posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Project_Silo
Could this weapon transfer be just one step in preparation for an attack?
Could also the troop surge be used to mount a ground assault?
I don't believe we have enough ground forces to maintain a lengthy ground war in Iran. I would think that a sustained air campaign would be easier,
with some coordination with Israeli air forces. They seem to be willing to do this, if we backed down.
Another possibility, is that this could be merely sabre waving, in an attempt to influence Iran. Having worked in the disinformation arena while in
the Navy, I can wonder which side is really telling the truth, and is trying to influence the best.
Having read through some of the other inputs on this topic, I am also inclined to agree that the political solution/diplomacy possibilities are all
but exhausted. It would be wrong to allow Iran to finish their enrichment program, and be in the possession to creat a nuclear weapon. In the hands
of a crazy man like their current president, the situation in the Middle East would be even more unstable.