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Are all schizophrenics or mentaly-ill people really crazy or do they have some kind of supernatural

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 05:59 PM
My mother went schizo about 6 years ago. Her father had died and I think it triggered a childhood episode with her. She started thinking the people who lived in the apartment upstairs from her were taping her conversations and playing them back on a computer. She would take me into her closet and ask "can you her them". Her "voices" which developed were nasty to her. They called her disgusting names and told her she was dying, that her heart was full of gangrene. We had her committed for a short time. Medication brought her back a bit but gave her parkinsons. Her "voices" all had names, David I think she was in love with or respected a great deal. He told her what to do. Captain was the liar he told her lies and she believed them. Ellen is the "w"itch. She hides things from my mother and tells her to do things that get her into trouble.

I miss my mother so much. Today she is overly happy to see us. She doesn't interact with her grandchildren. She gets confused and forgets what she's saying, while she is saying it.

She use to be a gigging, fun lady with lots of spunk.

No one else in our family history has had this disorder.

I remember her telling me that in the 40's her father fed her magnesium for boils she kept getting. His source of magnesium was gun powder, she was given a tablespoon of it. I have tried to search if this could have attributed to her disorder, I have seen what gun powder does to dogs (some local bikers gave their guard dogs gun powder to make them mean).

I just wish there was a magic pill that can set things right in her, to bring her back to us. She just turned 72 and is otherwise healthy as a horse.


Thanks op for creating this thread.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Rhain

Woah, gunpowder? That's awful. I can see how that could cause some awful problems with people.

reply to post by g14meilooksee

I am a religious person. I believe in the existence of angels, demons, spirits, and, to an extent, ghosts.

And I believe that it's something other than an aura, or supernatural powers, because it's been proven that the dopamine levels and the cerebral cavities are linked to schizophrenia.

The reason I am focusing on schizophrenia is because that seemed to be the direction that this thread took.

One in every six Americans will be diagnosed with some kind of mental disorder in their lifetime. Does that mean that 1/6 the population has supernatural powers?

I would think that if that were the case, we'd have seen some sign of it.

I'm no expert, but I do know enough to know that it's not anything like possession or anything else that could be supernatural.

Anyway. As much as I hate to call quits on this thread, I don't believe you actually want facts so much as you want people to speculate with you that it's something supernatural. If you do find anyone with any concrete evidence that that IS the case, please u2u me, as I would love to hear it. It might change my mind.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:24 PM
One of my very best friends is Schizophrenic and I can personally attest to the fact that she is not demon posessed. What I do find vastly interesting is that her young daughter sometimes sees the same things she does - and will comment on them before her mother has had a chance to.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Good thread, I'm on my way out the door, but want to come back and respond, so I am marking my place. Should probably know this site better, but I don't.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by Zyanith
reply to post by Rhain

Woah, gunpowder? That's awful. I can see how that could cause some awful problems with people.

reply to post by g14meilooksee

I am a religious person. I believe in the existence of angels, demons, spirits, and, to an extent, ghosts.

And I believe that it's something other than an aura, or supernatural powers, because it's been proven that the dopamine levels and the cerebral cavities are linked to schizophrenia.

The reason I am focusing on schizophrenia is because that seemed to be the direction that this thread took.

One in every six Americans will be diagnosed with some kind of mental disorder in their lifetime. Does that mean that 1/6 the population has supernatural powers?

I would think that if that were the case, we'd have seen some sign of it.

I'm no expert, but I do know enough to know that it's not anything like possession or anything else that could be supernatural.

Anyway. As much as I hate to call quits on this thread, I don't believe you actually want facts so much as you want people to speculate with you that it's something supernatural. If you do find anyone with any concrete evidence that that IS the case, please u2u me, as I would love to hear it. It might change my mind.

