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Is David Icke a con man?

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posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 02:26 PM
There are many views on Icke:

- He is only out to make money from his wild allegations;
- He is feeding an already overinflated ego;
- He never renounced his wild assertion that he is the son of god. Did he?
- His books are simply copied and pasted from his earlier books, and those are summaries of other people's conspiracy theories;
- He refuses to answer questions on his wild allegations, unless you pay him a tenner!
- A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing, and Icke's knowledge is very patchy;
- He is leading an easily lead section of the population astray with his wild, ill thought out theories;
- His 'website headlines' are more hate fuelled than any of the people he criticises.

Does he want locking up?

Your thoughts...

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 02:39 PM
Are these the words of a Con Man?
Beautiful Words spoke by David Icke

- He is only out to make money from his wild allegations;

And what writter doesnt make money? I mean he was once a football player that hurt his knee. Mans got to make a living somehow. And didnt want to be a talking head for the news industry. I give him props for that!

- He is feeding an already overinflated ego;

I guess you dont remeber the time when he wore that blue jump suit, and was laughed at for years!! I think the man had to earn that ego he has now..

- He never renounced his wild assertion that he is the son of god. Did he?

No he didnt, becasue we all are in a way... And dont try to spin that and twist those words like every does all the time..

- He refuses to answer questions on his wild allegations, unless you pay him a tenner!

Not sure, Ive never asked him for any help, and dont know him personally.
I did join his site, and would help him with money if I was rich, you bet!

A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing, and Icke's knowledge is very patchy;

He is allowed his thoughts, and you take what you want, and leave the rubbish behind, he even says that to people..

- He is leading an easily lead section of the population astray with his wild, ill thought out theories;

Last time I checked he is not making people belive him.. Only open their eyes to what is going on. He never said my way is the only way.

- His books are simply copied and pasted from his earlier books, and those are summaries of other people's conspiracy theories;

I have not read all the books yet, so I will take what you said and see if that is the case.
Anyway thanks for you're thoughts.. I am aware that people are out there just to fool you and make money. Trust me I really dont like those types and people and its good looking out

I just dont feel in my heart that David Icke is a Con man.
I feel he is an entertainer, who speaks his mind, and took alot alot of flak for that!! And has been looked down on for many years.. And suddenly he is getting the due respect the man deserves

Thanks for listening

Related thread on David Icke

Why would a Con Man get on TV and say something like this.. I think he honestly was looking for his place in life, that helped people.
I have alot of respect for the man to say Im the Son of God, when he was just trying to say we are all one, we need to love eachother like a family.

Blue Jump suit days

And if you dont open any other links PLEASE open this link!!
This is beautiful and not the words of a Con man!!
David Icke talks about animals rights

If more people thought more like this, it would be a better world. And I dont mind paying him for his time, as he has put his life into this effort.
You should get credit for a job well done, and David has done a good job IMO..

Edit: Added related thread topics
And links about David Icke. I love the edit button

[edit on 24-8-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by JOHNK46

In the process of reading tales from the time loop. I agree with some of what you have said. He does feed his ego a little much in my opinion, but thats nothing compared to "patriots" like alex jones. While alot of his research is not original, he never claims it to be so, and does a pretty good job of giving other people credit where it is due. If he went into detail with every conspiracy in work, his books would be 100,000+ pages long. I think his idea is to present people with the idea of an over-arching global conspiracy, where all the dots are connected. I think he does a pretty good job with that. Even if you don't agree with everything he says, hes still a great place to start.

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 08:26 PM
Ive just finished reading the biggest secret and i'm now in the process of reading children of the matrix.

All i can say his books so far have been superb, and very well sourced, i just wish people would take a look at what he says rather than just calling him a wacko, because he is far from it.

Talk about denying ignorance

posted on Aug, 24 2007 @ 08:50 PM

Like with all truth speakers he has some good true info and some bad in my opinion.

I personally believe a lot of what he says until he starts about the lizard people.

He even had a movie about dick cheney as an reptile shapeshifter lol.
that smells like $$

but for the rest I love him noone has been more publicly humiliated then him on TV.

¨they ain´t laughing with you but at you!¨

But anyway if you can talk for 6 hours straight in a conference you know something..

nando out!

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 08:22 PM
David Icke isn't a stupid man, I just think he's in want of some major attention. People seem to get drawn into the slightly alternative existence of "reptilian humanoids" rather than the usual "Greys". Icke has targeted a demographic inside of a demographic. Those who wish to deviate from the regular "out of the box ufologist in search of the truth".

I don't know where Icke got his ideas of reptilians from, but I think it's either a bunch of fairytales combined into some drug-induced nonsense or he had a bad experience with an iguana as a child.

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Sytima]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Sytima
I don't know where Icke got his ideas of reptilians from, but I think it's either a bunch of fairytales combined into some drug-induced nonsense or he had a bad experience with an iguana as a child.

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Sytima]

Go ahead and google Annunaki.. As well as this man Zachari Sitchin

They have been around for a long long time.. And wasnt Icke idea at all..

Annunaki/Zachari Sitchin/ Djed/ You will find more just from those key words..

try The ark of millions of years written by DJ clear and B alexander Agnew.

many many things.. And I belive when David talks about Reptoids. he is saying that as a metaphore.. but thats how I see it anyway..

Happy hunting

Edit: Added some research info

[edit on 30-8-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I already know of this. That doesn't change my views on general human knowledge on the subject, unfortunately.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Sytima

Then why did you say?

