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6 Nukes were never missing,They are heading to IRAN.

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posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:34 AM
Just the opinion of an AUSSY. But i think it's time you YANKS picked up your gun's and chucked out that looser less than 25% of your countrymen "elected"
into office.Isn't that some kind of AMENDMENT you guy's have to your Constitution.No point having it if you don't use it.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Silcone Synapse

Pravda is now as good a source for news as BBC or whatever else you might like to watch; they both spin but you get about the same volume of useful information in the end.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Iran is so manipulative. How can they wage against America (infidels) and yet receive support from China and Russia. They aren't muslims, thay are infidels too. Muslim extremists are psycho no doubt. Nobody cared about Israel (tiny sliver of land) before the jews came home. Someyone remind them the crusades were over 500 years ago! AND we are not occupiers we are liberators from tyranny. Thank God for Bush.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by jasonmod
Nobody cared about Israel (tiny sliver of land) before the jews came home.
They are from KHAZAR and they are "Ashkenazi Jews" they have no right to be there:

[edit on 15-9-2007 by YASKY]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by YASKY

Personally, I'm sick of all of the disputes over the land over there. They all act like a bunch of kids over the Holy Land. I say that the US, China and the EU should get together to take over the land, and split the profits.

I'm sick of this crap.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by jasonmod
Iran is so manipulative. How can they wage against America (infidels) and yet receive support from China and Russia.

Where has Iran ever said they wanted to wage war against US? Do you even know what is an "infidel" according to the Quran?

Thank God for Bush.

Yes, the world can thank him for bringing peace and stability to the world, as well as give everyone a reason to love US.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:40 PM
We can also thank him for letting us take the war to the enemy rather than to us.

Those freakin towel heads knocked down the towers, now its time to knock down some stuff of our own.

Oh, but thats right, all the ATS'ers who pst threads on topics that never come true think that Bush was behind the whole thing.

Yeah right.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 10:45 PM
I guess they are transferring those nuclear warheads onto bunker busters. The thing is when they use nuclear bunker busters they can just say the nuclear fall out is from the nuclear facility itself and claim they used conventional warheads. It all makes sense now.

I do not believe these nukes being transfered were suppose to get out. Someone leaked the info. This way they can get away with using nuclear weapons without anyone even knowing. All that radiation will be blamed on the nuclear facilities that were blown.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:31 AM
The American troops are invaders and occupiers. It is the duty of Iraqis to resist, unless they welcome them: clearly they don't It's wrong to say Iran is responsible for all attacks.
Yes they back Shia in Iraq. WHy should that be surprising? There are 'insurgents' too, but should that be surprising? THe are sworn to help their brothers from invaders. If American s fought i the Spanish Civil war, without a uniform, does that mean Spain should declare war on the USA?
Well, in a way that's what Japan did in bombing Pearl Harbour.

THe Diplomacy had failed: This is the remark of a clear intention, given the fact that we have no evidence of nuclear bombs, and there has been no prolonged diplomacy. What's the rush about?

SO what if they have a nuclear bomb, anyway?. That might be a better balance. Nobody wants to use them in their right mind, except the New World Order, if its true, in their plan to reduce the world population to 1 billion.

They're the only bunch who could orchestrate such a thing, believe they themselves could be immune and remain in charge, and have the philosophy of materialism that craves control. Except radioactivity lingers. Perhaps they need other weapons, and we know these exist too, and are further developed.

Why is Iran being portrayed as an enemy? India and Pakistan took possession of bombs. Christ if we asked them if they want one, that we'd give permission, and they could join the protocol (without errors like last week), then that'd be sweet.

Talk of attacking Iran: Why are we always hearing about America about to attack someone? Leave it out. You're not the policemen of the world, don't have the credentials. The United Nations counts for zero, unless it's a front. International Law is to be respected. Anyone can have a nuclear weapon, so long as they don't use it.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by mack37
Just the opinion of an AUSSY. But i think it's time you YANKS picked up your gun's and chucked out that looser less than 25% of your countrymen "elected"
into office.Isn't that some kind of AMENDMENT you guy's have to your Constitution.No point having it if you don't use it.

I 100% agree,however a one man army would be useless and to many Americans have no idea whats going on.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:37 AM
reply to post by bolly

I agree with some of the things you have said.Although i think calling the American troops invaders and occupiers is a little harsh.It's not their fault,it's the result of a highjacked goverment.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:58 AM
Unfortunately, nukes heading to Iran makes perfect sense. I, like many others, have had an uneasy feeling for a long time. Since last year, I have had a feeling that 2007 would be the year that "The Rapture" and the "Tribulation" would occur.
As far as the "end of the world", the world will never end.
Do I think Bush is stupid enough to do something like this? ABSOLUTELY !
I have never thought that Bush was very bright. I think all the drugs he did when he was younger, affected his brain.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by jasonmod
Iran is so manipulative. How can they wage against America (infidels) and yet receive support from China and Russia.

