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Mom, Dad? Why did they point guns at me?

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 06:21 AM

your absolutely right. Since WWI, America has been trapped in other peoples wars. 100,000s of people have given their lives for the ultimate goal of the elite which is, more money, more power.

Then, after world war I there was a scare. Everyone rushed to the bank, to take out their hard earned money. But guess what? The banks only keep of fraction of your deposit, and lend the rest of your money our with interest.

Stock market plunges, millions of people lost all their savings, investment. Now who owns the banks? The Federal Reserve. Put into place by the Fed Res Act of 1913.

So what do they do to help? Restrict the amount of money being printed! Why? To starve the people, and show em who's boss. Finally, the Fed lets up, and 10 years later, we are in another war started by someone else.

Vietnam. Spraying agent orange, carpet bombing, and napalm. Staging false flag ops like Gulf Of Tonkin.
NO OFFENCE to the guys that served there, you were just following orders.

Desert Storm. (I served in this short war). Why, didn't we take out Sadam.
I was in a secure command post, by accident I overheard. We knew exactly where he was. But Bush senior ordered them to stand down. Why?
We left those people who sided with us hanging, literally!

9-11. If people haven't seen the gaps, they are blind.
One fighter scrambled?
WTC 7 (aka "pull it")?
The Pentagon. One poor quality video??
Hi-jackers seen alive after supposedly dying in event?
Put-option stocks on American and United airlines?

Sorry, I'm sick of em. Arresting protesters, giving out DUI's and drinking and driving themselves.
Killing 85 year old Grandmas.
During Hurricane Katrina we saw how heroic most of them are. They all split, after looting and raping.
I'm not saying all cops are bad, but there is a good ole boy network that doesn't allow the corruption to be weeded out. It is intwined. Deep corruption.
And lump Forest Rangers in with them. They all carry weapons and have the same authorities.

What did we do before we had cops?

The Mi5 and CIA perpetuated drug wars. Control the supply, and make billions off of it. Then make more off of terrorizing innoncent pot smokers.

Take a look at our Biological/Chemical weapons stockpile.
I wouldn't be worried so much about nukes, as much as
I would be worried about what the hell they are spraying
over our heads.

Nope, I'm with Knight. Don't worry Knight, you are definitely not alone, and it is good to question authority with a righteous heart.

[edit on 27-9-2007 by stompk]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 10:26 AM
My Opinion

When I get pulled over I'm not rude but I'll waste more of the cops time then

he was planning on wasting mine by taking along time to find any i.d and etc

engaging in alot of useless conversation about nothing whatsoever, and keep

asking them stupid questions when they try to leave.

It's also funny when they try and stare you down when you keep bugging them

or they try and come on private property, keep a smile on you face becuase I

sure as heck aint doing anything illegal so what are they gonna do? LOL

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 10:47 AM
In the coming wars in the streets which will pit the dying middle class against the police, who will be slaughtering the lower classes without mercy, the best bet is to let your kids play those games like Grand Theft Auto and other gansgter games: It will teach themn to regard the cops as the enemy, and give them the ability to see them as the enemy. In those gaames you can shhot cops, take terriroty and establish your own set of standards for who is allowed to come into an area, much like the warfare we will be seeing here soon.

Have no doubts about it, there will soon be a war in the streets of the major cities, as the middles class sees that they are being ruined by the NWO rulers in place already; the rich will have protected areas and will hunker down with Blackwater types protecting them while we fight the cops and National guard in the streets. The cops will be obeying the NWO rulers and will kill us without hesittaion, and we had better get the same attitude as they do or perish.

When you see gas go to 5 dollars a gallon, and milk and bread too expensive for most, there will be a fight in this nation. It may be the only thing that will save us; the people are too weak and complacent now, but when they see the writing on the wall, they will fight rather than just starve. If the kids are bold enough to fight back, it may mean the difference between survival and ruin. My kids know that I do not like cops, and neither do they. They are seen a necessary evils, and never to be trusted or answered to.

Granted, my kids are older now, but they have always been told to distrust cops and never to talk to them; my kids make me proud when they tell me about some run in with some cop and they stand their ground and tell the cops NO!! No searches, no talk, no answers, just arrest me so I can sue you, or let me go. No games. Never play their game, play yopur own, it is the only way to win. Never give in and never give up.

teach your kids that cops and soldiers in this nation are the enemy, never to be trusted, and only obeyed when need be. Train your kids to remain silent and demand a lawyer if any cop hassles them. Train your kids to shoot at targets that look like cops in uniform; it may make the difference someday when the cops are rampaging and murdering us. There can be no sides chosen when it gets bad; choose sides NOW and prepare for battle. Don't think that it will not happen here, it will. All it will take is for another false flag event staged by the Cheney cabal to place us in martial law, and then we will need young and tough young people to hold the line and conduct operations against the opposition.

