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North American Union Police in California, have they arrived?

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posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by Johnmike

I disdain to reply to your comments. I can already see that you're the average America Joe Schmoe.

The only knowledge you have is the knowledge which was pounded into you in these dummy factories a.k.a schools.

You're what The Elites of this government call a "Peon" aka a "Useless Eater" aka "Sheeple".

You're no threat to them. You're just a harmless creature perfect for the concentration camps and for the rfid human implantable microchip.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by Israelite
I disdain to reply to your comments. I can already see that you're the average America Joe Schmoe.

Oh your highness, how do I become worthy of a reply from thou?

Originally posted by Israelite
The only knowledge you have is the knowledge which was pounded into you in these dummy factories a.k.a schools.

You're sadly mistaken, really. What I learned in school was actually quite the opposite to what I've found was true, especially up until my junior year. Everything I know is from my own research.

Stop making assumptions, I've studied things myself and put a good deal of work into what I posted. It's very insulting that you'd accuse me of the contrary.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

These guys look very familiar, but I don't know from where. Well, we all know CA: bunch of commie brainless masses. They can be controlled easily. The apitomy of stupidity. (or how ever you say that)

Well, I've got news channel and black choppers flying around my hose right now, guess I better go watch the news to see whats up.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Gorman91]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 04:42 PM
I know people in California, they're not all stupid.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Johnmike]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 06:21 PM
This is pretty interesting

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Israelite
You're what The Elites of this government call a "Peon" aka a "Useless Eater" aka "Sheeple".

You're no threat to them. You're just a harmless creature perfect for the concentration camps and for the rfid human implantable microchip.

better to be regarded as a 'peon' and be something different than to be regarded as a threat while being harmless, isn't it?

what's with the persnal attacks anyway?

what's with the 'Joe Average' slamming? who do you think is actually running the world? the common men (with all their maybe stereotypical faults) or the 'elite' which is too busy denigrating everyone while hatching designs of destruction every other decade?

with all due respect from what i've read so far from you in this thread make me believe that it's actually You who thinks that way, not the 'elites of...' whatever.

[edit on 6.10.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Oct, 6 2007 @ 09:42 AM
Private security means nothing to me if you come after me i will destroy you uniform or not....The people of this country have to stop being scared of every uniform they see ...they are just people with guns trying to take your rights gun is just as big, so bring it on and let the bodies fall where they fall....I WILL NOT BACK DOWN TO EVIL CLUELESS PEOPLE!!and you should not too...unless you are weak sheeple!!!

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:40 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Also look at this video, during the same incident

Americans were protesting and mexicans came with a flag and americans were saying arrest him.

My god, some protesters can be so neandertal-like.

I think white america is forgetting that they themselves are illegal immigrants, they are great grandfathers stole this land from native americans.

EDIT: I just finished watching this video, and I was getting angry.
Those mexicans should have tripled slapped everyone of those idiots.
I am in a very bad mood right now!

[edit on 2-10-2007 by ModernAcademia]

Wow you jump on the ignorant bandwagon quite quick don't you? White Americans Illegals? Stole the land from Native Americans? First of all I hate to break it to you but Mexican is NOT a race. Less than 18% of all Mexicans even have ANY native blood in them. Yes, you heard that correctly, so that makes the other 82% either Mexicans of African Decent, or Mexicans of European Decent, (ie, your "land stealers").

Not to mention that trying to put forth such an argument is to quite simply change the subject. The current subject matter deals with modern times, and with a current Nation with Amended Borders. You forget that U.S. Citizens died fighting Mexico in order to gain independence for Texas. Should these U.S. Citizen's sacrifices be completely forgotten? How about the poor, hardworking colonists who put their blood, sweat, and tears into forming this young Nation?

You also need to get off of your oh so righteous podeum, because Mexicans killed more Native Americans than the U.S. Who slaughtered Geronimo's family? Who decimated the Apache? The U.S. at least had enough mercy to allow outlaw Apache Warriors a truce, meanwhile the Mexcians shot these same people on sight, and slaughtered all women and children. Sure, maybe the U.S. did not treat Native Americans as respectfully as they deserved, but at the same time, not all Native Americans were the peace loving, earth respecting, noble warriors that we see them as today.

The bottom line is that the modern day United States of America has as much a right to secure its borders as does any Modern Nation. It has earned that right through the many sacrifices its people have made. To say otherwise is to be completely ignorant and disrespectful. How can you demand respect, when you do not give it?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:05 AM
Those guys in the video look very much like Deputies dress (even thier patches are identically shaped) and as well they also look similar to Army/Marine personnel. They really should not be dressing like that, they are even guys wearing padded vests (or what appears similar to a flak jackets).
After much searching this is what I have found regarding private security companies:

B&P 7580.1. As used in this chapter, "director" means the Director of
Consumer Affairs, unless the context indicates otherwise.

