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Skinwalker: Our experiences

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posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:02 PM
Besides the book about the Ranch, which I didn't think was all that great. I'm not quite sure what all the "hype" is about Skinwalker. I've seen partial video of teams going out there and nothing happens on the video's. Now I hear about a lot of personal experiences but nothing ever solid. I see the pictures that you guy's took. "No Trespassing"- I'd have to say the last people that you would have to fear would be cops. Like you say, the ranch is supposed to be a couple of miles off of any main roads. I don't know of any cops that would like to drive a dirt road, miles to find some "possible" trespassers. And that would be only if they could FIND YOU. I'd be more worried about Military personel, or private citizens that may possibly be guarding the ranch, than anyone. Besides all the calls the cops (possibly) get about weird lights on the ranch and noises, and possible people being out there, I'm sure that by now they are really tired of going out there, to find nothing. Looks like the "No Trespassing" signs have been there a while, and were probably posted by the ranchers. Trespassing on posted land is usually a misdemeanor in most states (I think). If the signs read No Trespassing, Deadly Force Authorized, and then had the letters something like U.C.M.J. (Uniform Code of Military Justice), then you definately DO NOT want to venture past the sings. Now there are some ranches in Texas that I would not want to get caught trespassing on, but those are occupied by the owners. From what I understand the Skinwalker Ranch is supposed to be vacant. I would have to say that you guy's need to make another trip to see if you can capture something on camera/video. Great story, but I'll keep a "Wary Eye".

posted on Jul, 17 2009 @ 08:13 PM
BTW, if you DO happen to get caught by the COPS, just explain to them what you are doing out there. Don't try to lie, when it comes to cops honesty "CAN" go a long way. I'm sure that you guy's wouldn't be the first/last "Paranormal Nerds" (not meant to offend, because I'm one too) that they have encountered out there.

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 07:30 AM
I read this entire thread last night and loved every minute of it. It is truely fascinating and I have confidence in the guys who made the trip, so there.

But, we seem to have lost our host? Last news he was getting married and moving to Utah. Does anybody know what happened to him?

Where are you bigfoothunter?

posted on Jul, 18 2009 @ 10:43 AM
i need to spend some time watching that skinwalkers documentary thats for sure,

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by skyeyes
Besides the book about the Ranch, which I didn't think was all that great. I'm not quite sure what all the "hype" is about Skinwalker. I've seen partial video of teams going out there and nothing happens on the video's. Now I hear about a lot of personal experiences but nothing ever solid. I see the pictures that you guy's took. "No Trespassing"- I'd have to say the last people that you would have to fear would be cops. Like you say, the ranch is supposed to be a couple of miles off of any main roads. I don't know of any cops that would like to drive a dirt road, miles to find some "possible" trespassers. And that would be only if they could FIND YOU. I'd be more worried about Military personel, or private citizens that may possibly be guarding the ranch, than anyone. Besides all the calls the cops (possibly) get about weird lights on the ranch and noises, and possible people being out there, I'm sure that by now they are really tired of going out there, to find nothing. Looks like the "No Trespassing" signs have been there a while, and were probably posted by the ranchers. Trespassing on posted land is usually a misdemeanor in most states (I think). If the signs read No Trespassing, Deadly Force Authorized, and then had the letters something like U.C.M.J. (Uniform Code of Military Justice), then you definately DO NOT want to venture past the sings. Now there are some ranches in Texas that I would not want to get caught trespassing on, but those are occupied by the owners. From what I understand the Skinwalker Ranch is supposed to be vacant. I would have to say that you guy's need to make another trip to see if you can capture something on camera/video. Great story, but I'll keep a "Wary Eye".

i already posted several new videos of the ranch recently...also of activity that occured there. Utahbigfoothunter has better 1st hand video. And yes we are perhaps the only ones ever to show actual paranormal acticity caught on tape at the ranch anywhere on the net.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
I read this entire thread last night and loved every minute of it. It is truely fascinating and I have confidence in the guys who made the trip, so there.

But, we seem to have lost our host? Last news he was getting married and moving to Utah. Does anybody know what happened to him?

Where are you bigfoothunter?

bigfoothunter moved from salt lake to a city next to the ranch to be closer to the activity! He is truely dedicated.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

Hello there! It's nice to hear from you and hear also that your fellow explorer is okay. I am so thrilled that you guys are getting to do all these adrenaline junkie activities! lol.

When you said you had posted new vids, are you referring to the ones on this thread, or are they elsewhere? If elsewhere, can you direct me to them? I want to see them all.

Look, you guys are really credible, and this is almost like hearing these stories from someone I feel I know. So thanks again so much for all your posts and stories.

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:21 PM
Here yah go

[edit on 20-7-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Jul, 20 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by hiii_98

Wow and Yay! I'm having pizza in front of the computer later, so the vids will be my dinner companion.


posted on Jul, 21 2009 @ 04:55 PM
I am so fascinated by skinwalker ranch living relatively close! This whole thread has been a real treat.

There have been cattle mutilations in my area for years as well. Does anyone have a list of places like skinwalker? I know there is Dulce NM and a place in Colorado and New York. It would be interesting to map it and look for patterns of any kind. Ley lines, geographic features, etc.

What ever is there seems keenly aware of us and what we are doing. Making some sort of friendly contact would be very beneficial to us, I think.

If they are dimensional, are we able to survive int heir dimension or the trip there? Are they stronger than us? Wiser, less or more prone to evil?

