Originally posted by mrsdudara
Im sorry, I dont see any of our freedoms being taken away.
Perhaps you should research all of the executive orders being issued.
Originally posted by mrsdudara
What I would really love to hear, is what you would do different. No one seems to be able to come up with a different idea that would keep us safe
and not take any of our freedoms away.
"Those who would sacrifice liberty for a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security"
I have a different idea if you are prepared to consider it:
All foreign US military bases must be shut down immediately, and all US military personnel stationed around the world must return home.
All US military personnel currently deployed to policing operations and wars all over the world, including Iraq and the "War on Terror", must return
The Federal Reserve and income tax must be abolished.
We rid ourselves of "alliances" and defense agreements.
We open free trade channels with ALL NATIONS.
We begin peaceful negotiations and dialog with ALL NATIONS.
We stop interfering with others' politics.
We stop bombing their homes.
We stop stealing their resources.
We stop occupying their land.
And last but not least, we mind our own damn business.
We don't need to police the world. We don't need to nation build. We don't need to meddle in other nations' affairs. We don't need to bully and
threaten people. We don't need to be hypocrites.
This is blow back. This is what happens when you screw with other nations and their people. They get pissed.
When we occupy their land and kill their families, we're the heroes. We're fighting for freedom and peace.
But when they get pissed that we're in their business and we're killing them and putting sanctions in place that cut off water and food to poor
families in need in third world countries, and they retaliate for their own survival, they're terrorists.
Tell me, if Russia occupied the United States and cut off essentials to our survival, and we went out and fought, would you consider us terrorists?
We'd be doing the same thing those in the Middle East are doing to our troops right now. So what's the difference? Is there a difference? Or do we
need a boogeyman to support a flawed, greed based foreign policy that supports no one's interests other than our "leaders"?
Originally posted by mrsdudara
Im not going to deny that it is possible. To be honest, I really dont know how I feel about it. Cant really say I am against it. I think that a lot
of things that have been brought up about it are frantic overexagerations.
The North American Union is very real and beyond being just "possible".
With the North American Union, our borders would be essentially erased. Think of all the "terrorists" living in Mexico right now. All the sleeper
cells. How does giving free access in to the current United States make us safer?
Why do we need to form a union to increase free trade?
Why do we need to have national ID cards to fight terrorism?
Why do we need to have implantable chips to fight terrorism?
How does putting us all in a DNA database fight terrorism?
How does crashing the dollar to rid the country of the middle class and switching to the Amero to hold the now poor middle class, and the already poor
lower class in economic slavery, going to help us or help fight terrorism?
Think of what Bush would have to his presidency had 9/11 not happened. What would he have done? What has this administration done that hasn't evolved
from 9/11?
9/11 is being politicized to hell and back all to support a long standing agenda to collapse the United States, rid us of the Constitution, and the
liberties that come with it, and centralize all the money and all the power to more easily be controlled by which ever puppet they decide to
Originally posted by mrsdudara
I have no problem with people needing a permit to protest. I think it is a great idea. There are a lot of other people in this world to consider.
An unorganized protest these days is just asking for trouble and violence.
Then you deal with those people individually.
You don't take away knives and guns from everyone because some people use them to murder people.
You don't take away cars from everyone because some people strap bombs to them.
Why take everyone's RIGHT to protest and petition away just because a few who would turn it into a riot? What sense does that make?
That's about as senseless as regulating the internet and ridding the internet of anti-government blogs while hiding behind the excuse that we need to
crack down on child predators.
How do you crack down on child predators by shutting down political blogs?
It makes no sense. I hope you can see this at some point. The same over used excuses are being used time and time again to further an agenda. They're
not doing anything about the original problem. Nooo. If they did that, then what would they hide behind to destroy everything they need to destroy?
The problem has to exist, i.e. terrorism, child pornography etc., in order to further an agenda, i.e. NAU, destruction of civil liberties, regulation
of the internet etc.
That's what's really going on. It's not to keep us safe. It's not to enforce the law. It's to create a dictatorial utopia for the "elite" in
our nation, to which you and I will not benefit - only suffer.