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Gold Chips In Throat Are REAL, Plus Pics!

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posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:43 AM
I think the ones he displays are bigger than the ones used in toothbrushes, but maybe they are from some other type of item.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 12:55 AM
this goes to you or any other mouth gold miners. i posted earlier this week and i havn't checked out on this one for awhile so i dont know if this has been asked of you yet. Have you ever thought of going in your bathroom and taking off your bathroom sink drain trap and inspecting it for any of those pieces that may have snuck out while brushing? Its not that hard to do just have a bowl ready underneath for when you dump it out and be sure to fill your drain with water again after you reinstall the pipe trap to block the gases in your drain for they are toxic. thats one of the reasons for the trap ya know . i'll look back to see if you will or wont or have and what you may or may not find. i know they are small so i don't know how easily they flow threw such drain pipe traps but if i noticed any out of me i'd be looking for those that may have gone unnoticed. i'd also be gargling and spitting in a glass before letting anything go down the drain from then on too.
i will now search the thread now that that thought is out of my mind thanks.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:16 AM
U of A chip?

Pretty close match, but not quite exact. I have no idea how that would get in your throat, or in your food though.

I'm really interested to hear what your dentist friend has to say.

Maybe you can bring them to a jeweller to try to figure out what it's made of. The ones from the other thread were supposedly made of brass, but it wouldn't hurt to double check.

Do you remember what the last thing you ate was before you spit out the most recent chip?

You could always claim that it was in a burger at one of those fastfood places... I'm sure their legal team can get someone to figure out where that thing came from real quick.
(J/K of course)

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by acura_el2000
What you are coughing up are the "metal staples" that toothbrush manufactures use to secure the bristles in the hole. Go see for yourself, take some pliers and pull out the bristles..

You may be right. I just pulled out some bristles from my Crest Spinbrush (they came out easily) and this is what the staple looked like. Compare his pic and mine, they are pretty close.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by Darth Cheesecake

Originally posted by acura_el2000
What you are coughing up are the "metal staples" that toothbrush manufactures use to secure the bristles in the hole. Go see for yourself, take some pliers and pull out the bristles..

You may be right. I just pulled out some bristles from my Crest Spinbrush (they came out easily) and this is what the staple looked like. Compare his pic and mine, they are pretty close.

Very glad you tried this, as I didn't have a spare toothbrush (poor college student here!).
thanks Darth!


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:48 AM
Ok so we are nearing a conclusion, toothbrush staples. Personally I've never seen these.

OP seeing as it was you who recently found them you should still have that toothbrush, do you use toothbrushes for too long? i.e. until all the bristles become weak and flatened. Pull out some bristles from your toothbrush and lets have a look. and if it is the same toothbrush you should have some empty holes in your toothbrush.

Darth Cheesecake are they flat on both sides? Is that top picture of two your own picture?
acura el2000, thanks for bringing up this idea, you have solved this one (see below).

With the original (ATS) story happening whilst brushing teeth it certainly points to this.

I just pulled a staple from a toothbrush:

Brass in colour (because they don't want them corroding whilst we brush our teeth).
1mm x 2mm x very thin
smooth on one side
same 4 ridges on the other side


[edit on 15/8/2007 by Wig]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by Wig
Darth Cheesecake are they flat on both sides? Is that top picture of two your own picture? [edit on 15/8/2007 by Wig]

The top picture is one posted by the OP, the bottom on the red background is mine. I don't think I can get any closer with my camera and keep it in focus. Mine is flat on both sides, but it's an old toothbrush, I've had it under the sink forever to use for cleaning. The newer brushes may have slightly different staples.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:00 AM
How are you guys getting your bristles out? I'm having a hell of a hard time. (I've also got a crappy pair of pliers)

I managed to pull out one very miniscule gold square thingy. Mine is just flat, no ridges.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:00 AM
Double Post. Sorry.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Shane Void]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by Shane Void
How are you guys getting your bristles out? I'm having a hell of a hard time. (I've also got a crappy pair of pliers)

I make jewellery so I have many types of small pliers.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:03 AM
Your "thing" is nothing to worry about. You have probably swallowed something from the tap or so a long, long time ago. Anyone with a bit of technical educaton could confirm this to you.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:14 AM

Originally posted by Darth Cheesecake
You may be right. I just pulled out some bristles from my Crest Spinbrush (they came out easily) and this is what the staple looked like. Compare his pic and mine, they are pretty close.

