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Please help, my mom is in a coverup/conspiracy

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posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:47 AM
for one, your town sounds like Twin Peaks to me. The people who are covering up a lack of need for fire stations are probably "diverting" the money thats supposed to go to them to something they all want. These turkeys sound like the silent deciders for the town, and yes it sounds as if they are conspiring. The landlord is a jerk, the chief sounds like a jerk, and I hope you take a law suit to the town.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:55 AM
you say your mom stumbled onto inaccurate records and corrected them, and that sparked all of this. i have to wonder if she was unwittingly onto something much bigger. it just seems a little overboard for them to go to all the trouble to make her life hell over something like this. i have to wonder what would happen if even the fbi got involved. if they start investigating, the bad guys may suspect that someone tipped them off...

you had recommendations of calling the fbi and sticking it out and some that say you should leave. i say do both. call the fbi and get them looking into it, but make sure the bad guys can't track you down.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 10:06 AM
If you and your family are going to fight this, I would definately invest in some personal protection. Whether its just a vest, or a combination of vest + gun. I would make sure everyone you could think of that may be in danger (family members) be trained in personal protection and be told not to answer the door at night when not expecting anyone.

Secondly, start wearing a body mic with a digital recorder. Set up camera's and mics in and around your house, and any dwelling your family members are in.

Third, set up a system of release of information. THat way, if a you or your mother or a family member comes to harm, the information is sent to the right people (every news paper, federal office, radio station, etc.)

With that said, i do have a question about your sotry (i dont doubt whats hapenning, im just confused.) Are you saying there are too few firehouses in your city that is driving down response times, and the city knows this and is doing nothing?

Edit to add: Forgot to say, definately contact your local FBI as someone suggested. This will at least provide you with some protection and piece of mind.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 10:30 AM
got national with it, try local affiliates of CBS ABC CNN NBC etc etc etc. If they seem unreliable, go to NPR, or other radio stations. Go international, maybe write letters to the BBCa. Go over there heads and into realms they dont control. Seek out Internet based news sites as well. Hire a private investigator with background in military or someone who cant be intimidated. Hire out of state if you have to. Document all SUVs, threats anything with pictures audio etc. Organize protests. Attempt to network and find others who have been pushed out of there jobs for doing them too well. Organize, fight back.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 11:46 AM
I agree with seentoomuch justice has failed you at state level...go federal.
i dont know too much about us legall systems but i presume there is a obudsman/inspector general/audit office that handles compliants about state/county/fedral employees...if not...try the f.b.i as it to me sounds like a case of a corrupt loclal goverment.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 12:02 PM
Have there been any scandals involving the fire department? Perhaps fire related deaths when they arrived too late? Maybe that's what they don't want leaked? Maybe you should do some research at your local library and get some statistics. There might be a couple of tragedies, (even one) that folk might not want out in the open, because they could have been prevented. If so, your mum might have more folk on her side than she thinks, if the truth about the response times are correct.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by wigit
Have there been any scandals involving the fire department? Perhaps fire related deaths when they arrived too late? Maybe that's what they don't want leaked?

It would have to be bigger than this, or one person as you say, if they are to fire from work and evict someone from their home. It sounds like a much bigger effort to shush than just a 'few deaths'. They were protecting a plan, or themselves.

I stand by my vigilante post. DO IT, unleash the fury.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:11 PM
for most things,
i agree not to run but to fight back

but we have to remember, this is a kid and his mother
and if his mother has uncovered something that the government has been keeping secret, bad things will happen.

there has been a lot of government people who have committed "suicide"
and some of them people have been top people who just committed "suicide" out of the blue.

i am sorry if i have scared you 56
but i would hate anything bad to happen to you or your mother.

you cannot or will not fight governments, if that is what your mother has uncovered.

either way you go
i wish you both all the luck in the world

if it were me, i would count my loses and be thankful


edit to say:
from a personal account
do not trust the media or lawyers/solicitors
they do not care about you or what will happen to you

[edit on 4-10-2007 by chickenfeet]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:40 PM
Contacting the FBI is a good idea - they may have info about a larger conspiracy and it may be just the thing they need. They could even put you both in the witness protrection program, if you agree.

Leaving the area sounds like a good idea. In fact, probably leaving So. Calif. is a good idea. Being denied unemployment sounds pretty weird, I'd look further into that as well. I'd contact the unemployment office that supervises your local office, not the local one.

This sounds like a horrible siutation. Take good care of yourselves and trust no one other than the ones you KNOW you can trust such as family members and long-time friends.

