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Element 115 question

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posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by TheAvenger
So this piece of element 115 has supposedly been hidden in Las Vegas since 1989 or so, I believe. That would be for nearly 20 years now. It allegedly can
power a craft for something like 35 years before it ceases to work.

Avenger, this might be related to the amount of material that undergoes transmutation under the proton bombardment, not the actual half-life of the alleged 115.

It may not work anymore, or be near the point where it won't. If Bob Lazar et al is ever going to do anything with it, it may need to be done soon.

No need to hurry. Whatever the alleged 115 decayed to is bound to be a heavy element itself. We could easily assay it just like we would the 115. If it's anything significantly heavier than Uranium, I'd say we are onto something.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by deezee
I'm just curious.
What is your "agenda" here?

Hi deezee, I follow this interesting discussion between you all for some time now, and really wander why you are so curious about the “agenda” of a fellow member?

If you look again, you will notice i put the word agenda between "...". The reason i asked it this way, was because he kept using this word when questioning our intentions. I wasn't accusing him of having an agenda, i just wanted to point out that he seems to be presuming we have one.

So my use of the word "agenda" was more sarcastic than anything else.

All i wanted to know is what standpoint he is even defending, since i wasn't able to make much sense of it..

Originally posted by spacevisitor
Is it because he don’t share the same opinions with you all.
But what can be wrong about that, it happens all the time here on ATS?

Actually no, because i can't figure out what his oppinion is in the first place.

This was what i was trying to find out.

Originally posted by spacevisitor
I really wander how you can be so pretty sure of knowing what the “hidden agenda’s” of these two other members are?

Hidden agendas? Why do you think they or we have a hidden agenda?

The reason i'm sure both Doghead and BuddhaSystem are like me only curious, and while skeptic, would love to be prooven wrong, is that i'm not paranoid.

I only jokingly used the word "agenda" in the first place. And i thought the "...." marks made that clear.

Yes, it is just my best guess, based on probabilities.

I can imagine, there are many here, who could come up with bizzare and ridiculous storys about what we are really up to, but then again, many people here also think reptillians from planet X are coming and preparing to eat us all.

If i didn't answer the right way, feel free to ask and i'll try to ellaborate further.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by deezee
I can imagine, there are many here, who could come up with bizzare and ridiculous storys about what we are really up to, but then again, many people here also think reptillians from planet X are coming and preparing to eat us all.

Sure. In fact, I submit that Lear and Lazar are reptilians who are sent here from the Galaxy to specifically derail useful UFO investigations and thus keep the impending invasion secret. I have solid evidence of that, but I won't share any with you, for fear that they'll make an attempt on my life.

PS. For moderators: this is a joke.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by spacevisitor

Originally posted by deezee
I can tell you what mine is... And i'm pretty sure BuddhaSystem and DogHead have the same one: Curiousity...

I really wander how you can be so pretty sure of knowing what the “hidden agenda’s” of these two other members are?

Well from the top: firstly the poster isn't sure of what our purpose is other than by using common sense. There is a virtually inexhaustible supply of common sense too so he can keep on using it as much as he likes. Don't worry- it won't catch on.

Secondly whatever agenda I, and a person I have never met or even spoken to very much, have, it is not a hidden agenda. Because we announced our purposes. To the extent we share common goals, our shared agenda is to do some science. Or rather I will pay for science to be done and the scientists will do the science.

For hidden agendas, see CIA agent of change John Lear and his pals like Lazar, a man who is firming up in my mind as one of UFOlogy's ultimate Judas Goats, this period's answer to George Adamski in fact.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 05:43 PM
Inducing sarcasm field:

Originally posted by buddhasystem
No need to hurry. Whatever the alleged 115 decayed to is bound to be a heavy element itself. We could easily assay it just like we would the 115. If it's anything significantly heavier than Uranium, I'd say we are onto something.

There you go again using that crazy stuff like logic, common sense, education and scientific principles. And here am I- placing my trust in these ludicrous things you come up with instead of channelled information from "the Pleiades" and a pair of conmen with unsubstantiated claims!

What a jackass I am.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 10:55 PM

There is a virtually inexhaustible supply of common sense too so he can keep on using it as much as he likes.

Here's what I know about common sense: It's not that common anymore.

I've met some very stupid people (in real life) who happen to have PhDs. They can't see the obvious if it smacked them in the face. No WISDOM. Yet, I have also met some very wise people, who don't have any degree of formal education.

Consider that it has been firmly stated that an object will not be revealed for study under any circumstances. That's it - done and finished. It will not be revealed. Common sense would dictate that it's pointless to try any further.

Yet, common sense seems to elude some people who refuse to see the writing on the wall. Lack of judgement? I don't know. Maybe a lack of wisdom in failing to see that's it pointless to proceed any further.

You won't get your hands on the piece of 115. Common sense and wisdom would have determined that by reading a few past threads and posts that you would understand the circumstances behind why you'll never get the piece of 115.

