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Weird Presidential Address

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:50 PM
He looks just like the man historians refer to as the anti-christ. twitchey & untrusting.

The weight and magnitude of his blunders are showing loud and clear on a lying face. He trys to seem calm and confident for those last few die-hards who call him camander and chief.

But... his legacy as the worst president in the history of this country is sealed.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:51 PM
Bush was acting funny because he probably read this thread:

The thread is now being pushed away and forgotten, because all the government officials that work in ATS are are to afraid to reply to it, that is also why the thread starter is banned.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by IWatchYou]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
I watched the american presidential debate and was almost screaming out loud when nobody seemed to understand what Ron Paul was saying. Nobody seemed to understand why the USA have to take responsibility for its actions around the world.

Amen brother. As soon as I heard about Ron Paul, listened to and read up on him, no other candidate made sense anymore. I lean Republican, but will vote based on the principles of the individual and their track record. If that means Democrat or Libertarian, so be it. I know there's no such thing as a perfect candidate but, Ron Paul, at least to me, is as close as it gets.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:03 PM
Two very quick points. But there was another attack after 911, another airplane going kablooey over the bronx two days later which is why we all take our shoes off at the airport now. Also Earthman 4 makes a valid point. I believe sprout may very well be afraid of a military coupe. I'd sure rather see Powell running this country then saudi affiliated oil barons with a long track record of mucking things up. I wouldn't want to be at any poker table with six nukes on the line. I love how the gov said they were 'low yield', another ringer.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by TooRisky

If you look carefully on the right window plane, there does appear to be a silhouette of someone or something......

The president does look a little tired, however one has to give him credit for his steadfast, unchanging single minded view that things are improving in Iraq.

It would appear that the surge has improved things, but it cannot continue indefinately

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by Electro38

The Rothschilds are the richest family in the world. The House of Rothschild is rumored to be the leader of the Illuminati.

And as far as oil goes, I'm not sure if that's the real motive for the U.S. If oil were that important, we would have claimed the north pole, where there is a ton of oil, instead of the Russians.

Then, to top it off, after hearing from people like George Green and Philip Schneider, who claim that the government's technology increases at about 45 times the rate as our common day technology, I think it's even feasible to assume that oil is outdated. According to Philip Schneider, it is.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:12 PM
Things are improving in Iraq. Sparse electrical supply in 120 degree heat. Days without running water. Ever so cheery. The definition of insanity is attempting the same thing again and again expecting a different outcome.
It's been SIX yrs, WW2 didn't last this long. Alterior motives at hand.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by CanadianVandal

Bush is a Manchurian Candidate. Hahaha!

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by freeradical

Haha this is the funniest! Man, I needed a good laugh, I made a comment about the article this guy is spoofing so its especially funny to me.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by jpm1602

Think you're a bit mixed up on dates and flights. The AA A320 that crashed in Queens on 11/12/01 suffered mid air catastrophic disintegration...tail assembly seperated from aircraft due to over correction by the copilot.

Richard Ried..I think it was Reid, was the "shoe bomber" and he was restrained by passengers somewhere over the Atlantic before he could light his hush puppies. He's why we remove our shoes.

[edit on 9/14/2007 by darkbluesky]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:26 PM
Most correct Dark blue skies. Forgive my ignorance on the exact date. All I know is everyone started taking their shoes off after that incident and I don't buy the over correction spin. Caught in a vortex. I'm sorry I just don't buy it.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:28 PM
Aliens. Greys. To the left AND right in the window. This is the second time I've seen this. Freaking me out a bit.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Niall197
reply to post by Electro38

"I learned after 9-11 how most people in other countries truely hate or dislike America. "

... hey ... whoa ... that is NOT the case.
When the attacks happened the entire world was hugely shocked. Just about every country on earth was with the USA in the weeks after September 11th. China, Russia, the EU, OAS, NATO, the UN ... everyone was lined up with the US. In our town (in Scotland) we helped the local fire brigade with their efforts to raise funds for the NYC families & in the years since many NYC family members have been made very welcome over here.

It's Iraq which has so divided the world. Not the events of September 11th.