An odd thought, but are these the beings known to our for bearers? The ones the Irish called the Tuatha de Danan? Are these the stuff (the bad) fairy tales are made of? They seem to have the same abilities, powers, temperaments and the same mysteriously unknown ends.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by debris765nju
That said, i am the expert on "werewolves" and other created creatures. I live with entities that possess these abilities, i know what to look for and how to bring it out in a photograph. What researchers like ubfh do is dangerous beyond belief, moreso than hunting a Grizzly bear with a penknife. I offer suggestions that i think might help in his quest. I am grateful for the pictures he posts and i examine each and every one.

You take images, enhance them to extreme measures and find random patterns and shapes to comply with your beliefs.

It's nothing short of absolute lunacy. As a Photoshop-Merchant and photography freak it's clear to me that you have little idea what you're talking about.

None of these enhanced pictures hold any significance, what so ever. Could highlight the exact same nothingness with any random picture.

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Left click your mouse with the cursor on the bottom scroll button and you can slide right past my post. Thanks

[edit on 103030p://pm3055 by debris765nju]

posted on Sep, 27 2009 @ 08:12 PM
two more videos.

also be sure to check out the website in my signature for more info and discussions on SknWkr

[edit on 27-9-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:58 PM
This is very interesting. Do you still make trips out there?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 11:18 PM
hiii_98: Probably the most underrated thread on ATS, ever. You the man.

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 09:21 AM
This thread is just fantastic. I truly believe this type of phenomenon is global, the area where I live in Australia has had a plethora of these kinds of events happen, and I have experienced some of it.

Good work

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by guerillaboy

as much as my schedule and budget allows... sorry to be vague

posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 11:58 AM
not to divert the thread nor ATS but stop by and say hi on my own forum at the site in my signature for live onging dicussions on the ranch.

To any skeptics do you think a billionair would buy the ranch (in the absolute middle of no where), hire a team of scientists and security personel and build a company dedicated to studying the phenomona to this very day if this were not real? I'm still conflicted as to things i have seen and the various theories i have to explain them. I once heard a local ute indian explain the ranch is a rare place where the veil to reality is thin...

i also dont ever recommend invading the privacy of the Bigelow team as they do have an important job and the phenomona can and will evaporate if distrubed by too many curious onlookers.

[edit on 1-10-2009 by hiii_98]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:23 PM
Been over a year since I've posted. I dropped absolutely everything to move up here to the Uintah Basin and research the "skinwalker territory" full-time.
Quit my job, rented my home, and completely relocated so I could study the phenomenon in a professional way. I have immersed myself. Its been a wild ride with more experiences than I could even mention here.I know people on ATS claim to come and visit Skinwalker, but its not the same as immersing yourself completely.
Not a week goes by that I don't visit the area multiple times, multiply that by over a year and a lot of days start adding up.Hundreds of experiences would be an understatement.What's funny about the "area", is that everyone claims to be an expert.Therefore I have learned to just let those types think they know it all and self-stroke their egos. They usually know very little.
Before I start, let me explain what brought me here. Back to how I first found the Ranch in the 90's... By accident. To make a Long story EXTREMELY short I broke my foot during a UFO experience, I had. After some odd "contact-like" experiences found myself speaking with a shaman on the side of the road at a place known as Skinwalker.
I didn't know why I was there, or neccesarily how I had arrived there. Still don't remember the conversation I had with the shaman, but I know it was deep and extremely emotional. It wasn't for many years that I went to Skinwalker after reading about it. While searching for it, when I arrived in the area I knew I was there before, and got chills throughout my body. Since then I have been mesmerized and never really felt connected in the city where I lived, so I dropped everything to be able to research the phenomena full time.
I have been doing this fulltime since august of 2008.I believe I am starting to understand the calling, if what a person said to me has any credence.

I hope this individual is wrong!

In a conversation I had with someone who claimed they had inside knowledge,(but would not explain where from) I was floored. What I got was info that was hard to wrap my head around. I promised to protect this individual and not disclose their information.

Basically they said that pharmaceuticals are the new big business. They are what big oil used to be. However above pharmaceauticals is bio-tech. And above bio-tech is nano-tech. And above that, well that's what's happening at skinwalker.(This person may very well be off their rocker, but they are highly educated and seemed to have some possibly valid points so if you don't like it all, take what you can use and leave the rest)
Hear me out, he said. That's what's being done at the ol sherman place. Not buy the owner, he is semi-unaware. The Organically bio-engineering of microchip-like bovine spongiform encephalopathy is the plot. In other words an infection that can manifest itself on demand at the command of military shadow government. Only problem is the ancient "force" at hand in the area has not liked being used as a guinea pig and has not particpated, thus it has significantly slowed the process.
Progress has been slow but is finally near its completion. Some members of society who are drawn to the area for no other reson than phenomenon are either spectators or those with a calling and awareness which is not undetected by the shadow government.
This infection will not enter into its next phase until 2010 after what he called "the mass marking". Which is a massive governmental tracking and numbering of the inhabitants of the united states. Civilizaton will try and destroy itself.
People will lock themselves in their homes scared to venture out because of fear. Mind induced fear, thus the population will be completely controlled. And those who are not can be induced to illness.
*(B.S.E, commonly known as mad cow disease)

Well, there you have it.I know it sounds off the wall and probably is. But that is one locals take on the activity. It was so mesmerizing to me that I had to post it. It is definitely wacky and far fetched.
But if there is even some truth to ANY of it, we have some big things coming our way, and we are in big trouble.
Thanks for the opportunity to post. I will try and be on more often. Forgive any typos as I can only access the site via blackberry these days up here.

Be blessed

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:28 PM
pretty fascinating claim made by utahbigfoothunter yet no replies? I just finished reading Kelleher's Brain Trust book and see some similiaries.

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