Intelligence only helps you to determine what type of tests you'll perform, etc. Wisdom will help you understand that it's a waste of time trying, as you'll never get the piece!

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Yet, common sense seems to elude some people who refuse to see the writing on the wall. Lack of judgement? I don't know. Maybe a lack of wisdom in failing to see that's it pointless to proceed any further.

So first I'm not actually wealthy, now I lack wisdom. Ah the compliments do fly thick and fast when a CIA disnformation stooge gets his feathers ruffled. No need to defend Lear or Lazar. Their deafening silence on this in this very thread speaks volumes.

As for the point about it being pointless to proceed? Oh I don't know about that. A clear offer to vindicate someone being ignored tells me something. I'd call that data.

Originally posted by tezzajw
You won't get your hands on the piece of 115. Common sense and wisdom would have determined that by reading a few past threads and posts that you would understand the circumstances behind why you'll never get the piece of 115.

Well it was sort of my weekend for calling in favours and spending some phone time so I wouldn't bet on that mate. If it exists, I am pretty close to it already. Or at least my proxy is. If it exists.

And under a couple of Federal laws over there in the USA, if it exists it might just have to be disgorged anyway.

Originally posted by tezzajw
Intelligence only helps you to determine what type of tests you'll perform, etc. Wisdom will help you understand that it's a waste of time trying, as you'll never get the piece!

Never say never. And besides, every opportunity afforded to someone to explain themselves is terribly enlightening. One way or another.

I will say this too.

When I first encountered the Lear forum I thought "amazing! right here, a direct conduit to new testimony."

Um, no.

Unsubstantiated claims follow each other in a diarrheic slurry.

Also I noted the timing of the latest illogic bomb detonation, the Navy Tunnels thread, popping up just as a very serious and easily proven to be real issue, the Inslaw / Octopus thread, got attention, reached swift conclusions supported by fact and outed Lear as at best a contact of the CIA and at worst something much more sinister.

Interesting stuff.

Element 115 might just prove to be far more explosive than anyone ever thought.

The Inslaw thread is also very illuminating because it shows what a genuine experiencer of a real incident looks and sounds like in the person of the poor woman who started that thread. She contrasts impressively with the PT Barnum (and here I insult Barnum, I admit) antics here.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by DogHead

Originally posted by tezzajw
Yet, common sense seems to elude some people who refuse to see the writing on the wall. Lack of judgement? I don't know. Maybe a lack of wisdom in failing to see that's it pointless to proceed any further.

So first I'm not actually wealthy, now I lack wisdom. Ah the compliments do fly thick and fast when a CIA disnformation stooge gets his feathers ruffled.

I'm surprised how you seem to flatter yourself to presume that I was specifically mentioning you lacking wisdom. You'll note that I typed very generally about some people, without being specific. I try my best not to toss insults around here, the Moderators are ever present and they like to keep things civil. Who's the CIA disinfo stooge? I'm curious.

Also, your twist on my words has been noted about being wealthy. I stated that I don't know you are wealthy, as it has not been proven to me. I never stated that you were not wealthy. If you read what I stated, you'll see that I agreed you probably are wealthy, without any concrete proof. But, you're free to twist my words to suit your ideals, if that's what you desire.

Good luck hunting for 115. It seems like you might be taking the search personally, if you're calling in favours, phone-calls and enacting laws to bring the smack down on Bob, to cough up his piece.

By the way, have you contacted Springer yet, to ask him how your money could be used in a variety of ways to help ATS?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
I'm surprised how you seem to flatter yourself to presume that I was specifically mentioning you lacking wisdom. You'll note that I typed very generally about some people, without being specific.

Lear's taught you well it seems. But what have you learned?

Originally posted by tezzajw
Who's the CIA disinfo stooge? I'm curious.

John Lear. John Lear is the stooge.

Also, your twist on my words has been noted about being wealthy. I stated that I don't know you are wealthy, as it has not been proven to me. I never stated that you were not wealthy. If you read what I stated, you'll see that I agreed you probably are wealthy, without any concrete proof. But, you're free to twist my words to suit your ideals, if that's what you desire.

Originally posted by tezzajw
Good luck hunting for 115. It seems like you might be taking the search personally, if you're calling in favours, phone-calls and enacting laws to bring the smack down on Bob, to cough up his piece.

The favour and the phone call are not that big a deal. There would be a TV story in it somewhere or some kind of clip for them. As for enacting laws- um, these are just the regular old Federal laws. They exist already. And apply, if what the Lear-Lazar continuum claims is true.

Originally posted by tezzajw
By the way, have you contacted Springer yet, to ask him how your money could be used in a variety of ways to help ATS?

No. And the strange thing is he hasn't contacted me either. I guess he has enough financial backing. They deleted my thread offering a million dollar bounty for an alien dead or alive. So I guess they must be pretty flush with cash. No idea. Thank you so much though for being so assiduous about the money you have taken the trouble to imply I don't have. Except when I do.