That's it guys. Case closed. Excellent find. You get a star!

No alien conspiracy here, I'm afraid. But if I were you I would certainly check my toothbrushes from now on. We should contact the Brazil sisters and find out what toothbrush they were using. In fact, if they said they used the same toothpaste, it stands to reason they were using the same electric toothbrush and just swapping out the heads. Once we conclude that it came from those toothbrushes (which I think we have now), you can begin to file a lawsuit with Crest, or at the very least have them issue you a lifetime supply of toothpaste if you cut your mouth up or had a throat problem. If money was involved, I would say make up a throat problem if you have to, but that would be morally wrong, so don't do that.
But a warning should be issued from the company and these toothbrushes should be recalled.

First the lead paint on Fisher Price toys, now this... this is what happens when America outsources its manufacturing processes to China. Jobs should stay within their respective countries. If I have to pay my local vendors a little more, I will. I refuse to send any of my printing jobs to China. We need to take care of our own first.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:41 AM
Okay that was weird, this guy is brushing the heck out of his teeth to cause the bristles to come out.

I'm glad thats all it was though, if it turned out to be an RFID chip that would have Freaked me out.

Good work guys.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 03:54 AM
Well I'll be darned... I just pulled apart an old Colgate toothbrush and it's got the EXACT same chip as the OP showed in his pictures.

Sooooo... aliens are tracking us with our toothbrushes??

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by acura_el2000
I can't belive in 6 pages, no one has come up with an answer for you.

well, I know what it is, as I have seen those before, my sister used to make bracelets out of toothbrushes, so she would pull out all the bristles and boil them (so they can be bent)... What you are coughing up are the "metal staples" that toothbrush manufactures use to secure the bristles in the hole. Go see for yourself, take some pliers and pull out the bristles..

heres a picture for reference. (best I could find online)

Out Standing acura!!!

You see people there is an explanation for weird stuff. I also pulled the bristles out of an old Reach tooth brush and there the little metal piece was.

Now don't you think that someone would get bristles in their pipes too??

I think we have been Hoaxed again.


posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:55 AM
Occam's Razor also applies now in other bathroom ranges, such as Occam's Peach Soap, and Occam's Electro-shine Abrazarator 3000 electric toothbrush (Occam's Toothbrush).

It is quite funny how these things turn out to look very similar to RFID and microchips though. I'd have thought having ridges on both sides would have been more advantageous, but I don't design toothbrushes.

PS: I'm also a scale modeller, small world huh, I guess conspiracies and modelling go hand in hand!

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:56 AM

You may be right. I just pulled out some bristles from my Crest Spinbrush (they came out easily) and this is what the staple looked like. Compare his pic and mine, they are pretty close.

I think we have a winner, glad that was cleared up, though I knew it had to be something simple we hadn't thought of before.

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:48 AM

Does CGI apply? Do you have a little chip in your hands? The drones look pretty real. So do these little gold/brass chips. CGI always applies. All is an illusion. Maya. This is a computer screeNNNN@@@#$#%^^^^^^^_____----++. Everything is supposededbly.

Originally posted by Wig
I just pulled a staple from a toothbrush:

Brass in colour (because they don't want them corroding whilst we brush our teeth).
1mm x 2mm x very thin
smooth on one side
same 4 ridges on the other side


Well... supposededbly if you pull the brushes out of your toothbrush... a small brass staple pulls out with it.

Sure as poo.

Now I do have a little chip in my hot little hands.

Well that was fun guys.

Someone needs to go back to that blog and fill 'em in.

I think the title of this thread needs to read:

[Gold Chips in Throat Conspiracy SOLVED BY ATS]

Excellent sleuthing all.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 02:22 PM
Wow. I love this. It is easy to get discouraged by the hoaxes etc that I see here, but ATS actually solves mysteries!! There should be a Mystery Solved tag on this thread. Great going Acura!!

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 07:52 AM
I find this metal or chip a Little suspicious........
sounds to me the government might be doing something with those chips
its need to antalize for small writhings are something

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