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I Love Jesus more than anything....

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posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 12:19 AM
I didn't reply to your post to attack your beliefs, but simply to show you that things such as similarites between Jesus and Mithra & Horus are fallacies. There is this whole Zeitgeist movement spreadng lies about Jesus and saying the Bible is used as population control, when in fact they are using bunk new age wanna-be sources for their information, so it's only right that I mention that to you to get your facts right.

I'm not pissed at you for being an athiest. I Love you and embrace you and your beliefs even though your statements such as Jesus not existing need to be backed up wiith credible sources and I can provide those on my end.

I respect your right to be an athiest, I never said otherwise, so please don't misquote me and take me out of context as it seems it's beginning to go that route.

I'm just saying, in this kind of debate/discussion/declaration of my Love for Jesus, there really is no reason to post a George Carlin quote and be taken serious at the same time, being that this turned into a "Jesus doesn't exist, you Love a myth" debate, which I plainly disagree with and would put my life on the line for.

I personally feel that I do have proof for God, objective and subjective.

The difference between us is we both have faith in different belief systems. You have faith that there is no God. I Have faith that there is God and in my years of praying to him, he returned the favor and gave me Spiritual Enlightenment. I don't know any athiest who got any kind of favor returned by not believing. I also have faith that science is getting closer and closer to proving God and spiritual realms.

Enlightenment includes transcendence which is beyond (logic & reason which is what science uses) So on 1 side you have athiests & most scientists that are using logic & reason and on the other side you have thiests & some thiest scientists that are using logic+reason+transcendence.

Another problem with God and the Spiritual realms is that since it is experienced in the additional faculty of transcendence, there are literally no words to describe this extra faculty to another person that doesnt themselves also have this faculty. The 1st dude to discover atoms in 600 BC, Kanada the Sage, used transcendence to know additional info about the scientific nature of reality.

We need to remarry Science and Thiesm.

But hey, if you believe in evolution, I respect that. Evolution shows that something had to start it, and evolution shows that it is an intelligently designed system, therefor pointing to a creator of the system.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by dominicus1
The difference between us is we both have faith in different belief systems. You have faith that there is no God. I Have faith that there is God and in my years of praying to him, he returned the favor and gave me Spiritual Enlightenment. I don't know any athiest who got any kind of favor returned by not believing.

It's not faith, but lack of faith...

Originally posted by dominicus1
your statements such as Jesus not existing need to be backed up wiith credible sources and I can provide those on my end.

Hmm what credible sources have you got?

Originally posted by dominicus1
I also have faith that science is getting closer and closer to proving God and spiritual realms.

You serious?

Originally posted by dominicus1
Evolution shows that something had to start it, and evolution shows that it is an intelligently designed system, therefor pointing to a creator of the system.

Shows the opposite...

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 02:46 AM

It's not faith, but lack of faith...

Actually it is faith. You have faith in yourself in many instances in life, you have faith in those you Love, you have faith that your beliefs are true, and you have Faith that there is no God. These are all faith based because you do not know the absolute truth, which by the way is required to null & void faith.

Hmm what credible sources have you got?

Well my sources wouldn't all be credible because not all of them are from "scientific communities." It's a combination of quantum physics theories (specifically Bohm), math, experience (based on subjectivism & objectivism), history, archaeology, statistical math, philosophy, and many other areas that I tie in together. I will post the main ideas here, while I am also in the process of creating a small e-book pdf about this specific topic sometime in the next 12 months. Need more time to post...... to respond to this section.

You serious?

Actually yes I am more than serious. You see if you would have shown the lightbulb to some-one before it was invented w/o an initial explanation, they would think it's a miracle or magic. Same goes for every other invention or area of study in general. At first the idea of a sprirtual realm causes all types of reactions on both sides of the fence, and yet (the majority holds this to be truth) so being that I am also in that group, I believe it will be a matter of time before we have specific instruments and areas of science that can prove such a thing, and I predict it will be in the study of consciousness and the substance that makes up consciousness, proving that it can ideed exist out side of the body.

Besides, according to our beloved science, energy cannot be destroyed, it is possible for loopholes in the laws of nature and other scientific laws, and there are pre-cursors to nuerons firing when we make a decision to move a finger. These are just a few ideas that point to there being more than just the material/physical world. More on that later though.

