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August 18th Countdown

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posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by linuxman2k3
So? Anyone up for a small bet? £1 to nothing happening tomorrow!

I bet $1 that there are aftershocks in Peru tomorrow, and the Dow ends on the plus side.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by Siblin
I'm going to ask a stupid question, Evasius -- but what on Earth do the crests and troughs represent? They don't make sense to me. At first I thought it might be a reference to the "sad times" and the "happy times", but that doesn't fit. Nor does it fit that it would be mapping overall consciousness or whatever that stuff is called. The European plague is a high crest, but World War II is a trough, blah blah blah. Unless black death makes you happy... And why does some guy's personal life show up as more, er, visually significant than the fall of the Berlin Wall? And again, Reagan's presidency creates a deeper trough than the one caused by the "Fission bomb delivered" one -- which looks to be about the spot where Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed. Please help me make sense of what this is supposed to be.

Not a stupid question whatsoever. The horizontal axis should have some labeling but it doesn't. What does it represent Evasius?

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:16 AM
Well the latest Crop Circle is in on Cropcircleconnector anyone have any guesses what it means??

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:19 AM
Maybe that volcano near Alaska erupts...

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by damajikninja

Originally posted by wrangell76
By the way, when does the space shuttle come back? Anyone know?

I have a gut feeling that Endeavor isn't coming back.
NASA Decides Against Repairs

[edit on 8/16/2007 by damajikninja]

Doom and gloom.. Boy I sure hope you all are wrong and these guys make it home okay. But let say out of the past history from what we have seen before with these shuttles, and comming back to earth its no easy job or walk in the park and things can go wrong. But lets try to be postive and hope in our hearts nothing does happen.
And we get our boys back on the ground intact

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by ExquisitExamplENot a stupid question whatsoever. The horizontal axis should have some labeling but it doesn't. What does it represent Evasius?

Please see my post on the previous page. The graph represents fluctuations between habit and novelty.

As for the Alaskan volcano... Wind over the mountain.... pyrhoclastic flow, perhaps?

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:28 AM
I am convinced that something major will happen soon based on my own "gut feeling" and intuitions...among other things.

I am not convinced of the fact that all crop circles are of extra-dimensional/terrestrial origin. This could be a man made message with a specific hoax intent.

One thing I know for sure is that I am becoming numb to the "this is the date it ends" threads, filled with "omg" and those freaked out faces we love to see:

Let's calm down and talk about this at least without the sure feeling that this assumption is entirely accurate. There could be some relevance to the symbol connections if they are from a non-human source, and I don't discount that possibility, but even still the message itself could be misinterpreted. Whatever is bound to happen to the Earth in terms of the forces of nature itself is completely out of our hands so panic is simply irrational. Where you gonna run to?

Just relax and understand that tomorrow may be another day, in which case it will surely bring another "end of the world" thread to freak over.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Evasius

Anyway the top graph is looking at the timewave in nearly its entirety - it's really zoomed out. Each following graph zooms in a bit more to the timeline finally closing in to recent events.

Thanks for the graphs, looking at them I don't really see any patterns other then the increasingly tighter spiral of events heading towards 2012. Also what is a factor for an up or down event? I also don’t see a repeat of events, or maybe I don’t understand how the repeat is represented.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Karilla

I guess they are saying it could go at any moment and it will impact a lot of international travel.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by damajikninja
I have a gut feeling that Endeavor isn't coming back.

I'm pretty sure NASA wouldn't make a dumb decision, especially when it could destroy their image. The damage is absolutely tiny and shuttles have flown back with even larger pieces of foam missing.

Columbia's damage was about, oh, the size of a large TV? This is about the size of a grapefruit?


So, here we are with another one of these countdown threads. They are pretty exciting the first few times, nothing to jump on. But now, it's really just getting boring. You can't predict these sorts of events. It's all coincidental. It's like me saying "I predict on August 18th a volcano eruption!". I am 100% positive this will happen. How do I know?

Take your pick. This map shows all of your emergencies across the planet, I check it out here and there. There is ALWAYS something happening and, oh, 90% of the time you don't know about it.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Donoso]

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by DonosoTake your pick. This map shows all of your emergencies across the planet, I check it out here and there. There is ALWAYS something happening and, oh, 90% of the time you don't know about it.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Donoso]

You had to spill the beans, didn't you?! I have money riding on this!
That's a good week's worth of tea I stand to win, unless tomorrow is the most tedious day in Earth's history.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:41 PM
see the thing is that this may just be a huge hoax... a group of people may have thought.. "hey lets make a crop circle of a mayan number and see what people come up with!"

However, I'm hoping it's not

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by sager
see the thing is that this may just be a huge hoax... a group of people may have thought.. "hey lets make a crop circle of a mayan number and see what people come up with!"

However, I'm hoping it's not

Me too. If something does happen then it will go some way to proving that something was trying to give us a heads-up.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:55 PM
well if aliens imprinted a mayan number onto our cropfields I'm sure it has nothing to do with terrorism, war or a earthquake affecting one area. It may be a warning to the whole world. It's meant for humanity as a whole. KILLSHOT!

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Evasius

That's some interesting stuff. I think that if a major event occurs, it will be Hurricane Dean striking New Orleans. That's around the same time that the storm is supposed to make landfall in the U.S., if it tracks that way. One track has it making landfall in Mexico, and the other in the gulf right around..... New Orleans.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:00 PM
well, it also looks as though Mt. St. Helens is getting ready to blow. A filling magma chamber has caused the ground above it to rise by as much as 100ft since tuesday.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by XFoxMulderX
reply to post by Evasius

That's some interesting stuff. I think that if a major event occurs, it will be Hurricane Dean striking New Orleans. That's around the same time that the storm is supposed to make landfall in the U.S., if it tracks that way. One track has it making landfall in Mexico, and the other in the gulf right around..... New Orleans.

to be honest that's not too major... hurricanes come and go. If an alien civilization came all the way here to tell us something, it has to be something that could have a worldwide affect...

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by Karilla

The story is from 2004.

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 5:47 p.m. ET Oct 7, 2004

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Take your pick. This map shows all of your emergencies across the planet, I check it out here and there. There is ALWAYS something happening and, oh, 90% of the time you don't know about it.

[edit on 17-8-2007 by Donoso]

Neat map! I want to find out more about that epidemic in the Dominican Republic. Maybe it came from the Haiti UFO's

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 01:07 PM
Well, so many theories who knows when and what's going to happen.
I do love hearing about it though.
If only we had access to the central archive of files of existence and then we'd all know.
Of course there is no place so don't bother asking me.
Knowing my luck when the end comes, I'll be on the crapper.

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