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If it was obviously the jet fuel that made towers collapse why were firefighters going in?

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posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 12:22 AM
It seems to me that everyone that day didnt think that the towers would fall, so how come after everything is done it is so obvious why they collapsed? It's easy for scientist x to say "oh yea high heat and jet fuel etc...." he doesnt have his life on the line, like the heroes of that day they obviously trusted that the buildings would hold or they were suicidal.... you decide?

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 07:13 AM
They were going in because it was their job. Case Closed.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 07:59 AM
Why the firefighters went in.

PBS Explains the WTC Fires.
Watch: Part 4, "inferno"

"Most the jet fuel was burned in a matter of minutes, maybe 5 or 6 minutes, but certainly in less than 10."

Jet fuel had diddly squat to do with "weakening" the steel - if the jet fuel was the cause of the weakening it would have collapsed in the first 10 minutes, not an hour later.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 08:15 AM
No-one expected the towers to collapse. Simple as that.

Thankfully the conspirators are doing a good job in taking all attention away from the real question: shoddy workmanship, wrong materials or design flaw? Who's really responsible ......

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Essan
shoddy workmanship, wrong materials or design flaw? Who's really responsible ......

None of these would be a cause for responsibility for not forseeing planes ram into the buildings. There would be no need to cover this up. Furthermore, why would the government want to cover up for private companies? Something else is worth covering up IMO.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
They were going in because it was their job. Case Closed.

Thats cold- say that to their families then.

Their job? tsk tsk You should come up with a better answer then that. You think their expendable? The NYFD lost over 300+ firefighters that day. Do you think they would have risked the lives of over 300+ firefighters if they knew the towers were going to collapse?

During the aftermath of the towers collaspe you could here the shrill sounds from their locater becons the fire fighters had on.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Essan
No-one expected the towers to collapse. Simple as that.

Thankfully the conspirators are doing a good job in taking all attention away from the real question: shoddy workmanship, wrong materials or design flaw? Who's really responsible ......

Tishman Realty & Construction

Thats who the contractor was for the WTC. And thats who built the new 7 World Trade Center. I'm not sure how comfortable I would be going into a building that they built.

Pretty peculiar that the WTC is not mentioned on their website.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Leyla

Originally posted by jprophet420
They were going in because it was their job. Case Closed.

Thats cold- say that to their families then.

Their job? tsk tsk You should come up with a better answer then that. You think their expendable? The NYFD lost over 300+ firefighters that day. Do you think they would have risked the lives of over 300+ firefighters if they knew the towers were going to collapse?

During the aftermath of the towers collaspe you could here the shrill sounds from their locater becons the fire fighters had on.

Well put it from their point of view, why don't you? You've just seen a plane fly into a building and the building is on fire, and you can tell that a lot of people will die. You don't know they are going to collapse, a lot of people were surprised that they did. So why would they not go in? Particularly for those in the emergency services, it's their job to try and save others lives, and you think they would stop on 9/11 because it might collapse? Did anyone think it on the day?

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by apex

Yeah and over three thousand people died from being crushed when the buildings collapsed on top of them- don't tell me to look from their point of view. Everyone except the ones killed by the crash of the aircraft would be alive if they weren't told to go back. This was more then a terrorist attack it was a execution!!

They were doing their job yet they had no idea they were walking into a death trap.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:16 AM
leyla you make no sence. What so now anytime there is a fire the firefighters should not respond if it MIGHT be dangerous. WTF! Use your head and make sence...IT WAS THEIR JOB! They knew people were in trouble, and the building was on fire...thats 2 things FIREFIGHTERS are trained to of course they went in, of course they knew the risks, of course they didn't expect to die, but ALWAYS knew it was possible. They are heros, just like know why you sign up, and you know what could happen...