I don't know where Icke got his ideas of reptilians from

Thats where he got his ideas from?

Do you think of it as a metaphore or these people are litterally reptoids?

I think of it like this.. Lets say Bush... He was something we thought he wasnt.. We elected him, and he suddenly turned into something else..

NOt a reptile, but as in his demeanor and stuff..

[edit on 30-8-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by zysin5

I said that in dispute to the sources he may have.

Like "I don't know where you've been these past few years, but...".

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:12 PM

That doesn't change my views on general human knowledge on the subject, unfortunately.

No problem there
Thats all good, but I have one question. Just what is the general human knowledge on this subject?

Im always egar to learn more.. Have any links or google keywords I could use to find this "general knowledge".

All I have found are parts to a puzzle, and didnt know there was a general knowledge base on the Annunaki.

Besides the work of these "drug induced nutters". as you claim them to be..

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by zysin5

Well, general knowledge of the subject for humans would be what information they receive through human networks (or possibly nonhuman). Unfortunately for the information flow 'round these parts, information tends to get quite corrupted as it goes down the hear-say grapevine.

I guess you could say that the vast majority of nonhuman, and especially reptilian information on Earth and in human possession (including, but not limited to: physical properties and social demeanour) are quite incorrect and/or misconcepted.

I'm not stating it's general knowledge, I'm stating for the general population 'familiar' with the subject.

Needless to say, Icke can be a source of much resentment...

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Sytima]

[edit on 30-8-2007 by Sytima]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 10:47 PM
Who knows, all I know is this dude belongs in a psych ward along with the other loons that believe him.

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
Who knows, all I know is this dude belongs in a psych ward along with the other loons that believe him.

Thats not bringing much to this thread, and welcome to my ignore list sir..

I guess you are calling me a loon? And making an attack aginst my person??

I dont see you lasting very long around here with that kind of atitude!

You are welcome to your thoughts, but attacking everyone that belives him is well.... Im not sinking to your level good try tho..
Peace to you..

I'm not stating it's general knowledge, I'm stating for the general population 'familiar' with the subject.

Thanks for clearing that up.. And its nice to find people who can disagree with me, yet keep it civil and act like adults

I enjoy chatting with people who see things a little differently as maybe I can learn something new.. So big props to you Sytima!

You cant learn anything new, if you are just making one line troll remarks..

Edit: Added text and some thoughts.

[edit on 30-8-2007 by zysin5]

posted on Aug, 30 2007 @ 11:35 PM
"He had me until he started talking about the shapeshifting reptiles" ...How many times have you heard something like that in reference to him? This is not the way I feel about it though. The man's research is impeccable. And the sum of his actions adds up to something that makes as much sense as anything his debunkers can come up with.

I'm not sure if I articulated that well enough; I'm not saying that I believe everything he says but he sure knows a lot more than I do. There might not really be any lizard people, but the reasons that some people do believe in them are indeed part of a puzzle. Part truth, part unexplainable phenomenon (as of yet), part disinformation and yes, part hogwash. I get the impression from him that he's closer to the answers than I am, so I can't be dismissive of what he says. I need more information, and I'm thankful for his research and scope of vision. Alex Jones' too. I can look past their egos and appreciate what they do.

I don't think he's speaking metaphorically about the reptiles though. He's written and spoken volumes of detailed info about the Annunaki & their bloodlines, with a lot of attention paid to serpent imagery throughout history. I do think he believes it. But he's not a fool. Or a whacko.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 04:46 AM
We are all the sons of god......

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by JOHNK46

I can understand some people thinking you may be right, but then of course so many have a hard time understanding david's thought's on the matter of which only a few truly believe.
I have read all david's books and find them really interesting, the in depth information has been found by himself by constant digging at the truth.
Dates, times, stories told have been given with such precise answers it all just makes sense to me.
However i feel even david has still a away to go!
Reading the teachings of Amitakh Stanford on tell further of such things and how ruling aliens are battling to start time all over again, which is winding down towards 2012. Unfortuantly the aliens have lost the code to restart time so their time is limited on this earth.
I would like to know if david has read these very informative teachings and would like to know what he thinks.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by Teratoma

The whole reptile thing seemed quite extreme at first but then i began to look around me.
You will see countless reptile statues,logo's, flags emblems etc; why would these things be so prevelant now today if this wasn't true.
What would the serpent mean if not this reptilian race, i strongly urge you to visit you will be surprised with the information set there.
I hade an experience myself a few years ago when i started reading all this stuff. A visit to canterbury Cathedral in kent England certainly opened my eyes. A 14th century mural painted on the walls within depicted quite clearly reptile type species they brandished laser type weapons and were quite clearly firing them at the humans, now what would the purpose of that picture be if not to tell how aliens had taken over the earth.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 02:09 PM
I like David Icke, he seems a nice bloke. And I don't think he ever thought he was Jesus, that was taken out of context like most of the stuff he says. I haven't read his books but I know they're a very good read. I've bid on them loads of times on ebay but they're so popular I get outbid and I like my stuff cheap.

posted on Sep, 8 2007 @ 02:16 PM
I can't help but like David Icke.

I have read several of his books, and yes... I found myself nodding in agreement to many things. Until the reptilian thing. And then I was kind of pissed for being led down the path in such a logical way to... to that.

But after the initial shock, I found myself unable to shake the idea. What if...? Certainly he is not the only one talking about this, and yes... his research seems water tight. I love the "what if" thinking.

In the end, it's fascinating to think about.

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