hi important now mr jose escamilar is threats over the net to me
below from jose
joseescamilla (40 minutes ago) +1 Reply | Spam
Hey Lenard, yahwehlite is correct! I just made $10 million dollars CASH off Interstellar...wanna collect what you say I stole from you? Take my ass to
court. Let's DO IT! You want your share? Take me to court...SUE ME jag-off! Let's go to court!
jose took my films and i try to stop him but he got mad and said he will kill me please stop him
[email protected]
Subject: One by One l will get you!
[email protected]
BUSTED your dead mate! LOL! More coming your way pal. This is only the beginning!
please read all this very carefully to the end, first i can prove all this live and will to the right person that will not scam me
you sound kind if you really want to know the truth try to read all this.
i just want peace but there is a producer at this time in the side lines that is told to make me look a hoax
he believes santiago Yturria Garza, just one thing how can any person trust and believe santiago Yturria a man that
tells the world there are "Flying Humanoids" which are ballons
i also find strange how can the ones in control of the world news tell a hollywood producer trust santiago Yturria Garza
that tells the world there are "Flying Humanoids" that are only balloons.
there are many more lies these people will tell you about me, its all about money and santiago is upset he lost his deal with
the hollywood producer.
below is santiago telling the world there are "Flying Humanoids"
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=C9V8_7BZL_Q
but hear is my footage and files
All videotape footage and text ©2008 by John Lenard Walson. All Rights Reserved. Copying or Reproduction in any
media are prohibited without written permission of John Lenard Walson.
i get attacks all the time from those ones at above top secret
i had to send this to one of them below Santiago Yturria Garza, is freespirit on above top secret.
i am john, NOT grid, why do you not ask Santiago Yturria Garza,
Why he with out any permission or right got cash from a Hollywood Producer to fly to LA with my films, and stay in a 5 star
hotel all paid for.
To sell them to a very well known Hollywood Producer? we will keep his name out of this for now.
but Santiago Yturria lost his film deal then made up lies about me (john) all the truth is coming your way soon.
peace to all get your facts right before you make fools of yourself.
santiago, the mexican.
he took with out permission my OLD film years ago and sold it in his dvd collection of him at ufo shows.
i did not give him permission to sell this and i have nothing to do with his claims.
i have this original film because i was the real cam man
read all this very carefully please
i started to film objects in space fact, i try to get help to find out what they were , i ask nasa and a Professor Gerry Gilmore
they told me they were space craft fact. look at there emails below fact.
they said go public fact.
now when i did go public to make a movie, i did not know who to ask or trust, i ask around.
people like jose at TBLN. COM and Santiago Yturria Garza, come in to the whole thing and made films and sold them with a
small fraction
of my work, fact santiago got upset and started problems with me and jose.
this leads to no payment for my work from any person that had taken it fact.
i never give any rights to let Santiago Yturria Garza to do this he made dvds and sold them at ufo conference shows,
i found this out then i try to stop them, fact.
they got upset i was trying to stop them and i found out Santiago Yturria Garza went to a very well known hollywood tv film
and made very strange claims with out me knowing to the producer about my films telling him they were alien crafts.
anyway i still try stop the thief taking my films but they got so mad i try to stop them they start a smear against me on
Above top secret
this is the information you will find.
they phoned the Professor Gerry Gilmore and email nasa and told them i was nuts and a fake, they got people to make fake tin foil
space craft and made films at the end of they garden to look like my films with cams so it looks like my stuff to make look like
a fake.
Santiago Yturria Garza, is freespirit on above top secret.
and he will tell you i was a mr gridkeeper and john all the same person but this is not true and will be proved
correct in the feature film coming out.
just remember it was gerry gilmore that say go public not me.
so when people attack me they are also attacking him.
and hear are just a fraction of emails to prove the truth,
i have many more from nasa that will prove much more fact
credit you deserve for your skills.