Yes I believe every miracle, especially ones that Jesus performed can be scientifically explained, we just haven't arrived at that level of knowledge yet. Of course we can both agree that science doesn't know everything yet. However, in this post I'm obviously stating that Jesus was a divine being that came from the spiritual realm and proved his absolute power over the laws of nature, all of which can be explained, eventually.

Also, read up on Kanada the Sage who supposedly discovered atoms in 600BC !!!!!! We're talking about a mystic sage here you know!!!!

Shows the opposite...

Actually it doesn't. Evolution itself is an intelligent system to advance progress of life. Life can't come out of nothing, so we say it came from the big bang. Well the big bang can't come from nothing. All the factors have to be just right within a statistically small window of possibility for us to have life on this planet. Regardless, there still has to be a beginning to it all, even if you hypothesize the multi-verse theory as your reasoning behind the big bang. Still there has to be a beginning in all models, and you can't get something out of nothing.

Eveything around us including us and evolution are complex and intelligent systems. The mathematical statistical numbers are outrageouslly ridiculous when you look at the odds of us being here if everything is random chaos no matter how many trillions of zillions of light years that you punch in to the calculator for evolution to get us here. Astronomical !!!!

Besides that, mathematics uses infinity in many of it's equations especially in quantum physics. Thus mathematically proving the possibility of an infinity. If this provable infinity exists, then there has to be some kind of substance/thing/idea/concept that can exist through infinity, i.e. insert God. To see this perspective however, you need to start with open-minded agnosticism.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by dominicus1
Actually yes I am more than serious. You see if you would have shown the lightbulb to some-one before it was invented w/o an initial explanation, they would think it's a miracle or magic.

Maybe more in the olden days when people didn't know much about science and the answer was always work of god.

Originally posted by dominicus1
Yes I believe every miracle, especially ones that Jesus performed can be scientifically explained, we just haven't arrived at that level of knowledge yet. Of course we can both agree that science doesn't know everything yet. However, in this post I'm obviously stating that Jesus was a divine being that came from the spiritual realm and proved his absolute power over the laws of nature, all of which can be explained, eventually.

Kind of stupid how they knew what he did, but didn't know what he looks like?

Originally posted by dominicus1
Actually it doesn't. Evolution itself is an intelligent system to advance progress of life. Life can't come out of nothing, so we say it came from the big bang. Well the big bang can't come from nothing. All the factors have to be just right within a statistically small window of possibility for us to have life on this planet. Regardless, there still has to be a beginning to it all, even if you hypothesize the multi-verse theory as your reasoning behind the big bang. Still there has to be a beginning in all models, and you can't get something out of nothing.

Replace the big bang with god and lets see how you answer it.

Originally posted by dominicus1
Eveything around us including us and evolution are complex and intelligent systems. The mathematical statistical numbers are outrageouslly ridiculous when you look at the odds of us being here if everything is random chaos no matter how many trillions of zillions of light years that you punch in to the calculator for evolution to get us here. Astronomical !!!!

What calcuations are you doing? What equation?

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by AncientVoid

Originally posted by depth om
God is great.

Far from the truth...

Based on what? Your understandings and beliefs? Well far be it for you to assume you know God does not exist and is not great until you can prove that. Which i don't believe many can. We will all need to die to be proven wrong or right. Until then, "happy is he who does not see yet believes".

So i don't really worry too much. If i am wrong then nothing will happen. If i am right then God help you people

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by shearder
Based on what? Your understandings and beliefs?

Open your eyes and you will understand. I mean literally open them.

Originally posted by shearder
So i don't really worry too much. If i am wrong then nothing will happen. If i am right then God help you people

He hasn't helped mankind so far

[edit on 4-10-2007 by AncientVoid]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by dominicus1
I personally feel that I do have proof for God, objective and subjective.

You don't have "proof". You have things that have happened to you, or that you have come across, that have convinced you. That's not proof. That's personal opinion.

If proof existed, we wouldn't be having this debate.

Originally posted by dominicus1
I don't know any athiest who got any kind of favor returned by not believing.

What do you consider a favor?

Things have happened to me. Things where I thought it was impossible for me to get out of the situation without some harm done to myself or my family.

I've never prayed to god. I've been to church only once, and that was because I was forced to go. My parents don't go to church. My brother and sisters don't go to church.

No one in my immediate family prays to god or goes to church.

Of course, they're not "active" atheists. They don't participate in religious debates. But, I'd hardly consider them 'believers'.