Iran is not waging a war against anyone but they know who their enemies are by watching what their enemies are doing to their friends. This is not a war about religion but a war about regular old fashioned economics and politics.

They aren't muslims, thay are infidels too.

But since this is not about religion you accept whoever supports you and fight whoever tries to oppress you?

Muslim extremists are psycho no doubt.

No more so than Catholic/Christian/Buddhist/Hindu/Jewish fanatics.

Nobody cared about Israel (tiny sliver of land) before the jews came home.

It was never their home and the people who came back only did so because they are/were the fanatics.

Someyone remind them the crusades were over 500 years ago!

Which i suppose forgets to mention the actions of Imperial France, Britain and the Ottoman empire in that part of world just this last hundred years? The Crusades never stopped but given your lack of education it's not surprising that you have no idea.

AND we are not occupiers we are liberators from tyranny. Thank God for Bush.

And if only someone other than the US media were spreading that particular 'fact' things might be going better.... I suppose the million dead Iraqi's are thanking you from their graves?


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by on_yur_6
Load of SH*T right there buddy! You and many others around ATS fall for that garbage. Our troops are helping people over there in more ways than can be counted.

Helping them into a early grave i suppose? How can anyone pretend that a occupation resulting in a million or more deaths is 'helpful'?

I have friends there building schools. And no, not schools that were bombed.

What happened to the schools that made Iraqi's probably the best educated nation in the region? Who destroyed those?

We provide medical care for anyone that needs it.

Iraq had the best medi-care and hospital system in the region before the US attacked Iraq in 1991 and inflicted them to constant bombing and twelve years of devastating sanctions. Why pretend you are helping when you are failing to even repair what you destroyed?

It goes on and on. If the USA were to truly let loose the dogs of war we wouldn't be there anymore.

You mean you would kill more than a million innocent Iraqi's to drive home the point that you are there 'to help'?

Instead we are in the middle of a politically correct war that has tied the hands of our soldiers behind their backs.

I don't know how the US armed forces have managed to kill that many with their hands behind their backs but i suppose that would explain the very bad aim and terrible civilian casualties.

Back on subject, Iran has painted itself into a corner. And Enriched Uranium and Plutonium at much higher levels than required for nuclear reactor fuel has been discovered by the IAEA.

So what? Even if true what right does the US have to invade a sovereign nation for doing what Israel and so many others have? How is Iran supposed to defend itself from Israeli and foreign aggression in general?

Link1[/u rl]


Just google IAEA Plutonium or enriched Uranium found in Iran.

It's then interesting that those same agencies were right in their claims about Iraq's lack of WOMD and that they are still publicly stating that Iran has no nuclear weapons program.

With the bombing of the possible nuclear site in Syria being suppressed, I think Iran is about to get spanked very hard.

And the US certainly has the capability to terror bomb Iranian civilian infrastructure back into the stage as just like they did in Iraq, Serbia and Vietnam and Korea before that.

Nobody will step in to defend Iran just like in Iraq. Russia and China both want Iran's money but cannot engage the USA in a conventional war.

Both countries can engage the US in conventional war but neither have anything to gain by doing so in a world where the US is already destroying itself by engaging in foreign adventures against third world nations. Russia in China will not directly interfere but strategically and economically average American and citizens will feel the pressure.

China looses it's largest trading partner and Russia doesn't have the financial resources to take on the USA at this time.

China have a massively growing internal market and there are certainly other countries that will accept the goods when China invests in expanding their foreign markets. Remember that China now wields at least 1.3 trillion USD in investment money that it can use to simulate growth just about anywhere it likes. It is currently propping up the US economy because that serves it's interest and will simply lead to China becoming ever more dominant in that relationship.

Russia already have enough strategic weaponry to pulverize the US armed forces all around the world but once again they have little to gain that they are not already achieving by economic means.

They will sell weapons all day long but won't fight. If either country were to engage the USA it would defeat the reason they currently ally themselves with Iran and at one point Iraq..... money.

China and Russia are allied with Iran and Syria ( Iran and Syria have a mutual defense pact and Iran still has one with Russia) but to further build on the illusion of powerlessness Russia will not in my opinion do anything to support Iran overtly.

Oh and don't forget China is hosting the upcoming Olympics. This is a very important to China. Even more exposure to the world in hopes of impressing more trading partners and trying their best to not look Communist but Capitalist and a partner on the free market.

That's why i think a bombing campaign of Iran will meet with general inaction from China..

Their biggest worry right now is the bad global press over their shoddy goods that are poisoning animals and people around the globe.

Remember that most of those goods are have been in production for a long time with the American corporations that 'owns' those Chinese factories being quite aware of what goes into the products. It is pretty pointless to blame this one on the Chinese government or the corporations who uses their cheap labour to produce shoddy goods for the American market.

After shooting a few more people in charge they will inform us it is all under control. Believe me, China will do nothing.

I can believe that for now but things are changing in China as people demand more of everything including freedom..

What will happen is once again western military equipment will completely destroy Russian made equipment in another M.E. theatre.

