I have had 2 of these situations that I can remember, Both were very similar with only small variations.
I 'awoke' (lucid enough to know what I was doing) to find myself lying on my left side with my butt over hanging the edge of the bed, I tried to
fidget back into a more comfortable position but couldn't move and couldn't call to my wife lying next to me.
The first time I remember it happening there was only what I can say was an oppressive feeling and then I noticed movement, I clearly saw a hunched
over figure no more than 4 foot tall stepping behind me, I saw that it looked like a 'goblin' , grey skinned with a fairly rough but not warty or
hugely deformed texture. It stepped behind my back and out of my view , not being able to move my head to check behind me. I didn't feel any pain
just anxious , then I awoke fully when my wife shook me.
I snore quite loudly and breath quite heavily enough to wake her up sometimes.
The second time happened in the same circumstances , lying on my left side with my butt over the edge of the bed, and again I noticed the 'goblin'
but this time he wasn't alone, as I watched him step behind me I saw there was a figure dressed in a black hooded cloak, with his face covered in
shadow facing me with a light , thin glow around him ( he wasn't as tall as a average man, again there was the feeling of malevolence and anxiety.
But this time I actually 'said' (in my mind) " You are not welcome here , begone from my sight", (sounds daft but thats word for word what I
Now here comes the really daft part , I envisioned a green force field around me , I remember it being green as it was a nice colour, and the
'goblin' started to bang on it as if trying to get in? the field lit up every time he hit it with his fist ( I could see his his fist out of the
corner of my right eye. There was 4 flashes of white).
The figures then departed and then I awoke fully again, I was a bit anxious about getting back to sleep so soon, so I got up and had a drink of
I decided to keep a diary of these experiances and I'm (believe or not) trying to have another 'session' to see A: what happens and if there are
any other differences. and B: to see if I can 'communicate' with the 'entities' that visit for lack of a better word..
I think that anyone else in these circumstances just need to not fear , as difficult as it sounds, you are in control all the time. You can stop it or
continue it to see how it plays out.
People say they're demons , people say they're aliens , I honestly do not know what the are.
Are they a figment or my imagination ?, are they demons or aliens ? , all I know is , I want another go so I can see what happens .