I'm not trying to shoot down the facts its just new facts are made everyday all information eventually becomes old out dated information. It does not mean it was not ones there thou and could not be. I'm not saying that there is no way its not the chemicals in the mind because its more then likely it is but we do not know enough about the human mind to know that it definitely is that. Also that there are not other powers that be to contribute to these chemicals flooding the mind. I believe what you are saying is correct but I also believe that there could be other things to contribute to it. I also believe you are wrong I try to look at every angle of how to view things. So I believe you're right. I believe you're right but we do not know all the facts. I do not believe you are right but I'm not right either. I believe I'm right. Thats the thing I'm not looking at whether anyone is right or wrong I'm just looking at the possibilities. Also just because something has been proven it does not mean it 110% correct look at the theory of relativity. Everything is wrong but everything is right or maybe I'm just stuck in the middle an equilibrium.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 07:09 PM
schizophrenia isn't posession but it is an incredible strange disorder, some people have had up to 20 different personality's and its an eye opener onto how the mind works, its an amazing thing the brain just the science of it before the paranormal or metaphysical or whatever comes into it, its astounding the things humankind has done yet we still dont understand our own physiology fully yet.

people who are born with other mental difficulties would have a perspective on life we couldnt comprehend, i remember reading a quote that went something like if a lion could speak perfect english so you could converse with it, you still would not understand a single thing he says, and this is because the lions perspective would be so far removed from our own we would have no common factor to share. its always fascinated me the mind we are all very very alike but the subtlest differences in our lives completely change our personality's. hahah im not even making a point just waffling on lol you have made me ponder

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 07:22 PM
I will admit, I did not read the whole thread.

It is sort of funny. A friend of mine was going out with a schizophrenic individual who had vast delusions. He would prattle on about nothing, swore he had supernatural powers, he had thousands of souls inside of him, etc etc. His whole family had an ego problem.

In my opinion, he did not possess any abilities. Very little, if anything was lining up with any teaching or understand I was aware of. That said, I am fairly certain that he could well have percieved unusual things.

History is full of stories of people using various drugs to reach an altered state of conciousness, that let them, to some degree pierce the veil. I know some people who have used drugs for a different effect, and ended up sensing things that were, for lack of a better term "other worldly."

I have no doubt that some people with a mental condition can have altered states of conciousness that would give them a different sensory experience and perception than what we are accustomed to.

I would hesitate to say that everyone with a mental illness has some deeper awareness. I could talk on this for a long time, in greater depth, but as my time is limited now, I'll end my rant here.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 07:37 PM
Read this report on the British Medical Journal online:

A woman hears two voices who actually diagnose her as having a brain tumor and leave after the tumor is removed, but not before bidding her farewell after the surgery.

Of course the woman thought she had some type of mental condition, but it doesn't appear to be the case here.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by R-evolve
schizophrenia isn't posession but it is an incredible strange disorder, some people have had up to 20 different personality's and its an eye opener onto how the mind works, its an amazing thing the brain just the science of it before the paranormal or metaphysical or whatever comes into it, its astounding the things humankind has done yet we still dont understand our own physiology fully yet.

people who are born with other mental difficulties would have a perspective on life we couldnt comprehend, i remember reading a quote that went something like if a lion could speak perfect english so you could converse with it, you still would not understand a single thing he says, and this is because the lions perspective would be so far removed from our own we would have no common factor to share. its always fascinated me the mind we are all very very alike but the subtlest differences in our lives completely change our personality's. hahah im not even making a point just waffling on lol you have made me ponder

I agree it is very facinating. I believe it could be posession or anything for that matter. I don't think everycase is but I believe some could be.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by TheGreySwordsman

I have no doubt that some people with a mental condition can have altered states of conciousness that would give them a different sensory experience and perception than what we are accustomed to.

I would hesitate to say that everyone with a mental illness has some deeper awareness.

one could say 'mental condition', but i'd say that a schizophrenic
brain is different---as much as a 'Indigo' is different from a normal person.

