posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 12:08 PM
Call this post a warning to anyone with parental instincts and a desire to ensure the future of our children by protecting them from ANYONE who would
influence them. This includes our so-called government, along with state and local ILLEGAL police procedure.
As many of you may have noticed, the sheer number of reports of police brutality in the last 2 weeks have been escalating. Police do not serve AND
protect those that actually pay their salary. In fact, they are very much like security guards that have by far overstepped their bounds when it comes
to just how much power they are alloted.
On top of that, we have people we didn't elect in command of America's military might that don't give a damn about who they hurt, so long as there
is profit to be made from the deaths of our fighting men and women. They give us our opinion through the influence of the news room, plain and
I am 21 years old, and a citizen of the nation that was once consider the land of freedom and equality. Sadly, we lost our nation with the passing of
the patriot act. To anyone without their head in their bowels, the chain of events in the last 100 years is more than proof that something is
In the event of a draft, which is inevitably going to happen, I will be in total refusal to fight on the grounds that it is illegal. We didnt learn
that we cant punch things we cant see from Vietnam, where it was more than obvious that FEAR was the choice weapon to drive the American war-machine
into that mess.
From the false election, to the fake attacks on the WTC, to the gustapo tactics that our police forces use today. According to them, you don't have
any opinions other than the views presented to you. Unless you a psychic and know everything, you cannot deny the world we live in is being
Control is what they dont want to loose, and if they know they will lose it, they will do ANYTHING including nuclear "dirty bomb" attacks on the US
just to gain your trust again by declaring martial law in the interests of homeland security.
The point of this topic is suttle:
Do you prefer your children to live afraid to do anything without the approval of someone that is 300-1000 mi. away? Do you honestly think that you
are doing them a favor by supporting blood-shed in the name of profit?
I completely understand now why so many in the world hate us, and perhaps one day someone else will wake up like me and see that we are wrong. If the
whole worlds against us, then obviously we are the ones in the wrong so long as we allow the leadership in place to just sit back and let things
I will not fight against another country for any man's profit, nor should others be sent and forced to fight in my sted. I pray I will never see the
day that I have to fight my own countrymen just to defend rights I earned by being born here. My forefathers fought for the rights of others in every
major conflict starting with World War I, and its in their name that I would stand for the cause of freedom in our homeland against the Facist pigs
who use that freedom to further their own corrupt and illegal agendas.
Just imagine for one second that your child is on the floor of a school, and a cop is bearing down on them with a gun demanding drugs, and you tell me
what you would do. It goes without saying that the cop is a dead man, as drawing and pointing a weapon at an unarmed child in a school where it is
against FEDERAL LAW to carry a firearm constitutes a breach of the patriot act on grounds of terrorist action.
A terrorist is ANYONE who uses fear to gain a strategic or profitable advantage over another person, be it man, woman, or child. This includes people
from this country that wear a badge, and make decisions that can affect a person for life. If that person chose to execute that power to commit an
illegal action, it is within the bounds of the constitution of the united states to defend yourself.
[edit on 23-9-2007 by Knightshadowz]