So, what is considered a favor? Let me know, because perhaps you have finally met an atheist who got a favor

Originally posted by dominicus1
I also have faith that science is getting closer and closer to proving God and spiritual realms.

How? Science proves evolution. Science proves the creation of the universe by natural means. Are you just assuming that these things had to be started by a creator?

If I understand what you're saying correctly, you're saying that perhaps these things did happen as science says, in terms of evolution and natural process, but a creator had to start that process. Is that right?

If that's the case, how do you go about proving that?

You can't prove that unless you can go back in time and see how it was done from the beginning.

Has science answered all the questions? No, certainly not. But it has left little doubt. It has proved evolution and proved natural processes.

So, as I said, you're left to just assuming something started that process, with nothing really to back up your assumptions other than your faith in a god.

Have faith. Believe in things. That's not a problem.

But at least be able to admit the difference between proof and faith based assumptions.

Originally posted by dominicus1
Evolution shows that something had to start it, and evolution shows that it is an intelligently designed system, therefor pointing to a creator of the system.

Had life just appeared and advanced rapidly, I would be on your side in that debate.

But the fact is, life has had billions of years to progress and evolve. It's a very slow process, and a very natural process.

If humans were one of the first creatures, and those early humans were as intelligent as we are today, then yes, I would say you are right in what you say. But that's not how it happened. It started with small, almost meaningless life, that provided the building blocks for other life, and all those forms of life evolved.

Over time, those life forms became more intelligent, or became more familiar in their appearance as we know today.

It didn't happen over night. The natural process had time to produce what is known of today without a creator.

[edit on 10/4/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by dominicus1
I don't understand why everyone who isn't a Christian (or a Christian Mystic like myself) alwasy has to bring about the whole "Ego" debate when I proclaim my Love for Jesus to the world. I've lost friends, family members, and potential girlfriends....because in my life and Soul I have this profound Love given to me by God through Jesus. People say I'm nuts, I've lost jobs because I've proclaimed this in work places, and I realize that it was all the same things that Jesus went through to when he was going around telling all of them how much he loves them. I don't care about feeding my Ego because it's my own ego that distances my true being from God, so what-ever it takes to keep it dead is my motto.

Besides that, I would describe that Spiritual Enlightenment is not complete unless you undergo Ego death ( a perfectly normal phenomenon in philosophical & spiritual communities)

As far as actions go, I cannot boast about how I've changed and what I do, in the actions department, since having this Awsome Love of Christ. Boasting is ego feeding. I do my actions in secret so it's between me and God.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by dominicus1]

This is precisely why I am critical of religions such as this.

Your devoting your life to something that may not even be true (I know it is not true, I am merely saying "may not" to not insult you). Then you die, and nothing happens, and you wasted your life.

Religions like this can cause people to care less about the world.

The Christian neo-cons in control of our country are a perfect example.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Kacen

A true Christian will not care less of the world. There is no wasted life for the Christian. I know God has a time ready for me to die, thus I will not die until that appointed time. I am invincible through God until, by God, my body is destroyed. If you can truly adhere to this path There is no fear, no want.

"He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully convinced that what He had promised, He also was able to perform."
Romans 4:20, 21

Attainment of God will be promised through unbelief in him. such will be the kingdom of the false christ. A religion of the self, Man will reach out to what lead the serpent here in the first place. Self fulfillment, which is not always self-improvement.

If a tree(man/woman) is truly planted in God, the branches will drop his fruit, that when examined by other humans, will lead them to God also. First we must be uprooted, because we are planted in ourselves, depleting ourselves to fuel the self.

We are our own parasite. Eventually destroying ourselves, knowingly, or through "lack of knowledge" of Christ.

Reborn, re-rooted, through acceptance of the sacrifice, holding in your heart that he was the actual son of God, and fell for you. You know when you accept Christ, you know when you perceive Christ. Absolute love, made of all good things, residing in your heart, in all our hearts. We need only to accept the fact.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own"
1 Corinthians 6:19

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Kind of stupid how they knew what he did, but didn't know what he looks like?

Well, 2,000 some odd years ago, portraits weren't really "in" yet, nor were cameras invented, Besides, I don;t know of any portraits from that time period.

Replace the big bang with god and lets see how you answer it.

I'm not replacing big bang with God, I'm making htem co-exist in my perespective. God crreated the Big bang. Or if the Big Bang comes from some other process, then God created that and all other processes.

What calcuations are you doing? What equation?

