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Why does it seem the evil elitist are all homosexuals ?

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posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:18 AM
Please dont take this post as a bashing of people with homosexual orientation. I personally dont believe all gay folk are evil or deserving of horrid treatment.

I do notice though that homosexuality seems widespread amongst the elite. And these folks tend to also be satanists of some variation.

My question, why is there such a common link between these elitist and their sexual orientation and satanic practices.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:22 AM
Dont bash gay people. They are generally some of the more compassionate people in the world. And its already difficult enough for them to live this life as gays.

I think "live and let live" is a good principle. We should stop hating people because it gets us nowhere.

I know you say "this post is not meant to bash gay people" but I kind of think thats what you are doing, since that article on prisonplanet takes a few examples and then generalizes an entire group of people based on it.

Even if Bush is gay, I wouldnt care. I dislike him because of his actions, not his sexuality. I think the topic of sex is much more sensitive in America than in Europe though, so maybe thats why I dont care a lot.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

Very well put my friend
I dont know where the OP is trying to go with this thread, but it doesnt sound good

You will tend to find the people whom have the most problems with "gays" need to take a good look at themselfs.. Its called being homophobic..
A problem alot of people seem to have these days..
(Watch out, those evil gays are taking over the world)

[edit on 25-9-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:27 AM
more links

Im not saying homosexuality is evil or anything like that. Im just pointing out that for some reason many of the elite seem to have this orientation.

And whats really weird is they dont support any legislation to help themselves...

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by admriker444

Im just pointing out that for some reason many of the elite seem to have this orientation.

Wow I guess the elites have more in comman with the little people of this world than I thought!!
Who cares what they do behind closed doors honestly...seuxally.. Thats NONE of our biz.. Besides what GW does behind closed doors can stay there.. YOu are bringing sexual side into this thread...

If it bothers people that much.. well yet agin.. I wonder why It bothers them so much hmmmm? Its kinda of a subject that is misleading then from the title.. Seems to come off as a bit ignorant from where I am sitting..

Prehaps an edit would do the trick

Okay being homosexual has nothing TO DO WITH SATANISM or evil..
And I didnt say the OP made that claim.. Its just the writters of this are trying to make it sound like Bush and his gay lovers are worshipping the devil..

Well thats no shock.. I know that Bush is the puppet of a greater evil,, But the whole homosexual part just dosent make sense to me...
Who cares if he is a homo!! he murders people!! isnt that good enough to know he is a bad bad man???
But no, we have to throw in hes a homo to get people upset...

[edit on 25-9-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:31 AM
Did anyone even bother to read his post?he says he's not bashing gays.......Also there is a real connection there and I have noticed it myself while doing research.

Just look at all the damm popes.There are many rumors of who did what,but popes have been proven over and over to do it.

We are suppose to believe in a god,yet those who preach to us are doing evil devilish things.So they must not really believe in god ehh?Anyway off topic.

I have seen this link between elite and being homosexual or having homosexual affairs and such pop up more and more.I think it is something that should be looked at.

Also the reason we are "worried" about it is because many times it is not like us in the rest of the world,many times involving children.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

This is not meant as a malicious post. I am merely pointing out some things. I am just interested in the elite in general.

From what I have researched, the elite all tend to marry within a closely guarded family network to preserve their bloodlines and financial connections. I find it strange that many are closet homosexuals and satanists.

My grandfather is a staunch republican and absolutely detests homosexuals. I find it ironic that one of the people he supports might possibly be gay.

And if they are homosexual, why do they consistently vote against gay rights, money for aids research, etc ?

I find this all very strange. They seem to openly detest homosexuals and yet in their private retreat of the Bohemian Grove many are clearly gay.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by admriker444

OH he can murder, maim and kill! and its okay..
But just wait till they find out he is Gay right???

Then people will know he is evil right?? Becasue he is Gay???

Thats freakin crazy.. I thought becasue he was a bad leader, and was a murderer that made him a bad person.. Not being gay... WTF!!!!

Im not yelling at you OP.. IM just confused here... So your grandfather would vote in a murderer.. Yet not a good person who is gay???

Most people in this world are still in the mind setting.. Bush is okay, he might kill people, and do many bad things, but he aint no homo!!

