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Hologram dudes, how was it done?

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posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by johnlear

All I know really is what is documented fact John. I will admit I don't possess your 'expertise' when it comes to accomplished airline pilot. However, here are a few documented cases to consider. For one the Payne Stewart case (his plane drifted off course and did not respond to radio calls). Time to intercept? 76 minutes.

Then we have the Charles Bishop case. In where we have a teenager who took off in a Cessna without his instructor, and flew dangerously low over a military airbase. In fact, ending up plowing into the 48'th floor of an office building on purpose (inspired by the 9/11 events on top of it all), so this all occurred post 9/11 even! Funny thing is, two F-15's were scrambled to intercept this kid and guess what John? They didn't complete their intercept of this teenager in a Cessna who lost his own life attempting a copy cat of the 9/11 attacks.

You tell me? conspiracy? Or perhaps locating and scrambling armed fighter jets into the air by making a simple phone call isn't as easy as it sounds. Something tells me the guy in the tower has to go through a few channel's to get a fighter up in the air. In fact, a hijacking would be considered a law enforcement issue (would it not?) It would be up to law enforcement to request the aid of the military in such a case.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 02:56 PM
Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

Something tells me the guy in the tower has to go through a few channel's to get a fighter up in the air. In fact, a hijacking would be considered a law enforcement issue (would it not?) It would be up to law enforcement to request the aid of the military in such a case.

No. They pick up the phone and dial one number. The fighters are airborne within 5 minutes. Your law enforcement theory is a joke. Here's the joke:

Law Enforcement In Action:

"Manhatten Precinct No. 5, can I help you?"

"Yeah, I am an ATC Controller here at New York Center and we have a possible hijacking."

"You will need to talk to the Desk Sergeant, just a moment please. I am sorry the Sergeant is out for lunch can I take a message?"

"Sure, have him call New York Air Trafffic Control Center as soon as possible we may have a possible hijacking going on."

"I will certainly do that as soon as he gets in. He just left, but he usually doesn't take more than an hour or so."

"OK. Tell him it's important."

The Professional Air Traffic Controllers who dealt with 911 did everything right and everything by the book. Unfortunately a high level FAA employee destroyed the single tape that existed of exactly what happened and who did what and they are under a gag order. I would suspect that he did on the orders of his superiors who ere actively engaged in the cover up of the mass murder pertetrated by other government employees.

The cases you mentioned were:

Not airliners, and

Not in the northeast sector of the U.S. (the busiest)

But again, no. ATC does not have to go through channels to get a fighter up. Thats Hollywood stuff.

You need to tell Mr. "Something" (whoever that is that is your source of information) he is wrong.

Thanks for the post.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by johnlear

No. They pick up the phone and dial one number. The fighters are airborne within 5 minutes. Your law enforcement theory is a joke.

Honestly, I don't think so Mr. Lear. If you were telling me this at face value (outside of a hologram theory thread that you are endorsing in regard to the 9/11 events) -- outside of that, I would take you word on the 5 minute remark. But as with a lot of your claims (especially considering the circumstances here) you word means zero to me honestly.

No offense intended either John (and I'm only momentarily straying away from topic here.) But if some expert in the field of whatever (say auto racing and let's say Smokey Yunick even though he has passed) -- If he told me that he could drop a motor into my old Cadillac and after doing so that it would cover the quarter in 5 seconds flat (I might believe him.) Granted, assuming I would know nothing whatsoever when it came to such statements. But if he went further and insisted that he could install a hologram device into my trunk that would morph my Cadillac into a Ferrari to fool any observer; I would start to doubt anything he was telling me regardless of his accomplishments or status.

Just an observation on my reluctance here to take your word at this point. So onto the 5 minute claim. From what I understand, here is the procedure from ATC to ultimately scrambling fighter jets.

