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Bigfoot is out there???

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posted on Sep, 9 2007 @ 10:38 PM
I have, from a very young age, been terrified of what goes bump in the woods. Staying at my Aunts camp deep in the Northern woods of Ontario, I heard every trig or who knows what fall. I was scared to death bigfoot was outside. No late night runs to the outhouse for this gal.

That being said I was very surprised to hear of a team, recruiting members to search out bigfoot in my neck of the woods. Our local webnews site posted this and it looks like they are seaching for bigfoot in Northern Ontario. Check out the article and website, most beautiful pictures of our surroundings as well.



posted on Sep, 10 2007 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by aguila

Hi Aguila! Yeah the book is supposedly a companion piece to the show where they had a runner strap on a motion capture rig and run across a meadow (among other simulations).

I almost bought the book (and I never succumb to that anymore, haha).

He did a very good job on it.

I might have some critiques for the way we end up 'leading the question' with some of this 'applied science', but it's not too bad in this one.

Hope you had a great holiday!

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