posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 08:34 AM
Here is something else to ponder about the original still. If you look closely enough, there is enough definition within it to pick out the details of
its iris, pupil and the direction it is looking in without further magnification! In regards to that direction, it is looking to its lower left (out
of view of the camera), which would indicate that there was something other than President B. garnering its attention, and perhaps this 'individual'
is not alone. Also, I believe that if you are willing to accept a non-terrestrial connection with the governments of Earth, you should at least
consider that perhaps they are trying to reign in the more out of control behaviors of President B. who according to my contact with the Reticulians
(it was not friendly contact mind you, nor can you take me at face value as physical proof of this telepathic communication does not exist) [also, I
prefer to refer to an intelligent (I use that term loosely) species by where they come from, rather than for the color of their skin] has never been
completely under their control as their governmental drones operate independently (rather than through their typical means of operation through their
hive mind psychic network), and they do not have the capacity to remove them from their positions. This is another observation solely from my
perspective, but it clarifies to me why President B. seems to lack competence on many levels, yet still manages to engage in arms deals with various
countries, and continually produces various other policies that seem separate from his usual 'modus operandi', or even his and Dick's very bizarre
change of behaviors from even a few years ago, such as Dick referring to the invasion of Iraq as a "quagmire", then changing his mind and embarking
on the exact opposite mentality. I believe that many of Earth's governments have been compromised, and are no longer fully under the control of the
Illuminati (not that I am calling them the 'good guys', but at least they can handle things better than a bunch of idiotic space scavengers who have
nothing better to do with their free time than play with cattle parts and anal probes). Ok, now to explain a few things, first I know that without any
solid proof you people cannot realistically believe most of what I say here (and it is a sign of good mental health to not, unless you have
experienced these things for yourself, namely communication with intelligent beings that are NOT hive minded or hostile to Earth like the Reticulians
who are reviled for their consumptive disregard for other species), also many people posting in regards to many unbelievable posts (like this one),
tend to become extremely hostile to people like myself who do not care what mainstream society says this world is truly like, then immediately and
ignorantly rant about how stupid this person is and refuse to input any valuable perspective to the conversation. Please, if you want to discuss my
perspective on what is happening to our world right now, I would love to further this conversation, and clarify much more than the questionable
tidbits I have presented, if you just want to call me stupid and rant about it good for you, but it won't get you anywhere. I am very rational and am
restricted to a degree of what I can reveal, but I think it is about time that I start clarifying things that we as a whole are just left out of the
loop on. Remember, I expect you to believe what you want to believe, and I am free to do the same, even if you consider it to be lunacy, however I
know better than that, and there is much more I can talk about to those who honestly want to listen.