The ATC must first notify his supervisor of the situation.
The supervisor in turn will contact an FAA hijack coordinator
The FAA coordinator in turn will then contact NORAD

...and still we have no fighters up in the air at this point. Here’s a piece of 9/11 Commission testimony where Major General Larry Arnold explains what happens next:

"...hijacking is a law enforcement issue as is everything that takes off from within the United States. And only law enforcement can request assistance from the military, which they did, in this particular case. The route, if you follow the book, is that they go to the duty officer of the national military command center, who in turn makes an inquiry to NORAD for the availability of fighters, who then gets permission from someone representing the Sec. of Defense. Once that’s approved, then we scramble aircraft."

So you see Mr. Lear, the steps taken originate with the fellow in the tower all the way up to a rep of the secretary of defense (in the case of 9/11 would have been Rumsfeld at the time.) The fighters were on a fifteen minute alert Mr. Lear. It's also fact that there were only 7 bases with fighters at this 15-minute alert level on 9/11, which means the fighters you do get may be a considerable distance from the plane they're after. Five minutes in such a scenario is ridiculous.

By the way here is the advance warning time that NEADS was given in regard to 9/11

Flight 11: NEADS notified at 8:38. Crashed at 8:45.
Flight 175: NEADS notified at 9:03. Crashed at 9:03.
Flight 77: NEADS notified at 9:34. Crashed at 9:37.
Flight 93: NEADS notified at 10:07. Crashed at 10:03.

Again, let's not underestimate the chaotic nature of that day either, or the fact that the planes transponders had been switched off. By the way, it's not my 'law enforcement theory' -- it's direct testimony of a Major general in the USAF.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 04:06 PM

This link provides a little insight into whats involved in holograghy, and a little history as well. It also provides a couple other links, which I haven't checked out but will over the next few days.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:30 PM
Not to leave this comment hanging

The Professional Air Traffic Controllers who dealt with 911 did everything right and everything by the book. Unfortunately a high level FAA employee destroyed the single tape that existed of exactly what happened and who did what and they are under a gag order. I would suspect that he did on the orders of his superiors who ere actively engaged in the cover up of the mass murder pertetrated by other government employees.

Okay, first of all, that in itself proving that the government murdered anybody is completely unfounded wild speculation. The 'high level' FAA employee your referring to is one Michael McCormick (no mystery there)...And I agree, destroying the tape was a bad judgement call at the very least.

But what is this in context to? Six air traffic controllers (among others) sitting in a room recalling their interaction with the hijacked aircraft that day immediately afterwards, so that their later written statements would be as accurate as possible following an immediate dismissal from duty, due to work related stress brought on by the entire ordeal.

The tape supposedly ran for an hour and what do you want to bet that it was indeed emotional? Each ATC spoke for a little over six minutes relating their experience. Problem with this though is: don't you think if these ATC had heard some type of vast conspiracy unfolding in their headsets that day, that they wouldn't just remain silent about it all later on?

The written statements made are out there (the tape isn't.) That in itself hardly convicts the government (or anybody else for that matter) of conspiring to murder anybody that day. I'm sure you would disagree on such an obvious conclusion to the facts of the situation though (I just have that feeling about you.)

: p

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 06:43 PM

Another article I just dug up from 2003. This one takes you into cutting edge ideas that exist and the reason a large scale event like 911 would be a huge undertaking with multiple light and huge power sorces.

And one more for today,
InfinityO'Reilly out

[edit on 10/7/2007 by infinityoreilly]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by infinityoreilly

Thanks for those links Infiniti. As I suspected, lasers, mirrors (dry ice like they used back in the seventies at the KISS concerts for all I know.) Something tells me I could read about 'holography' until my eyes roll back and still not even be able to entertain such a thought in regard to 9/11. Which reminds me, here I am hijacking Mr. Lear's hologram thread (with assistance of course.) Honestly at this point, I'm dying to hear the practicality behind it all. When will this be revealed? Or have I missed that already? Or do we have to buy a dvd to find out?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

Which reminds me, here I am hijacking Mr. Lear's hologram thread (with assistance of course.) Honestly at this point, I'm dying to hear the practicality behind it all. When will this be revealed? Or have I missed that already? Or do we have to buy a dvd to find out?

