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Foo Fighters

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posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:32 AM
What exactly is a "foo fighter"? I used to think they were fake, but then I heard more and more about them and now I am completely confused.

I did an ATS search and all I learned is:

  • They are red orbs
  • They have some connection to WWII(I think)

    Please share all of your knowledge with me/us

  • posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:35 AM
    If I recall, Foo Fighters were the designation given to UFOs spotted by military pilots during WWII. There are accounts of pilots seeing additional, unknown craft flying along their formations, particularly on night-time bombing runs over Europe, I believe.

    That's just off the top of my head though, so if anyone has more information and would post it, it would be appreciated.

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:55 AM
    Foo Fighters and I don't mean the band either...were reported by American, German, and Russian pilots during WW2. I am sure British pilots did too but I have not read any of their accounts. Each side thought that the foo fighters were the enemy's secret weapons. Here's a neat link with some pilot excerpts:
    Foo Fighters

    ---Matty (mattywhelz)

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 12:00 PM
    Yes what were Foo Fighters? they were surely beyond our technology at that time during WW2???

    alien or inter dimensional?
    time traveling recorder probes?
    unkown new super secret technology kept top secret even to today?

    dunno but its very strange and its not talked about much now days either.

    [Edited on 18-1-2004 by blobby]

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 12:02 PM
    Were Foo fighters not a nickname used to describe
    "UFO'S" by radar guys ( lol, forgot what thier called) and military personal?


    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 07:24 PM
    So did they just disappear after WW2 or do we still see them today?

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 07:44 PM
    Now this is all off the top of my head but here goes...

    Originally thought to be a form of 'St Elmo's Fire' which is light that froms on wing tips? (i think or maybe tails) of planes when flying... this is a natural phenonmina which i believe is explained by ice crystals, friction, speed, etc etc... (as you can see i'm not too sure about the exact explanation).

    Foo fighters however were diffeent however as they didnt stay on the wings or tails of the planes as St Elmos Fire but seemed to dance around planes in formation changing direction quickly and accelerating/deccelerating at amazing speeds... it is unknown what they were but it is believed they may have been secret weapons being tested by one of the two sides, or ET's coming down to 'check out the war' and the tech being used...

    This phenomena was witnessed by many air force pilots on all sides of the war and (i do believe) witnessed by radar crew from time to time...

    I hope that helps

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 10:42 PM
    Why doesnt anybody actually think logically here and maybe consider that the "Foo Fighters" were actually top secret aircraft of a country....

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 10:47 PM
    I thought Foo Fighters were the actual aircraft that went AFTER these Wierd and wonderful UFO's.

    Eg. Corsairs, mustangs....etc American and British Air Force etc...

    I have also read of a few reports that they got a couple!


    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 10:48 PM

    Originally posted by LuDaCrIs
    Why doesnt anybody actually think logically here and maybe consider that the "Foo Fighters" were actually top secret aircraft of a country....

    Well considering the Foo Fighters performed manuevers way beyond anything that Allied or Axis powers were capable of doing and that both sides were concerned and had no understanding of them...leads me to believe it was someone or something else utilizing them. I believe they could have been probes observing humanity's great and terrible conflict. If they were Allied or Axis Powers' technology what possible use were they for? If either side had the capabilities of building them... wouldn't they have used them to down enemy aircraft instead of merely shadowing or observing them? Just my additional 2 cents worth.

    ---Matty (mattywhelz)

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 10:55 PM
    they were quite strange the foo fighters were... but has anyone ever heard tell of repeat performances by these quirky little bastards

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 10:58 PM
    I could be wrong but I believe that they were seen in the korean war too

    posted on Jan, 18 2004 @ 11:03 PM
    I did an ATS 'search' on possible "Foo Fighter" past threads or discussions and ran across this thread: (I did the 'search' under "belowtopsecret", therefore the links will have such designations)

    "Foo Fighters and the Kugelblitz"

    I hope it will add to your topic/thread and help entertain your questions and raise a few more.