ONce its out that he might be gay.. Thats when the wolves will come out to play... Its sick and sad at the same time...

[edit on 25-9-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by admriker444

Well yes, the satanic connection is well documented. Skull & Bones and all that. I think 11 of Bush's closest employees are former members of the Yale skull & bones society (but dont quote me on that, its something I read somewhere that may not be true).

And as for not supporting gay rights even though they are gay, its probably because they hate who they are. Its pretty common amongst people who value money and power more than doing the right thing.

In fact, I think there is a connection between wanting extreme power and money and feeling empty inside. Its just a way to fill the void.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Project_Silo

Thank you. Im glad someone saw what I as trying to ask. I dont hate gay people. I in fact support gay rights and voted against an attempt to make it illegal in my state for gay people to marry. Why should only heterosexual people be allowed to suffer lol.

Im simply pointing out that it seems quite a few of the elite tend to be closet homosexuals. Yet these folks promote a different image to the public.

I know very little about satanic practices and similiar things that happen in the Bohemian Grove but for some reason its related to homosexual relations for these folks.

Do they use homosexual acts as a means to facilitate satanic activity ? Do they use this as rite of initiation ? I guess you could say Im trying to understand why it seems whenever I do research on the elite in general, both satanic practices and homosexual activity seems to come up.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:44 AM
reply to post by admriker444

admriker444 I saw what you where sayin, Im not shooting the messager here brother

Yet The way things stand, what I said in my posts up there, I stick by..

Not trying to come down on you.. Its just you are linking Satanism with being homosexual.. And Id love to see some statistics or something to back up your outlandish claims..

both satanic practices and homosexual activity seems to come up

That is propaganda at its finest!!!

[edit on 25-9-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Project_Silo
Did anyone even bother to read his post?he says he's not bashing gays.......

And a few sentence after saying that, states that there is a common link between homosexuality and Satanism..somewhat contradictory no?

I have seen this link between elite and being homosexual or having homosexual affairs and such pop up more and more.I think it is something that should be looked at.

But what difference would it make if he/she was gay? If we are supposed to believe that there is this all powerful, controlling elite, doing horrendous acts all over our planet, what bloody difference does it makes if he/she is gay? Does it somehow make the situation any different than it would be if it were a heterosexual? who cares?

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:50 AM

Originally posted by pstiffy

And a few sentence after saying that, states that there is a common link between homosexuality and Satanism..somewhat contradictory no?

I'm not going to speak from him.But the facts are,many elites do have homosexual tendancies and many also have been accused of pedophelia.It just so happens these same elites go to bohemian grove and take part in weird rituals.I don't know if it is satanism or this or thatmbut it sure the hell is odd.

But what difference would it make if he/she was gay? If we are supposed to believe that there is this all powerful, controlling elite, doing horrendous acts all over our planet, what bloody difference does it makes if he/she is gay? Does it somehow make the situation any different than it would be if it were a heterosexual? who cares?

I and others who look into this subject care,clearly.Why the general trend of pedophelia and homosexuality among the elites.That is the question..

To many poeple are over reacting and taking it way out of context.I don't care if your a homosexual or hate homosexuals,this is a fact and it should be plenty ok to question it and see why.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 02:55 AM

Why the general trend of pedophelia and homosexuality among the elites.That is the question..

Look at churches... And look at all the money they have... With enough money you can do anything you want.. Solid enough for me on that one..
Yet why say pedo and gay int the same breath?? Typical Sterotypes there.
A preist could be staight guy, and still like little girls, ya know..

These people are twisted and dark.. But its sad to see those who say, "see they are homosexuals I told you they are bad!!"

Not look at all the kids they molested, look at all the people they killed, they must be bad... No they are not bad, says the people until....
Then someone steps up and says.. they are GAY!!!

Then everyone else is like.. OH my they must be evil then!!!!

People wont judge these elites on what they do to people.. Yet they want to judge them for their seuxal preferance.. soemthing is backwards here.. Do you see what I am getting at here?

Its a game being played... Those with money have power to do anything they wish...
Those without money are the victums of these things...
We also fall victum to sterotypes, which is why we Deny ignorance here!

