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August 18th Countdown

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posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Falken
I heard mars is going to be so close its going to look like a double moon. Is this true or just a rumor?


Naw Mars reaches that point on Dec 24th and it will look like a big red star. The closest it has come to earth in 50k years was in 2003 and it looked like a big red star hehe.

On the 18th it will be closer to the farthest point from earth than the closest point.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Siblin
It's true that something may happen that day. Nobody can know until the day is over with. But it does little good to worry about it, as it will neither halt or change the events that may take place. Try to relax and treat it as any other day. Most likely that is all it will be anyway. But if it turns out that something DOES happen, well, you'll have your head clearer than you would have had otherwise, which will help you deal with it. It's in the future and becoming too concerned over it won't do any good.

In other words flip a coin and pick...

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Roper

If the predictions are accurate, who cares who made them? Of course, I have yet to do a fact-check on these predictions...

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

In other words, don't get your head wrapped up in something you didn't see, couldn't interpret without the assistance of a website whose job revolves around posting stuff like this anyway, and that sounds like every other prediction out there. (Only ever gives enough information to incite fear over some mystery event, yet not enough information to actually prevent anything, or even begin to prepare for it, yada yada yada.) Woot. What a great prediction.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:53 PM
i dont think anything will happen on August 18th.

even tho it is said that it means '6 days'... i think it means 1 month in mayan calendar... or also 30 days.

becuase exactly 1 month/ 30 days from August 12th... is September 11 ! !

and it happens to be a solar eclipse that day too..... AND... it's on a tuesday, just like the Tuesday 9/11/ 2001

im not saying something will happen for sure. but it seems more likely IMO

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Siblin
In other words, don't get your head wrapped up in something you didn't see, couldn't interpret without the assistance of a website whose job revolves around posting stuff like this anyway, and that sounds like every other prediction out there. (Only ever gives enough information to incite fear over some mystery event, yet not enough information to actually prevent anything, or even begin to prepare for it, yada yada yada.) Woot. What a great prediction.

Ya what he said hehe

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:15 PM
Mass consiousness is a powerful thing.. Whatever happens we can help change the outcome by concentrating on not allowing it to manifest in our thoughts that something terrible is about to happen or it will do... There is a lot of suggestions going around that there will be something BIG happen on the 14th September 2007. Like an Earthquake which will be devistating... around the "Rim of fire" who knows what is going to happen.

Crop circles are keys...triggers to unlock our subconsious mind made by beings of light who are of the highest vibration of love. The crop cirles that do no resonate with our hearts with our astheticial pleasing, where we can see fault within them are made by hu-mans. As long as they admit they did the ones they say then no harm has been done only to the famers who get annoyed with the hoxers.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:17 PM
lol i meant ring of fire! not rim of fire! whoops

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by damajikninja
I have a gut feeling that Endeavor isn't coming back.
NASA Decides Against Repairs

Or it could be that they will receive a safe escort back to Earth by surprise guests, thus ushering in disclosure and the beginning of the new age of mankind.

Whatever happens, it's due to be significant. I'm not saying it will be one definite event, but could be the many strange or disastrous things happening now, with the peak of chaos taking place on the 18th.

If anyone here is familiar with the 'Timewave Zero' program designed by Terrence Mckenna, it shows major activity in late August 2007. The program shows how history repeats itself figuratively in cycles; it appears that the current cycle is ending and the next 5 years before 2012 will have all of human history squeezed within it, played out on a grand scale -- all the highs & lows crunched into a small window, coming to a infinitely small point on Dec. 21, 2012. At some point on that day, in one moment of time, all of human history will be played out again...instantly. The program's results do not extend beyond that point.

Here are 2 graphs representing the timewave; the left is the original, and the right is an updated version.

Notice the last major peak on the lower right of the graph peaks at around Aug. 24, 2007. The graph on the left shows it happening just after than date, the one on the right shows the peak just before the 24th. Also, the huge peak on the left was the last peak of the last cycle. The top represents the assassination of Robert Kennedy & Martin Luther King. The thin peak just to the left of that is JKF. Down the slope in the next cycle, the peaks most noticeable are 9/11, the beginning of the Iraq War just after it, and then the one due to take place next. And it also seems that the lowest points or troughs are significant as well (but it's not as obvious).