Sounds like it is part of a larger conspiracy and they have bought off or threatened alot of people. I'm not sure that it's even legal to evict someone for no reason and I do think the landlord has to give a reason. You might also contact the rental board in California. (Can't think of their name, but check the yellow pages. You can call anonymously and find out what the laws are in regards to evictions and they may be able to point you in a direction where you can find help about the eviction part.

Write letters to the editor and contact all the nonlocal media you can. Let's hope the L.A. Times does a story on it. You might want to contact 60 Minutes and such as well.

Good luck to you and your mom, I'll be praying. KEep us posted, please.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:20 PM
Contact the ACLU......this seems right up their alley.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:44 PM
Wow, I feel bad for you and your mom! You mentioned contacting major news sources to try and get some help, but to no avail. Have you tried those same major news sources outside of this town? Contact the biggest market that is in your state instead of just the local networks and see if that helps. Also, create a blog about it and promote the hell out of it to try and get some more exposure.
hell anything to get someone of power interested.
If all this is true and is a conspiracy, they will not want attention.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I would have gone out of town for help right from the start. Local governments are like spider webs and when there is corruption it's usually at all levels.

If it were me, I would never give in because I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing that they are getting away with this not only with me but you can bet with many other innocent victims.

It's up to you and I wouldn't blame you to just drop it and go but what happens to the next person? Murder?

I would continue but not from a local location.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:17 PM
Dude you really sound like a truthful person so I am going to try and help...

Your mom is involved with more than what it seems, things like this don't just happen. If you are open enough with your mom ask her to tell you everything that she did that may have been looked on badly. Chances are that since your mom had access to records that have been in the dark she could have had access to more sensitive files.

I can't continue right now I have to write an essay, Ill come on later and try to tell you more..there is something going big is your city? Like the population and any important info like that, whats going on over there like in local politics, corruption?

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:53 PM
If what you say is true i am really puzzled. Surely if your lawyer droped the case because of intimidation/corruption another would pick it up?

For your mother to lose her job is one thing, but to be followed, evicted and intimidated is a whole new level. As others have said try to get even small local news outlets to pick up the story and who knows where it could go.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by 56
I have posted a few pieces of this story on here before, but im now going to post the full story, or atleast my brief summary of it.
So here it goes:
I am posting this to get some answers as to what me and my mom can do in her situation. The reason It has taken so long to bring this up for help online is due to moving as well as me starting college. Here is the story, and I hope you can provide me some advice or anything to help make this right.

About a year ago, my mom was fired from her job in what appears to be a conspiracy. She worked as a secretary for the Hemet fire dept. Previously she had worked in the city planning department. The fire chief Bob Verburg said she was fired for incompetence. But it was exactly the opposite. Apparently she had uncovered that the city record about response times were lower than what they really were. She thought they had not been updated, so she updated them. This is where it all seems to have started. It seems like they wanted the records to show that so they don’t have to spend more money to build more stations.
Along with that, many sexually explicit emails were sent to my moms email at work (she has them printed out and saved). She uncovered that the ip address of those emails matched the ip address from emails from the chief, she also has this documented.

Now that is a very brief summery of what happened there. But it doesn’t end there, things of course got worse. My mom had collected all the evidence, which she still has. Most of it was on her computer at home, until we noticed some of it started disappearing. We immediately started printing out everything we could and we got most of it. So my mom contacted her union and started doing what she could to go to court about it. Things were going ok until we got a call a few weeks later from her union. They said they could not represent her. The really odd part about it was that the people in the union who were reviewing the evidence and helping my mom were no longer there, they just disappeared. My mom didn’t quit, she got help elsewhere. We found a lawyer that would take our case fairly cheap, He knew it was very clear that this was going to be big. So he looked at the evidence, and began to set everything up…until we got a call from him. He said for his own interests and safety he could not represent my mom, she asked him why, and he said he was approached by some people who seemed very serious.
So now my mom has lost the union and a lawyer. She decided to represent herself in an arbitrator hearing. She gathered everything and went to the hearing. Her presentation was flawless, she had everything accounted for, and the fire chief along with his lawyer looked very worried and concerned. Their argument wasn’t very convincing, and we thought we had them for sure. The arbitrator set up a date when the decision would be made in the case. The date came and guess what…Yep, we lost!!! My mom immediately went to the media and began talking to editors and journalists about it until we got an eviction notice to leave out apartment!
The manager of the complex refused to give us a reason, and claimed he didn’t have to give us a reason. My mom immediately turned her attention to the eviction, doing everything she could to fight it. She set up a court date to challenge the notice. We went to court on the day and time specified only to be told the hearing had been held and we lost for not showing up! Apparently the clerk had given us the wrong time…interesting huh? We alter found out that their argument for eviction was for nonpayment of rent, even tough my mom has records of all the payments she made.
So now here is how things stand as of today. I live with my grandparents while my mom and my sister live with friends and do what ever they can to get by. My mom was also denied unemployment.