90% of schizo's have a chemical imbalance that is looked at as debilitating,
and that prognosis may be Incorrect,
As it's my viewpoint that schizo's are the next level of evolution of human beings, (albiet mis-understood, & termed dysfunctional)...
i suspect the hallucinations that schizo's are known for are an example of
an enhanced level of consciousness & TSA (total situational awareness)
which is little understood by contemporary psychologists/sociologists.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by St Udio]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:19 PM
Zyanith, it was a wierd case. I have no history and they didn't think it was schiz but they put me on meds. The hallucinations wern't like schiz hallucinations, and alot of the stuff was verified to other people. Such as the hallucination of hearing footsteps in the house. That later my parent heard. Things like that. Some things caught on EVP which I was hearing but no one else could. I'm not saying it was a ghost but it was strange, some of the stuff. I've also had objects apport into my hands on a few occasions but they dissapear in a split second and other people know about this too. I don't really see things other than orbs, maybe once a week at most and I've seen an apparition once. Alot of my friends who have been around me think I can see things that are beyond the realm of the physical spectrum. Though I woudnt really cling to that idea. I did see a shaman once though that called me a sensitive upon meeting me.
Take care

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:31 PM
I've always been fascinated by schizophrenia. And thinking outside of the box, I've wondered what if what they are seeing is real, the voices real, the halucinations real and we are the mentally defective that can not see the truth.

I do not think all have supernatural powers, I think many have just been overwhelmed with living and many others have been misdiagnosed and the drugs do not help them find their footing. But I have to say I have heard some of the wisest comments and deepest insights from those society consider insane.

We are quick in this society to say if we do not see it, it does not exist, but I agree with the OP, we are discovering new ideas and discoveries all the time and perhaps we do not know as much as we think we do.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 09:54 PM
Heres my take on it.

1. Either that person actually has more than one soul or conscious persona in one body. Like when they were conceived more than one was impressioned on the physical body.

2. Or this person is becoming a personality from their previous life. Like that personality didn't want to end or pass on the torch and let nature take its course. I was strong willed and refused to be left behind.

Definitely not possesion. It is possible that many of us have many souls but they only surface in presence of a chemical imbalance.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by favouriteslave]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:35 PM
First guys, let me say I am a diagnosed schizo and I suspect myself to be MPD. I know I am bipolar as I change moods quickly several times a day, from very happy to depressed to angry to back again. I'm not like that guy in 'Me Myself and Irene', The personalities do not take over my control of my body, they are internal and manifest as imaginary friends. I see them, I have managed to vanquish all but 1, as I need 1 for my brain to function or to do any task with precision. Thoughts must be in conversation.

I have tried vanquishing the final 1, but my days were very bad, I was constantly angry and could not complete task without conversation method in my brain. Already he has helped me form ideas in this very post. My other imaginary friends were not that important to me, they started to go one by one on their own. When the last stuck around (is sticking around) I was worried for a few years. But seeing as he is not harming me, only helping, I will not vanquish him ever.

Originally posted by Zane Zackerly
This is a touchy subject. It IS possible that mentally ill people are demon-possessed. Not only schizophrenia, but multiple personality disorder should be suspect as having supernatural origin.

Not true, as I am a very peaceful person and am in good relations with God. I know Jesus and love him very much. I'm anything but possessed. I'm only violent to objects and never people. I prefer to fight and stop attackers with words rather actions. This has proved valuable for my safety. If a situation arrives where I have to act, then I prefer to use my escape skills rather than fight. If I have to fight, which I never have had to in real life due to my supreme escaping skills, I know many ways to down an attacker, or dodge a trigger finger.

