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Sleep Paralysis Victims...

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posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:00 AM
and for god sake stop bandering around the word 'energy' like it means something.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:10 AM
i have only experienced sp twice that i can recall......neither was very pleasent.....paralysis, muteness, a physical pressure/weight and fear is all i shadowy figures 4 me thou, but definately scary indeed

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:18 AM
From the ages roughly of 8-13 it would happen. I would wake up but unable to move for a minute. During the event I would try to move as hard as I could until my body "woke up".

The most dramatic experience was driving to Montreal with my parents, my father told me I was asleep but he could hear me mumbling in the back seat. My eyes were open and my legs shaking, we talk about this now and then, he seems still shocked about it, considering I told him I wasn't mumbling, I was trying to call for him or my mother, but, your body always wakes up.

That's my experience. Glad it doesn't happen anymore.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Tufty
You are not logical. You evidently have more time than sense.

We're not here to insult our peers. And energy does mean something. It's everything and anything.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 08:11 AM
i have something similar happen to me. I was partially awake most of the night and than I couldn't move. I tried calling out o my fiance' and couldn't. She realized something was wrong and grabbed me and called my name. Than my body involuntarily grabbed her and screamed at the top of my lungs. It is a very scary experience. I don't know what to think of it. All I know is I felt extreme anger all at once than it was gone.

posted on May, 23 2008 @ 08:19 AM
is not that bad when you get used to them, i have seen some weird stuff while in sleep paralysis, and 70% of them are very scary, but it doesnt bother me a lot anymore, but the people who sleep in the same room with me they have a problem, i scream too much and i dont let them sleep.

i never had an attack of sleep paralysis involving aliens, the closest to that will be this one time i saw a saw men in black screaming at me.

the worst and most scary one i had was one involving a bounch of animals [- with red eyes-] , they were all around me and screaming at me with fury.

[edit on 23-5-2008 by CzErased]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Tufty

Look, i never said i know what causes it, i am just trying to make sense out of something very weird that happend to me because personally i dont think it is purely a halucination. i mean i agree that there may have not been anything in the room with me phyically but there was something there in the dimension of energy because i could feel it.

and like someone else said if you are going to insult me about the energy stuff i think that is pretty foolish because all matter is composed of entrapped energy. everything is energy. and it can be taken from one source by another. everytime you touch an ice cube it steals your energy.

i think it is pretty pompus for you to come on this "moronic website" and blast me when i am just trying to talk about theories. you proclaim to know the truth. did you know humans can only see a tiny percentage of all light waves in existance? or only hear a small portion of the auditory spectrum?

so please enlighten us all on everything that does and dosnt exist...

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

I agree with you...

Energy is apparent in everything we do... from every touch, to smell, to sound, to visual input...

From food, to magnetism, to atomic structure..

we are energy.

It means something.

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:26 PM
I have had sleep paralysis episodes most of my life. I usually am so exhausted the next day that I cant function. I always wondered if I was astrally projecting or being abducted by aliens. I found it terrifying because I had no control over it. I would feel like I was propelled out of my body at a high velocity. First I would hear loud vibrations, and I would be so afraid and try to open my eyes but couldn't. In the back of my mind I feared that someone or something might take over my body and I wouldnt be able to get back into it. I only found out about sleep paralysis a few years ago. I didnt know there was a scientisfic term because I was always afraid of telling people about this stuff.

I must say that I have never met anyone or anything in this state- i just had that fear of losing my physical body to something. I dont really fear it anymore, and the episodes are less frequent. I have never wanted to induce sleep paralysis as others have said they do

[edit on 12-6-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:29 PM
I get sleep paralysis about once a week. I too just get this feeling like there is something extremely evil in the room. It does get very cold whenever it happens. It is more like something holding me down not paralysis. And for some reason I always have very great sense of fear when I get out of the paralyzed state.

Does anyone else feel like their being held down not paralyzed?