A weird part of this was while that was happening, for about 3 months or so my mom was followed by white suv’s. I have seen them for myself when I was with her. There appeared to be at least 2 of them, a chase one that followed behind, and in interceptor that would follow parallel. We were never able to get a clear look at them or see the license plate. I brought a camera a few times but never got a clear shot. It was very clear they were following us

Again, this is a very brief summary of what happened, I only know the major details.
Here is an article form a few months ago about the fire chief being put on leave:

So there is obviously something going on here. And after everything that has happened, we are settled and ready to fight again. I have already tried to contact the media about it, but of course that went nowhere. I have also talked to the manager of the apartment complex, he says it wasn’t his decision, but the company that owns the complex. Please let me know what you think and what our options are now.

Although I despise the media for many reasons, in this case the Mass Media is your absolute best friend. If you can win in the Court of Public Opinion, then you can truly change the situation. Try visiting reporters in person, and really pushing and pleading your case and situation. Just don't give up, because that is what your Mom's superiors are counting on. Doing the right thing is never the same as doing things the easy way. You have to stand up.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:10 PM
I am not sure what to tell you and really I am not giving advice. Other people have been through similiar things so all I can do is relate some things I have read and perhaps it may or may not help.

In Texas a couple or so years ago, a woman went to the Supreme Court of this Country because of seatbelts. That is Correct, seatbelts and wearing a seatbelt while driving. I don't think she won, but there are some lawyers probably in California like (last name -- Joy) I think, but look at some decisions made because I think that is the name.

After all the FBI and all of that, be prepared to just find another job and probably move because it could take years to resolve. If on one hand, they are diverting Federal Funds and it is all true, then heads can eventually roll but it may take years. Better to prepare for that kind of scenario and then see if all of this really wants to be pursued. Your mom may end up with a better job and although the hurt may remain, it may sooth over the years as well. This type of scenario all seems to be political as well, and with all of the emotions emboiled into scenes like this, it probably will be better to just move and find another job, because one would have to, even if they wanted to pursue the matter. It may be that others got nervous over this and really had no harm intented like having to move out of the Apartment. They just do not want to get involved.

Afterall, there may be similiar situations where people disagree in the first place and why it may have been necessary for you mom to go up to her boss in the first place if she did not, and have him or her solve the problem. It should be never assumed that one can go over heads like a boss unless you really want to pursue all of the above. That can take years, there may be other people ahead of you and you may have to wait in line. In the end, the only thing left to do in those cases is to just move, get another job, put up with some pain for awhile and see how things work out. Afterall, after Eminent Domain, even some towns have thought to move the Supreme Court Judge voting in favor of that Supreme Court Decision -- out of town -- for econonic reasons because of that decision. I have not followed up on what they really did, but remember there are quite a few people thinking they have been put upon by other people in the cases of Eminent Domain, seemingly only that some lawyers and some big real-estate firms are propsering from that decision. Go to the ACLU, go to other people perhaps like the FBI- diverting Federal Money is serious, and all of it may have to be done just to find out. Moving, getting another job, and continuing on with whatever action your mom deems necessary. Of course, it may all fail in the end, so that is all that can be said about such cases. I am sure that other people have been through similiar things - like farmers or cattle ranchers out West - with Federal Political Acts taking Lands away to be made into Federal Land. But all of that will take time, and probably money, and most of the time, people will not have the money to pursue courses of action they really like to take.

File a Discrimination Suit with the ACLU perhaps if it has not been over 180 days -- as I found out later but then -- women may succeed on that more nowadays than I probably would.

In the end, although some people have been treated similiar ways in various other cases, a person can fight for probably the rest of his/her life over matters like this, or just try and get another job that may be from better people in the end, and if nothing else, wait until they retire, and then create websites on these type of political matters.

In the end, if they wanted to protest over things, remember I have called my Senators up and told them what I thought about it all, and still may decide that if they all think that other things are more important (which I am sure that they do with the world the way it is right now) at least I let them know - that if any politicians want to be Elected in this Country, and have a good Election - that may not occur anymore.

Pages, after pages may be written on subjects such as this in the end, but all the while I live as good as I can. I learned something else, and told them, that since they think the way that they do - that some people in the USA are not satisfied anymore with some Acts that they themselves do not resolve anymore in this Country. I mean for one example if Europe has to Fine Microsoft, then I guess that is what will happen.

