Good post Bspiracy.
I agree the ABL probably has been tested, and ready to be used for over a decade now if not at least 5 years.
What is the time it takes between when the government creates, and has working versions of military equipment, and when this information is released
to the public. I believe one Navy officer, while dode-ing'(sp?) over his F-22 Raptor, gloated that this time-frame is around 20 years. You know same
for about the time we had stealth bombers/fighters in use, and the time the public was "let in" on the technology. So we can figure, the government
will releasethier perfect flying triangles within the next 5-7 years. Since they've been seen flying over airforce base what 10-15 years back?
Anyways, I don't know if I believe 11 11's theory, but it's worth further looking into.
**However what I DO find extremely odd. Is how we had ABL's (and I do believe that was an abl in the film, and again at the pentagon) doing
pass-overs before, and after these strikes, but we couldn't get even a single F-15 out there. Only well over an hour after the attacks in
Shanksville, could we get ANY fighter intervention.
It amazes me, but moreso it scares the hell out of me.
You would think after the first plane hit. Air control would have realized traansponders on that plane were turned off 30 minutes before it impacted.
Thus scrambling jets immediately, and takeing out the second Airliner before it reached NY, and downing the other two in similiar fashion, with
pinpoint speed, and accuracy, like in Shanksville. But no.
The planes were ALLOWED to hit the towers. Fitted with bombs I believe. The explosions were just to big, and aluminum nose cones do not penetrate
steel without some extra OOMPH>. Plus pictures of steel core columns near the basement cut on perfect 45 degree angels-- obviously cut with thermite
shape charges. How stupid do they think we are?
There's just TOO much evidence, and too much they didn't cover-up properly, people have divided into all sorts of camps now:
(no planes(missiles),planes only,planes with bombs, C/D, now lasers) on what really happened. "Divide and Conquer" yes? It's horrible.
The Pentagon was also ALLOWED to be hit imo, oddly enough on the only side out of 5 that was recently reinforced to withstand attacks of this nature,
yet still again the airliner made its way through what 3 rings comprising of nearly 10-12 feet (put all together) of reinforced concrete, only to
leave a perfect cicular exit hole through the last wall it breached?
I just don't get it, I can't understand it all. Too many things just don't add up. When you get going on one track, you get derailed onto another
theory of thinking, then another, ect, ect, ect.
[edit on 22-8-2007 by Nola213]