As for the delusion I had, it was actually fun. I used to think when I was a kid (from about 9 years old) I was not a human, instead, a machine created by a supreme race of people from an ice planet to serve the universe and defeat evil planet conquering creatures. I remember thinking I was in existence for hundreds of years, creating memories of it, riding around the universe in advanced space ships with a crew of people to maintain me, and test my power. My delusion was I only came to earth to serve a single purpose, then be taken back, where I was before, to continue riding the universe in search of evil to destroy. I came up with ways of how I functioned, being a machine and all, hydraulics/pneumatics, mini nuclear reactor, internal computer, oxygen tanks, etc. There is much, much more I would rather not post about, I think this is enough. Anyway, I came out of this delusion when I was 16, realizing I'm just a dumb flinging fart like everyone else. I cried for weeks and no one knew about what, I had no support for it and it made a very lonely man I am today. That loneliness developed addiction to drugs cigarettes, and alcohol, I have quit all but alcohol. It was possibly created because of my disgust of the world as it is today, my disgust for what humanity has done, and I did not want to be a part of it, EVER. But I am... You know, typing this almost makes me want to believe it again as I have not thought about it in years now, it would be so much more satisfying and exciting than a seemingly random life here on earth like everyone else. Please don't make fun of this, when you look at it with an open mind, its very understandable.

Further, I do not consider myself mentally ill, possibly mentally superior as my logic portions of my brain are very well developed. I have a high leaning understanding when I am learning MY way and am quite good (actually superb) with computers/electronics. I have taken IQ test and they are slightly below normal, 94, 90. When reading test questions themselves I often have to read them many times to fully understand. I am repressed and secluded from society, but thats my choice. My standard day is waking up to video games (duke nukem 3d, guild wars, PAINKILLER, stalker), having a run outside, working out a few and meditating, then practicing stealth movement until my parents get home. Ya I know... LOL at my parents.

I do, however, think society has defiantly labeled people like me with these terms because they do not fully understand us. I do no bare them proudly and am embarrassed to post this. But this is me, if you don't like it, GET OVER IT. I have hid things like this my whole life, and will have to continue to do so in the military. I'm tired of hiding it, I have told no one in real life (except 1 therapist), only on the internet as I bare allot of shame about it. So is the labeling a conspiracy? I don't think so, I think its possibly one of the greatest mis outs for the scientific/medicine community's of all time. People have no idea how we think, and how great it can be sometimes, how horrible it can be other times...

Should I seek mental help? No, I again, I do not believe myself to be ill. I have seen allot of therapist and counselors (really I can't count them), one of which when I told the truth diag'd me with developing schizo. She did not recommend medicine or further help because I was in control and did not have manifesting MPD.

So I hope this settles this stupid topic, on how schizo's are 'demonized', 'paranormal' or very crazy. I like to think of it as a controlled chaos myself.

I'm not posting this wanting to see drooling responses, I would like to inform people on this, so called, "illness", and how it can actually be practical. Also, debunking some myths about it. I ask If anyone has questions, to post here, or u2u me if you feel it might be personal. Thanks.

Good day.

Originally posted by St Udio
90% of schizo's have a chemical imbalance that is looked at as debilitating,

I just had to say, Chemical imbalance? Your (or anyone in physciatrics) telling me humans have been around for 1.2 or more million years (not accepted by mainstream science) and chemical imbalances exist? That does not make sense, and if chemical imbalances do exist, thats sad for the human race. I think if there is any evolution, it would have fixed this itself. That or people with a chemical imbalance are a mutation, or are made that way by God for a reason.
To the post below, I am very aware you can have one or the other, Its my belief I have both. I have only been diag'd with one, so I will not elaberate on the suspicions since they are not backed.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by 1337cshacker]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 10:45 PM
Yes I think some things should be brought to the surface here. For one schizophrenia is NOT multiple personalities.


posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:38 AM
I have read through all the post.

There are two things missing - in my opinion.
Im not talking about the things that are discussed - and mentioned.

1337cshacker came very close to what those two things are that are missing here. The connection and the reason.

We are all connected to a network - Besides being an electronic network (internet) - there is the other network.

Natures network - and our political network.
1337cshacker writing about the fucntions of nature - Oxygen tanks and all the functions of our bodies. Wich is proberly how an engineer would think of this mess we are trapped inside. the mechanism of arms legs and all the other functions of the human structure.