The money received from Taxes will go down, and they could not do what they wanted to do to make this Country be any Better or Safer or more Free in the End.

It all ended up Shallow and then other Countries made a Point, a point that the USA and some people better really start thinking for the future of Humanity on this Planet.

Say your Prayers, visit your religious Leader if you feel you must, but I really do not -- I just keep repeating that I took computer programming courses - and then it changed a year afterthat and they (those other people) wanted Computer Science 4-years degrees. But as it is, I may just decide that they need more intelligence then what they do have - and the only way to help those people out - is to program a computer with intelligence or programs that seemingly end up smarter in some aspects to that way of thinking. That will happen, despite what they wanted or thought probably now.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:24 PM
just move? nah, if it were me i would make tons of copies and mail them to every news giant i could possibly think of. And the whole contact your LOCAL fbi is a little silly, these high up city officials and landlords or the building owner just may have a friend or two at the local branch, so i'd probably contact one state over. Other than that, if someone were looking to put me or any member of my families life in danger i would begin arming myself to the teeth.
also some license plate numbers off those white suv's would be great evidence to provide the fbi or whichever law enforcement branch you can talk into investigating these self rightous bastards.

no one should be pushed around by corrupt officials or revenge seeking boss's. We the people should be the ones pushing.

someone out there would be MORE than happy to have a case like this fall into their laps (most likely not from that city though).

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:47 PM
Nah, there is the ACLU in which case a few years back, the woman got back her job when the Union failed. That is real. There are Federal Pell Grants and local Community Colleges where you when you are out of high school or your mom or her sister if not having a college degree, can enroll through the paper work given out by the Feds or college that may even help to find a job temporially even if going to college if getting a low-income Federal Pell Grant. Of course some of it has to be paid for - like college books and in my case - software needed in the Book Store of the college to pursue taking a course of study like computer programming - usually stated to attend a four year college after that - but then I am way older - and still may do that -- but to take out a loan -- I just am not ready to do just to go to College at my age.

Sure life has changed - and there will be Searches done via Google or one of the search engines - where even looking up Eminent Domain - there are now Organizations Started up just for those cases against what other people think they are doing or going to do.

There is the FedGov't's website for Federal Pell Grants and yes, it will take up your time and there will be probably no social life for awhile, but first like the other lady years ago who got back her job - if that is what your mom thinks she wants -- the ACLU was the place (if before 180days) where she went to.

Remember in most cases, an Employer can fire anyone for any reason, but still there is always other people like the ACLU who think differently or present something different (like Federal Pell Grants - granted by Congress - using Tax Money) for such things as this. All I can say, is that this type of Action which in my opinion I call Avoidance - out of some Elected Officials in the Country - and usually there will be local talk shows on the radio or ones more Nationally that talk about such things. Usually to me in the end it is all kind of a diahrea but still one must proceed on whatever decision one comes out with. Some of this I learned later never being helped out all that much, and later on even with my own mistake of getting Fired for working at a communication company - and having three minor accidents in a year with the truck - remember there were insurance scams happening back then where people were trying to cause accidents or just bad drivers trying to turn into an Apartment Driveway that was blocked with Dumpsters. Still it was my fault, but in the end -- the entire management of that communication industry went out - in the entire State because they were all told to either Retire or Be Fired by other Management not willing to put up with their Acts. That all actually happened, and now I have to eat and go to work.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:49 PM
Hemet, Ca. is a dirty little nothing of a town full of druggies, scumbags and hookers. I should know because my sister lived there for years and I lived in a neighboring town... I have seen it first hand. Now... my point in all this trash talk on good ol' Hemet California is that I cant possibly imagine that the fire Chief of Hemet Ca. could have enough power to pull off this sort of thing alone. There must be others with a lot more power and something to lose who are involved. Like say.... the mayor?

Have your mother retrace her steps thouroughly from start to present in this matter. Make a timeline of events. Find out who everyones boss or superior is that is involved. See if things have corolations and links.... people, times, places... I smell a really dirty rat at the end of this trail. Possibly one with alot of political power.

Good luck!!

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:57 PM
Sorry for your situation
However can we go back to one point that seems to have been lost - you had information on your mother PC and now thats dissapearing ? or did i read that wrong ?

Nothing but nothing on a PC is erased totally without a full deep level Format - if you still have the PC I would suggest you fine a reputable and secure PC tech to take a look at the HD - believe you what can be recovered can be amazing - the law enforcement ./ nat sec guys can do it and i used to scare people with a cheap copy of Dr Solomons very ofton.

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