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Seven 5.0+ Earthquakes - SE of The Loyalty Islands in Two Hours and Many More..

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 06:57 PM
I am trying to find a story on this but look at the recent activity from the area

5.0+ quakes

MAP 5.4 2007/09/27 22:01:13 -21.266 169.375 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.3 2007/09/27 21:26:58 -21.219 169.216 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.5 2007/09/27 21:05:35 -21.202 169.343 15.4 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.0 2007/09/27 21:02:05 -21.362 169.496 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.4 2007/09/27 20:47:20 -21.208 169.274 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 5.2 2007/09/27 20:25:59 -21.205 169.304 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP 6.3 2007/09/27 19:57:45 -21.278 169.366 21.1 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

Is this typical? I haven't seen this many in close succession..

Edit:title for clarity

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:01 PM
look at this:

13-SEP-2007 15:08:52 -4.29 101.26 5.6 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 13:43:58 -3.00 100.22 5.1 35.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 13:10:20 -2.62 100.97 5.6 52.5 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 12:12:59 -3.69 100.69 5.2 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 11:57:17 -2.03 99.43 5.0 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 09:48:43 3.79 126.41 6.2 21.9 TALAUD ISLANDS, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 09:21:35 -2.16 99.75 5.4 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 08:01:56 -2.77 100.29 4.8 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 06:37:23 14.27 -60.47 5.1 72.0 WINDWARD ISLANDS
13-SEP-2007 06:32:48 -2.07 99.41 5.2 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 06:28:53 -2.00 99.48 5.0 28.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 05:53:27 -3.95 100.64 5.1 35.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 05:48:45 -3.99 100.53 4.9 27.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 05:44:18 -3.75 100.73 5.0 30.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 05:23:20 -1.67 99.68 5.5 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 04:06:14 -1.67 99.61 5.1 37.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 03:35:26 -2.28 99.59 6.5 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 03:03:19 -2.00 99.69 4.8 42.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 02:51:31 -2.05 99.79 5.5 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 02:30:01 -1.64 99.70 5.9 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 01:55:48 -3.88 101.67 5.0 34.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 01:49:06 -2.25 99.45 5.1 23.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 01:38:08 -1.89 99.70 5.2 30.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
13-SEP-2007 01:26:33 -2.04 99.73 5.8 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 23:49:04 -2.51 100.91 7.9 30.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 23:48:59 -2.67 100.80 7.9 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 23:19:44 -4.12 100.92 5.1 10.0 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 22:17:17 -2.90 100.76 5.4 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 22:02:23 -4.61 101.28 5.1 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 17:47:39 15.37 -91.85 4.9 151.2 MEXICO-GUATEMALA BORDER REGION
12-SEP-2007 17:04:33 -7.60 126.09 5.3 307.0 BANDA SEA
12-SEP-2007 16:37:00 -3.11 101.40 5.9 11.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 15:35:08 -4.26 101.01 5.2 35.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 14:40:01 -3.20 101.34 6.0 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 14:04:57 -4.24 101.20 4.9 35.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 13:17:14 -3.33 100.62 5.3 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 13:02:07 -2.96 101.34 5.7 35.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 12:21:44 -2.67 100.32 5.2 10.0 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA
12-SEP-2007 11:10:24 -4.37 101.56 7.9 15.6 SOUTHERN SUMATERA, INDONESIA

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:06 PM
That area has defiinitely been active and many of us are keeping an eye on the Indonesian region.

This looked very different as there were 7 quakes over 5.0 in 2 hours...

It looks like a precision airstrike if you look at the map of the area and right on an undersea ridge.

Just thought this was unique.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:11 PM
It is odd that the the richter readings were so close

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:12 PM
I don't know how rare this is but did you notice how all the quakes seem to have happened in the same exact area.

It's like the one part of the fault line thats moving. It doesn't seem to spread very far from the origianal epicentre at all.

edit: yup you did.

