Several weeks ago, I was in the bathroom rinsing my mouth, and after gargling some water and spitting it out, I looked down into the sink where I saw
a tiny, shiny metallic particle. I pressed my finger into it to pick it up and examine it, and I concluded it was a fleck of gold that must've broken
off of my sister's jewelery. It even had what appeared to be a design on the other side, a bunch of parallel grooves. Despite its practically
microscopic scale, I decided to save it, and show her later. I put it in a safe spot on my shelf but forgot about it until this morning.
Today I got up with an Irritated feeling in the back of my throat, like when a popcorn kernel gets jammed back there. Well anyways, I gargled a bit
and kept spitting, but the feeling was still there. I figured it was one of those gross little tonsil things people get on occasion if their tonsils
get infected, I get them sometimes if I get a cold or sick. After more spitting and what can only be described as the most fierce gargling session
ever, whatever it was, it was out. One more spit, a look down to see what it was, and thats when my blood froze in my veins.
Right there, stuck to the porcelain was another gold colored speck, just like before. At the same time my memory recalled the incident a few weeks
ago, I was SOMEHOW also able to remember an article posted here almost 2 years ago.
Small Gold Flat Chips Extracted From Throat - Need Help
I pulled the thing out of there and brought it to my hobby desk, where i keep all kinds of tools and magnifying lenses. Thankfully, I remember where I
put the other one and placed them side by side for comparison. They are practically identical in color, size etc. But the real clincher is the fact
that they are smooth on one side, but have 3 grooves on the other.
As freaked out as I was to look at the thread posted above, I had to see the pics posted on it. Lo and behold, the pics on that thread show exactly
what I coughed out my very own throat not once, but twice. I noticed the thread has been inactive for almost 2 years, so I decided to post this new
one to bring it back to attention.
I will make it very clear that I DO NOT consider these things to be alien implants or Government tracking chips or anything kooky like that. For all I
know, it may be in something I'm eating, and if it is, I wanna know where it's coming from before it potentially kills somebody.
I know the last poster was attacked with hoax this, and hoax that, but if you could feel the panic I felt this morning, and then looking at pictures
of the same thing on the net that happened to someone else... I'll gladly take whatever people throw at me. It's not like I found the source of
these metal things and elaborated a "me too" story around it. I would just straight out tell you where they came from on the other thread. I will
post this thread and get back in a bit to take some pics, which I'll post as well.
[edit on 12-8-2007 by PrototypeGamma]
[edit on 13-8-2007 by PrototypeGamma]