Go to amazon, or your local library and look up anything that has to do with either: big bang statistical mathematics, Bohm, Hawking, Bell, etc. Also, you can do the same for evolution statistical math the same. There are books that are more explanatory if you don't come from a scientific background.

He hasn't helped mankind so far

I beg to differ. I believe he helps mankind everyday all day long. God is nterwoven in everyone's lives including athiests. Omnipresence.
If proof existed we would still be having this debate. Even if God was visible to eveyone that exists, there would still be a skeptical group of inviduals that would continue to question and come up with all types of theories why this can't be.

The favor I was refering to is Spiritual Enligtenment, something that is not possible for an athiest's. I don't know of a single athiset that is operating within transcendent faculties.

The fact that you are an athiest, and you described your family, did you ever think about the fact that you (including everyone else) is raised in a biased fashion??? I was raised catholic, rejected, was athiest for a while, then realized there is just too many thoeries and finding within science itself that point to God. Then while praying and coming back the Bible, wallah, Enlightenment. I am well versed and experienced in both sides of the fence, but only 1 side is right.

Science proves the creation of the universe by natural means

Evolution is still a "theory" with 1 missing link, and even if it is a fact, even better, proving and show how awsome and complex of a universe we live in. Your natural and the natural of the scientists is different from my natural. To me, God is natural and naturally created all that processes and matter that lead to where we are today. Perhaps, some day as I predict, science will also catch up and consider all these things natural as well.

For you, all your faith is science based, empirical evidence, relying completely on the current era o findings and you hold your faith in all these things that they are tru.

For me, the same applies as above with science, but I also had Faith that God is the architect behind all of it. I prayed, meditated, read the Bible and God himself sent me transcendent proof that he exists. He sent me an experience out-side of myself to prove to me that I am not alone, but walk with him. Yea, I'll admit at first it was faith, but after the experience it's "knowing" 100% for sure that God is real.

If you try these things and have the same experience, then you also would know for sure, but until then, all your ideas and comments are opinions and speculation, whereas I know 100% that I have personally and directly experienced absolute truth.

Had life just appeared and advanced rapidly

Doesn't matter how long it takes, that's circling around the topic. FOr God there is no time, operating outside time, it's no big deal to put the big bang into effect knowing that billions of years later we would exist. Something a creator can do with his eyes closed.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by dominicus1
did you ever think about the fact that you (including everyone else) is raised in a biased fashion???

I'm not sure how it is biased. God was never talked about. My parents, nor anyone in my family, never sat me down and said god isn't real and this is why he isn't. It was just never talked about.

Even if it was, I'm completely capable of thinking on my own. I'm the most "out there" when it comes to politics, the world, religion, and more. So if anyone was giving a "biased" approach to things, it would be me giving it to them, not the other way around.

Originally posted by dominicus1
Something a creator can do with his eyes closed.

What are you basing that on?

I hope you can see what I'm getting at here. Religion is based on assumptions. For example, people 'assume' they've been shown the light. They 'assume' there is someone looking out for them. They 'assume' that some creator had to start everything. But there is no proof that they've been shown the light. No proof someone is looking out for them. No proof that some creator had to do all of this.

I know that kinda creates an unfair debate. It makes it easy for people like me to say that they are just assumptions. It makes it easy for people like me to make a case that you're wrong because you have no physical proof. That is unfair. I know that.

But have you ever considered that, maybe if there is no evidence at all, then maybe there is a little more to the story than you have told yourself? Have you considered they may just be assumptions, or you may just want it to be true, so you're making yourself believe it's 100% true?

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 01:55 PM

This is precisely why I am critical of religions such as this.

To you God is not true based on the way you have chosen to look at the facts, the propoganda, and used logic & reason.

I have been there, seen it from your angle, seen it from others' angles, used logic & reason, believed in God, and as a result recieved as gift from God, additional faculties that only can come from God. To me I know God exists and I am right, am willing to bet my life itself (putting money on the table) and now know that making the switch over to thiesm is the best decision I ever made.

Now if you tried to believe in God and seeked him out sincerely and studied the Bible and still ended up being an Athiest, that's a whole different story cause then you can say you've been on both sides of the fence. But, I dont know anyone such as this.

Then you die, and nothing happens, and you wasted your life.

As Depth Om has said and was also first echoed by philosopher Blasy Paschal, your better off putting your money on God then you are on No God. Here's why. If you did believe and you die, cease to exist and that's it, no loss. But if you didn't and God's there and you have to continue to exist in the here after in the midst of God, then that has all types of philosophically dire consequences and possibilities.

