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photo's -MISSION - (don't ask how I got them)....shhhhh

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by airtrax007
Pictures i acquired---from last shuttle mission

[edit on 10-9-2007 by airtrax007]

Now that the pictures posted by airtrax007 have been removed
for obvious reasons everybody may ckeck all of them plus the
rest of the STS-118 mission on their original website here.

Just select from the menu STS-118 and choose wich day you
want to review the pictures. There are a lot of them in low or
high resolution but be warned 3032 x 2064 in high resolution
may be slow to download.

By the way the title of the thread " don't ask how I got them. shhhh "
is bogus. They were copied from NASA's website. Unfortunately he
made a mistake by uploading them in high resolution to his
Photobucket album. That just overloaded the limit.
He should have provided direct links to NASA's website but instead
he decided to build a bogus story. End of mystery.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by free_spirit
Now that the pictures posted by airtrax007 have been removed
for obvious reasons everybody may ckeck all of them plus the
rest of the STS-118 mission on their original website...

I have airtrax07's original photos hosted at Comcast. I posted them here.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 06:01 AM
I was givin these photo's by (bmclenagen) and was asked by him not to disclose how i recieved them,and was also told they were from the latest mission ---so a few were not --no big mystery....But Some photo's are not available on NASA'S website ---but the big question here is what is the object in the background to the left of photo #1 --another ISS or what

sry for the confusion

[edit on 12-9-2007 by airtrax007]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 06:19 AM
NASApix01 appears to be

NASApix02 appears to be

NASApix03 appears to be

NASApix04 appears to be

NASApix05 appears to be

NASApix06 appears to be

NASApix07 appears to be

NASApix08 appears to be

NASApix09 appears to be

NASApix10 appears to be

NASApix12 appears to be

That's all images accounted for, thanks to earlier posters who helped me realise which missions the first 3 were from.

I completely agree with the people calling shennanigans or BS. The story of unreleased pics from an inside source just don't seem to hold up!

And all the ones on the official sites are much nicer quality too, enjoy!

[edit on 12-9-2007 by bobafett]

[edit on 12-9-2007 by bobafett]

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:02 AM
Looking at the comparison of the photos, i can see somethings don't look exactly the same, but I think we need the photo experts to look into that

One is NASApix06, look at the place where the earth meets the sky, and the arm crosses, the earth there looks weird, I'm putting that down to some artifact when the image was 'enhanced' by the OPs friend.

NASApix12, in the NASA version, has black specks/dots on it that don't appear in the posted version.

As for whatever that is in NASApix10, it looks like you can see that even clearer in the official NASA pix, it looks odd, but I don't know anything about what is up there in space. If there was some NASA coverup and this was a secret ISS or something, this would be really easy to 'airbrush' out, so surely they would if it was an anomaly

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 07:05 AM
Sorry to report that I am not a fully qualified sceptic/skeptic, in that I don't do photo analysis, etc. And, truth to tell, I am disappointed, as a skeptic/sceptic, that what started off with great promise has, once again, poohed on the ground in a great ball of smoking... er ... stuff.

Now... About that 600 million folks living on Mars. John Lear may be right, but they wouldn't be very advance in much other than reproducing. I would think, but I could be completely off base, that if there were that many folks living on Mars, and they were technical to any degree or even sllightly advanced that there would be some "telescopic" or camera evidence of them.

Having said that, I am probably a bit igernant about it, but if someone could point me to verifiable pics or verifiable evidence of a substantial civilization on Mars then I would be most appreciative. And trust me... I'm not picky... I just would like to see some real verifiable evidence other than someone sayin, "There are 600 million others living on Mars"... And then a bunch of other folks saying, "You go John"!

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by sigung86

Having said that, I am probably a bit igernant about it, but if someone could point me to verifiable pics or verifiable evidence of a substantial civilization on Mars then I would be most appreciative. And trust me... I'm not picky... I just would like to see some real verifiable evidence other than someone sayin, "There are 600 million others living on Mars"... And then a bunch of other folks saying, "You go John"!

Thanks for the post sigung86. No one without a very high security clearance is going to be allowed to know about the civilizations on Mars, Venus and other planets in our solar system.

I don't know what the purpose of the secret is but I assume like everything else it is for money and control.

The civilizations on other planets are much more advanced both technologically and in their society.

There will be not be the slightest verification or hint that there is life on other planets other than an occasional fossil of a very tiny sea creature. No pictures of downtown Cydonia or Tithonia. Oh wait. There are pictures of Cydonia and Tihonia but they are not very clear or convincing. But thats all you are going to get.

Its up to you whether or not you going to 'bite'.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by airtrax007

please find a better bandwith site !! I want to see that!

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Mystery_Lady
reply to post by Green_57

Are you implying either it is faked, or that it is orbiting another planet/moon where the atmosphere is blue like that, or the other planet/moon is basically totally covered in water?

I was just pointing out it didn't look right, but that's kind of what I was getting at. Or something even weirder than that.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by IAttackPeople

Alright, I guess I'll buy that. There could be land right behind the shuttle and you can't see it.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:03 AM
In my opinion John, you still avoided answering the question. Please stop tap dancing and actually answer it. You were asked several times how you know about the 600 million people on Mars and asked to explain it, in which you replied like a politician, very slickly without actually answering the question. You have some very interesting and compelling views that are unique and intriguing at the very least.

