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Is David Icke a con man?

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:45 AM
I will say one thing about David Icke - coming out with his theories (including the Son of God bit) took guts and had huge impact on him and his relatives.

I am not saying that I support any or all of his views but I say that anyone who puts their head up over the parapet to fight their corner without resorting to covert black ops or the AK47 and IEDs should get our respect. We should hear him out, question and make constructive critiscim where needed but not just right him off. If you are still not convinced then line it up with the other thousands of kooky threads on this board and ignore him. Listen first, then ignore but do not insult.

That is the least we can do as members of this forum I feel

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:47 AM
Are you crazy? The guy is living in a one room flat and have severe economic problems. Why are you buying the mainstream lies?

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:53 AM
I like the guys imagination and sense of humour.

The reason he has arthritis, problems writing and surviving economically is because his wordview is hate filled. As the OP said, he produces more hate than the people he blames. His headlines website is a daily orgy of the most bitter, the most disgusting and paranoid this world has to offer.

If he doesnt chill out a bit his personal issues are going to worsen.

As for his books, I would trash all of them except for "Love is all there is", which is a really unique and fun book to read.

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:21 AM
I do like Icke and I do think he has been very strong in overcoming the ridicule that tainted his career for many years... I also believe he believes what he talks and writes about...

The reptillain thing: I don't think he ever meant they were literally reptiles, from what I've read I think he means they are entities that have lower vibrations (that yearn power via bloodshed and materialism and posession)... it's a good metaphor for the corrupt and powerful that rule the NWO.

The son of god thing.... We are all essentially beings that have transcended from the same matter (the life giving energy of the stars)... I don't think he ever referred to himself as the son of god as in Jesus.

As for the negativity on his website, I have to agree with the OP. It would be nice to hear some positive news for once as I can't help but think David Icke has turned a little paranoid in his later career and is therefore slightly hypocritical when he says things like 'all there should be is unconditional love', as giving out bad news can cause paranoia and anxiety.

So, if you're reading this David... Never give up, but lighten up slightly and people might take you more to heart.


posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by unicorn 123

Sorry for such a remedial reply, I lost track of this thread. I envy you, the personal research you've done. I would love to see that mural. I still view this subject with one squinty eye, but I must say that I agree with your line of thinking. It certainly starts to look one way but I still think more information is needed to completely comprehend this mystery.

posted on Oct, 2 2007 @ 08:51 AM
Well, I've read a couple of Icke's books.

I have to say I am not a fan of his theory, though kudos to him for making a go of it. He's done well out of it and I think his belief in it is fairly sincere. Either that, or conspiracy theorism pays better than I thought and he has no shame (in which case, someone sign me up. No, seriously, I'll sell out now).

I don't find his theory convincing. I mean, that's what it comes down to. Some of the science and scholarship is rather shakey, especially anything involving Setchin. I find it very hard to believe such a world encompassing conspiracy could exist, as well. How everything of importance, no matter how long ago, or how recent, ties into it. It suggests he's stuck on his theory as being The One True Theory and from now on will interpret everything according to those beliefs.

In my opinion, a good CTer should be skeptical, especially of their own theories. If he can get evidence of his theory, of shapeshifting reptilians, then fantastic. I'll publically renounce my position and defer to aspects of his theory. But when his evidence is circumstansial, based around uncorroborated eye witness testimony and ancient myths, it kind of detracts from his credibility.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by JOHNK46

Or he's actually a reptilian, spouting his crap about them in a ridiculous manner to make us look the other way.

Hidden in plain sight!

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 09:21 PM
So whats up with Stewart Swerdlow backing up most of what Icke is saying about the reptilians ? Swerdlow claims to be from Montauk and that the Reptilians had this planet first and their livestock were the Dinosaurs, the humans come here killed the Dino's off and bred our Mammals here as our stock.

I don't believe this story but it has piqued my interest into why so many people do.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by Meatclown
I think he does a pretty good job with that. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, hes still a great place to start.

I agree, he must have spent a lot of times to find about the bloodlines,ILLUMINATI From the Babylone

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:09 AM
Another view is that David Icke is a brilliant insightful man who is a genius. You forgot that.

Even if he's not right about everything, he is right about a lot of things.

And when he talks, you can see in his eyes that he is in a different zone, like tuned to a higher wavelength of information.

He certainly is a captivating speaker who has a hypnotizing voice that makes you believe almost anything he says.

He does not have the markings of a con man. He sincerely believes everything he says. I am a very VERY good judge of character and I can see that.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by WWu777]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:14 AM

Originally posted by Copernicus

Are you crazy? The guy is living in a one room flat and have severe economic problems. Why are you buying the mainstream lies?

