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John Lear's Claims Of Civilizations on Most Planets

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posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by yfxxx
I know it is. Because of your confirmation bias, you discard everything that "doesn't fit". This would of course include my comments.

LOL well I did NOT post your description of wormholes... even the one that came with the disclaimer... and I did not discard that either... I just think the DoD AFRL and LANL documents out weigh your view...

but then as you say.. I am biased...
Now ignorethefacts has already come around to admit there is an atmosphere on the moon... so now its only a matter of how much...

But as has been said... this thread is silly and serves no purpose as there are many like it and they are all the same...

And I need to work on the black spaceships next... you know those ones that are painted black? the ones that are another of my 'wild fabrications'?

uh huh yeah you just go on believing that

Radar images don't contain color information. NASA can can use any color they like (including hues of orange, black and white, etc.) - deal with it!

Well then if that is true why pick Lava Orange?

All the other planets in the solar system look the same in photos but for some reason NASA has trouble choosing a color for Venus..,

Sahara Sand Storm... (Pioneer)

Violet Swirls (Hubble)

As you say deal with it! But if you don't mind I like this version best

Blue Skys and Fluffy Clouds (Galileo)

[edit on 24-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 04:03 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton
There is too much common sense and logic out there that doesnt question everything as a conspiracy as some do.

You were right you DO have a sense of humor... Last I checked the sign on the door said ATS, the best darn CONSPIRACY website on the planet

I wasn't counting the hundreds of thousands silent viewers, merely the ones who write
But hey I will let my contribution record speak for itself...

I am curious thought why certain people never have any positive contributions to the threads, but prefer to spend all their time constantly attempting to debunk everything? Oh well each to there own

And to Ignorethefacts... about that 'shut up' part, I might politely remind you this is an open forum conspiracy THEORY site... so I doubt I shall be leaving any time soon... After all, Chorlton is expecting me to weave more 'Faerie Tails' and I would hate to disappoint him

I think I shall call my next opus "The Black Russians and the Black Horse"


posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 04:10 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

I am curious thought why certain people never have any positive contributions to the threads, but prefer to spend all their time constantly attempting to debunk everything? Oh well each to there own

Its called 'discussion'. In a discussion there will be people who propose or support a subject and then those that disagree with the subject.
This is a discussion forum hence you will get differing views, especially when the evidence provided by the supporters is so flaky.

Or would you prefer we all lay down and bow to the weirdly armour suited figure of Zorgon. (BTW why do you wear suits of armour and chainmail and show coats of arms to which you are not entitled,? )

I think I shall call my next opus "The Black Russians and the Black Horse"

Sounds like a lot of illegal immigrants at the pub

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Chorlton
Or would you prefer we all lay down and bow to the weirdly armour suited figure of Zorgon. (BTW why do you wear suits of armour and chainmail and show coats of arms to which you are not entitled,? )

Sigh.... just like home....

Oh yes it is true what they say "It is good to be King", but laying down is a tad overkill... a simple nod of the head and a "Your Excellency" will suffice
The coat of arms on that shield on my avatar? LOL that is a chess piece, not a coat of arms... I haven't taken the time to put mine on there yet

A little off topic to be sure but what the heck... a good way for me to leave this thread and get back to work...

This was taken a few years back...

The Court of Kings We had 11 Kingdoms present

Why the Armour you ask? We play rough

And we mustn't forget the ladies...

And on THAT note, I am outta here...


[edit on 24-9-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Now ignorethefacts has already come around to admit there is an atmosphere on the moon... so now its only a matter of how much...

I didn't "come around", I already said (and it's common knowledge) that there is a micro atmosphere on the moon, but nothing that impacts how we think about the moon. So nothing you said made me "come around". This is a perfect example of your side completely ignore things people say and just blurting out whatever makes you look good to your woo woo cohorts.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by zorgon

And to Ignorethefacts... about that 'shut up' part, I might politely remind you this is an open forum conspiracy THEORY site... so I doubt I shall be leaving any time soon... After all, Chorlton is expecting me to weave more 'Faerie Tails' and I would hate to disappoint him

Your kidding me right? You know damn well the "put up or shut" phrase is a figure of speech, telling you to lay your cards on the table. You know darn well I was not telling you to flat out shut up on an open forum. Jeez, another example of you trying to bend anything you can in an effort to gain support from the woos.

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
People who call science a religion do not know what science is and are trying to drag it down to the level of religion so it can be dismissed outright, just like every religion that the accuser does not believe in.