    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 02:11 AM
    i think those foo fighters where prototype planes made by a part of die luftwaffe das deutsches reich. Some others say that it where the aliens which cooperated with the germans... And if we watch episode one of TAKEN by steven spielberg it is completly otherwise...

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 02:13 PM
    I've never heard St Elmo's Fire related to aircraft-?
    Here's the basic info I was always given

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 03:22 PM
    your probably right like i said all that was off the top of my head, i havnt researched foo fighters for years now (since i was 14) so my knowledge of st elmos fire may be a little rusty... but i do know that foo fighters were originially thought to be a form of st elmos fire... sorry if i am wrong...

    as for them showing up in the korean war... i havnt heard of that... i might try to search it up... the problem is if you type in foo fighters theres a million sights about the band for every one about the phenomena...

    its quite strange though they stopped appearing after this era... this suggests they were here as a result of the war(s) (if korea was prone to them to) maybe aliens checking us out as we destroyed ourselves, or maybe seeing our military technology and sizing us up... you never know

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 03:51 PM
    You may very well be correct as well...I'll do some googling

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 04:52 PM

    Originally posted by mattywhelz

    Well considering the Foo Fighters performed manuevers way beyond anything that Allied or Axis powers were capable of doing and that both sides were concerned and had no understanding of them...leads me to believe it was someone or something else utilizing them. I believe they could have been probes observing humanity's great and terrible conflict. If they were Allied or Axis Powers' technology what possible use were they for? If either side had the capabilities of building them... wouldn't they have used them to down enemy aircraft instead of merely shadowing or observing them? Just my additional 2 cents worth.

    ---Matty (mattywhelz)

    First of all u obviuosly havent made the proper neuron connections in your brain to realize that the poeple who observed the objects were pilots and as far as i am converned i dont think the governments would have told the pilots wat it really was. Thats why they are prototypes. Secondly u said why would eitherside use the crafts to shadow or observe the enemy's craft when they should have just sho them down. Well who said that pilots viewing an unidentified object can say that its an enemies aircraft. It could have been their own secret plane. And on top of that even if it was an enemy craft then who says that the Foo Fighters werent just a servaillence object and not neccessarily a combat craft. Has it been said anywhere that these Foo Fighters have attacked any Axis or Allied planes??...And thats just my two cents....

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 05:13 PM
    Uh, Ludacris, you said you found it amazing that no one believed that foo fighters could have been secret weapons, yet it was said at least 4 times before you made that post.

    I'd bet it was German technology, because there is a lot more known from the Allied perspective than the German. To add to this, the German scientists made many technological marvels, including the first jets to be used. They had the Blitzkrieg and its two cousins, the V2 rocket, those jets, and when you think about it, jets compared to WWII fighter planes would seem pretty damned amazing.

    Not to rule out extraterrestrial involvement. If we are some sort of experiment, they might have come down to monitor the situation with the knowledge that we're reaching levels where we could seriously damage the world.

    posted on Jan, 19 2004 @ 07:45 PM
    Well LuDaCrIs I wish to let you know my neuron connections work quite well.
    I currently have a 4.0 GPA as a double major in history and secondary education with a history specialization in a private college. But enough of that. Many of the Foo Fighters' maneuvers I have read about would even outclass today's aircraft capabilities. One account I remember reading had the pilot of a B-17 in a steep power dive and the Foo Fighter stayed ~4 feet above the wing through out the dive. No matter what the pilot did the FF stayed in the excate same position. Good point Viendin, the Germans had some amazing technology such as the Me 163 and Me 262 and others you mentioned. I am not ruling out that Foo Fighters may have been human technology but their disappearance after the war and the fact that if the Germans could put tech like that into the air....allied bombers would not have had a chance. If Foo Fighters were advanced German reconnaissance "aircraft" or possible early warning devices....I think missions like the bombings of Dresden would not have happened. On the other side of the fence if the U.S. had that oh my those German jets would have been no match. But what really irkes me is that some folks on here can't express their opinions or share their ideas without somebody taking pot shots at them.

    ---Matty (mattywhelz)

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