Of course, you could always just trust the Bush gang and hope that you do not end up in some Halliburton camp because you spoke out; but I would not trust in hope, but in a large caliber weapon with good sights and s ateady trigger finger. WE will see a day in our lifetimes when this nation is in chaos, and unless we are willing to fight back, we will be gone.

NEVER teach your kids to automaticaly obey cops; it is the worst thing you can do. Teach them to think for themselves and to be ready to defend the nation from the enemies within, at any time. Tell the kids that the cops are criminals themselves, that they kill without cause and that they bully and harrass people for fun, which is the truth. Tell them that they should treat cops just like any other stranger, never to be trusted.

The youth may be our only hope, and if we tell them to follow the orders of the cops, we will see our kids dead or ruined by the system. Fight back! Cops are just tools of the NWO and should be seen as the enemy. Just like in the Matrix, anyone still plugged into that system is potentially an enemy; if they are not one of us, they are one of them. To hell with cops and to hell with us being led down the path to destruction by the NWO bosses.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by eyewitness86
the best bet is to let your kids play those games like Grand Theft Auto and other gansgter games: It will teach themn to regard the cops as the enemy, and give them the ability to see them as the enemy.

That's a sick, twisted view. How 'bout porn? Then they could properly objectify women. Drugs? Alcohol? Why have a clear mind and purpose?

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

Nice job of lumping all police officers together in one group. You couldn't be more wrong. I am married to a police officer and he is NOTHING like the crap you just wrote. It sickened me when I read this "Train your kids to shoot at targets that look like cops in uniform". You make me sick.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:41 PM
Cause obviously cops don't train to shoot at targets hat look like us right.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 11:03 AM
So you look like this.

A silhouette is a view of some object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior.
Full defination here

I'm sorry but it resembles no one, it's featureless. Unlike the person who I replied to about shooting at a target that resembles police officers.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by vckums]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by thorgor
BTW, the law makes exceptions for individuals to carry a firearm onto school grounds.

Uh... No it does not. LEO can carry, private citizens cannot, even with a cc permit.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Unit541

I suppose if you're part of the population that doesn't consider police officers as "individuals" that might make sense. But if like me, you do, then yeah, the law makes exceptions for individuals in this case.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by eyewitness86

You act as if cops hate people. My uncle is one, and he is very nice. I guarantee you most cops will join the mases before firing on them.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by eyewitness86

You act as if cops hate people. My uncle is one, and he is very nice. I guarantee you most cops will join the mases before firing on them.

Need I say more? A few spoiled eggs ruin the bunch, and that is the case with many. Just ask him about the Blue Wall of Silence.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:31 PM
It's been mentioned a couple times before, but I figured I'd find the documents for it to back it up.

It goes without saying that the cop is a dead man, as drawing and pointing a weapon at an unarmed child in a school where it is against FEDERAL LAW to carry a firearm constitutes a breach of the patriot act on grounds of terrorist action.

US Code Title 18,922 (q) (2) gives the Federal mandates for who can and cannot carry firearms on school grounds.
Us Code 18,922

(vi) by a law enforcement officer acting in his or her official capacity; or

It also says the State can further decide who can carry one school.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 06:11 AM
Well, when a man feels he needs to brandish a weapon when dealing with a child, he ain't much of a man to me indeed.

I guess people really do need policing.
Cops are people

I want

1. Independant drug testing for all cops.

2. Internal affairs to be run publically.

3. 10 yrs on the force before one carries gun.
Rookies partnered with senior officer with at
least 10 yrs experience.

4. Once a cop shoots and kills a person,
they are off the force. The decision to
take a persons life, should affect the
person who took the life.
More incentive to shoot to injure.

5. All cops should be publically voted on force,
after passing entrance exams. Cops can
also be voted off force.

6. All cops carry tamper proof video camera
built in badge. Video is on all time while on duty.

7. All cops are trained paramedics.

The whole idea about being a cop,
is for people not to die.

Should we make exceptions?
What happens when the exception is wrong?

And then they should be paid very well.

