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I think Howard Stern sold out to the Government

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posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 10:04 AM
And I think Sirius is owned by the Gov.
The FCC knew they were losing their control so they had to compete then take over XM.
Howard Stern is the Media King so they knew they had to control him.

And why does he believe the Gov's story of 9/11?
One of two reason's, either he works for Gov or the official story is true.
You decide that one.

To me its obvious he went corporate big time, and corporate = Gov.
Hes pushing so much crap that he used to be totally against.
Heck, he used to make fun of Jackie the Jokeman all the time for his coffee mugs and other junk he sold.

Man, Howard Stern used to be my God but now I feel like a spoon fed peep blending in to the masses when I listen to him.

Now that I think about it ive only realized all this around the same time I found this site. I think Howard Stern works for the Government because they needed him and they needed Sirius.

Let me ask you this because I think Howard was very strong minded in his beliefs, is it possible the Gov nabbed him and brainwashed him or whatever they do? Because when I think back this all started happening with him about the time he divorced his wife. Around 9/11 I think, some where around that time.

posted on Aug, 19 2007 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by earth2

The answer to you question why howard stern believes the official story is simple.

In an effort to avoid being chided for a one line response this line has been added to comply with ATS policy.

[edit on 19-8-2007 by arius]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 05:07 PM
No offense, but Howard Stern possibly being a government stooge is about as important as,say, wondering how many angels can fit on the head of a pin. In my own humble opinion, he's a entertainer, and nothing more. I would suggest focusing your mind on something more important than him.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 06:42 PM
I see threads like this...

And I see myself crying at the grave of conspiracy... Whatever happened to the diligent research that CT'ers were known for? Where has the methodical and painstaking detail that exposed every nuance... Instead, a publicly held company, Sirius is labeled as a wholly owned subsidiary of the U.S. Government. 30% of SIRI is institutionally owned (that would be mutual funds and the like), the remaining 70% are just good old fashioned capitalists (read: private citizens). I would research the SEC requirements of a publicly traded companies and how difficult it would be to wrestle control of such a company without anyone noticing.

As for asserting Howard Stern "used to be my God," well that is a personal indictment of a whole different color...

Personally, I think the easy remedy is to can Sirius, and get XM...

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by earth2
And I think Sirius is owned by the Gov.
The FCC knew they were losing their control so they had to compete then take over XM

What on earth were they losing control of? Profits? BOTH XM ans Sirius are worth less now than when the stocks went public. Not exactly a money maker.

Originally posted by earth2
Howard Stern is the Media King so they knew they had to control him.

Why in gods name would they care. I'm sure they were thrilled to get him off of public airwaves. Less complaints and emails/letters to deal with.

Originally posted by earth2
And why does he believe the Gov's story of 9/11?
One of two reason's, either he works for Gov or the official story is true.

Maybe he is entitled to his opinion? I can surmise that you don't believe the official story about 9/11. So should I decide that you are either a member of a terrorist organization or the story is true? Faulty logic, completely faulty logic.

Originally posted by earth2
To me its obvious he went corporate big time, and corporate = Gov.

Paranoid much? How about this- He was tired of doing his job, and all the sudden someone offers him Half a Billion dollars. Yeah, you'd go through the motions too if you had that kind of scratch coming in.

Originally posted by earth2
I think Howard Stern works for the Government because they needed him and they needed Sirius.

Show me one iota of proof to support this. And remember, your opinion is not proof. Saying "well it makes sense to me" is not proof.

Originally posted by earth2
Let me ask you this because I think Howard was very strong minded in his beliefs, is it possible the Gov nabbed him and brainwashed him or whatever they do?

Sirius took a gamble and offered him a boatload of money. It didn't pan out and they're losing money. How does this lead to Stern getting brainwashed by the government? It doesn't make any sense.

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by earth2

if it were true, then he would be playing top 40 music by now

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:52 PM
Then I guess the FCC debate on the Sirius - XM merger delays are a way to pull the wool over our eyes that......

.........................Stern is lying in bed with the Feds.....

I say.......

Baba Booey!!!!!

[edit on 2007/8/20 by JacKatMtn]

posted on Aug, 20 2007 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by JacKatMtn
Stern is lying in bed with the Feds.....

Yeah. How about you back that up w/ a fact or two.

Not opinion.

Not "I think its true".

Not "well I think it makes sense".

A fact.

Just because his show has sucked since Jackie left, and he sold out for a crapload of money doesn't mean that hes a government stooge
Good god...