Hi MajorMalfunction
Regarding your comment on the above staement - the new way of looking at Science and Religion is what we are calling 'Cosmology' the combining of all known proven science facts and mixing it up with astrology and religion. Science cannot move any closer to proving new realities so it has to use othee rknown sources to set the influences for the future.


posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Valorian
Hi MajorMalfunction
Regarding your comment on the above staement - the new way of looking at Science and Religion is what we are calling 'Cosmology' the combining of all known proven science facts and mixing it up with astrology and religion. Science cannot move any closer to proving new realities so it has to use othee rknown sources to set the influences for the future.


That is an interesting point.

Religion explains things through deity, most often. Science tends to ignore deity and see things as structured and orderly.

The primary difference is in religion, some level of "magick" is employed. Even miracles are magical, as they are caused without cause, if you will tolerate the play on words.

In science, all things are sought via tracing the strings of cause and effect.

The downfall of science, i think, is that it seeks to understand the mind of someone/something (speaking metaphorically) that was "before his time." We cannot even understand the genius of our own people until after we have killed them, or shunned them. We ignore what we do not understand (this is why UFO's fly around above the ignorant masses without question).

it is an interesting insight to see that the blending of science and religion is well underway. The only problem is, the ones who practice this blended "science" are ridiculed by those who are still in control. They are still before their time.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
it is an interesting insight to see that the blending of science and religion is well underway.

The field of cosmology has been around for a long time and it is not a 'blending of science and religion'. It is simply the study of the universe and its history. Stephen Hawking is a cosmologist for instance.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:45 AM

cos·mol·o·gy (kŏz-mŏl'ə-jē)

1. The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.
1. The astrophysical study of the history, structure, and constituent dynamics of the universe.
2. A specific theory or model of this structure and these dynamics.

And just so everyone understands the definition of the only word above that can be even remotely considered "woo"

phe·nom·e·non (fĭ-nŏm'ə-nŏn', -nən)

1. An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.
2. pl. -nons.
1. An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence; a marvel.
2. A remarkable or outstanding person; a paragon. See synonyms at wonder.
3. Philosophy. In the philosophy of Kant, an object as it is perceived by the senses, as opposed to a noumenon.
4. Physics. An observable event.

Remember, "Deny Ignorance" is the motto around here, right?

Now back on topic....where is that smoking gun evidence concerning the outlandish claims that civilizations exist on most of the planets in our solar system? Come on, outlandish claims like this require an answer, don't you think?

10 pages, and nothing so far. No surprise. Too many people want to believe in something so bad they overlook common sense, logic and reason to get there. Sad. You people that subscribe to this complete and utter foolishness are what hurts the real, sensible and scientific cause of Ufology. In the end, your only working to prevent the discovery of what you really want to know the most. If I have to explain that statment to you....well, never mind.

Come on John, enlighten us with all your indisputable "inside" knowledge that has led you to this conclusion that you constantly parade as FACT.

[edit on 26-9-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

[edit on 26-9-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:09 AM
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

Come on John, enlighten us with all your indisputable "inside" knowledge that has led you to this conclusion that you constantly parade as FACT.

Thanks for the post ITF. Many feel the frustration that you feel in wanting to know 'whats real and whats not', 'what or who is out there' and where the proof of all this is.

I have no proof and if I ever said I did I was mistaken.

What I post here is my opinion based on what I have learned in the past 65 years. Many are interested, many are not. I do not ask anybody to believe anything I say; it is an opinion, and it is based on my lifes experiences.

Many people who read my stuff read it for 'food for thought' but none, as far as I know take it as gospel truth. And I certainly don't present it as gospel truth.

Many think that life must have more to offer than continuous war against supposed 'enemies'.

Many think that life must be more than 'who can build the biggest bomb and kill the most people for Democracy".

Many think that life can be more than waking up in the morning and looking around for someone to shootl.

I believe life DOES have more to offer. I believe that all of the planets in the solar system are inhabiited by folks like us but have evolved above envy, hate and greed. I believe it, but I sure as heck can't prove it.

So please accept my apologies for not being able to 'enlighten' you. That is a process that, in my opinion, must come from within yourself.

And please accept my apologies if I have presented any of my ideas as 'facts'. They are, in fact, opinions, and I offer them only as 'food for thought'.