Not Angry, or Pissy or anything, its hard to express emotion over the web, so dont think Im calling you a "Big Fat Lier." However If someone asked me this question, "How do you know that their are 600 Million people on mars." I would do something like, Point to all the Sewage Treatment Plants floating around Mars or submit a Martian Census, or at the very least say, "Because I Am The Man, Thats How" and show them a Martian Green Card.

Several Peeps have asked why the lack of stars in the pictures. Its Too Darned Bright to see stars and you are, as stated before, on the day side of the earth. Only the Brightest of bright objects would appear. Simple Science on that part, however, if you didnt understand it, you would really wonder why.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Firstly, I would like to point out that the photos which were given to airtrax007 to post on the site were believed to be genuine. I obtained the photos from a source which I had determined to be legitimate. I did not alter them in any way. They simply did not appear to be the ISS and based on that fact alone I ASS- umed their legitimacy. Definitely my bad.
Any wrongdoing would be in these "assumptions' and I assure you there were no shenanigans going on.

Secondly, I want to apologize and give credit to those of you who took their time from other threads to determine the legitimacy of these images. I am extremely impressed with the speed and skills which were used to get the facts straight. I have examined the latest NASA images posted which are nicer than the ones I have. I'm not sure if the lack of quality occurred in the email process on file sizing limitations. However, Neither myself or airtrax007 edited these images.

Lastly, I have redirected the efforts of this site back to the source of the photos and have requested more information based on what the ATS members have discovered. I will provide any additional information/ photos as acquired and post them for scrutiny.

Again, KUDOS to the fine research work at ATS.

Sincerest apologies,

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by airtrax007

I would be happy to host these images for you if you like. If you would like to email them to me at [email protected] I will post the links back to them on my web server.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 01:32 PM
Originally posted by arcnaver

In my opinion John, you still avoided answering the question. Please stop tap dancing and actually answer it. You were asked several times how you know about the 600 million people on Mars and asked to explain it, in which you replied like a politician, very slickly without actually answering the question. You have some very interesting and compelling views that are unique and intriguing at the very least.

Arcnaver, please accept my apologies for the delay in answering the question about those who live on Mars.

Many years ago I met a true government insider. We talked about many things and he never told me anything other than what I could find in public sources.

He lived north of Nevada and I visited his house several times.

About 15 years ago his health was failing rapidly and he had very few relatives. He came to visit Las Vegas to meet one of them and I had a chance to see him.

Out of the blue he asked, "What do you want to know?"

I didn't even know where to start I was so dumbfounded. He told me these things:

The first U.S. manned trip to the moon was in 1962.
The first U.S. manned trip to Mars was in 1966.
We have enormous mining operations both on the Moon and Mars.
There were 4 astronauts in the Apollo 1 space capsule when it burned up.
People on Mars look just like us.
The population of Mars is about 600 million.

I have been able to confirm the first 4 of these items from other sources. I have no reason to believe that the last 2 are not just as true as the first 4.

The gentleman who told me this would have no reason to lie. He was an honorable and loyal government employee. Many government employees would like to pass on information before they die but do not do so because of the threats to harm their loved ones if they do. He passed away shortly after this. He told me other interesting things.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 01:54 PM
The whole "600 million people on Mars" thing is fascinating and all... but its WAY off-topic for this thread. John, do you have your own thread set up for that topic? If not, I suggest you create one.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 02:08 PM
ok, folks, Mr. Lear has a whole section of the boards devoted to his theories. Let's keep those conversation there or, if they pertain to other forums, post em there but, please, for the sake of the thread, let's keep the conversation on topic.

that topic is the NASA photos posted at the start of the thread.

Thank you all.

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by bmclenegan

you have a u2u you might want to read.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 02:27 AM
reply to post by damajikninja

whhhhhhaaaaa *smacking head* Thanks damajikninja
I should have looked further than my nose but went on what i was seeing in the current pic - but again, thanks for pointing that out

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by damajikninja
reply to post by NateNute

Originally posted by shearder

It is the Southern part of Australia. The "island" to the "East" which is actually North is Tasmania.

[edit on 9/11/2007 by damajikninja]

I had my bearings all confused looking at the north (east) and saying that the "island to the north (east) but it is actually the "island" to the SOUTH is Tasmania LOL

Just had to correct myself on that one.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by arcnaver
Several Peeps have asked why the lack of stars in the pictures. Its Too Darned Bright to see stars and you are, as stated before, on the day side of the earth. Only the Brightest of bright objects would appear. Simple Science on that part, however, if you didnt understand it, you would really wonder why.

I don't really believe it is too darn bright to see stars at all - now here's my thoughts/theory - Lets speculate; (humour me) If NASA took such fantastic pictures with the technology they have and the amount of money spent on top notch cameras, one would be able to see some stars or at least when enlarged, even to the state of pixelation, one would be able to see at least one star. OK, now the point i am making; lets say they airbrush out an object and one interrogates a photo in some high end graphics program and SUDDENLY there is this "clean" patch in the "sky" (space). One would go AHHHHH, airbrushed!! Now, again, if they decided to airbrush i guess the easiest way to make sure something was not immediately obvious is to airbrush everything to black - no stars, no anomalies, nothing.

Makes sense to me but i am no expert on these things - simply speculating. Make sense?

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