posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 07:37 PM
I've read a little more about this and it seems only one (married) couple claims to have seen a UFO. Everyone else who called 911 only saw flashes of
light and electricity flickering.
Kenny Young's documentation of the trasnscript seems real :
I wonder if anyone else would be able to obtain that 911 transcript and verify.
Here's something else, where it's stated that only the one married couple claimed to have seen a UFO during all of this. This is starting to explain
(to me at least) why there weren't any images. No one else saw it.
(This was a good post, and I appreciate the OP for adding it on ATS again. I thought this event could have been possible, but I couldn't get past the
lack of photos. The fact that only one couple saw a UFO explains that now. I believe that one couple could have really seen a UFO.
I still very much doubt the dialogue posted earlier in this thread from the supposed witness. I could be wrong, they're just my own humble
opinions.) I wish I was wrong, would make things much more fun.
[edit on 4-9-2007 by Electro38]