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:14 AM
is ur rant in response to last friday's 2003 replay were howard and crew were pro iraq war? if so howard apologized for that show because like 90+% of us we were given a good argument at the time for that action. he has now changed his view like most people.

reality hurts
if u like jackie so much he has his own show on 101. personally i stopped listen in 98 because i was tried of jackie and his attitude.

howards not for everyone, but he does make my week pass by much quicker and worth my 12.99 a month.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 08:09 AM
Personally, I can't stand listening to Jackie, his voice grates on me, and I don't think he is all that funny. However, he did make one very significant contribution to that show.

Most people don't know how much work he did behind the scenes. The main show members contributed and determined the show's direction, but they had a pack of writers to create the content. Yes, it was scripted. It has been since the late 1980s.

The person who worked to keep the script believable, was Jackie Martling. He was the guy in meetings saying "No, thats ridiculous! No one is going to buy that!", and then he would grumble and make changes to the script.

Jackie was the guy who kept it sounding real, like the listeners were just watching life happen. In reality, it was all preconceived.

JacKatMtn- Its all good

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 12:22 PM
^ yeah, it's true, everything is scripted on the show. It's really obvious sometimes. Also, I've heard several guests that were on the show say that throughout the entire time, he had people that would scribble 'on the fly' jokes on pieces of paper and hand them to him throughout segments and interviews, and he'd just read them right off the sheet.

As far as him working for the gov.. I think he's too critical of the bush administration to be working for them. However, for such a raunchy entertainer, he does seem to have a lot of conservative views. If you've listened to the show for a while, you'll notice, quite surprisingly, that he is actually an extremely conservative guy, and the entire shock-jock thing is just a big act.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 01:59 PM
I don't believe Stern sold out to the Government, or is guided - instructed - censored by them, etc...

Stern is one of the most influential people in America, look at how long that talentless "Sanjaya" stayed in American Idol even though nobody could stand him except a few 10 year old girls... that was all thanks to Stern and his pops for

Do you really think the Government would try to intimidate someone with that kind of voice, steer him on the 9-11 issue and take the chance of him saying F.U. and leak it out what they tried to do?? No way. I don't buy that for a nano-second.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:05 PM
Stern went for the $$$$$$$$ and said to heck with his Fans, the very fans who made him what he is.

Now on Sirius, he doesn't have anywhere near the show he used to have and no where near the number of fans.

XM is the way to go.

O&A Party Rock !!!

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 02:09 PM
Haha neither Sirius or XM either one ever got my money.

The moment I could no longer listen to Howard Stern for free was the last moment I ever listened to him. I'll pay to listen to the radio around the same time as I pay for bottled water, which probably is going to be never.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:41 PM
hay man what you don't realize is that u r paying for terrestrial radio with ur time. the amount of commercials to the amount of music is appalling. howards show is significantly better on sirius because it is completely unedited "no bs". anyone who claims he did his fans an injustice needs to sign up when sirius gives away a free weekend on there website and check it out, not only howard but all the other great stations they have to offer. u can go the xm route but that will soon be sirius when the merger goes through. i'm telling u i didn't see the point until i used someone else's car for a week and they had. i went out when my car was fixed and got the bare minimum just to have it.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:55 PM
He is just too lazy now, the show is all clips from sal & richard and music... he doesnt put any effort and has the same people on over and over, like today he turned down andy roddick, one of the greats in tennis. He previously turned down dave chappelle and freakin dale jr, but nope he likes to have gilbert gottfried on 40 times a month

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 03:59 PM
do yourself a favor, just tune into opie and anthony on XM chan 202... you'll be glad you did.


All seriousness i used to work for sirius and howard treated everyone who worked there like garbage. hes a loser, U2U me if you want to hear some good stories about how lame the king is.

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 04:07 PM
I think howard stern is the all time biggest scum bag on the radio. he has single handedly set our country back a hundred years. I have a little bias, being the way he treated opie and anthony. They were loyal fans that got into the bussiness (partly inspired by him)and he totally pulled an Imus on them.

he is too rich and pampered to give any relevant proximity to the average joe and his concerns or hummor. All he does is follow a script and play off the old days when he was a smart ass with a little wit. he is most likely handed a peice of paper with does and donts which he follows to the letter.

to the guy above....hell yeah O&A all the way. WOW!!!!!

[edit on 21-8-2007 by newyorkee]

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:26 PM
I have canceled my sirius subscription over a month ago and haven't looked back. XM has a promotion going where if you have access to a dell PC that was bought after 2004 you can get a 30 day free trial. Luckily we use dells at work so it looks like I will have access to XM for free for a long time

posted on Aug, 21 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Howard Stern used to be your god.... So are u more upset about your own apocolyptically lowbrow and purile taste or by the fact u finally figured out the guy is in radio and always has been in radio for the sole purpose of MAKING MONEY. Its a job man. You can't sell out when its always been an act. The guy just didn't want a factory job

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