I don't know what religion you refer to about not caring about the world, but speaking for myself, I care more for the world now than I did before I believed. I even pick up litter when I see it, something I would never have done before.

Oh and as far as the neo-con Christians that are in control of our country, I'm all with you for a revolution against people like that. I know that people like that aren't true Christians, and besides that, if you follow the money from Iraq, realize that the Federal Reserve is a private institution owned by private personal, you will eventually come to realize that this country actually isn't run by Christians (I've never considered Bush a Christian since the 1st time I heard him speak)

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by dominicus1As Depth Om has said and was also first echoed by philosopher Blasy Paschal, your better off putting your money on God then you are on No God. Here's why. If you did believe and you die, cease to exist and that's it, no loss. But if you didn't and God's there and you have to continue to exist in the here after in the midst of God, then that has all types of philosophically dire consequences and possibilities.

But heres the catch; theres more than one religion.

Both Christianity and Islam contradict each other in the sense both cannot be right at the same time.

Both have a hell.

So, I have to choose one, take my chances, hoping that one won't send me to hell?

The variables are absurd; it is why I have no religion.

And if I believed in Christianity simply out of fear of going to hell, that'd be kinda half-assed believing if you ask me.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 04:54 PM
Ok guys calm down

Il debate to the last about the evils of organized religion, but give these people a break, they have found something that makes them truly happy mentally and spirtualy,,,if there happy , let them have there fun
Dont rain on there parade :shk:

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 06:14 PM
Well your right. If you become a believer of _____(said) religion/spiritual path simply for the sake of fear of going to Hell, then yeah thats definately a bogus reason to do so. Intimidation to bring people to know divine Love is a bad choice in my opinion.

Yes, you can find similarities between Islam and Christianity and you can find disimilarities. Either both ways are right, both are wrong, or one is right. Now personally, I do believe that everything popular (taoism, buddhism, etc) that came before Christ, was indeed genuine and real experiences of the divine, but they didn't have the full picture until CHrist came. Buddha himself said that one will come greater than me to fulfill many prophecies. Islam came after Christ with out all the bells and whstles and advocates terrorism on thos who aren't Muslims. Jesus never taught that.

Also Jesus taught things like "blessed are the merciful, for they shall inherit merci," and what he's stating here is that this holds true to anyone regardless of whether you choose to be a Christian or not, it's a timeless truth. You reap what you sow applies to everyone.

Other than that, when you take a Islamic Theologian apologist vs. A Christian one, the Islamic one is usually torn to shreds in the debate (besides that, they are not even allowed to debate why they are right according to the Koran) So they are saying that they are right, but it is against they're religion to argue and debate why they're right. Circles within circles.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by dominicus1]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by dominicus1
Well, 2,000 some odd years ago, portraits weren't really "in" yet, nor were cameras invented, Besides, I don;t know of any portraits from that time period.

Yet you guys put another face on him? Isn't that kind of an insult?
There was no portaits because there's no Jesus?

Originally posted by dominicus1
I'm not replacing big bang with God, I'm making htem co-exist in my perespective. God crreated the Big bang. Or if the Big Bang comes from some other process, then God created that and all other processes.

I'm not saying that, i'll explain to you. I'm saying for the times you said the big big can't just be there and something can't be created out of nothing. Put god in there. God can't also be created from nothing and just be there...

Originally posted by dominicus1
I beg to differ. I believe he helps mankind everyday all day long. God is nterwoven in everyone's lives including athiests. Omnipresence.

Care to share some examples? Like making people suffer?

Originally posted by dominicus1
Evolution is still a "theory" with 1 missing link, and even if it is a fact, even better, proving and show how awsome and complex of a universe we live in. Your natural and the natural of the scientists is different from my natural.


In scientific usage, a theory does not mean an unsubstantiated guess or hunch, as it can in everyday speech. A theory is a logically self-consistent model or framework for describing the behavior of a related set of natural or social phenomena. It originates from or is supported by experimental evidence (see scientific method).

In this sense, a theory is a systematic and formalized expression of all previous observations which is predictive, logical and testable. In principle, scientific theories are always tentative, and subject to corrections or inclusion in a yet wider theory. Commonly, a large number of more specific hypotheses may be logically bound together by just one or two theories.

As a general rule for use of the term, theories tend to deal with much broader sets of universals than do hypotheses, which ordinarily deal with much more specific sets of phenomena or specific applications of a theory.