You wouldn't understand unless you are/were a firefighter, cop, or its useless trying to explain it.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:17 AM
During the attack there would be absolutely no way for anyone to know if the buildings would collapse or not. And een if they had known they would collapse, firefighters would STILL have gone in. They went in to rescue people because that's what they do, and they would still have done the same knowing the buildings were going to collapse. In fact after the first tower collapsed and it was well understood that the 2nd one was more than likely to collapse, firefighters and employees continued to go back in to try and save others. Many died trying to beat the clock. And employees were told to go back because that was the standard procedure at the time. I find it highly unlikely that the people telling everyone to go back were trained for a plane crashing into the building. They simply figured the firemen would come in and put out the fire and staying put would be the safest route. It's very unlikely that they realized the whole building could collapse.

They didn't have a couple of years to do scientific studies into the cause of the collapse.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Essan
No-one expected the towers to collapse. Simple as that.

I disagree...maybe I'm in the minority here, but when I saw a passenger jet smash into the tower, the first thing I thought is "wow, I can't believe that thing is still standing." Frankly, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the buildings to come down.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by shadow_soldier1975

Who said I was never a firefighter? I understand perfectly. Those firefighters died when the buildings collapsed on top of them. I'm mad because they died along with 3,000 people. Don't I have a right to be? Who ever in the port authority told the office workers to return to their desks-my guess is those fire fighters and those workers would still be alive.

Its funny how I was addressing someone else and more people jump my case. I wasn't talking to you in the first place. I value peoples' lives. Seems like some here don't and you should be ashamed.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 01:17 PM
sure you have the right to be mad about people losing their lives in a tragedy, but you need to know and understand their loss too. They had a job to do, PLAIN AND SIMPLE....they did it very well....and in the course of it all died doing it. As for the Port Authority, coulda, woulda, shoulda...they knew those people needed help, and not to be running around that tell them to stay put..that way the rescuers KNOW where they are and dont climb 100 flights of steps looking all over the place for them because their freaking was a wise choice...but then like everything else, MR MURPHY showed up and F'd up everything by having those towers collapse....

As for addressing other people..your on a public board saying things that WE ALL read...of course im going to chime in...DUH!

And the whole value of human life is a stupid statement....of course I value life...being a soldier and now a police officer I deal with that daily....but your theory of NOTHING bad should ever happen to a human being just isn't realistic. We will ALL die...some early some late, some in our sleep...some violently...thats that....can't change it...just accept it...and pray for those who meet their demise, and honor those who meet it doing what they love to do!

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by racerzeke
It seems to me that everyone that day didnt think that the towers would fall, so how come after everything is done it is so obvious why they collapsed? It's easy for scientist x to say "oh yea high heat and jet fuel etc...." he doesnt have his life on the line, like the heroes of that day they obviously trusted that the buildings would hold or they were suicidal.... you decide?

I have . And O'Yea , it was the 600 mph jets that caused the collaspe of both towers . I made up my own mind from what i saw with my own two eyes , not what some truther trying to make a buck off some video , book or website what's me to " buy " .But that's a problem ive always had ,
i do my own thinking .. Call me crazy .

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 09:30 PM

If it was obviously the jet fuel that made towers collapse why were firefighters going in?

The short answer is that is what they do - save lives, protect property.

When the first pulled up following the first plane impact they had no
idea that it was a deliberate act and a seconf plane was on the way.

The fire chiefs soon realized that with the elevators wrecked, the fires
over 90 floors above the street and the size of the floors it would be
almost impossible to extinguish the fires.

Firehouse: Did you formulate any type of plan?

Pfeifer: The game plan was to pair up the engines and to only take half the amount of hose. This way we could switch back and forth. And the trucks to get me some information

Firehouse: There?s three stairways in that building. Did you tell them any which one to use?

Pfeifer: The B stairs. And the game plan was to do a rescue because we knew we had a lot of people trapped above

At 9:30 Chief Joseph Callan noticing that plaster was falling off the ceiling
and the glass panels in the lobby were breaking indicating the building
was shifting. Callan also noticed the flow of people leaving had dimished
and reports that a third plane was incoming issued an order to begin
evacuating. Few heard him.

As for people in south tower being ordered back to their offices - at the time the order was given nobody knew it was a terrorist attack and that
the second plane was coming. To evacuate the South Tower would mean
thousands of people in the streets around the towers as rescue units
tried to get in. Also debris (and bodies falling ) was raining down posing a
danger to people on the street. It was considetred safer to remain
inside than milling around the street.

