how much different our lives would have been if she didn't take them. She went to work and she went to sleep and that was it. Sorry for going off topic, I've just noticed there's a lot of folk with a lot of problems they can't cope with without medication.

I never took medication once, but it still took a while for me to realise just what was going on inside my head - it's the kind of thing that takes serious introspective activity to take care of; you can't simply hide behind a smokescreen of drugs, it'll never deal with the problem.

The problem with your grandmother is probably age, i mean we all die sooner or later, and it isn't uncommon for people to die in their sleep.

You make a good point, though - did she explain why she was depressed?

Often the case is that a doctor has no choice other than to perscribe drugs - the guy doesn't know if it's a psychological problem or a nuerological one - nuerology is treated with drugs, psychology is treated by a shrink.

It is possible to shrink yourself, btw - but even though i tried i was never certain until i visited the local shrink office.

I love that word - 'shrink', it just makes the world of psychology seem so much more friendly.

My 'shrink' told me an interesting story about the human condition - that everything you think of has an opposite; by thinking "I feel good today" it implies that on other days, you feel bad.

It's like a more specific understanding of the buddhist precept of humans endure suffering throughout their entire lives - it explains how.

Ever hear of the 'warrior' mentality?

By saying "I feel stronger" it implies that you were weak a few moments ago.

BE strong.

Or using pop-culture as a reference in the form of the infinite wisdom of yoda - "There is no try, only Do".

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Throbber

Ever hear of the 'warrior' mentality?

By saying "I feel stronger" it implies that you were weak a few moments ago.

BE strong.

This is a strong philosophy. I use it to train, IT WORKS. Train physically 50%, train mentally 50%. By envisioning silent walking and other maneuvers, it becomes that much easier to do in real life. For instance, it can be used two ways.

First is training physically one day, then resting the body to train the mind the next. Go over in your head what you did yesterday and fantasize about what you will try to do tomorrow. I have failed and scaling such walls one day while physically training. The next time I recalled and fantasized, then the next day I scaled the wall successfully.

The second is visualizing while your training physically. Before a great feat, see yourself doing it, then DO it. The mind makes it possible.

Further, I believe being schizo gives me better ability to do this, and thrive in such intense or stealth situations.

Originally posted by icybreeze
they have super strength also, this is where the term "retarded strong" as in: "he is retarded strong and can lift the front end of his car"

You Flusey, get off these forms now if you can't uses proper wording. Mentally impaired people are very special and should not be talked of like this. Furthermore ITS NOT TRUE AT ALL. A person with just as much physical muscle mass and mental determination are capable of JUST THE SAME. No one is stronger because they are handicap in the brain. You Freakin flusey!!... This offends me greatly! as I have known many talented handicap people that should not be spoken of in this manner. Learn your lesson before you dare post again, anywhere.

I can't freakin believe....

[edit on 6-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly
This is a touchy subject. It IS possible that mentally ill people are demon-possessed. Not only schizophrenia, but multiple personality disorder should be suspect as having supernatural origin.

No blanket statement can cover this: it would have to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, particularly since schizophrenia often (always?) has an organic component in the brain.

No, it's not. There is a known genetic component and we can diagnose using brain scans with high success rates. The causes are known.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 11:44 PM
First, I am offended by the word "crazy." It would be incredibly frightening to have the symptoms of schizophrenia - and crazy would not begin to describe it. The term crazy is more of prejudice term than an adjective.

Second, I am not sure why some people have brain disorders and others do not. But I do know our bodies begin to die the moment we are born - and as we die, things change. I would be more inclined to think people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia had it at birth, but remained dormant until a tragedy, illness or accident caused it to take effect.

I do not put much trust in the mental health field - I have a friend and family member with brain disorders. Both of them lead wonderfully normal lives with episodes that interrupt it from time to time. Doctors do not know enough to help - other than give pills that keep the episodes at bay.

As much trust as I give the mental health field is as much thought I am willing to give the thought of supernatural powers causing schizophrenia or being a "benefit" of the disease. I do not believe the two go hand in hand.

The brain is an incredibly complicated organ that we confuse with the soul. We are NOT what we think, or what we know or what we learn. We are also not what we feel, or what we have or want or need. We are, however, what we make ourselves part of. Good or bad, we are a part of a whole we CHOOSE. We don't get to choose which part we are (that is what we are given), so we have to be careful where we choose to fit in. Schizophrenia can cloud how one sees the part one is. Those of us who are blessed enough to see the big picture can help.

Don't worry about how to classify a person with schizophrenia ----- learn empathy, compassion and strength to help. Or at the very least, stand silently.

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