[edit on 27-9-2007 by GAOTU789]


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:13 PM
yes, good observation- we will have to check in a few hours. The seismic activity for over 5.0 increased a lot in the last 2 months.. I wonder why. Maybe the 2012 theory is valid in the end... the eighth earthquake just come up ..huh


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:21 PM
I was always wondering : if you have a bar of 1 meter of iron, you increase the temperature with 1C degree then you see an increase in the size of the bar - this is called Thermal Expansion. Does anyone know how would this apply for our Earth if a global increase of 3 Celsius degrees would be applied? What about the gravitational pull created by a proximity passing of a 3x Jupiter sized body at 3-10 AU distance?

I just made the calculations (using an average increase of 10 x10^-6 % increase) and it seems to result in less than 500 meters increase in size for all the earth for every 1 Celsius degree increase in the global average temperature.. I know it makes no sense but I was just curious haha

[edit on 27-9-2007 by sty]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:28 PM
Nothing in the news yet but I did check out Iris's seismic map and it looks very ominous so I cropped out a bit, check this out:


This is two week activity I believe with today's in red, yesterday's in orange, rest in yellow, but it looks like alot of the faultlines have been active, like a rockding on a windshield once the cold gets to it if that makes sense.

Adding the 8th quake as sty noted, this one a 4.9 but it could change.

4.9 2007/09/27 22:10:11 -21.187 169.235 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

edit:add quake + IRIS link

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by JacKatMtn

It looks like someone painted a bullseye on the map. I have been looking but haven't seen any tsunami warnings over this.


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:49 PM
The depth seems to be 10 KM - constant in most of the records . If we will see any increase of the depth , then possible we will have strong activity for several days.
To be noted that the Solar Wind was very strong today , with a maximum of 8 times higher than the usual high values. (solar wind speed 450 x density of over 20 . note the website - it looks like the graphic went up so much that the data could not be recorded by the sensors .

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:02 PM
Number nine.....

number nine...

5.9 2007/09/28 00:44:55 -21.252 169.315 84.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

Still nothing from the news......

This one from Solomon Islands, I'm not sure if it is related to these Loyalty Islands quakes.

5.8 2007/09/28 00:44:56 -7.700 157.000 33.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
removed by USGS

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:16 PM
USGS just removed the Solomon Island quake and added the 10th quake for loyalty.

6.6 2007/09/28 01:01:58 -21.228 169.350 90.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS


6.4 2007/09/28 01:01:49 -21.442 169.368 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

This is some crazy activity....

Still no news, anyone have any idea on this phenomena?

edit:update USGS info

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:22 PM
an explanation can be this:
Explanation 1

or this

Explanation 2

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by sty

The last one posted says it is at a depth of 90 km. Thats a lot deeper than all the rest.

I wish I knew more about seismology and plate tectonics than I do.

What does the depth of the quake have to do with the intensity of the quake or duration of activity?

edit: ok the usgs just changed the depth to 10 km. Thats seems like a rather large difference.

[edit on 27-9-2007 by GAOTU789]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:24 PM
The last quake was the largest one so far also.

This could be interesting for the next couple of days

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:31 PM
Here is a capture of the map from USGS,

the 11th quake is north of the ones we are concerned with right now, 10 quakes in that one area is remarkable to say the least, and happening in such a short space of time.

sorry about the words on the capture, but all ten quakes are basicly in that red area.

USGS updated 6.6 quake above, now 6.4 and 10km depth
I updated it here as well

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:53 PM
11 and 12........

6.6 2007/09/28 01:35:52 -21.255 169.412 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
5.6 2007/09/28 01:25:16 -21.293 169.499 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

No news still, I am wondering if there could be an equipment problem at USGS?

[edit on 2007/9/27 by JacKatMtn]


posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:57 PM
News would not come up as the area is not very populated.Possible in a few days..

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:30 PM
Baker's Dozen,

Here is the 13th quake in only a few hours:

5.3 2007/09/28 01:51:00 -21.287 169.434 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:50 PM

This is unbelieveable, still no news, and this one is actually prior to the previously posted one according to the timestamp but we can get them in order by going to USGS

all earthquake data quoted is from USGS

5.5 2007/09/28 01:43:57 -23.652 169.300 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

I can't wait to hear an explanation of this event.

I can't keep up,


5.2 2007/09/28 02:20:04 -21.352 169.472 10.0 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS

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