Institute of Astronomy direct phone +44 (0)1223 337506
Cambridge University PA: Suzanne Howard
Madingley Road +44 (0)1223 766097
Cambridge CB3 0HA showard@ast.cam.ac.uk
fax +44(0)1223 339910/7523
mobile +44 (0)771 2774522
e-mail: gil@ast.cam.ac.uk;
http://www. ast. cam. ac. uk/~gil/
Gerry Gilmore (gil@ast.cam.ac.uk)
Thu 1/18/0 3:37 AM
john lenard (santamonicajohn@hotmail.com)
Hello again,
and again my congratulations on your superb astrophotography
You are clearly getting some images at almost the diffraction limit of
your telescope. In the very sharpest images there are hints of diffraction
rings visible on the edges of the satellites. That is of course the
absolute limit of optical performance, and is only rarely attained.
Interestingly, the process you have, of using a high-quality imaging
system, with fast read-out, and then selecting the rare ..perfect' images
is something which has been developed and applied somewhat by one of my
colleagues here. You might like to look at our local web page presenting
some of this:
http://www. ast. cam. ac. uk/~optics/Lucky_Web_Site/
You might also be interested in a journal produced by the
MIT Lincoln Laboratory - which is the group which has built some of the
things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the
Star wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects. They
don't talk about the military satellites,
of course, but there are many dicussions of earth surveillance, and
related issues. It is distributed only to academic organisations, so
you may need to get your local library to borrow it, but you
may be able to get this (for free) from
Subscription Coordinator
Room L-054
Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
MA 0240-9185
best regards
Gerry Gilmore (gil@ast.cam.ac.uk)
Sat 2/10/0 2:37 AM
john lenard (santamonicajohn@hotmail.com)
Hi John,
thank you for the moon images: once again they show that you are an
excellent photographer.
There are of course many satellites in orbit, only a few of which are
anything to do with JPL, but these are readily seen by
astro-photographers like yourself all over the world.
You should just enjoy the excellence of your images, and make them
available as widely as is possible, through the public web-sites,
magazines, etc, so you can get the credit you deserve for your skills.
best regards
people have let me down and taken my old footage
and now sell it on there web page i have never been paid for my old footage.
why has this man at TBLN. com still selling my films if he talk to gerry gilmore on the phone telling gerry lies about
me saying i was fake.
i did try to stop tbln but the man at tbln starts a lot of trouble for me telling lie after lie to nasa and gerry gilmore
but he still sells my old films
i get horrible emails from the man at tbln
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 07:07:37 -0800
From: josesskyfish@yahoo.com
Subject: One by One l will catch up with you!
To: santamonicajohn@hotmail.com
I'm sure you heard from Gerry by now. How cool is
BUSTED your dead mate! LOL! More coming your way pal. This is only the beginning!
jose says i am fake which i am not look he still sells my films
at http://www. tbln. com/nowshowing. htm
http://theufostore. com/Merchant2/merchant.
some links to my moon footage but he has not got these films of the moon
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=taK2q7i46Go
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=JHRKjReGH4g
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=z6qOm-vrifI
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=kqkp0oMcXts
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=cYyyYTFwWkg
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=VGYwlCiYyc8
some space craft WATCH FILM IN HIGH QUALITY star wars project - gerry gilmore said what these craft are, he said quote
star wars project . others do this Mike Tyrrell and Phil Masding, but i get closer there link
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=YTUiSNsmkCw
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=eB7_NwsYUmA
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=SubpmgfmBCU
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=qZjl-mXuIxI
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=I3ikmzcbF7s
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=eB7_NwsYUmA
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=0hhDNohQuY8
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=uSgt84OyB7Y
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=5WBzBWOtxzg
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=uCl7DZHTTdk
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=GSRdPS5yNhw
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=wQUyiOU1qKc
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=KIl57kyXowc
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=vRyc-XusMfM
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=jUooIyZzKTk
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=0o9RUWOvO9U
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=QgSMdKqvZrg
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=NI7jLkAGavg
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=YR-bwM4EfQU
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=0hhDNohQuY8
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=Wg5VJfG07mM
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=V1pc7Xcmw5U
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=gXDGJ7C3OsY
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=LHqA6WFNn3o
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=jw97-DPc0Ig
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=eKpaQoV1GRs
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=mRSDZlt5xF0
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=hRKOlTUUxh0
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=m0m8MrlOwYo
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=jzTsslV3Fto
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=ISYVMYHR_nQ
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=hSUh0GD68po
http://uk. youtube. com/watch?v=IfCoS6AcswM