How can that be? He speaks to sold out crowds of thousands of people, sells tons of books, and since his website is ranked at 10,000 in Alexa, he could make thousands per month from google adsense ads alone! He must be loaded!

He also has a staff and film production team, which he could not afford if he were broke.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by WWu777]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:19 AM
He's correct on the reptilians being controlling, deceptive pieces of #. Beyond that I am sure hes out to make a buck.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by wigit
I like David Icke, he seems a nice bloke. And I don't think he ever thought he was Jesus, that was taken out of context like most of the stuff he says. I haven't read his books but I know they're a very good read. I've bid on them loads of times on ebay but they're so popular I get outbid and I like my stuff cheap.

If you want his books cheap without having to bid on them, go get them at

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by EJHoover
I will say one thing about David Icke - coming out with his theories (including the Son of God bit) took guts and had huge impact on him and his relatives.

I am not saying that I support any or all of his views but I say that anyone who puts their head up over the parapet to fight their corner without resorting to covert black ops or the AK47 and IEDs should get our respect. We should hear him out, question and make constructive critiscim where needed but not just right him off. If you are still not convinced then line it up with the other thousands of kooky threads on this board and ignore him. Listen first, then ignore but do not insult.

That is the least we can do as members of this forum I feel

I agree. You should all hear him out first before dismissing him cause of the reptile thing. Most of the critics have no heard his full lectures. Here is an example of his best work, his lecture at Oxford. It is filled with pearls of insight and wisdom. Very high quality stuff that explains a lot, connects a lot of dots, and makes a lot of sense. Here is the link to it. Judge him after you watch this one:

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 09:50 AM
i have to give the guy credit. i'm almost done with "the biggest secret", and like everyone else, i almost quit reading when i got to the reptile chapter. but his presentation thus far had been so intriguing, that i wanted to see just how in the world he was going to incorporate that into the story. he delivered it well (i don't necessarily buy it 100%, but i see how he came to that conclusion).

and i think that is the most important thing. it doesn't matter if you think the guy is a fruit loop or not, you have to give him props for developing such a well though out theory. and that's just what it is--a theory. and his information helps me make my own theories about the world.

so if nothing else, he gave me a new perspective to add to my own.


something else to keep in mind is...we are all here trying to put puzzles together. and one person's wacky idea just might be the last piece of your puzzle...

[edit on 30-4-2010 by contrafear]

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by JOHNK46

When he first flipped I thought he was a bit bi-polar (my poor wife had a major breakdown due to extreme post-natal depresion, there were a lot of simularities). I felt sorry for the guy and ignored him for 10years. I then wondered whats that "nutter" ( meant with affection) up to now. Then I got out of the material world and started thinking on a different level, got back to looking for answers of a more esoteric nature. Whilst searching about I came across Regina Meridith's interviews. I was interested in what he said but he seemed very aminated. I checked out his web site and was upset to find it appeared like a bit of a money making machine. I was a bit disenchanted because I thought I had found someone who was on a path and Knew something. I now think he is someone who may of had a breakdown, lost his job and income. If this is the case when recovered I am sure he could of got back into media somewhere because he was well liked. But no, he appears to of chosen to exploit a growing virgin market due to the internet and more people seeking answers where there are easy pickings on peaceful sensitive people.
I feel let down but at least I was'nt sucked in by him. When on a voyage of discovery we can not take any risks in nailing our flag to a false profit (sorry fruedian slip) I mean prophet. If you have any doubts at all you must kick them into touch and look for people you have 100% faith in.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:54 AM
Anyone who gets people to talk and ask questions about the world we are living in is ok by me, I will have more to say on David Icke when i see him in London in 2 weeks time....personally i cant wait....

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 10:55 AM
The question is Icke a con man? I vote yes.

posted on Apr, 30 2010 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
Who knows, all I know is this dude belongs in a psych ward along with the other loons that believe him.

What a humble approach, "thehumbleone". Your comment is extremely insulting to a large segment of people who have elected to be hospitalized for mental health issues, including but not limited to: suicidal depression, post-traumatic stress, and panic disorders. Also, people that work in mental health prefer to not refer to other human beings seeking help as "loons".

Your expressed statement appears to advocate involuntary hospitalization without prior evaluation for imminent physical dangerousness to self or others.

Not only is this position (when put in practice) unethical, but it is also illegal.

As far as David Icke is concerned, I've never heard him threaten anyone. I believe in everyone's freedom to speak (including yours). I don't think Icke is a confidence artist. I think he is a lecturer and author who speaks to his audience. I don't think he has a nefarious agenda.

[edit on 30-4-2010 by MKULTRA]

posted on May, 4 2010 @ 03:22 PM
The man needs 'sectioning' in my opinion. A good long spell in Rampton or Broadmoor might sort him out.

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