[edit on 12-6-2008 by theendisnear69]

posted on Jun, 12 2008 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by theendisnear69

Im not sure I would be able to tell the difference in being held down or paralyzed, unless you feel like hands are pressing on your arms and legs or something like that. I know I cant open my eyelids, which feels more like paralysis to me.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:25 AM
I experienced sleep paralysis very often, and just know the term for it now.

Anyway, for years I thought I was locked down by forces or "energy" from a different realm, and I had thought praying and calling God's Name had saved me. One day my Dad asked me to pay attention to my breathing during the next episode. I did, and I realized that during such attack, I was barely breathing. From then on, hallucination has diminished, or even when it was there, I knew it was hallucination. Nowadays, when I felt some one sneaking in my bed from behind, even when the bed actually feels the pressure and steps of the stranger's entrance, even when the breathing of him/her can be felt right at my neck, I know at once that an attack will start.

Now, every time it happened, all I try to do is try to inhale. As you know, during an episode, it is already extremely hard to inhale. But try any way, just focus all your consciousness to trying to get some oxygen. Maybe instead of putting all your mighty determination to move one toe, try cracking open your mouth to breath through there.

I searched the net for info as well. People talked about REM and such things as your mind is awake before your body is. To me, those explanations are completely wrong, because they imply no harm will come from a sleep paralysis episode. As for me, I am now fully conscious about my not being able to breath during an episode, so to me death could come if you can't manage to breath in time.

I hope no one has as bad experiences as I. For me, I never try to get back to sleep or was kept awake out of fear of the devil. My body often tend to fall back to sleep after an episode due to exhaustion (the hallucination no longer gives me fear after many years). I tried to stay awake out of the fear of the next episode, or the fear of death. But then when I could not stay awake, I got attacked again the minute I fell back to sleep, since I still couldn't breath. Thus, I often have multiple attacks at a time.

So to all sufferers like myself, hope your beloved ones understand you and not consider you crazy. Next time, when the evil spirit/energy/forces come, you will still feel the movement of the mattress, the movement of the air or curtains, the noise, the breathing onto your neck, etc... but I hope you won't be scared by it. Just try to see if you are breathing. If you are not, try your all mighty to breath.

And don't let people make you believe that it is because your mind wakes up before your body does, that you should just "wait" a little bit for your body to wake up too. It doesn't work that way. That argument could fool only those sufferers who can breath after waking up. Eventually if the problem gets worse with time, you'll notice that you can barely breath even after you fully wake up. That's when the "REM" argument fails.

Anyway, good luck!

A sufferer like you.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
i have something similar happen to me. I was partially awake most of the night and than I couldn't move. I tried calling out o my fiance' and couldn't. She realized something was wrong and grabbed me and called my name. Than my body involuntarily grabbed her and screamed at the top of my lungs. It is a very scary experience. I don't know what to think of it. All I know is I felt extreme anger all at once than it was gone.

Woah that's extremely disconcerting. I've had the experience where I wake up with sleep paralysis and even though I'm literally lying right next to the girlfriend I can't move or make a noise to get her attention. I've always wondered what I look like when I'm having an episode, like whether I'm making weird facial expressions or anything.

Has anybody here ever seen anyone else going through sleep paralysis? What was that like?

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 12:51 AM
OP, you and I are on obvious ends of the spectrum politically, however with this we share a common ground.

My first experience of these visualizations wasn't accompanied by paralysis, and it freaked me out. That time it was a dark shadow outside my window, which followed me around the house and eventually stopped at the front door. I fought the impulse to go to the door.

The second time, (that I can recall) I was living in a foster home, and there were several mornings in a row during which I saw what I called "Golden Angels" or fuzzy beings of light, walking through the hallway, going downstairs.

I wasn't afraid of those for some reason.

Since then, I have had paralysis many times, but only once with a visible gray entity. It came from a light source behind me, and hovered next to my bed. It didn't have eyes per se, just darkness where you would expect them to be. Almost photoshopped away. That one scared me to death.

