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US Political Leaders Warn Of Imminent False Flag Attack

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posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 06:29 PM
well we will just have to wait and see wait till bush leaves office and a few more mounths if any thing happens then it happens and many people were wrong and will be seeing the consequences but if nothing happens then let us carry on as normal

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 06:34 PM
Well I supose thats it ...

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

The Neocon agenda is to PROTECT the nation and keep it safe, not in fear. It is the Sheehans and the Prison planets of the world that do the job of th terrorist to plant the notion that your government is against you and wants to control your every move.

Excellent, excellent point. Also, all of this wild eyed talk about Cheney, et al driving a move toward a NEW WORLD ORDER makes absolutely NO SENSE. Neo Cons are nationalistic by nature. They came into being due to a severe disillusionment with the Democratic Party due to what they perceived as a lack of focus on a strong national identity and defense. Why would they suddenly favor a move towards a world that is anything but Nation centric???

Some of this stuff makes my hair hurt.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 07:25 PM
Here is a web site that offers an interesting perspective on the 'false flag' event.

the links inside the article are also very enlightening.

here is a quote from the site, as you can read, I think it hits the 'nail on the head'.

American neo-cons got a mandate to wreak havoc upon every area of American life while looting the treasury and maintaining power over the landscape; war profiteers in London, in the center of world banking, made fortunes and Israel was able to turn world opinion against the Muslim, Arab world; turn public attention away from their apartheid and genocide practiced on The Palestinians and give free reign to unrestrained hegemony, not to mention attack Lebanon.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by oldone
Here is a web site that offers an interesting perspective on the 'false flag' event.

the links inside the article are also very enlightening.

The blog you referenced offers nothing but unsubstantiated nonsense. I offer the following as evidence:

By this time most of us know that if it isn’t the American neo-cons along with Israeli and British intelligence orchestrating the majority of all terror, domestic and abroad; including within Iraq, then its either aliens from outer space or those mysterious, inner earth dwellers, whose access ports to their underground realms are located at the poles.

Most of, "us," know nothing of the sort. Most us know that Islamic Fundamentalists are perpetrating the majority of terrorist attacks around the world.

If I am wrong then please offer proof that I am. What are the credentials of this particular blogger? Why would he/she be cited as a reputable source?

[edit on 29-8-2007 by Night Watchman]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:16 PM
Here is a quote from the article that make logical sense.

Maybe the use of a little logic might help right about now. Who benefits from a major terror attack? Who has benefited from 9/11? Would Iran benefit from the coming terror attack that is going to be blamed on them? Hmmm… let’s see. They become the beneficiary of a horrific bombing attack from a collective American, British and Israeli joint operation. Yeah, I guess they’re really looking forward to that. Yeah, if I were an Iranian that would be at the top of my list of things to do; let’s blow up something in America so that we can be pulverized into rubble.

Did you notice that Silverstein who owned the world trade centers made a 'killing' on the insurance from the 9/11 tragedy. Wasn't it convenient that all three of buildings fell in their own footprint and that WT7 has been completely re-built since the tragedy.

I took the paragraphs that you posted as sarcasm and treated them that way in my mind. Did you read the material presented in this site?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 08:30 PM
Silverstein did not 'make out', he barely got enough to cover the rebuilding of the complex. He got insurance money to rebuild, not fix a dent in his Ford but instead decided to by a big screen TV.

The time is right for a attack based on military strategy. Our nation is divided in political thinking, we are moving toward a recession and ourtroops are extended around the world. Read the Art of War, I am sure Bin Laden has. You do not attack a strong enemy. We are as weak as we were pre 9/11.

"The enemy who offers peace is deceitful in thinking"

Remember they offered the West a chance to change? They did the same thing before 9/11. They asked us out of the region. We declined.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by esdad71
The Neocon agenda is to PROTECT the nation and keep it safe, not in fear.
Hilarious! The only question I have is, how much are you being paid to post here?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:26 PM
You inturpret thinktanks as one thing, I do another. I don't paid to post here though, although my last 1099 had some acronyms.

Tell me how the current administration is not protecting us from another attack? or, is it that they are waiting for the right time? Which is it? One side or the other, I mean, are they responsible or are they not protecting us?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

When you say Al queda would like nothing more than to "destroy our way of life" What exactly do you mean? If your suggesting that Aq hates freedom and democracy, then I have question where you're coming from. If this is not what you mean, please explain.

Keep in mind with any crime, the ultimate question is who stands to gain?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Islamic fundementalists are the latest in a long line of boogie men.

If what i'm saying is so off base, why is it that when anyone opposes the Bush adminstrations policies, they're reminded that if we don't go along the terorists are gonna get us.

It's called fear mongering and unfortunately, it works very well.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:46 PM
The New World Order is "protecting" us in the same way street hoods "protect" a shopkeeper(as long as he continues his payoffs to the gang).

