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9/11 ABL - Smoking Gun - This Is It

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posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 05:53 PM
I know most of you don't like the thread title, I'm sorry, but thats how much faith I have in the information I am about to give you.

If you haven't seen this following video, I highly suggest it:

Google Video Link

If you watch closely, you will see an "orb". Most people have already passed this off as "flying paper", but thats because they stopped looking at it when the fireball showed up. If you keep your eye on it, it does disappear but it comes back, and it even shows up on the fireball and on another building 100's of feet closer to the camera than the WTC's.

Using screen shots and layers, I have drawn out the exact path of this "orb", which happens to be a perfectly straight line.

If you look even closer, you can see that the "orb" meets exactly where the tip of the right wing of the jet impacts the WTC. Almost like this "orb" was tracking the jet's wing tip. But what is this "orb"?

In the same video, near the end, you see this white jet pass by in the sky. This same white jet was filmed over the Pentagon on 9/11.

That's not an ordinary jet, nope, not at all. Take a closer look...

That jet, is the ABL.

The small "bump" on top of the jet is a tracking laser, this is the laser we saw in the video above. It was tracking the jet that hit the WTC. The reason we only see the laser in this video, is because the camera used had a "darkness assist" or "night assist" mode turned on, which adds the power of infrared to the main camera. This allows normal operation of the camera in dark settings, yet it is NOT a complete "night mode" which is pure infrared.

The main laser of the jet, which is 90 inches in diameter, does not make targets explode, nor disintegrate, but it DOES heat up the object to help melt the exterior.

The ABL doesn't burn through a missile, or disintegrate it. Rather it heats the missile skin, weakening it and causing failure due to flight stresses.




I think so......... This is our smoking gun.

**note** I am not claiming the ABL did ALL the work, but it did help the aircraft's do more damage. Possibly helped "weaken the steel" of the WTC's with heat.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 11 11]

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 11 11]

[edit on 23-8-2007 by spacedoubt]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:00 PM
On the closeup of the mysterious white plane, how did that tree magically appear?

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by slackerwire
On the closeup of the mysterious white plane, how did that tree magically appear?

The jet was moving in a forward direction like they normally do when they fly, and the camera man just happened to be standing next to the tree when he was filming it.

Watch the end of this:

Is it customary to pick and choose such small irrelevant questions to take this off topic?

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 11 11]

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 11 11]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by 11 11

Originally posted by slackerwire
On the closeup of the mysterious white plane, how did that tree magically appear?

The jet was moving in a forward direction like they normally do when they fly, and the camera man just happened to be standing next to the tree when he was filming it.

Is it customary to pick and choose such small irrelevant questions to take this off topic?

That was going off topic, it was intended to determine if the pics were of the same plane on the same day.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by slackerwire
That was going off topic, it was intended to determine if the pics were of the same plane on the same day.

Well, maybe a little research by YOU would help. I edited and posted the video above, with the jet.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by 11 11

Well, maybe a little research by YOU would help. I edited and posted the video above, with the jet.

Happen to have a link that actually works?

I have done my research

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:09 PM
The white jet aka "the smoking gun" outside of the Pentagon, could just as easliy have been and far more likely the E-4B National Airborne Operations Center which also has the same hump behind the cockpit area.



To heat the steel up to that point would require the aircraft to dwell on a side of the WTC for quite a period of time to soften the steel as you postulate. In the process the areas being lased would also begin to burn causing fires within the structure. However, none were evident prior to the jets impact.

Also, its one thing to heat up a paper thin piece of aluminum that comprises a missile case that is moving at mach+ speeds (Think aerodynamic forces) and cause failure and quite another to heat the entire side of a building that large. I am no expert in the field, but it seems to me that the ABL, like THEL and its other incarnations dwell on a relativly small area. The effect you are describing is much akin to the Enterprise using phasers to take out a large area.

The lone ABL is still in test and the COIL laser has not even fired while airborn yet.

Edit to add: You picture of the ABL also does not seem to have the Whitcomb winglets that the ABL has. The E-4 is based on the 747-200 and the ABL is based on the 747-400F which does.