Probably but i am still waiting for someone to tell me why Russian equipment should stand up to American equipment when being badly used in a foreign environment and in inferior numbers without the upgrades and improvements Russia implements on their own systems.

Russia is trying to sell as much as possible to obtain that last bit of money they can before Iran's military is set back into the stone age. Don't think the latest and greatest missle defense system sold by Russia will prevent anything from happening.

Russia is not selling enough of anything to change the course of events and i think everyone is well aware of that.

It's just another cash cow for Russia. That new system obviously didn't stop the Israeli aircraft in Syria this week and the Israeli's don't employ stealth like the USA.

Stealth is largely a waste of money when modern air/AA war is too a large extent about raw electrical power to jam signals or defeat jamming signals; something the Israeli's are past experts at.

Can someone come up with a diplomatic solution that prevents Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? I'd like to hear something that hasn't already been tried.

Why should we when they can't use it against anyone without getting themselves in very warm and deep water? Israeli can defend itself and why would the Iranian leadership use this weapon in anything but a last desperate attempt at self defense? Do you think the Iranian people will partake in a aggressive war and why do you believe such nonsense?

And I don't need to hear that Israel has nukes why can't Iran? Iran supports militant Islam all around the world.

It does not and even if it does and i am not aware the US and allies sponsors far more terrorism and terrorist organizations than all of their so called 'enemies' put together ever have.

I know you Israeli/Jew haters will say Israel is a terrorist also.

They are and i don't hate the few ( less than ten percent) actual honest to god Jews who live in Israel. Do you realise just how few Israeli's actually support their governments aggressive actions?

Whatever, turn on the TV, radio, Internet you loons, who is on blowing up people on a daily basis? Well I can tell you it's not Isreal.

Oh but the Israel regime is mostly responsible for inciting the violence by their continuing occupation and violence against local people. Most of the violence done by 'radical Muslims' are being done by radical Muslims sponsored by the CIA and Mossad so i know how we can stop it...

So if you have a logical, non-violent solution to Iran then let's hear it.

Stop threatening them and stop arming Israel or defending the actions of dictators and tyrants all over the world. And yeah, give Iranians back Mohammed Mosaddeq who you had deposed back in 1953 for being too damn democratic for your taste and doing things that actually benefited Iranians.


posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by StellarX

I disagree with everything you have to say. You and I are exact opposites in our thinking. There is no use filling up this thread in an exchange with someone who claims the USA has killed a million innocent civilians in Iraq. Hope it hurt when you pulled that large bogus number out of your rear.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by cloakndagger
The thing is when they use nuclear bunker busters they can just say the nuclear fall out is from the nuclear facility itself and claim they used conventional warheads.

Again, there will be traceable fallout and it will be easy to determine where the radioactive material originated from.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by on_yur_6
reply to post by StellarX

I disagree with everything you have to say. You and I are exact opposites in our thinking. There is no use filling up this thread in an exchange with someone who claims the USA has killed a million innocent civilians in Iraq. Hope it hurt when you pulled that large bogus number out of your rear.

I have heard about the million Iraqi poeple being dead but I don't know how secure the source I saw was.On the other hand I do still agree with most of what stellar says.

I believe we have overstayed our welcome and we will make no improvements.A lot of Iraqi poeple still dislike the U.S because of its actions,and I don't blame them.I mean we all know the Bush planning team must be garbage.

Oh really were finaly going to withdraw Mr.President?BS,you know how he says starting with taking 30 thousand troops home?Thats garbage,hes doing it in intervals of 4 thousand..So in a year they will be back to before the surge numbers in Iraq.

This administration is a damm joke,we all know that Iraq won't meet the security requirments for bringing the troops home.So in turn we are still going to have the exact same number of troops there.Sigh.

See Al-Qaeda is already picking up their attacks. There is no defending this garbage of a president,LET HIM FALL.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:28 PM
i dont like the capitolist world to much for several reasons.
i like the islamic world even less for more reasons.
if nukes are going to be used on iran then so be it.
i dont imagine the world being any safer with iran having nuclear weapons, & i just hear the french premiere on the radio saying the world should prepare for war. not sure if he was talking about nukes or not but he has said that iran should be bombed. oh dear !!!.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:35 PM
sorry all heres the actual french statement:
The nuclear Iranian crisis forces the world "to prepare for the worst" which "is war," French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Sunday evening, while emphasizing that negotiations should still be the preferred course of action.

Kouchner, quoted by French daily Le Figaro, added that "Iran does whatever it pleases in Iraq ... one cannot find in the entire world a crisis greater than this one."

its from the french FM Kouchner.
doesnt sound good.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by the animator

I agree with you Iran should have no nukes for a few reasons.In my mind Ahmadinejad is an extremist,and his threats towards Israel cannot be taken lightly.Although I do not believe the U.S is Israels baby sitter.

But to say Iran should be nuked is foolish in my mind.I feel even conventional weapons have a huuuge possibility of getting out of hand very fast.Worrying times we live in no doubt.

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