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No, I understand it alright. I was a hardcore believer at one time until I started asking questions. That's when it started to fall apart for me. Once I started asking tough questions that none of the church leaders, or my family members, could answer without either contradicting themselves (while quoting the bible, I'd like to point out) or deciding that the devil was after me. It was only once I stopped being a blind follower and started thinking things through that I finally really understood the hypocrisy and lies I had bought into.
Being baptized doesn't mean you are automatically saved. Baptism is an outward expression of obedience to Jesus Christ. Without a prior salvation experience, and an unshakeable inward commitment to Christ, you are just getting wet.....Depends on your definition of a salvation experience. All experiences are subjective, and what I believe to qualify as a religious experience you may see as being nothing important and vice versa. The religious experiences I had prior to my baptism were real enough to me to convince me, at the time, that there was indeed a God.
Basically, I came to the conclusion that I could no longer follow a God that can be likened to a parent heating up the oven while telling their child "Love me and do everything I say, or I'll put you in the oven." I no longer have it in me to follow a God who claims to want us all to be happy and be with him for all eternity after our death, yet allows hundreds of innocent children to die every day by starvation, being blown up, burning alive, etc., and resorts to threats of hell in order to assure our compliance with his rules.
So many more questions... so little time.
What exactly is god anyway?
Or are we talking about the more traditional god like the muslims and christians believe in, the creator, the judge and the bloke who sits in his magic castle in heaven.
Why if people swear by the holy book (quran or bible), why then do they still stick to the primitive belief that the world was created in seven days by a God who made humans in his own image? Why then do the book(s) fail to mention the fact that giant reptillian creatures wandered the planet for thousands upon thousands of years? Is this just a simple oversight or maybe a revelation that the books are just man made explanantions of a world they couldn't understand? ...Is there a god of dinosaurs?
What happened to Odin and Thor and Ares and Ramses and Thoth and all the gods of the old world? Did they die? Did they only apply to the Romans and Greeks and egyptians? What would happen if people started worshipping Thor again?
Why do Christians/muslims only believe in one God? Yet Hindu's believe in thousands of Gods? Who is right?
If an atheist is a person who disbelieves in God, yet the Christians disbelieve all the Hindu and pagan and greek gods, then surely Christianity is closer to atheism than Hinduism? After all they would only be one God away from atheism?
Are hindu's going to go to hell for believing in fake gods? Or are the christians limiting themselves and thus denying themselves entrance to heaven due to the fact they have a very judgemental God?
Why do Christians never ever see Vishnu or Kali or Shiva when they have holy visions? Why do muslims never see visions of Mary or the angels?
Why do some Christians believe that the earth is only a few thousand years old?
If evolution has been proven on many an occasion, then did God create evolution as a way of improving his 'perfect' life forms?
Why does a merciful God allow child abuse and war and murders to happen on his gift to man (earth?)
If as some religions would have us believe, we are the ONLY life in the Universe, then why did God bother making those BILLIONS and BILLIONS of other planets and suns and stars and galaxies?
What would happen if an atheist saved a paedophile priests life? Does the priest still got to heaven and the atheist go to hell?
Reincarnation? If as the Christians and muslims believe that when we die we go to heaven/hell/limbo... then how on earth can reincarnation take place as believed by the buddhists etc?
How did God send his only son? ...I mean that's what I can't get my head around? If God is EVERYTHING? Then how can Everything have a son?
Jesus didn't die for us either, he was murdered by us... nailed to a big cross.
Also this virgin birth thing doesn't wash with me either... Maybe Mary had been raped and was too ashamed to admit it?!
Christianity believes in the one true God. The other gods are not real and God warns us He is jealous.
There is only one God. He isn't a piece of wood, or idols (as Hindu's worship), nor is He the god muslims worship.
I don't know much about the quran, nor do I wish to learn (what I did learn was enough to know who they worship).
There is no Vishnu, etc. Why would a Christian want to see them? Muslims do have angels. Muhammad was visited by one - guess which one
There is no reincarnation. You are assuming that because these different religions believe in something that it is correct. It isn't. It doesn't mean buddhists are evil. They, as Muslims and many Christians, have not been taught the truth, as contained in His Word. That is what the millennium is for.
As I said before, religious people are atheists regarding all other 'gods'.
Considering what was said above, it would seem that the word theos possibly meant something like "watcher", or, "he who sees". That agrees quite well with Greek mythology as well; there, the theoi, who were many, were often considered to be "watchers".
1662, from Gk. theos "god" (see Thea) + -ist. The original senses was that later reserved to deist: "one who believes in a transcendant god but denies revelation." Later in 18c. theist was contrasted with deist, as allowing the possibility of revelation. Theism "belief in a deity" is recorded from 1678; meaning "belief in one god" (as opposed to polytheism) is recorded from 1711. Theistic is attested from 1780.
As I said before, religious people are atheists regarding all other 'gods'....You go a step further in your ignorance and arrogance:
Wow, and this one .......So, millennium is for a big 'crusade'!?
Personally I am trying to figure out how this thread as well as many others are not moved to BTS, since I see nothing conspiratorial about them. Just people voicing their view of their beliefs and why everyone else is wrong.
Originally posted by whirlwind
You should ask questions and those answers should be in the Bible. Perhaps you were asking the wrong people. Many, even church leaders, just don't know themselves. There are no lies in the bible, (the original manuscripts).
Many times, not all, people are brought to God through emotion. Emotion fades. True conversion does not. Even with a true religious experience it must be followed up with study, prayer and learning the "meat" of His Word. That meat will sustain you, not the milk of salvation over and over again, which most churches seem to practice.
I understand how you feel but that paragraph shows that you have not studied His Word. He sent His Only Son to die for our sins. He loves us. He gives us every chance, over and over again, to accept Him.
Do you blame the starving children in Africa and the children being blown up on Him? This country, this Christian Nation, sends food and who keeps it from the children, who blows their own child up in the name of their god? Those that are led by the adversary. This is an evil world, an evil time and we must endure it trying to make changes where and when we can. We are to make Satan His footstool. We, His children. How are we doing?
He does have rules and those are for us. If we follow them we will have a happy and productive life. We won't steal, kill each other, etc. The rules are for our benefit.
No one, I repeat - no one, is condemned to hell until after the millennium, which is yet another chance He gives us, His unbelieving and undeserving children.
Originally posted by Icarus Rising
As I understand it, the original Greek meaning for theos, the root of the word theist, was possibly "watcher, or one who sees." So, an atheist is someone who is not watching, not seeing, not paying attention. In other words, a fool.
Soc. Ought we not to begin with the consideration of the Gods, and show that they are" rightly named Gods?
Her. Yes, that will be well.
Soc. My notion would be something of this sort:- I suspect that the sun, moon, earth, stars, and heaven, which are still the Gods of many barbarians, were the only Gods known to the aboriginal Hellenes. Seeing that they were always moving and running, from their running nature they were called Gods or runners (Theous, Theontas); and when men became acquainted with the other Gods, they proceeded to apply the same name to them all. Do you think that likely?
Her. I think it very likely indeed.
Originally posted by Icarus Rising
Did you read my link to source at all, or just shoot from the hip on that one? Also, we started with the word theist, remember?
Read the definitions. Think it over. The way the word atheist was used by bluebird was incorrect, plain and simple.
That agrees quite well with Greek mythology as well; there, the theoi, who were many, were often considered to be "watchers".