Also the picture of the hole at the Pentagon. If a laser made that whole, please explain the lack of thermal damage on the sides?

Edit: #2 According to Boeing, the COIL is due to be installed in the a/c this year.
[edit on 8/21/07 by FredT]

[edit on 8/21/07 by FredT]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:19 PM
Boeing YAL-1

Originally scheduled for operation by 2008, due to development difficulties the program was "rescoped". The current plan calls for a prototype ABL to attempt shoot down of a test missile in 2008, delaying the final production design until after this test. The U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) says this is to allow design changes based on data acquired during the test. In effect it delays the ABL attaining operational capability for several years

it wasnt tested succesfully in flight untill earlier this year

not a one line post

from the same link

Boeing completed initial modifications to the 747-400F in 2002, culminating in its first flight on July 18, 2002 from Boeing's Wichita, Kansas facility

[edit on 21-8-2007 by wenfieldsecret]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:20 PM
I think it's far more plausible the original video at the top of the thread shows a targeting laser. There are 2 such lasers installed on the YAL-1A. I've seen it before and it certainly is compelling footage.

Besides the COIL, the system also includes two kilowatt-class Target Illuminator Lasers for target tracking.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by wenfieldsecret
it wasnt tested succesfully in flight untill earlier this year

not a one line post

Mmmmm I don't think so

During the test, the modified Boeing 747-400F took off from Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., and used its infrared sensors and its track illuminator laser (TILL) to find and track an instrumented target board located on the U.S. Air Force's NC-135E Big Crow test aircraft. The Big Crow then fired its beacon laser at the ABL aircraft to allow ABL to measure and compensate for laser beam distortion caused by the atmosphere. Finally, ABL fired the surrogate high-energy laser (SHEL) at the Big Crow target board to simulate a missile shootdown. With the exception of ABL's beacon illuminator laser (BILL), this flight test demonstrated the entire engagement sequence from target acquisition to pointing and firing the SHEL.

Its used its tracking laser against an C135 that has a missile painted on its side

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by FredT
The white jet aka "the smoking gun" outside of the Pentagon, could just as easliy have been and far more likely the E-4B National Airborne Operations Center which also has the same hump behind the cockpit area.

You are right, it very well could be. Although, what about the jet that was next to the WTC in the first video I posted?

Originally posted by FredT
To heat the steel up to that point would require the aircraft to dwell on a side of the WTC for quite a period of time

Are you claiming to know the capabilities of this CLASSIFIED WEAPON?

Originally posted by FredT
The lone ABL is still in test and the COIL laser has not even fired while airborn yet.

And how do you know this for a fact? How do you know the military haven't been secretly testing this TESLA based weapon for many years? All we know is what we are told, that is not exactly the truth.

Originally posted by FredT
Edit to add: You picture of the ABL also does not seem to have the Whitcomb winglets that the ABL has. The E-4 is based on the 747-200 and the ABL is based on the 747-400F which does.

I believe it does, you can even see the one on the left wing right behind the vertical stabilizer. The one on the right wing is a bit harder to see... but they are there.

Originally posted by FredT
Also the picture of the hole at the Pentagon. If a laser made that whole, please explain the lack of thermal damage on the sides?

Heat rises, bricks fall. I don't believe any of the pictures of the hole in the pentagon are exactly how they were after the attack. I believe the fire crew or others chipped away at the hole to get to the dead bodies.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by wenfieldsecret
it wasnt tested succesfully in flight untill earlier this year

I hope you don't base this on your "need to know" knowledge civilians get. This CLASSIFIED weapon has probably seen lots of TOP SECRET test's that we are not told about.

None of these questions help find out what that light beam is on the side of the WTC, the fireball and smoke, and the other building, in a perfect straight line.

[edit on 21-8-2007 by 11 11]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by FredT

thank you, i thought the laser itself had fired succefully in flight....but your article states that it was just the acusition thingy...(sp)

the NKC-135....4 of them...all test aircraft....i can tell you one of them's tail number is 666...kinda awesome aint it?

i'm out for the night...i may reply tomorrow

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by 11 11
Are you claiming to know the capabilities of this CLASSIFIED WEAPON?