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Jaruseleh

Originally posted by Essan
No-one expected the towers to collapse. Simple as that.

I disagree...maybe I'm in the minority here, but when I saw a passenger jet smash into the tower, the first thing I thought is "wow, I can't believe that thing is still standing." Frankly, I'm surprised it took as long as it did for the buildings to come down.

A lot of folks have this misconception which is why many dont question how those buildings could fall.

Airplanes are made of lightweight composite materials. The only part of a plane that usually survives a crash are the engines (theyre made of titanium).

A plane hitting those towers would be like an egg hitting a brick wall. Yes the plane penetrates inside the structure because of the glass but once inside it crumples into nothing.

The jet fuel would burn hot but no more than 5-10 minutes before the fire would cool down to a standard paper/wood fire. And of course jet fuel burns about 800' lower than needed to weaken steel and 1,000' before it starts to melt.

The stories we are told was the fire weakened the steel. Physics says thats impossible.

Then they say well maybe the plane hurt the structure of the building...impossible. Heck, the designers of the building even admit the World Trade towers were built to withstand a plane strike. Lightweight composite metal is never going to severely damage hardened structural steel.

I think these folks are decent people who are looking for any possible reason to avoid the possiblity that something other than a plane brought those towers down. Its too difficult to face.

Those firefighters had every reason to think the buildings would stand. History proves this. The explosions they heard AFTER the plane had long struck the buildings say something else happened

posted on Aug, 27 2007 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by gen.disaray

Originally posted by racerzeke
It seems to me that everyone that day didnt think that the towers would fall, so how come after everything is done it is so obvious why they collapsed? It's easy for scientist x to say "oh yea high heat and jet fuel etc...." he doesnt have his life on the line, like the heroes of that day they obviously trusted that the buildings would hold or they were suicidal.... you decide?

I have . And O'Yea , it was the 600 mph jets that caused the collaspe of both towers . I made up my own mind from what i saw with my own two eyes , not what some truther trying to make a buck off some video , book or website what's me to " buy " .But that's a problem ive always had ,
i do my own thinking .. Call me crazy .

Speed has nothing really to do with whatever brought down the buildings.
You can toss an egg at 600mph at a brick wall but it will still go splat.

Like I said to the previous poster, people believe what they saw was enough to bring them down. And yes seeing a large plane hit a building seems like the reason but science says otherwise.

Think about this...what happened when the planes hit ? The building completely absorbed them, swallowed them hole in essence. You dont see any part of the planes blowing out some exit hole. Nothing at all would indicate a plane had even hit those buildings a few seconds after impact (besides the smoke and fire). The buildings easily absorbed all that energy from those impacts.

[edit on 27-8-2007 by admriker444]

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 02:44 AM
I dont want to be disrespecting anything the firefighters did that day but I mean 300 firemen risked their lives relying on that building not collapsing.... If they would of even had any clue about the buildings coming down they would not of went so high, what is the police and firefighter loss near 500? Thats 1/6th of the total lose, let alone another 500 from the planes so if they had no trust in the towers they could of saved a lot of lives and made 9/11 not that bad.

posted on Aug, 29 2007 @ 03:36 AM

Originally posted by racerzeke
It seems to me that everyone that day didnt think that the towers would fall, so how come after everything is done it is so obvious why they collapsed? It's easy for scientist x to say "oh yea high heat and jet fuel etc...." he doesnt have his life on the line, like the heroes of that day they obviously trusted that the buildings would hold or they were suicidal.... you decide?

A simple post and a solid question. I'm still a demo skeptic - it all lined up too well, who knows just HOW, but... People praise the heroism of the FDNY, marching to their deaths, etc... And of course they knew there were risks in a major situation like that, they are brave and selfless, and all that. But I'd guess it's standard protocol, and common sense, not to be suicidal. You're there to help people and stabilize chaotic situations - you can't do that if you're dead. Hence safety. They don't want dead guys for human and technical reasons. You need every hand.

So... clearly the collapse was a surprise.

What happened in tower 1 when tower 2 collapsed? Did they evacuate? Or just step things up?

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