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Military photos of the Twin Towers

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:08 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
There seems to be lots of smoke barreling out to WTC-7 in this video.
Something must have been burning in there.

Great video. I see superficial damage to the facade. I see smoke but not forced smoke. Notice how they show one of the other trade center buildings on fire. It's smoke is rising at a much faster rate as the smoke from WTC 7. So, is that really smoke from an intense fire (probably some) or is it still lingering smoke from other buildings mixed with some small fires (remember, a fire to bring a building down would be shooting flames out the windows with an intense heat, thus causing the smoke to rise much faster IMO)? IMO, that video is great evidence on our side to show how little damage and fire their actually was.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt

That is dust from the very recent collapse of WTC 1 as I showed in this thread...

That video is misleading. If you really look it's obvious that's not coming out of WTC 7 but is just blowing up the facade. If it was coming out of WTC 7 why don't we see smoke coming from windows to the same rooms on the other side? Where are the flames? Where did all the smoke go when we see the building collapse? Had the fire stopped by then? If it had then why did it not collapse at the hight of the fires heat instead of after it cooled?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:19 PM
ok..It doesn't make sense that the wind is moving left to right, as is the smoke.
And there doesn't seem to be source for the smoke, other than number 7..

As for fires..
There appears to be some intensity, in more than one area..enough to create that much smoke..

Shown here:

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:29 PM
Firstly i will gladly concur that I am no certainly no expert on the matter
BUT speaking in layman's terms, and to be blunt, when you read about the structural design and the strengths and overall robustness of the twin towers and what they were designed to withstand, when I look
at pictures 15 through to about 25 which focus on the fires emenating from the top ten or fifteen floors of the WTC, I cannot help but ponder just how this enornmous standing giant crumpled so dramatically and indeed so quickly
having only suffered seemingly superficial damage to what looks an estimated one to two tenths of the entire structure from the fires.
They are extremely thought provoking.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by pmexplorer]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by spacedoubt

Again, nice video. Can you explain how that causes a complete global symmetrical collapse?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Griff

Now Griff..
If you can explain what you mean by this statement

IMO, that video is great evidence on our side to show how little damage and fire their actually was.

You said "our side"..that bugs me a little bit my friend.
we're on the same side..looking for the truth!

Now about the structural collapse..
I must confess, that I am no expert.
But, give me a little time, maybe I can come up with something.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:16 PM
Excellent photos. I'll admit that I haven't actually seen that much imagry since 9/11/01, and these are from views I haven't seen from yet. Kind of disheartening to see such and event like this again, but very good too see nontheless. What shocked me the most was the sheer size of the cloud generated. I was in sixth grade when it happened so it's good to have a refresher on a historical event of this magnitude.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:31 PM
Looking at these incredible images,... I am struck by the photos of the windows broken out.

If these windows were all broken as a result of "concussion waves from the debris"..I find it interesting that 95% of the windows are COMPLETELY blown out...

Should'nt a fair percentage of the windows show partial blow out rather than FULL blow out?... Full blow out of the windows indicates kinetic energy, not concussive energy from the force of debris flowing outwards...

kinetic energy indicates artificial or forceful energy directed outwards...(excuse my laymens term,...I am not an expert in physiscs)

a plausible conclusion would indicate explosive energy taking out these windows...

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
Most disturbing... The claims of the masses accepting whatever has been spoon fed to them is reaching a crescendo... Based upon the evidence in this thread, the claims appear to be correct.

Almost as disturbing as people who believe everything the media feeds them about the "official story".

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:35 PM
For some reason when I click on the link I can't see the pictures. Can someone upload them to photobucket pretty please??

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 10:36 PM
The photos brought back memories to all of us around the world of how terrorists will go to extreme means to do what they believe in; it was truly a tragedy that so many innocent people died in such an event.

It is terrible to think that people would get together in order to kill others that are defenseless and have no chance to protect themselves.

You can see that some of the photos were taken by the Cessna airplane, some were taken by the helicopter in one of the Cessna airplane photos, and of course there was at least one taken by the EC-3 plane.

Great photos of a terrible tragedy.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by spacedoubt
ok..It doesn't make sense that the wind is moving left to right, as is the smoke.
And there doesn't seem to be source for the smoke, other than number 7..

One thing to remember that the collapse of even one tower could have altered the air flow through the area by the simple vertue of not being there anymore. Just food for thought

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by Obsidian_Butterfly

There are 58 pictures in all. That's a lot to upload into photobucket, but since you said please,...

Here are a few more links to try:

On this link use the scroll bar on the right to move to the next frame.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:00 AM
Whats the little silver thing right in the middle of picture 34?

Looks like maybe the top of a building just peeking thru the smoke, or another aircraft??

Hard to make out for me. I dont have the capability to enhance.. Just looks out of place to me.

I looked again and I guess it could be a helo in close. It may be the perspective of the photo. It seems to be very close, but that could be an illusion.

Picture 32 and 33 seem to be taken in the same second, and 34 is very close. I scrolled the pics back and forth for a few min. The smoke seems to be almost the same in all three shots. The boats are different, but hard to tell being that pic 34 was cropped (?). No silver spot in 32 or 33.

[edit on 9/15/2007 by xout1]

[edit on 9/15/2007 by xout1]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:27 AM
In one of the photos you can see part of a helicopter blade. Given how low it is also it would most likely be a chopper and not an airplane as some have suggested. But don't forget the evidence that was on Anderson Cooper 360 that was in the other thread about the "doomsday plane" that was seen flying around. What the heck would that be doing there? I believe they said it was an Air Force E-4B.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:17 AM
reply to post by Hal9000

Thank you so very much. I appreciate it. wow.. the pic of the people hanging out of the tower is so heart braking...

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:32 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
The photos brought back memories to all of us around the world of how terrorists will go to extreme means to do what they believe in; it was truly a tragedy that so many innocent people died in such an event.

Yes, the issue is who exactly the 'terrorists' were that day. Whether you believe it was Muslim extremists or not at the controls of planes hijacked with boxcutters, the real issues are why airliners were allowed to merrily fly around for hours unmolested while a PGA golfer's personal jet doesn't answer the radio and within 15 minutes is shadowed by two F-16's. And of course the other ten thousand questions of a similar nature surrounding that day...

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:23 AM
Just a quick question. Its been mentioned a few times in this thread, what on earth is a 'Doomsday' plane?

Can someone post pics, links or other info or is this an urban myth?


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by johnlear
Originally posted by quintar

Yes, and thats the exact view you would have had if you were aiming a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) mounted on an orbiting space station. That exact view is what might have been on the video monitor of the Directed High Energy Command and Control station inside the U.S. Air Force E4(B) Doomsday airplane. Thats the one that was photographed flying over the White House a little after 9:30 on 9/11/01.


Anyway awsome pictures man,very powerfull great find !!

[edit on 15-9-2007 by Project_Silo]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:28 AM
help us out...

Originally posted by RussianScientists
You can see that some of the photos were taken by the Cessna airplane, some were taken by the helicopter in one of the Cessna airplane photos, and of course there was at least one taken by the EC-3 plane.

Could you please document with links and pictures what an "EC-3 plane" is?

We'd appreciate it... Really... We would.

[edit on 16/9/2007 by Mirthful Me]

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