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by esdad71

I'll keep this simple, if the government is so concerned about terrorism, why are our borders wide open?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by malcolmdelaney

NAFTA, ACLU, EEO, slumlords, factories where the average american would rather live on welfare than spend their time at an 8 dollar an hour job, but the immigrant has 2 jobs and pumps money into the economy. Please, closing the borders now cannot do a thing. There are cells in place, and if they want to, they send 30 men into the country, and two get stopped. It is like a drug dealer, sends 4 boats and loses one, so what, he still makes 300 million dollars....he buys another boat.

As far as the government is the mafia, what makes anyone think it will change under another administration. Like all those people in the streets in the ME chanting DEATH TO AMERICA will just go away if Ron Paul gets elected? It is the other wya around, we got rid of Carter to get the hostages back, remember?

Why are these people who have this evidence not on any show, I mean, I am sure they could get on the view or Carson Daly atl least.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by malcolmdelaney

Feel free to question where I am coming from and I will feel just as free to wonder the same about you.

Islamic Fundamentalists seek to attain an Islamic Caliphate. It is not that they hate freedom or democracy but rather, the US stands in the way of the attainment of the ultimate goal.

Have we given them ammunition for recruiting more like minded people? Absolutely. That doesn't change the end game. They are driven by a religious zealotry.

How has the most to gain? I would think fulfilling what you believe to be Allah's will would be a pretty attractive prize, would it not?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by esdad71

1)Suggesting that the reason that the borders are unprotected is because it's good for the eceonom y is at best misleading. People don't wan't to be out of work. the idea that they do is one of many lies perpetrated by the fake conservatives who've hijacked the republican party.

2) You're kinda changing the subject but I'll play along. There's very little difference between both parties. Electing Ron Paul won't solve all of our problems but I think it would go a long way towards starting to repair them.

3) I have no idea what you mean by "Why are these people who have this evidence not on any show"...what people?

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Night Watchman

You're talking about a small group of zealots that want to create an Islamic form of government. We've all heard this before. Muslims bent on world domination. This entire argument is based on a lot of fear mongering and little evidence.

Please don't use 9/11 as evidence of their zealotry because until there's a legitimate investigation, the issue should remain open.

When I say benefit, I'm talking financially.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by Night Watchman
Islamic Fundamentalists seek to attain an Islamic Caliphate. It is not that they hate freedom or democracy but rather, the US stands in the way of the attainment of the ultimate goal.
If memory serves correct, Hitler and the commies also wanted to take over the world. Now you're telling me the muslims want to take over the world. Can't you guys think of anything origonal?

[edit on 29-8-2007 by starviego]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by starviego
If memory serves correct, Hitler and the commies also wanted to take over the world. Now you're telling me the muslims want to take over the world. Can't you guys think of anything origonal?

[edit on 29-8-2007 by starv

Who exactly are, "you guys?" Is that a broad brushed description you use fir those who think differently than you?

You apparently are uninterested in engaging in thoughtful discussion so there is nothing to be gained in continuing this.

Closed mindedness is a terrible thing.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 12:00 AM
I dont see muslims as wanting to take over the world....
That whole mentality went out the window in the 30's / 40's when it was revealed the western culture is willing enough to bomb anyone and everyone to ensure a 'common' goal can be achieved.

I see the whole reason the muslims are angry, are because of 3 MAIN things.

1. The occupation of Palestine.
2. The occupation of Iraq.
3. Saudi Arabia's western infection.

By us putting troops, men and materials into Saudi, we pissed off a lot of muslims, because saudi is consdered the holy's of holy.. because of mecca, they saw this as a BIG slap in the face for their beliefs.


Our continued support for Israel, and all things oppresive towards the palestinian people, show how western culture is willing to look sideways, when arabs are being persecuted.. but are more than happy to intervene when its Israeli's being persecuted.

And Iraq.... We effectivley murdered the only stabilising factor in the middle east. We allowed Iran, who was the most isolated arab nation to flourish and build a very powerful base in which to hold all surrounding arab nations at mercy.

We murdered hundereds of thousands of innocent Iraqi's, all for corporate ambition.

These 3 factors are whats DRIVING the muslim attitude against us.
Surely, you can see this?

Arabs taking over the world?

Where do some people get this crap?

Were foreign nations unnawares to me, on alert for a mass muslims invasion?
Have you in your life ever had to be careful when driving to work, incase a band of militia muslims jumped out and seized your neighbourhood?

These people want to Attack us, and murder us because thats exactly what we are doing to them.
Revenge is a dish best served cold remember, they arent goign to play nice and LET you walk in now that youve shown how strong you are, there going to hit back, and keep hitting back until we STOP enforcing our ways.

Ive said it before and Ill say it until im blue in the face.

The only people that can solve the muslims/terrorist factor, are muslims them selves.
But so long as we are murdering them in their homes, why are they going to?
For every muslim we continue to kill in the name of this illegial war, and the palestinian occupation, the window of opportunity closes ever so slightly.

But here's where IM Worried.

Why in the world would the American government STOP any coming attack?
Its in their interests ' AGAIN ' to allow it to occur.

There's another thread open regarding America and their guns.

YOU HAVE THE MEANS< so grow some balls and take out this illegial regime who's hijacked your government.

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