Anyway, you can't use this program to predict what will happen, only when things of a particular significance occur. It doesn't show every bad thing that happens, only the ones that seem to affect global consciousness. And as far as anyone can tell, it's never been wrong. Here's a YouTube clip of McKenna speaking about his program:

[edit on 16/8/07 by Evasius]

**edit** spelling

[edit on 16/8/07 by Evasius]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:30 PM
[edit on 16-8-2007 by esdad71]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:35 PM
looks like you guys gotta lot to worry about

i dont buy it, its not even 2012 yet!

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:44 PM
If this graph does suggest that these cycles have been happening and they will happen again it suggests that we are acting out a cycle that is in perfection.. it illustrates that we just have to concentrate on manifesting our free will and all of us walk down the path that is awaiting for us..

No worrying.. as if these cycles do happen it means everything is in perfect harmony, and we are going towards it now. Althought the Earth has a lot of clearing to do before 2012 so maybe more bad weather events are on the way... we can only wait and see and in the now think positive thoughts instead of waiting for these things to happen out of fear.

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:45 PM
What happened between 1965 and 1969 to peak it out at over 10 times what a peak on Aug 24th ?

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by Xtrozero

Evasius said that spike is centered on the JFK/MLK assasinations.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Xtrozero
What happened between 1965 and 1969 to peak it out at over 10 times what a peak on Aug 24th ?

As the peaks shrink and tighten, they actually have the same impact on society - possibly moreso. The space between events also shrinks and makes them more noticeable.

Picture the graph as a fractal design stretched out in a linear fashion. As you zoom in you pretty much see the same thing, but enlarged. It appears smaller because you have to 'zoom out' so to speak to get the full picture. Evidently human history has to play itself out again & again in that small space of the graph, and its smallness represents the spool winding tighter & tighter.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Most might listen to Terrence Mckenna and conclude he's done WAY too much acid. The man, though, is (was) so intense and deep...and brilliant. What a lose. And that youtube clip was awesome.
Dgtempe, it just so happens I know a gteat deal about ed Dames and the Killlshot and have heard all of his C2C interviews. Rather than explain though, I'll refer you to his Killshot video: Here It's worth the watch.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:50 AM
i dig the whole crop circle time line explanation. i hope there is more time for everyone to investigate it.
however the crazy guy Evasius was talking about may be on the verge of something but off key in others. he refers alot to american history as world history like in the sixties. Just because we were in a healing moment in 40s and 50s and climatic part in 60s means squat globally.
right now we are causing great strain in parts of the world while others may be healing.
i like to focus more on those crop circles but .... i think we're outa time. maybe we'll discuss after this mighty eventful weekend.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:50 AM
That 'Killshot' vid is very interesting. I've heard of the solar flare threat, but not at this magnitude. However this sounds more like a 2012 event & not a tomorrow kind of thing. Who knows -- it sounds plausible.

I'm at a loss as to why astronomers can't see an 'Earth-sized' object approaching our orbit yet. I can see how that could cause a major catastrophic event, but where the heck is it?

His comments on the space shuttle are also really interesting -- we shall see.

posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:50 AM
Ah, you people do know that King Herod died by what is thought about astronomical records and checking those records in China (because Western Civilization tends to destroy its self and the records do not exist anymore) in -4 to -6 B.C. Of course, the date was changed because of the calendar that also had to be changed back in Oct. 1582, because the old calendar was off by 10 days. So one day it was Oct.3, 1582 and the next day was Oct 14 1582. I think that is the year although it could have been 1584.

That means that it is 4 to 6 years later than the current calendar you use, and it is not the year 2007, but the year 2011 or 2013 already. That is because Jesus Christ was born in that time period because King Herod was killing all the first born sons about a year later than when Jesus was born.

The star that the Magi followed - the Star of Bethlehem - could be any of the astral markers that appeared in 6, 5 and 4BC.

Take your pick of websites about the Star of Bethlehem.


posted on Aug, 17 2007 @ 12:55 AM
i remember i saw a a documentary video called killshot where this guy said that when the space shuttle is about to return, something bad will happen right after that. It won't make it back to earth, and that would be our cue to find safety in the safety zones he listed. Something about a object passing our earth and something to do with the sun.. forgot exactly. maybe this is the 18th.?

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