[edit on 29-9-2007 by stompk]

[edit on 29-9-2007 by stompk]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:15 AM
Oy, you act as if Police are these evil people. THEIR JUST LIKE YOU AND I. As I said above, you don't see firemen burning down homes for no reason. I highly suspect you go with the suspect too soon in cases. Most of these cases are people who run, which is dumb enough. then you go and complain that they shot someone innocent who ran. HE RAN, no further need to explain, you shoot the runners as then YOU are seen as the guilty one. Why run if you're innocent.

Sure cops have their bad days, but that simple. firemen have axes, do they use them to kill/injure people for no reason like a taser?

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 12:36 AM
Stompk, you do have a valid point, pointing a weapon is almost always beyond a no-no. We did have a situation at my high school where a girl brought in a gun to shoot another classmate, they drew and got her to drop it(After realizing she forgot to load it) Had they not had weapons and she been smarter, someones daughter would be dead now. You also brought up some good points, but theres a few I'd have to disagree with.

1. Independant drug testing for all cops.

Good call, I agree 100%, only question is who pays for it?

2. Internal affairs to be run publically.

That would be a 50/50. After the fact, yes, release all info. But don't release anything during.

3. 10 yrs on the force before one carries gun.
Rookies partnered with senior officer with at
least 10 yrs experience.

That would save on training and ammo, but also decreases the number of weapons at the dept. disposal. What happens if we have robbers with AK's robbing a bank again and only a couple cops have weapons?

Also, what happens to the rookie if the vet is gunned down by a maniac trying to harm children?

4. Once a cop shoots and kills a person,
they are off the force. The decision to
take a persons life, should affect the
person who took the life.
More incentive to shoot to injure.

This one I have to respectfully disagree with fully. I know several cops who have had to take a life, and it's something they have to live with. Also as much as I hate to say it your gonna have situations where you have no choice but to kill them. If they think they'll get fired and lose their livelihood if they pull the trigger, that could case the split second hesitation that could cost an innocents life as opposed to a killer/rapist/child molester.

5. All cops should be publically voted on force,
after passing entrance exams. Cops can
also be voted off force.

They do have exams, and some are pretty hard, though most are too easy I'll admit. As for the voting thing, I don't see it working, remember, Bush and Hitler were both publicly voted in. I also like the idea that one person would determine if they stay or go. A cop could be doing his job, yet the media blows it FAR out of proportion (Like that'll ever happen right?) and in an outrage the public votes a good cop off because the TV said he killed an innocent grandmother, who just happened to be shooting at him.

6. All cops carry tamper proof video camera
built in badge. Video is on all time while on duty.

Another good call, they're making progress with the dash cams. I for one think it would be great if every cop had a camera with a real time uplink to headquarters on at all times. I would really like to see this.

7. All cops are trained paramedics.

They are required to know advanced first aid, though paramedic triaining is a little too much. If they want to pursue it, good on em, though forcing one more thing on them might be a little much. Besides, that's why the Paramedics are there in the first place.

The whole idea about being a cop,
is for people not to die.

THe whole idea of being a cop is to protect the public, sometimes lethal force is the only way to stop it. It's definitely the very last resort and should never be taken into lightly. But if I had to kill one suicide bomber to save the people in the cafe with him, I'd like to think I would. I know I'd hate myself for it and never be able to forgive myself for taking a life, but in the end it would be the right thing to do.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Knightshadowz

Draft - Highly unlikely.

General Mobilization - Possible. For the uninformed, General Mobilization is what you get when we get nuked and what is left of Congress, passes a law that says "every able bodied (meaning: 'able to walk') male, 18 to 65, is here by on active duty; no physical required.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 05:31 PM
'IF' a less than honorable man becomes president and decides to invade a country so that his millionaire friends can gain control of and make a profit from the resources of that country, and
'IF' he discovers that the people who live in that country resist this idea and put up a better fight than he expected and now he finds he needs more troops to achieve his end and so initiates a draft
WHO is saying that it is cowardly or dishonorable to refuse to fight/die to invade another country, destroy their civilizaton, and exterminate their civilian population to secure mineral/oil rights for his friends to make money from? Are you guys for real?
No, I am not talking Iran, Iraq or any other country. Just a make believe country invaded for the reasons described. Are there really people so oblivious to reality that they would either fight themselves or encourage their children to fight/die so some shareholders somewhere could receive larger dividend checks as failure to do so would be 'unpatriotic'?
I do not critize parents who console themselves at the loss of a son who died to protect his country, I might feel such pride myself. But I would be really p*ssed if I found out it was a trick and he had died to increase the price of Rockefeller's stock. But this is what you fools endorse each time you say 'My country right or wrong'

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