[edit on 14/1/08 by DogHead]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:59 AM
Originally posted by DogHead

No need to defend Lear or Lazar. Their deafening silence on this in this very thread speaks volumes.

Thanks for the post DogHead. I have been swamped with projects which may account for my 'deafening silence'.

I have been preparing for 2 lectures (Monday and Tuesday evening) I am going to give on the history of Gold Butte, Nevada, an old mining town. The PowerPoint presentation includes 126 photos and articles I have collected.

The cooling fan and DVD went out on my computer so I had to replace both of those this weekend which took a few hours right in the middle of the PowerPoint presentation preparation. Fortunately I had the parts on hand.

In addition to that I am submitting an affidavit to Morgan Reynolds Quit Am Complaint. This is a very intensive project and requires a great deal of preparation and is due in a week.

I had to babysit my granddaughter (13 weeks old) for a few hours this afternoon also.

Please don't assume my absence from this thread is because I don't have anything to contribute.

Its just that I have to divide my time between the absolute necessary and debating with the uninformed.

Thanks. And thanks for the post.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 01:01 AM
No thank you for your post John. It means worlds to me to read an entire post of expostulation. Absolute worlds. Any update on the Element 115 / Lazarium?

Eager to help with that. Any little thing at all.

Did Bob Lazar get any money out of the XCOM game people? Or was it public domain / fair comment / parody so he couldn't get his beak wet?

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by DogHead
Lear's taught you well it seems.

That quote reminds me of "Obi-Wan has taught you well."

In any case, I haven't enrolled with, or paid any fees to John. I don't think that he could swing a Light Sabre as well as a Jedi Master.

My formal education was all gained independently of any ATS contribution. I might be in danger of compromising what I have learnt, if I keep on reading these threads though, right?

Then again, I just learned that some people with lots of money can pull favours to get their jobs done. See, it's an enlightening place being here...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:00 AM
My favours are reciprocal and independent of being loaded with cash...

As opposed to the favours John Lear is doing on a daily basis for the Central Intelligence Agency and the NWO.

Poor old Mr. Schneider. What did he think, before he died? I wonder if John Lear and Strieber share a handler or are the kept separate.

Guess we will have to wait for some FOIA to find that out.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by DogHead
No. And the strange thing is he hasn't contacted me either. I guess he has enough financial backing.

I contacted Springer asking him to act as an arbiter for the ATS Research Committee that I proposed be created, and funded by you, DogHead. I haven't heard back.

They deleted my thread offering a million dollar bounty for an alien dead or alive.

Unwittingly, you might have just signed a death sentence for some hapless grey whose antigravity drive is acting up (you know how finicky that Gravity-B ducts can get!) so he has to land in Central Park or even in my area, to check it out... I can really use a million dollars, now I'm facing a moral dilemma: to help him fix the Gravity-B duct (I can drive to Pep Boys real quick) and go back to the stars, or whack him about the head with a tire bar...

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
or whack him about the head with a tire bar...

Might be a little overkill. You could prolly just pinch they little necks, like popping the bloom off of a dandelion, and have a dandy trophy.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 04:35 PM
But watch out for the Element 115. What is a good name for this isotope of it? It deserves its own sexy name.





At the moment I would have to lean towards Unconvincium. But it would be amazing if we got the sample and it turned out to be true. All of it. Even the bits that make no sense.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by DogHead
At the moment I would have to lean towards Unconvincium. But it would be amazing if we got the sample and it turned out to be true.

Except in that case you would have to name it "Atemyhatium",
or "Bobwasrightium"

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

I can really use a million dollars,

Buddhasystem, I have an idea. Why don't you and Doghead team up as you have already proposed and do something really useful? Why waste your considerable talents typing words into a conspiracy forum when you could be helping humanity?

Nikola Tesla ( now there was a real scientist ) had a blueprint for a FREE ENERGY machine. Surely it would not be that difficult for a person of your ability to come up with something similar more than half a century later?

Please give this some thought. You may then get that million dollars.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by pippadee

Nikola Tesla ( now there was a real scientist ) had a blueprint for a FREE ENERGY machine. Surely it would not be that difficult for a person of your ability to come up with something similar more than half a century later?

According to the laws of thermodynamics that we scientists hold so dear, The TANSTAAFL rule kicks in. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. (or free energy)

[edit on 1/14/2008 by TheAvenger]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by pippadee

Tesla was doubtless a genius, and an inventor of the highest grade. I'm not entirely convinced, however, that each and every of his ideas was practical or possible at all.

As to his plans for a free energy engine... I believe in the efficient markets theory, of which application in this case would be: if there was an iota of a chance for it to work, it would have been done already (considering the amount of time).

Nuclear fission, when it was discovered, was an exotic and unusual process, with few reliable ways of observing it and much less of quantitative studies. And look what happened in a few short years after this discovery...

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