B&P 7582.26.
(d) No licensee, or officer, director, partner, manager, or
employee of a licensee, shall use a title, or wear a uniform, or use
an insignia, or use an identification card, or make any statement
with the intent to give an impression that he or she is connected in
any way with the federal government, a state government, or any
political subdivision of a state government.
(f) No private patrol licensee or officer, director, partner,
manager, or employee of a private patrol licensee shall use or wear a
badge, except while engaged in guard or patrol work and while
wearing a distinctive uniform. A private patrol licensee or officer,
director, partner, manager, or employee of a private patrol licensee
wearing a distinctive uniform shall wear a patch on each shoulder of
his or her uniform that reads "private security" and that includes
the name of the private patrol company by which the person is
employed or for which the person is a representative and a badge or
cloth patch on the upper left breast of the uniform. All patches and
badges worn on a distinctive uniform shall be of a standard design
approved by the director and shall be clearly visible.
The director may assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars ($250)
per violation of this subdivision.
(i) No private patrol operator licensee or officer, director,
partner, or manager of a private patrol operator licensee, or person
required to be registered as a security guard pursuant to this
chapter shall use or wear a baton or exposed firearm as authorized by
this chapter unless he or she is wearing a uniform which complies
with the requirements of Section 7582.27.

B&P 7582.27. (a) Any person referred to in subdivision (i) of Section
7582.26 who uses or wears a baton or exposed firearm as authorized
pursuant to this chapter shall wear a patch on each arm that reads
"private security" and that includes the name of the company by which
the person is employed or for which the person is a representative.
The patch shall be clearly visible at all times. The patches of a
private patrol operator licensee, or his or her employees or
representatives shall be of a standard design approved by the
(b) The director may assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars
($250) per violation of subdivision (a).

B&P 7582.28. (a) Any badge or cap insignia worn by a person who is a
licensee, officer, director, partner, manager, or employee of a
licensee shall be of a design approved by the director, and shall
bear on its face a distinctive word indicating the name of the
licensee and an employee number by which the person may be identified
by the licensee.
The provisions of this section shall not be construed to authorize
persons to wear badges who are prohibited by Section 7582.26 from
wearing badges.
(b) The director may assess a fine of two hundred fifty dollars
($250) per violation of subdivision (a).

B&P 7583.38. A city, county, or city and county may regulate the
uniforms and insignias worn by uniformed employees of a private
patrol operator and vehicles used by a private patrol operator to
make the uniforms and vehicles clearly distinguishable from the
uniforms worn by, and the vehicles used by, local regular law
enforcement officers.


posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:06 AM
Additionally, there is this little tid-bit:

Best Buy Geek Squad was forced to change the color scheme on their "Geekmobiles".

Vehicle Resembling Law Enforcement Vehicle

VC 27605. No person shall own or operate a motor vehicle painted in the manner described in Section 40800 to resemble a motor vehicle used by a peace officer or traffic officer on duty for the primary purpose of enforcing the provisions of Division 10 (commencing with Section 20000) or Division 11 (commencing with Section 21000) pursuant to Section 40800.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Wow you jump on the ignorant bandwagon quite quick don't you? White Americans Illegals? Stole the land from Native Americans? First of all I hate to break it to you but Mexican is NOT a race. Less than 18% of all Mexicans even have ANY native blood in them. Yes, you heard that correctly, so that makes the other 82% either Mexicans of African Decent, or Mexicans of European Decent, (ie, your "land stealers").



btw, don't you find it utterly puzzling that people who claim to abhor discrimination based on origin ('racism') are falling into the trap of blaming crimes (perceived or real) commited by people who died long ago on our present day and age, thereby discriminating based on descent ('racism' again) themselves?.

Why are so many alledgedly tolerant people insisting on talking about race while the underlying conflict in this case could easily be reduced to one between two countries and their respective people? i guess fighting against racism sounds a lot sexier than fomenting conflict solely for profit, doesn't it?

PS: evil racism can be used as an excuse to bring more 'security forces' into play, along with corresponding legislature. private security on public ground does not work anyway, a few state constituions even clearly state that:

The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the State shall not be impaired, but nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing individuals or corporations to organize, maintain, or employ an armed body of men.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Wow you jump on the ignorant bandwagon quite quick don't you? White Americans Illegals? Stole the land from Native Americans? First of all I hate to break it to you but Mexican is NOT a race.

ok so white americans aren't illegals because mexicans aren't a race?????
hmmmm, ya ok there! And yesterday I found apple seeds in my orange.
get it? apples and oranges? lol

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
Not to mention that trying to put forth such an argument is to quite simply change the subject. The current subject matter deals with modern times, and with a current Nation with Amended Borders. You forget that U.S. Citizens died fighting Mexico in order to gain independence for Texas. Should these U.S. Citizen's sacrifices be completely forgotten? How about the poor, hardworking colonists who put their blood, sweat, and tears into forming this young Nation?

