posted on Aug, 31 2007 @ 06:28 PM
Witness Testimony Continues
From: deemmon [videos (0) | favorites (1) | friends (0)]
Sent: August 31, 2007
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Centerville Ohio UFO 911 Dispatch Call
Message: Just so you know, I joined this site just so I could address the comments on the Centerville Ohio UFO 911 Dispatch Call. I guess you could
say, it really upset me to see that people who were not there discrediting the call and saying it was a hoax. Uh, not.. I like the fact that, although
you were not there, you are searching for eyewhitness account. Thanks...
Q1. Saucer shape, Light running through the top half and bottem half.
Q2. yes, and that wasn't the first time I saw one.
Q3. yes, the lights were different colors. pink, amber, white.
Q4. It moved very awkward. In fact several times I thought it was going to crash. Moved slow and tilted alot.
Q5. No, but the lights were rotating.
Q6. Other than the lights, no.
Q7. Tell anyone you like. You are talking to someone that has seen ufo all of my life and I have a lot of views on this matter. Most everyone who
knows me, knows about what I have been through on this matter. Some of it is extremely frightening.
I'm not sure how to continue with her at this point. I find it surprising and interesting but there's a few things that I'm a little perplexed
about. This is not the first time this person has had a UFO experience, rather a pretty vivid history of UFOs. While I've never seen a UFO, this
raises a flag for me. Then again Ohio is a pretty big hotspot for UFO activity, it might be worth exploring further some of her other experiences if
she's willing to share.
I would love to see pictures of the area too, in fact I think I will ask if she still lives in the neighborhood and good send me some photo's it
would certainly add more to this.
While I'm doing this, is there anything you guys want me to ask her specificaly?