Thanks for the post illuminatofotti. This thread was started by infinitoreilly and I have contributed to it.

While the holograph Boeing 767's may be my idea I did not start the thread.

The practicality behind the holographic airliner was that it didn't require a pilot to destroy a perfectly good airplane and himself in the process to convince people that terrorists flew into the WTC, killed Americans and by God we were going to Afghanistan and find that Muslim in the cave who dreamed all of this up.

Now, 6 years later we don't have the Muslim in the cave who allegedly did it (OBL) but we do have a bumper crop of opium poppies that represent 93% of the worlds production.

Now what do you wnat more? A Muslim in a cave or the money from supplying 93% of the worlds illegal drug market?

Lets be sensible about this. Even with all that money why waste 4 perfectly good Boeing 757's and 767's? It doesn't make sense when holographs can do the job and have done the job in an unqualified success of fooling all of the public all of the time.

Thanks for the post, your input is greatly appreciated.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by johnlear

"The practicality behind the holographic airliner was that it didn't require a pilot to destroy a perfectly good airplane and himself in the process..."

Yeah, I gathered as much. But that isn't really what I was asking. What I'm asking is how practical would it be to use holograms to deceive the entire lower half of Manhattan in broad daylight? In other words; how practical of an application would that be? Explain the entire concept to me if you would.

Lets be sensible about this. Even with all that money why waste 4 perfectly good Boeing 757's and 767's?

What's four Boeing aircraft compared to the billions supposedly that this cabal is going to reap from the conspiracy itself? Let alone the intended targets (WTC towers) the center of free trade really when it comes to the economy. Explain that one as well. Furthermore, let's just assume that they indeed carried 9/11 out according to plan whatever that may be (In other words, theories abound.)

Okay, the motivation would be personal gain and in order to achieve this personal gain (and resulting power that accompanies it) -- drumming up public support is another intended goal (in order to invade wherever.) You have to admit that public support was indeed there like never before in history in this country.

...So they end up embarking on their planned invasions and whatnot.

(Fast forward a few years)

That public support is rapidly starting to deteriorate (and this same cabal is still at the helm.) After all, the threat of terrorism was the instrumental driving force for gaining that wide public support (that and WMD's of course) -- in other words; things that can threaten the lives of large numbers of Americans at any given time.

So I ask you Mr. Lear, why wouldn't the cabal throw together another sham attack to suppress the fall out due to it's foreign policy? It's not as if they haven't perfected such acts down to a science considering what they've supposedly accomplished up to now. In fact, I can't think of a better way to scare the public into going along with it's diabolical doings, can you?

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 08:47 PM
Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

So I ask you Mr. Lear, why wouldn't the cabal throw together another sham attack to suppress the fall out due to it's foreign policy? It's not as if they haven't perfected such acts down to a science considering what they've supposedly accomplished up to now. In fact, I can't think of a better way to scare the public into going along with it's diabolical doings, can you?

I don't do readings or forecasts. But I would respectfuly suggest that they have much better ways of scaring the public into going along with their diabolical doings. And considering that nobody believes that holographs are real, heck, they can use that one again!

Thanks for the post, your input is greatly appreciated.

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty
...And you find it hard to believe that a fully armed F-16 wasn't in the air within minutes on that day?

My case? This is your little endeavor...Which is to discredit the official case let's not forget. So by all means, let's see you even attempt to discredit it all for once detective.

What the hell are you even talking about? How hard is it to obtain the exact measurements of a 757, or the Pentagon and surrounding area? Calculate that by the vantage point and type of camera in use to capture the scene? Only those with aviation experience can calculate distance and measurements of an object practically at ground level to correct scale?

