"Good evening, in the life of all free nations, there come moments that decide the direction of a country, and reveal the character of its people. We
are now at such a moment."
He might be trying to signal to the real americans ... it is time for us to take back our country for abusive power.
He was bamboozled into believing a bunch of hooey ... he trusted them, I mean, why would they lie to a president and a former president's son?
He may be controlled and watched harder than any of us. They choose what he says, and under threat of assassination. What could you do if that IS
his position?
He might be scared shipless, so to speak
... when I was heavily stressed, my eye twitched. I fully can see that as part of an internal issue.
His spirits are down because he realizes he was just a pawn in their scheme, and the only one most people blame.
I used to think Bush was a bad guy, now, I think he was framed ... a fall guy. Cheney and his buddies are the real evil. The whole lining up the
window to make it subconciously look like horns .. is something they want. He doesn't set up the cameras or write the speech, which to me magnifies
the idea he was set up as the fall guy, and they want us to believe it is all his fault, even if they say otherwise. They could make anyone look how
they want you to see them, if they really have as much power and control as theorized on this site.
The texas longhorn thing to me is not much, when done by a texan, or a surfer ... sometimes things like that are hard to stop, when etched into your
habits for so long.
I am fully starting to feel Bush is just a nice guy that got mixed up with the wrong crowd. I do feel sorry for him. I would like to have a private
dinner and a secret conversation just to know what his thoughts are away from the cameras and his 'buddies'. A good ol' boy led down the wrong
path with enthusiastic people who made him think everything would be just dandy ... showing him military capabilities, telling him they know what
they have (because they gave them to them), etc.
I think more and more, that maybe, he froze at the school because maybe they told him it would be an interesting week, and he was in shock because
that wasn't the interesting he was pondering.
OR ... he could be an evil megalomaniac maniacal war mongering psycho genius ... but who is to say unless you have known him personally?
The Rudy ... well, there are a few things that make your eyes wide open ... he could have taken a lot of awake pills or ephedrine/creatine/steroids.
He could be on that white powdery stuff ... no not sugar, it doesn't have to be sniffed, but, did he act like he had a cold? any sniffing? I
would think someone of his stature would take it in a different form though. But, like I said, could just be DayQuil or something
The Anti-Christ ... no, wouldn't be twitchy. this entity is suppose to do good deeds and unite people through false good works. Bush is in no way
a anti-christ figure. The anti-christ only turns evil once everyone is united and has full control.
I have read the Matreyu thing is the anti-christ ... that in every form of spelling that name in hebrew, the sum of the value of the letters equals
three 6's, and the words that the name stand for are interesting as well.
The recent ghost images behind the president when speaking is creepy. Some would say aliens are really demons ... and what could play something that
could come and unite poeple then control them more than an alien that changes the way everyone thinks, promises technology and helping people of the
world ... then turns when everyone is accepting of its greatness. People already are willing to accept chips in their hand, now imagine if a chip is
claimed to help in ways other than just buying stuff ... but claim to warn of cancer or other things by sampling things in blood. That would make it
very easy to talk the more hesitant people into it ... of course, anti-christ and aliens are mere speculation, no matter what anyone says about
That member being banned, as well as some other odd things I have found out have made me begin to worry about the state of the board. It is nothing
to bring up publically yet, I wiould still have to form a private inquiry on those issues and do it the respectful way. Some things just haven't
made sense.
I try to trust that the creators of the site have good intentions and keep the ideals of open discussion about all topics. It seems some topics are
off-limits. and my trust and faith in fellow man, especially those in authority or have money to make, has dwindled a bit in the years. No offense
to anyone, but if you have been paying attention to the world, you would understand, if not, feel the same.