That is natures network (we are nature) - And one person mentions a Lion How it would be impossible to have a conversation with a Lion because it's pespective is on another level - or just different.
I always think that small lions - house cats - wild cats (un-house cat's) - give us an oportunity to interact with a smaller version of the Lion. They are big or dangerous to us - because we can handle them - they cannot kill us like the big ones.

Anyway - Natures network - is a network we are connected to - and a part of.
Have you ever heard the "we lost contact with nature"?
It's like somone thinks - we surpassed nature - or it's like a car-race - where the human car drives past the car of nature - and perhaps wins.
And that is where we meet the political network
- because - somone must be driving the car of human society. (order out of caos)

The political network - is a bigger from of control - than our own personal ability to be in control of our bodies - the oxygen tanks and the legs arms and the other funtions of the human body.

We are part of that - the political network.
And it affects us! - because some Elite have choosen to be our Gods.

That is the two missing things in this thread.

Natures network - and our political network.
And since this is above top secret - those two missing things in this thread are above our "normal" things - That is placed infront of our noses eyes -and all the other senses we have.

They give us TV media manipulation - They send us letters each month about how much we owe eachother, in forms of bills/money. And that is un-natural.
What they inflict on this planet is un-natural. - fake votes.

To get into the subject "Are all schizophrenics or mentaly-ill people really crazy or do they have some kind of supernatural"
- I think it's important to understand our connection to nature - And why do we call it super-natural? weird stuff we say..

It might just be natural - but the things and mechanism that controls our caos is un-natural - Which is political.
It's the only un-natural thing on this planet. You can never be mentally sick unless you have a heavy burden from some other source.

The real insane of this world are the ones that thinks they need to act like they are our gods - and offcourse our only insanity is us being trapped inside the box they have created.

The goal is "natural living" - we can't get there without a total destruction of politics as they are now. So we stay sick
- And buy the medicine this un-natural power gives us - if we can afford it - and have a job. Because it makes, and diagnose people as sicks.

I don't think any creature loves to be trapped (jumping around a prison ain't that much fun as some would like it to be)
- if the being finds out it is in a prison like state. Or a prison like, state of mind. It wants to break out - understand and take control of nature back to it's natural place. (what is meditation?)
This whole planet - is sick - don't forget that is the greatest influence of all.

And you Americans - You better Vote for Ron Paul.

I think it goes through all of us - and we filter it according to the teachings in our society - Or how we was taught to filter natures gift.

If you don't understand what nature is - here is a small proof what it is..

a Picture.

And it will never be disconnected from us - and always influence our minds.
Do you feel connected to natures beauty when going to job - or school in the morning - i doubt it.
There you have it.

[edit on 6-10-2007 by Ram]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 03:59 AM
I dont have any expirence with this, but i did hear ages ago about a mentaly..impared (good word ?) person who saw buckingham palce, or the house of parliment, some thing like that. Any one about 10 years later he painted it and got the amount of windows and doors guuter down drains and every thing like that 100% perfect, perfect photo memory of it. So he wasnt the brightest bulb, but he did have one heck of a memory.



posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 04:04 AM
ProTo - thats autisme...not schizophrenia..
I saw that program too - was amazing.

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by g14meilooksee
So I believe you're right. I believe you're right but we do not know all the facts. I do not believe you are right but I'm not right either. I believe I'm right.

You believe she's right, then you say you don't believe she's right in the next sentence and say that you are not right. LOL Then the next sentence after, you say that you're right!

Haha, which one is it going to be mate?

[edit on 6-10-2007 by Arawn]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by g14meilooksee
IBurning women at the steak because they where said to be witches because they had black cats.

.. might as well have been a convenient excuse. you alluded that accusing someone of insanity might be designed to 'shoot the messenger' so to speak, which should probably be applied to the past as well.

Ain't it strange how you can sell today's world how backward and ignorant our ancesters were, without raising concerns about our own shortcomings?

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