posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 06:35 AM
I thought it about time I again wrote of my postulate
and fan the flames. First I will start off this muse with
some background noise so that first time reader of my prose
understand my starting positions and rational for my posting
in the first place...
First who am I... Nobody in pertickular...
I'm a medically retired Ex-Army service connected disabled
white American male of 53 years of age. I have spent
the last 27 years of my life working or studying ( can be
the same thing) in electronics and electromechanical
service, management and design.
Have owned my own company (Perpetual Power Service
Company [ has nothing to do with perpetual anything just
was a catchy name] where I designed and marketed large
scale emergency power systems and all battery plants
, motor/gen sets, inverter arrays, transfer switching and
data interconnects inclusive within the systems ) ... I also
worked as a field engineer as a senior field eng. rep. for
Seimens, General Power Systems, Deltec, Best Power,
American Power and several other backup systems producers.
About 10 years ago I changed fields to automation systems
design and worked with several companies either running build
crews or designing sub systems for large automated
manufacturing systems. I would make a guess that 90% of
the population of the lower 48 states have used a service
or product that has my hand in its coming to fruition.
About 3 years ago an old army injury ( specifically... I worked
as a missile tech on hawk and nike systems and we had a
hawk detonate 200 foot off the rack and caused a very bad day
for all... but an absolutely amazing observation advantage, I
recall every detail of blast wave effect and approach) started to
reoccur ( systemic neuropathy of lacerated tissues) causing
the army to put me on the dole and telling me to hang out with
you guy more often.
So I started a company to make web pages and keep me using my
hands in a way that if I screw up, somebody don't get kilt.
( consider dropping a 9/16th on a 3,400ah 550vdc battery rack)
And spend time here musing on the state of the human mind....
All that to just say howdy....
To the meat...
I am not a mathematician, I am not a physicist, I am not
a poster of theory... I have not the background nor
data to rise to that level... But I am a scientist and I have
studied the rules (read Laws) of physics as we knew them
and as we know them now. I see no reason for dealing with
mathematical constructs in my concepts for they are not
theory. They are musings, postulations, conjecture and
the occasional assumption. I post for no other reasons
(on any subject) other than entertainment, therapeutic
and educational (mine) value.
So Mays Absurd Postulate forms from the mist....
In The Beginning....
To understand the foundation for this postulate some have
called a "Quack Theory of Everything" I must try to
describe the Singularity of the BB before anything that
follows. And in doing so I will postulate on the causation
mechinisim for the yet to be defined elements of gravitational
and magnetic variance.
We consider that the yet to be defined energy form that was
the source of the BB was following Einsteinian conversion
then looking at the reverse condition may explain a bit better.
If I have a finite amount of matter and I convert it into an energy
form we observe the energy forms (kinetic, thermal, inertial,)
and are controlled by relativistic force forms ( EM,G,WN&SN)
If we consider the matter without relation to external matter and
convert the matter to energy without reference to external matter
(as is the case of a BB singularity) you have a unified yet to be
defined energy form that seems to have a infinite energy density
but was converted from a finite amount of matter.