Well they may be representative of the public at large, but they are in San Fransico, so the data would be skewed

Yeah yeah, I know the jokes.. But really thats such a sterotype...
Why would the data be skewed??? Oh wait.. I know.. CAsue so many "homos" live in San Fran right???
pffff! please!

[edit on 25-9-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by zysin5

I agree to a point.Maybe the Op could have used better wording?I feel none of my post have any kind of homosexual bias at all.Yet I do feel that the Op has a valid point.

I have seen some studies,scientist are trying to figure out what makes someone gay.Wether they are born that way and to see if there is a documentable difference in gay poeples brain,chemical make up, all that good stuff.

So say they find out it is one part of the brain that makes a person gay.Does this mean someone with that part of the brain different is more likely to succeed for some reason?Because if they found out it was a certain part of the brain,that means many of the elites have this change in their brain and the elites are clearly successfull.

The original question can open up many more questions that are interesting in my mind.Although I cannot recall any real hard evidence but have seen plenty of rumors so who knows.Although I have seen a picture of Putin kissing the stomach of a random 5 year old boy.The boys parents were shocked and Putin later had to make a public announcement about why he did it.I can find you the clip if you want.Also the gay porn marine or whatever connected to poeple in the whitehouse.I'm not to sure about the details on this though.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:05 AM
I think the point is they can't even be up front with who they really are, so they lie and hide it to the extent of trying to cruicfy their brothers, who have no real power in the government, to get votes. If they can't be true to who they are, is it any real surprise their administrations are full of lies and corruption?

[edit on 25-9-2007 by goose]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by admriker444
Please dont take this post as a bashing of people with homosexual orientation. I personally dont believe all gay folk are evil or deserving of horrid treatment.

Glad to know you're so enlightened that you feel "gay folk" are deserving of something less than horrid treatment. Very reassuring.

Is there a shortage of heterosexuals "amongst the elite"? Although the OP protests that he is not bashing gays, the fact that he is linking homosexuality to "satanists of some variation" reveals the intent of this thread clearly enough. Please post statistical information to support your assertions. I suggest writing to the First Church of Satan and ask whether their membership is predominantly gay. My guess is you'll find a demographic that corresponds to the public at large. Here's their website, which contains a contact page:

Back up your assertions OP. If you continue with unsupported allegations and generalizations then, no matter what you say, you are gay bashing.

[edit on 9/25/2007 by yuefo]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:38 AM
Wow...holy crap! You guys need to chill out.

I believe he is talking about the supposed rituals that they are put though.

I found this but I dont know if its complete BS. Im not a real follower of these, cults? ... whatever they are called.

Maybe those rituals are just a form of trust. I saw you do that thing and you saw me do the same.

Seriously guys, you need to chill out. I agree that his post should have been worded better though, maybe more detailed in the questioning.

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Before people are put in power they are set up to get dirt on them, if they pass, they don't get the power position, if they get dirt on them it is ok to put them into power.

They don't have to do something wrong, only something they can be blackmailed to be controlled. A Republican that is outed is out of office, that is the threat. It doesn't mater if most people think a gay official is OK, Republican base does not. Illegal material is gathered also. Note that earlier in a different thread a guy posted that surveillance is really to gather dirt that can be used to discredit not just protect the country.

There are some articles on this I can source, but they make assumptions that it is organized action. They are highly disputed.

An example of the method with slightly different form is Skull and Bones members must reveal entire life sexual history, this is perfect example of making sure you get dirt before you let someone into trust possition

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 03:47 AM

Originally posted by yuefo
I suggest writing to the First Church of Satan and ask whether their membership is predominantly gay. My guess is you'll find a demographic that corresponds to the public at large.
[edit on 9/25/2007 by yuefo]

Well they may be representative of the public at large, but they are in San Fransico, so the data would be skewed

My knowledge of their activities and basic charter would lead to more experimental behavior. But I think that is just a bad example.

This is a belief issue. Many people believe a man lusting for neighbors wife, or a man with another man is inspired by darkness. Just like lying, cheeting and greed. It is not for us to judge. But the belief holds that many things are wrong and not inspired by the love of God. Some others do not believe this.

[edit on 25-9-2007 by Redge777]

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