Here is a theory that I am going to throw out for discussion. It concerns the possibility of B.L.E.V.E.'s at WTC 7. ask..Just what are
BLEVES? Well my educated friends..let me answer this. A BLEVE is a Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion ( known as Blasts Leveling Everything Very
Effectivley in the fire services). It is a catastophic rupture of a vessel under its own vapor pressure. If a sealed vessel, at atmospheric pressure,
is heated to the point that its contents begin to boil, those contents will give off a vapor. This vapor occupys several HUNDRED more times than that
of the liquid in the container. Water, when heated to boiling, will occupy 1700 times the original volume. When enough pressure builds up, the
container ruptures, with spectacular results. For example, if you take sealed container of water, and heat it to boiling, eventually it WILL explode
(note...I am in no way advocating trying this at can be seriously hurt). So the liquid inside does not have to be flammable. But if the
liquid is flammable, the results are a fuel/air explosion with devestating results.
Here is a power point presentation:
Another reference. Look about halfway through.
Videos of BLEVE's
It is known that there were a number of diesel tanks scattered through out WTC 7. At least one of them was 6000 gallons. They located mostly on the
first floor, but they were located also as high as the 7th story, or higher. The amount generally accepted is 36,000 gallons. So what you had were,
bacially, a number of "bombs" scattered through out WTC 7. To achieve the wide open lobby that the designers wanted, they used a truss support
system for the building. I have seen that there were 3 main trusses.
It is generally accepted that there were fires burning in WTC 7 that day. Diesel boils at 302 to 662 degrees F. Well within the range of any ordinary
combustible fire. The temps thrown around are in the range of 600 to 1800 degrees F. Ahhh but six...there was fire proofing..Well it is known that
some types of fire proofing can make a fire HOTTER
There are accounts of explosions at WTC 7. If just one of those deisel tanks exploded (BLEVE), it could have damaged enough of the truss system to
significantly weaken the building. There are reports of multiple explosions. If enough of the interior truss system support was damaged or destroyed,
could not the building have fallen in upon itself? That would be very similar to a CD. The tanks exploding could be the "bombs" that were heard.
Here is another reference that I have found that relates to the damage a BLEVE can do to a structure.
So it would seem to me, IMHO, that there may just be a entirely plausible explanation for what happened at WTC 7.
[edit on 27-9-2007 by six]