True. Sorry, I was a little dramatic. Point well taken.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Niall197
reply to post by Electro38

"I learned after 9-11 how most people in other countries truely hate or dislike America. "

... hey ... whoa ... that is NOT the case.
When the attacks happened the entire world was hugely shocked. Just about every country on earth was with the USA in the weeks after September 11th. China, Russia, the EU, OAS, NATO, the UN ... everyone was lined up with the US. In our town (in Scotland) we helped the local fire brigade with their efforts to raise funds for the NYC families & in the years since many NYC family members have been made very welcome over here.

It's Iraq which has so divided the world. Not the events of September 11th.

True. Sorry, I was a little dramatic. Point well taken.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:52 PM
Think about it:
I think this is why Bush does'nt look well right now:
He's contemplating his life and his future, both of which don't look very bright right now.
What happens when someone in power realizes that power is slipping away from them?
What sorts of things that people in control do when their control is slipping away?
This makes Bush a very dangerous man right now.
The cover up of 911 is heating up and he knows it:
Re-investigation is coming just around the corner.
If he is found guilty in anyway of contributing to the cover up he will be facing treason, and war crimes, to name just a few things.
Secondly , this is where his purchase of his land in Paraguay comes in.
His retreat.
But he still has time in office so going there now to live is not yet an option.
It's either create a FF attack, and in the ensuing chaos the attention will be off of him ( which the Barksdale incident could have been or might be)
and our freedoms will be very limited at that time to even question his motives or the past. Martial Law.
He gets out in time and retreats to Paraguay.
So the question to ask is this:
What about Bushs character?
What do you think he would want to do?
Stay and face the music?
Power grab by whatever means necessary?
Or get the Heck out of dodge?
We cannot know what is going on in his mind but like I said before, he is getting shoved into a corner now and we all know how dangerous that can be when someone is in that predicament.
And that is why I think he's not looking very well right now.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
Two very quick points. But there was another attack after 911, another airplane going kablooey over the bronx two days later which is why we all take our shoes off at the airport now. Also Earthman 4 makes a valid point. I believe sprout may very well be afraid of a military coupe. I'd sure rather see Powell running this country then saudi affiliated oil barons with a long track record of mucking things up. I wouldn't want to be at any poker table with six nukes on the line. I love how the gov said they were 'low yield', another ringer.

That was in Queens, NY. I live right at the border of Queens. We all thought that was another attack, but they say the wing fell off; (the little tail wing).

I thought we started taken shoes off after the Richard Reid (from the UK) incident? Remember he was the guy who tried to light a bomb in his shoe?

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Electro38]

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Electro38]

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Electro38]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:05 PM
I looked into eyes of the man we call President and felt pity. The feeling came over me that perhaps he does feel guilt for what is happening. He (not being the most intelligent person on the planet) seems to be a victim of circumstance. Most can agree he is but a puppet. I'm sure he had such delusions of grandure when 'ole Mr. Rove told him that they were going to make him President. He probably believed he could make a change for the betterment of mankind. But who knows what is held over his head. By his father, by fellow "bonesmen". Mr. Bush does have a family... Not to mention we all know what happened to Lincoln and Kennedy.

I don't know. I've never felt anything but spite toward Bush before. But sometimes when I look at someones eyes I am overcome with "feelings"...

Maybe me just crazy.....

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:10 PM
Excellent points theartistchick. I wholly agree. Sorry for going on about the alien thing again but this has been pointed out before on a different occaision. These figures are chillingly reminiscent of the AMOCO alien with the deep long nostrils. Check this image out and then look back at the original. It's a bit like seeing images in clouds, sometimes you need a few pointers...

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by IWatchYou

Why IS this member banned? I mean, seriously. Is this place tapped?

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
It's been SIX yrs, WW2 didn't last this long. Alterior motives at hand.

Uhhh try closer to 8 officially, though historically you can make an argument it actually began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria - and then look at that aftermath. Totally different. Let's try and keep a bit of perspective.

And the word is ulterior.

WW2 Casualties :
Military dead:
Over 14,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 36,000,000
Total dead:
Over 50,000,000

Military dead:
Over 8,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 4,000,000
Total dead
Over 12,000,000

edit: back on topic - There are definitely things he knows that we do not. I am sure most are distasteful in the extreme and weigh on his soul. The only happy leaders are dictators.

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Marid Audran]

[edit on 14-9-2007 by Marid Audran]

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