Nope, but basic physics are basic physics Classified or not.

And how do you know this for a fact? How do you know the military haven't been secretly testing this TESLA based weapon for many years? All we know is what we are told, that is not exactly the truth.

How do you know they are? While white /black project dynamic has been around since before you and I were born. If the government is that powerfull and have laser or
tesla based weapons that advanced, why bother placing them on a visable platform like the ABL? as opposed to space based? Why deploy and use a weapons system that has to be seen to be used? If we are to believe your statement that they have deployed a classified system already Why fly it so close? You could be orbiting in New Jersey and still use it. heck you could be 400 km's away over the open ocean where NO one would see you.

The one-megawatt laser will have a range of four hundred kilometers, and an ABL will be able to fire the laser 30 times per sortie.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:46 PM
I wanted to find the size of the "orb" or "light beam" so I took some measurements.

It shows that the beam is about the size of HALF of the mechanical floors (gray area) of the WTC. The mechanical floors are 2 floors each.
Of the 110 stories, eight were set aside for technical services (mechanical floors) Level B6/B5, Floors 7/8, 41/42, 75/76 and 108/109, in four two-floor areas evenly spread up the building.

So the light beam is about the same size as a single floor of the WTC. Which matches with the size of the pentagon hole.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by wenfieldsecret

Here is a pic from a recent AWST article. man targeting laser or not, would you want to be in that -135

[edit on 8/21/07 by FredT]

[edit on 8/21/07 by FredT]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Nope, but basic physics are basic physics Classified or not.

A solder gun, and solder, is basic physics. A welder welding metal, thats basic physics. Neither of those devices need much time to heat up a metal on direct contact. Besides, I don't think a laser of this size acts in any way close to "basic physics".

Originally posted by FredT
How do you know they are? While white /black project dynamic has been around since before you and I were born. If the government is that powerfull and have laser or
tesla based weapons that advanced, why bother placing them on a visable platform like the ABL?

They have a land based laser, a satellite based laser, and now a aircraft based laser. Because of the atmosphere, they have 3 different types for 3 different types of targets, in 3 different types of environments.

You can have a space based one that shoots down other satellites and really high flying missiles. A ground based one that protects a ground based target from lower flying missles. Or a sky based one on a jet that protects large areas of sky....

They have them all... I think the ABL originated from the Space program B.T.W.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by 11 11

11 11 you do realize that the ABL's laser is not visable no?

The laser operates at an infrared wavelength of 1.315 microns, which is invisible to the eye.

To the best of my admittedly limited knowledge on the subject, most of weaponized lasers are invisable to the naked eye (or a conventional camera for that matter)

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by 11 11
A solder gun, and solder, is basic physics. A welder welding metal, thats basic physics. Neither of those devices need much time to heat up a metal on direct contact.

Sure it does. Its higly energetic light. It still has to live in the "pysics" real just like everything else. Size has no realtion. Again, if they used it how come there were no fires. As I pointed out, its one thing to heat up a paper thin missile casing and ignite the fuel, its another to heat up structural steel that thick and NOT cause fires in the internal structure???

They have a land based laser, a satellite based laser, and now a aircraft based laser. Because of the atmosphere, they have 3 different types for 3 different types of targets, in 3 different types of environments.

Total inability to prove not withstanding, lets say they have all three. ill even buy into your agrument that its related to environmental issues and the adaptive mirror is a bust when it comes to quelling atmospheric blooming.: Why be so close in as I stated? Why orbit around the structure. Surely if you say the ABL in flight you would notice right?

Why would they need to heat the structure at all?

The Phantom's (albiet at a slightly higher speed) is still intact through all that concrete eh? Why bother leaving such a visable smoking gun that was not needed

[edit: fixed video code]

[edit on 6-9-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by FredT
11 11 you do realize that the ABL's laser is not visable no?

Yes of course, in my FIRST POST, I even explain why the camera was able to see it.

Some cameras have a setting that will mix the normal camera mode with infrared mode for better images in dark environments. It is not a "full night vision" it is just an infrared assist.

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