Originally posted by dominicus1
Doesn't matter how long it takes, that's circling around the topic. FOr God there is no time, operating outside time, it's no big deal to put the big bang into effect knowing that billions of years later we would exist. Something a creator can do with his eyes closed.

I thought according to your beliefs there was no big bang and everything just magically appeared...

This is the stupid thing, no matter what science discovers people will say "how do you know god didn't do it". Even if we somehow proved there was no god (not going to happen), they're going to say "god made it seem like there's no god to test our faith"... =.=

[edit on 4-10-2007 by AncientVoid]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Disgustipated
Ok guys calm down

Il debate to the last about the evils of organized religion, but give these people a break, they have found something that makes them truly happy mentally and spirtualy,,,if there happy , let them have there fun
Dont rain on there parade :shk:

So true, if someone has found what suits them and it leads to a higher consciousness, then that is the right road for them. Peace.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by AncientVoid
Open your eyes and you will understand. I mean literally open them.

oh they are open - trust me. This is why i can say what i said. So what do you see when your eyes are open? Please help me out here. What are you expecting me to see that you seem to see? Please don't tell me war in Iraq etc etc - that's human doing.

Originally posted by shearder
So i don't really worry too much. If i am wrong then nothing will happen. If i am right then God help you people

He hasn't helped mankind so far

To be quite honest, if i were in his shoes there are somethings i wouldn't bother with. Like that saying about letting God sort them out! He has sent his son, he died - why do it again? Humanity just hasn't learned yet.

As i asked, what do you see WHEN your eyes are open? Obviously not too much. Hey but that's just my opinion.

[edit on 5/10/2007 by shearder]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:59 AM
The bottom line for me is this: The Bible says do this, this, and this. If you do these things, you will be directly rewarded by God with expanded consciousness through a Holy Spirit, which in turn this consciousness will allow you to know God and understand transcendent things and divine love including loving complete strangers and the gift of empathy(or transfer of concsiousness to see it from that persons perspective directly like the perspective gun in hitch hikers guide to the galaxy)

So, anyone who does these things will eventually get direct subjective proof. It's still 100% unadulterated proof. I would even say so far as there is a degree of objectivism because those that are close to you in your life see the profound change in you from this experience.

But, because you all have made your assumptions and put all your eggs in the objectivism basket, you are missing out on the greatest experience anyone can have while on this planet, and that's being in mutual Love with God.

You guys are missing out on the greatest thing ever and I would do anything, inluding give up everything I have including my own life for just one of you to experience God.

That's where the decision in Life goes south for athiests in my perspective. When you die and God is there, he'll tell you that the best experience you could have had on this planet was experiencing him while still in the flesh.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by dominicus1

Hi Dominicus.. IM sorry if my post felt like I was judging you becasue of all the love you have for Jesus.. IM not, its great that you have this love in your heart..

My post was more of misunderstanding than anything else..

I dont understand why you would love a guy you never met more than your own mother/girlfriend/family?

Seems a little selfish to me.. And not selfless!!

Selfish acts of love..

I would say have love in your heart for all of Gods beings!! equal love for all!! Not just Jesus..

Im sure I could be a total Nutcase for God if I wanted too..
I have my personal quests I have taken up.. But I am happy to share my love with this world..

As the love I have for Jesus is the love I have for everyone else..

Why love something greater than something else? Well its called ego and being selfish..

While you might not see this as selfish. I do.

But then agin most most in your shoes say that.. ONly God is good, and only Jesus is good.. Being a man you can not be good..
WEll to me thats a bunch of Bullcrap..

Men and women can be good at heart!!! Dont let the churches fool you into thinking just becasue your a man doesnt mean you cant be a good soul!!

If you only help out others and keep that to yourself then its all good..

But the love I have with my God was said to be shared!!!

And not to take such a selfish reflection of this love..

God wants us to love everyone!! And not love someone else more than another.. As that just leads to ego..

Dont let the love of christ overthrow what you have here...

Im saying this to you as a friend... You will find that if you love Jesus more than everything else..
YOU ARE GOING TO MISS OUT on alot that life has to offer!!!!

If you feel you only have enough room for Jesus in your heart you are being mislead!! LOVE is forever! Its powers have no bounds!!
You can love Jesus, and your family the same!! LOVE should have no bounds..

[edit on 5-10-2007 by zysin5]

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