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US Political Leaders Warn Of Imminent False Flag Attack

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posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by malcolmdelaney
reply to post by Night Watchman

You're talking about a small group of zealots that want to create an Islamic form of government. We've all heard this before. Muslims bent on world domination. This entire argument is based on a lot of fear mongering and little evidence.

Please don't use 9/11 as evidence of their zealotry because until there's a legitimate investigation, the issue should remain open.

When I say benefit, I'm talking financially.

One can benefit in ways other than financially.

Fear mongering? Little evidence? Hmmm. Interesting. So, tell me, if the Islamists are not a real threat, who is? Who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks?

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 12:03 AM
Close-minded? Nah, just old. As in, I've heard it all before. As General McArthur stated back in 1957: "Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ... with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it...."

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by starviego
Close-minded? Nah, just old. As in, I've heard it all before. As General McArthur stated back in 1957: "Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ... with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it...."

One can certainly make the argument that the threat we face from Islamic Fundamentalism has been put to "good," use by the gov't in trying to advance their agenda. That does not, however, mean the threat is not real and dangerous.

You seem to see this issue as black and white and it is anything but that. The issue of terrorism is a very, very complex one. Just as the spread of Communism was a real threat. Was it exaggerated at times? I'm sure it was and yet, that didn't diminish the threat that it posed to the world. Ask people who lived in Poland whether Communism was dangerous for them.

Don't be blinded by those who want to view the world in such a simplistic way as to believe the only real evil in the world is our own govt. It is important, in these ever more dangerous times that we think critically and not be brainwashed.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

Did you read who signed this drivel?











That's about all anyone needs to know about this effluvium from the lunatic fringe.

[edit on 2007/8/30 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I see the whole reason the muslims are angry, are because of 3 MAIN things.

1. The occupation of Palestine.
2. The occupation of Iraq.
3. Saudi Arabia's western infection.

By us putting troops, men and materials into Saudi, we pissed off a lot of muslims, because saudi is consdered the holy's of holy.. because of mecca, they saw this as a BIG slap in the face for their beliefs.

You almost got it there. Except reason #3 is not as big a deal as you think. Try replacing it with this:

3. The constant accusation that we're the baddies in your media, be it the news, novels, films, whatever.

At least that's how I see it. I mean, let's take it down to a personal level. Let's bring it down to individuals instead of groups. For purposes of illustration lets call the individuals Alice and Bob.

If Alice consistently makes statements that indicates she likes Bob, by the transactional and reciprocal nature of communication, Bob will like Alice back. Conversely if Bob keeps telling everyone how Alice is such a bee-yotch, Alice will eventually hate Bob's guts.

I know it's simplifying, but it is that simple.

posted on Sep, 1 2007 @ 01:34 AM
I agree ... did so many americans hate muslims 10 to 20 years ago? no ... they hated those commie dogs ... or drug addicts ... they always hate somebody ... how about those homeless? oh wait, it wasn't long ago women and black people weren't equal in america.

What we have going on is the top making an 'outside' group evil. Just because a group of white kids toilet papered my house, doesn't mean all white people are t.p.ers. just because cheney is a heartless troll, doesn't mean all old white men are heartless trolls.

When you stereotype, you make yourself look bad, it is just most people have been brainwashed into believing it. What if Bush came out next week and said that Israel is a threat to america, they have nuclear and chemical weapons, and we need to invade them because they are evil ... you think that would fly? how about those canadians ... with their bilingual behavior ... they are different, so that must be bad!

Put it this way ... if another country, that is bigger than us ... made threats, tried to coerce us into doing as they say ... made us look evil to their citizens and the world ... would you be happy about it? would you welcome them with open arms? would you bend over and do what they say? espcially after invading people and countries very close to ours?

I doubt it. If let's say Russia started to say we have to shut down our nuclear power plants, get rid of our nuclear weapons, lesson our military's strength, made our people look like psycho terrorists (hey, look at the local news and figure how hard that would be, we do kill each other), and other similar things that we do to other countries ... do you not think our reactions would be similar? What would we do if these people occupied our neighbors borders? threatened trade sanctions with out neigbors and partners, set up missle defense sites in mexico and canada from a 'terrorist' threat.

We are the big bad bully in the world. The problem is, the American public does not have the ability to think for themselves, and see thing from an outside perspective. You cannot shove a bunch of people around for decades and expect no resistance. Eventually the victims become tired of being shoved and fight back, even if it means death.

Think of it like this ... if you read up on all the stuff we do through intelligence agencies and secret projects in other countries ... who are the real terrorists? Wouldn't communism and capitalism look the same from an independent observer? espionage, undermining societies, torture, war, threats, etc.