I'm not your problem conspiracy theorist. The key points I make pointing out the flaws in your speculations are your biggest problem. If you can't even touch on them, then it's time to sit down and stop speculating until you in fact can. Simple as that!

1. I see you know nothing of FAA and NORAD regulations and how things work during a hijacking.

2. I am not trying to discredit the official story it does a fine job of that on its own. I am trying to find the truth of what happened that day.

3. So i asked for you to prove that a 757 hit the Pentagon using the calculations you stated you had. Seems like you cannot do that.

4. Funny how you call people with intelligence and common since, who are trying to find the truth conspiracy theorist, you seem to be living in a media fed fantasty world and just believe everything the media tells you.

The biggest flaws are in the official story. No actual evdeince to support the official story, you cannot even post 1 official report from the FBI or NTSB or any hard evidence to support your theory or the official story.

You and your official story would be laughed out of court since you have no evidence to support it.

[edit on 7-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 7 2007 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
The practicality behind the holographic airliner was that it didn't require a pilot to destroy a perfectly good airplane and himself in the process to convince people that terrorists flew into the WTC, killed Americans and by God we were going to Afghanistan and find that Muslim in the cave who dreamed all of this up.

Using this same logic why not allow Muslim extremists to do your dirty work for you, after all there's plenty of angry suicidal people in the world.

Now, 6 years later we don't have the Muslim in the cave who allegedly did it (OBL) but we do have a bumper crop of opium poppies that represent 93% of the worlds production.

A bumper crop, yeah, someones rollin' in it allright!

Now what do you wnat more? A Muslim in a cave or the money from supplying 93% of the worlds illegal drug market?

I'd take door #2 if I was a rich meglomaniac, yes d d d definitly #2.

Lets be sensible about this. Even with all that money why waste 4 perfectly good Boeing 757's and 767's?

It wasn't a waste if you add it all up now was it. Used 757s go for what like 10 million or something, then retro fit it with some special remote control system, and steel reenforced leading edges, add your Muslim patsies and wahlah, gentlemen we have our New American Century.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:59 AM
Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

don't you think if these ATC had heard some type of vast conspiracy unfolding in their headsets that day, that they wouldn't just remain silent about it all later on?

I doubt whether they heard 'any vast conspiracy' unfolding but I'm sure they heard a lot of things they couldn't explain and might give us clues to how the conspiracy unfolded.

The written statements made are out there (the tape isn't.) That in itself hardly convicts the government (or anybody else for that matter) of conspiring to murder anybody that day. I'm sure you would disagree on such an obvious conclusion to the facts of the situation though (I just have that feeling about you.)

There is no doubt that there was a conspiracy and there is no doubt that people were murdered. The question is who was behind the conpiracy to commit the murder. If it was Usama bin Ladin why was evidence destroyed? Written statements instead of a transcript of a tape recording? Bad judgement? Why?

Thanks for the post and your input, it is greatly appreciated.

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

"I am trying to find the truth of what happened that day."

What's wrong with you? Why, you've come to the right place...Stop and look around my friend -- You're in a conspiracy thread about holograms!

Hey, I feel a song coming on!

[to the tune of that great old Harry Belafonte calypso song - JUMP IN THE LINE (Shake, senora) - if any of you aren't familiar with it, download it right now!]


fake, fake, fake the terror, fake the story line
fake, fake, fake the terror, fake it all the time
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work the story line
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work it all the time


My great fame was a pilot, trust in what I say
only then will you really discover the truth of that awful
day. No need for confusion, for it was all mass illusion


He’s our superstar in all kinds of weather, now isn't it
all so clever?


Jump in the line, support him all time!


ok - I believe you.


Jump in the line, say the theory is fine!


ok - I believe you!!


Jump in the line, praise John the Devine!