Thanks for your post, it is greatly appreciated.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:17 AM
I "believe" there is an invisible elf in my backyard. Some day you may become enlightened enough through the process of self discovery that you will see it too.

This is the type of hogwash answer you get any time you try to get a straight answer from any of these folks. In the mean time, the only thing they are doing is leading those that are a little too eager to believe down the path of foolishness. And, in the process, hurting the actual coarse of real ufology sdiscovery and ultimately preventing what their "followers" desire most...disclosure.

[edited - spelling]

[edit on 26-9-2007 by IgnoreTheFacts]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 11:56 AM
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

those that are a little too eager to believe down the path of foolishness. And, in the process, hurting the actual coarse of real ufology sdiscovery and ultimately preventing what their "followers" desire most...disclosure.

Thanks for the response ITF. It would be my opinion that you are doing your very best not to hurt 'the actual course of real ufologys discoveries...'

Thanks again for the post.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 02:37 PM
John, it just strikes me as odd that, after "learning" things for 65 years (longer than some of us have been alive) that leads you to believe in such wild and outlandish ideas, that you have nothing to share, no facts, nothing to convince the average joe? I mean 65 years, and no evidence?!? This isn't religion, its little green men living on other planets, surely you have some sort of evidence you can share that will stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny after 65 YEARS?

Your not coming out of this looking too good, John.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:00 PM
I think it would be unwise to believe that we're the only ones that exist with a civilization, but again that's just my mho.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:06 PM
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

Your not coming out of this looking too good, John.

Thanks for your post ITF. Many would agree with you. But I was not looking all that great even before so its not that big of a deal for me.

Not to mention that my goal in life is not exactly to "look good". Actually I would rather 'feel good' than 'look good'.

And I 'feel' great!

Thanks for the post ITF. You input is always greatly appreciated.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by johnlear

John, you have to get over to the top flagged thread ASAP. We need your insight badly!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 04:20 PM
Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts

John, it just strikes me as odd that, after "learning" things for 65 years (longer than some of us have been alive) that leads you to believe in such wild and outlandish ideas, that you have nothing to share, no facts, nothing to convince the average joe?

Nope. It took me 65 years to get here you think I am going to convince the average Joe with a few words on a post? I don't think so.

I mean 65 years, and no evidence?!?

Oh, theres plenty of evidence. But evidence for some is a 'Lear leap in logic' for others.

This isn't religion, its little green men living on other planets,

In the famous words of Mac Brazel to Frank Joyce, "...and they're not green!"

surely you have some sort of evidence you can share that will stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny after 65 YEARS?

Alas, evidence, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

Thanks for the post. Your input is always appreciated.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by TheoOne
I think it would be unwise to believe that we're the only ones that exist with a civilization, but again that's just my mho.

Who said anything about not believing in that? I think it is a pretty safe bet to assume there are civilizations dotted around the universe, and most people would agree. But lets not get confused here, there is a HUGE difference between believing that and make outright foolish claims that pretty much every planet in this solar system has advanced civilizations living on it.

Theres common sense, and there is....well, something else. I don't know what you call it. Perhaps a foolish desire to believe the highly improbable at all costs?

John, I am sorry you can't answer the call on this thread, I guess we should consider it closed. One of these days I will take the time to introduce you to the entire community of invisible elves living in my back yard as soon as your are open and ready enough to accept them.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFactshurting the actual coarse of real ufology sdiscovery ....

So would you please be so kind as to describe what you mean by 'real ufology' and how that ties into your perceptions of 'common sense'?

I "believe" there is an invisible elf in my backyard. Some day you may become enlightened enough through the process of self discovery that you will see it too.

Excellent! I am surprised you would have one though

This is the type of hogwash answer you get any time you try to get a straight answer from any of these folks.

How is that hogwash? That is merely your opinion... no matter what we show you, you have already dismissed it as being against your ideas of 'common sense" so as enlightenment comes from following new ideas... well I see you have a long journey ahead of you

In the mean time, the only thing they are doing is leading those that are a little too eager to believe down the path of foolishness.

And just where are we leading these 'followers' to? I am willing to accept that skeptics and others may not share my belief... but it seems the other side of the fence is not so gracious...

So just because someone who happens to share some of my beliefs comes to ATS because they found someone who shares that belief they are now my 'followers" ?

Good grief, what a ridiculous statement to make. So what you are saying is those that lean to our side of the fence have no mind of their own to make their own decisions?.

"Believe as I do or your a nut case" And you call our ideas 'woo woo'

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