I started smoking right after that. And Didn't quit for 3 years.

Ever since that, I've noticed that when it happens, I can see natural light from the moon etc, but artificial light appears to cast shadows. It's kinda odd.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:23 AM
I haven't posted in a very long time, though this subject interests me very much. Most of my life I have had episodes with sleep paralysis. When I was younger I would feel as though I was being held down, I would panic and realize I couldn't move at all. Sometimes I would just fall asleep again.

Recently when I have gotten it, it has been somewhat different. I always hear a loud buzzing sound, or almost like a faint scream, though its not a reason sound, just something I hear. In most cases I am able to move my foot or leg, but not much or enough. The more I fight against the paralysis the more intense the sounds and effect it would take against me.

Just my 2 cents..

[edit on 28-7-2008 by iDream]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by When the Spaceship Lands
... I've always wondered what I look like when I'm having an episode, like whether I'm making weird facial expressions or anything.

Has anybody here ever seen anyone else going through sleep paralysis? What was that like?

Yes and no. My husband sometimes has these, but his description isn't the same as my own SP. He jolts his body and is trying desperately to talk, and it's more of a whipser "wake me up". He says he dreams of being awake, and I also get those dreams, where you think you woke up, moved around the house, and wake up again and it was just a dream. A bit scary, but not in comparison to the SP.

Mine, I wake up, unable to move and feeling weightless and floaty. I can see everything in the room, but don't really want to look and verify something is there. I know I can turn my head, but start shutting my eyes. I also feel a sense of evil, it's not pleasant and feels intrusive and against my will. I always have a sense of 2 or 3 beings beside me, but as I said I won't look out of fear. When it's happening I think stuff like I'm sick of this, I hate them. I think I'm being taken somewhere. But when it's over and I feel fine, I wonder who "they" were and how did I know it was more than one, because I never saw anyone. The first time it happened, it's not an account I want to describe to anyone, and it's why I won't ever look again.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by raven bombshell

That's the wierd thing. I can open my eyes and move them around, like I can see what time it is when it happens to.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by TheRepublic

Happened more when I was a kid. A few times I'd awaken on my back and couldn't breath because I could feel my tongue curling back a bit, but after freaking out in my head I'd suddenly move.

Memorable time was traveling to Montreal with my folks, I think I was around 10. Sleeping on the ride there, sitting up I woke up but couldn't move, I mumbled for my mom and dad but nothing, then again the movement came back. They said they heard me mumbling but figured it was myself talking in my sleep, boy were they wrong.

That's my story of it.

Edit, spelling

[edit on 28-7-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by Quazga

well sleep paraylisis is responsible in a way for my veiwpoints. I used to be a straight forward middle of the road conservative christian. Having these exsperiances forced my to open my mind to other possibilities. I started this thread a long time ago and my how my veiws have changed since then. I feel now that SP can be a positive exsperiance! I learned:

Maybe reality wasnt what i had been taught or believed...

to quote a famous dude:

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy...

Specifically about sleep paraylisis if anyone has any questions about how to defeat it I have learned a good deal about it now, and now seek to induce the state. Any questions ask! Ive been there!

posted on Aug, 13 2008 @ 09:39 PM
im 29 yrs old but at the age of 8 i used to live in a house where i began to see a tall dark figure with red eyes. for 1year then we moved to my grandmothers house where the my brother, sister and three cousins started to experience it. what i want to now is that i've heard that in sleep paralysis its usually a one time deal i had it for about 5 years. i experienced it always at 1200 am and would become paralyzed, my cousins and brother and sister also. i could not yell for help or move but only my mother would be able to make it stop he could not be seen, i think about it alot and its come to the point wher i cant remember if i was sleeping or awake. either way i i never felt assulted but if any one has any story or has any knowledge of any web site where this is discussed in a more detailed manner please post it hear thank you for listening . j.z.

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