Jump in the line, believe with all your mind!
OH - fake, fake, fake the terror, fake the story line
fake, fake, fake the terror, fake it all the time
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work the story line
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work it all the time


We can talk about holograms and lasers
CGI and deception
each used as a tool to alter your very perceptions
don't buy into these scams, you were all decieved with holograms


Jump in the line, believe with all your mind!
OH - fake, fake, fake the terror, fake the story line
fake, fake, fake a terror, fake it all the time
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work the story line
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work it all the time

[repeat verse, same as the first]


posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 10:47 AM
Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

Hey, I feel a song coming on!

[to the tune of that great old Harry Belafonte calypso song - JUMP IN THE LINE (Shake, senora) - if any of you aren't familiar with it, download it right now!]


fake, fake, fake the terror, fake the story line
fake, fake, fake the terror, fake it all the time
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work the story line
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work it all the time


My great fame was a pilot, trust in what I say
only then will you really discover the truth of that awful
day. No need for confusion, for it was all mass illusion

Etc. etc. etc.

I like it!

I didn't realize you were so talented illuminafunafutti, I'm impressed.

I think we can get the Three Amigos to ante up the money for a CD. We'll give them a percentage for hawking here on ATS. And when I say "We'll" of course I want 50% of the net and half of the writing credit (because you used so much of my stuff).

What about it Amigo's? Are you in?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty
What's wrong with you? Why, you've come to the right place...Stop and look around my friend -- You're in a conspiracy thread about holograms!

I know what area i am in. I am doing research to find the truth of what happened that day. Unlike most people like you who just believe whatever the media tells them.

So do you have any evidence to support your theory yet or hasn't the media told you what to use?

So tell me how does it feel to be so closed minded that you can not accept anyones facts or evidence, you only live in a media fed fantasy world?

posted on Oct, 8 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

So tell me how does it feel to be so closed minded that you can not accept anyones facts or evidence, you only live in a media fed fantasy world?

Thats priceless, a CT'r accusing someone else of living in a fantasy world.
Guess what, ATS is also a form of media, so are all the videos on Youtube, so are the documentaries about 911. Alternative media maybe....but still media.

What is that old saying? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Something along those lines.

I have seen a lot of evidence that seems to conflict with the official report.

I must also state that I have seen no evidence that a hologram was used. Just speculation by some influential people and their zealous followers.

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Sparky63]

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Sparky63]

[edit on 8-10-2007 by Sparky63]

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by Sparky63
Thats priceless, a CT'r accusing someone else of living in a fantasy world.
Guess what, ATS is also a form of media, so are all the videos on Youtube, so are the documentaries about 911. Alternative media maybe....but still media.

What is that old saying? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Something along those lines.

Whats priceless is that people who have some intelligence and common sense to do research to find the truth are called names and insulted. Even though i have yet to see anyone who still believes the official story come up with any real facts and evidence to support it.

You mean the extrodinary claims of the official story?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

Jump in the line, believe with all your mind!
OH - fake, fake, fake the terror, fake the story line
fake, fake, fake a terror, fake it all the time
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work the story line
Work, work, work John Lear fans, work it all the time

[repeat verse, same as the first]


Simply amazing fofotty! I'll search for the tune to get the full idea thanks.

PS my weekly calling of complete BS on the whole hologram thing. I've been doing a little studying on holographs and am finding the 911 hologram thing harder to beleive.

One more time John, was the light reflected or refracted, and if you pick one of those what was it reflected and/or refracted through or on?

posted on Oct, 9 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by infinityoreilly

Originally posted by illuminatinatifofotty

The national pledge for the people who still believe the official story.

1. I swear to never let anything sway me from the safe fantasy world i live in.

2. I will not accept any evidence that does not go along with what i believe happened or what the media has told me.

3. I will be closed minded to every idea put forward no matter what facts and evidence have been provided.

4. Everytime i am asked to provide evidence to support the official story i will say that it is they who have to provide evidence.


[edit on 9-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

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