1) I am changing the subject because the current subject is modern times and you speak of colonists's blood sweat and tears? lol

2) Should U.S. citizens sacrifices be completely forgotten?
I thought this was about modern times?
Should the invasion be forgotten? I'm sure your great great great grandson will say the same about Iraq.

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
The bottom line is that the modern day United States of America has as much a right to secure its borders as does any Modern Nation. It has earned that right through the many sacrifices its people have made. To say otherwise is to be completely ignorant and disrespectful. How can you demand respect, when you do not give it?

The bottom line is that the U.S. will never secure it's borders.

Do you really really want to speak about earning respect because of sacrifices???????????
Are you positive you want to take that direction?

Because we can talk about white europeans invading india and how Gandhi dealt with them, that's respect.

We can talk about how today your great America is currently occupying over 120 countries with military troops as americans sit by idly.
Where are the great sacrifices here?

If iraqis invaded american states, do you think there wouldn't be an insurgency? Yes there would be, over 1 million iraqis have died and america sits idly by, where are the sacrifices?

First they went to Iraq for WMDs, then they stayed there because of 9/11(yet they blamed afghanistan), and now americans are the ones supplying iraqis with IEDs(killing americans) and all types of ammo and guns.
Again america sits idly by, where are the sacrifices?

I can go on and on and on and on during the a humongous course of our historic timeline.

So I ask you again, do you really want to take this path?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
1) I am changing the subject because the current subject is modern times and you speak of colonists's blood sweat and tears? lol

2) Should U.S. citizens sacrifices be completely forgotten?
I thought this was about modern times?
Should the invasion be forgotten? I'm sure your great great great grandson will say the same about Iraq.

So you can bitch and moan about your poor Native ancestors and how the white man took it all from them, but if we bring up those who gave their lives to protect the freedoms we have now, we're talking about modern times?

If this is modern academia, science is done for.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
The bottom line is that the U.S. will never secure it's borders.

We can try.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
Because we can talk about white europeans invading india and how Gandhi dealt with them, that's respect.

Ghandi didn't really do anything. His followers did.

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
We can talk about how today your great America is currently occupying over 120 countries with military troops as americans sit by idly.
Where are the great sacrifices here?

Most of these gave land for military bases, it's not really an occupation. Though I don't like the fact that we're there at all, waste of money.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
So you can bitch and moan about your poor Native ancestors and how the white man took it all from them, but if we bring up those who gave their lives to protect the freedoms we have now, we're talking about modern times?

No it's not that.
It's about accusing me of changing the topic but then doing the same thing yourself in the same manner that I allegedly did.

Originally posted by Johnmike
We can try.

Yes absolutely you can try, unfortunately no president has really.

Originally posted by Johnmike
Most of these gave land for military bases, it's not really an occupation.

This is incorrect as far as I know, please refute me with evidence.
Also while supplying me with evidence remember you used the word "most", which must be higher than 50%.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 06:01 PM
why dont we all just start a private security firm and get sweet weapons and armour and go out and arrest crooked cops and politicians?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

somethings up for sure---on todays worldnetdaily pres bush is siding with the world court against the state of texas that has a dozen mexicans on death row for rapes and murders-----the pres. is trying to get them freed because they supposedly werent read their rights correctly in spanish or allowed to contact their mexican consulate.a bunch of these guys gang raped and sodomized 2- 14 year old girls before murdering them----apparently they didnt care about their rights.pres. bush appears to be going as nutty as israels prime minister olmert who appears to be on the verge of wearing a tea towel around his head in his kissing up meetings with the palestinians leader abbas------they look fruity together to me.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by RexxCrow

you know that whoever the boss of the "officer"shown in the video is i would guess he's just as intelligent as my former government boss who was picked by his boss not because of smartness---just the opposite---because he is a dumb-ass that does what he's told and doesnt care about the consequences of what he's doing just yet until he ends up in jail again where he was found the last time the military police cracked down and caught him for stealing.the time has arrived where not only do the regular criminals not care what the law is-----neither do the government criminals care anymore either although they dellude themselves that they are doing no wrong.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 10:57 PM

They work for Abbott.

The company has subsidary all over the world.

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by alaskop

Alaskop is right. Global Security is the name of their security branch.

Why would they be there? Is there an Abbott office where this was taking place?

posted on Dec, 11 2007 @ 10:25 PM
A neighbor of mine had a crude solution on the "illegals" situation; "Round 'em up and send 'em off to fight and die for this great country. If they make it back, I dont give a d*** where they're from, they're full blown citizens. If not, they still get the honor of having shed blood for the greatest nation on earth." As you may guess, he is a veteran of more than a few wars/conflicts. Crude, I grant you. But the ol war dog may be onto something. I think what the old man is trying to get at is, if you want to be here, either do it in a legal manner, or do it the old fashioned way, earn it.

[edit on 11-12-2007 by Burks]

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