If our country's actions were as honorable as the people working in your community, it would be ok, but our tax dollars are paying for crimes against nature/humanity and we ignore it. The average soldier is honorable ... the management is corrupt ... the people are blind.

The real threat comes from hate ... it has nothing to do with your religion, your country ... it has to do with who you are as a person, your morality ... your respect for your fellow human. Islamic, American ... the same flesh, bone, and blood. we are all born and all die. we all eat and sleep. we all love, we all hurt. if you hate because of color of skin ... well, i can look white or black depending on how much sun i get, so would you hate me one month and not another? If it is language, you would hate or like me depending on which I spoke? If it is beliefs, do I have to think like you for you to accept me? if is is geography, must i live with you for you not to fear me? what does it take to see people as people, and not all these false segregations? Borders are something we created, they don't exist in the real world.

Until we can adopt a loving attitude, don't expect anyone to love us. Hate begets hate, love breeds love.

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Night Watchman

How much proof do you need to see the truth? Explosions in the twin towers, Silverstein saying to pull building 7, thermite samples taken in the debris, molten metal falling from one of the towers, no windows in the planes, a plane that had a ridge running up the bottom of its belly along with an extra appendage, The laser light photographed on the building just before impact....The patriot act being presented to our government officials just a few days after 911, changing laws and regulations and dates, this is all prophesy, Bush will soon exalt himself above all that is called heavenly, then he will lose his kingdom, the moon turned to red the other day, when Damascus is nuked you will then see. Wake up America! The system of Anti-Christ is here! go to and learn!

posted on Sep, 2 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by kennethlaster
reply to post by Night Watchman

How much proof do you need to see the truth?

All of the credible evidence I have seen points to the fact that the Twin Towers were taken down due to the damage caused by two airliners crashing into them. I've seen nothing of any substance that suggests otherwise. I have seen lots of misinformation, wildly unsubstantiated claims and charges that attempt to make the opposing case but nothing remotely approaching "truth," as you so loosely use the term.

I don't mean to offend you or anyone else by this. I am simply telling you what the evidence tells me.

posted on Sep, 4 2007 @ 03:16 AM
All of the credible evidence I have seen points to the fact that the Twin Towers were taken down due to the damage caused by two airliners crashing into them. I've seen nothing of any substance that suggests otherwise. I have seen lots of misinformation, wildly unsubstantiated claims and charges that attempt to make the opposing case but nothing remotely approaching "truth," as you so loosely use the term.
Evidence> 'The available facts'> ( A thing that is indisputable ) or information indicating whether a belief or proposition> ( an assertion that expresses a judgement or opinion) is true or valid.
The only "facts" I am aware of are two aircraft hitting the towers. The Gov. presented a theory. A byproduct of this theory was the pancake effect. That was refuted, so another theory was offered. Steel stress from high heat. Refuted once by URL and a second time by the designer. So by definition there is no evidence. If the Gov. would care to add credibility to their theories they would be wise to release the video tapes of the pentagon crash. If all of their 84 tapes from different angles showed what they claim occured, it could add a small degree of credibility for their tower theory. As you may well know the gov. has a long and ugly habit of lying. Frequently those lies have serious negative implication for all but the perpertrators. Ray McGovern
Former CIA Director William Colby said in ref; to assasination ( be it one or 3000 ) " If it is done correctly, you will never know who did it or why it was done" I believe this is true for the unsolved incidents of 9/11 and the aftermath. A hundred year war on a tactic of conflict( terrorism ) and the ever pressing relinquishment of Americans freedoms.

[edit on 4-9-2007 by Xwino]

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by AllSeeingI

US Political Leaders Warn Of Imminent False Flag Attack

A group of former government officials along with current Congressional candidates, authors and activists has issued an urgent warning that a faction of the US government allied with Dick Cheney is planning to stage a terror event or provocation as a pretext for launching military attacks against Iran and implementing emergency powers in America.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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Calling all ATS'ers
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Actually it was the Democrats who pulled off the false flag attack in Denver, but they got caught.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Hey buddy Great catch S&F for You!!!!!

I've been pulling my hair out screaming VIGILANCE. We must all be prepared for this coming False Flag. I don't think just one. I think there will be a total of 9. 3 of the actual terror kind. We then move onto falseflagflu; which will have 3 jabs. From there I think there will be 3 absolute collapse in World economies.

I laid it out here to some degree. http:

I am so glad someone like You is covering this now. These sick evil entities love esoteric dates, and knowledge. I feel confident We will see something 09-09-09 should We not get the word out loud enough.

Peace be with us ALL.

[edit on 26-8-2009 by sanchoearlyjones]

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