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Why Is Jesus Real?

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posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
I will walk away now and you can go on doing what ever you believe you are doing.

You realize this sounds like you're looking down people, right? It's very dismissive.

I do thank all of you you for not hiding under a bush, but you hide nothing so that decisions could be made in a short time.

Thank you for coming to judge us all. On behalf of all of us, I can say the we all feel better knowing that we're not worthy of your attention.

I presume nothing. Your words and actions speak for themselves. This type of behavior and comments are why people here didn't respond the way you wanted them too. They are your expectations and you are punishing others for your lack of communication. Shame.

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 06:49 PM
I'm not a religious freak who remembers stuff from the bible, in my opinion Jesus exists 'cause I've had some weird experiences in the supernatural that have changed me from a non'believer to a believer. Don't bother to ask me to tell ya all these experiences 'cause I don't wanna look like a crazy guy sayin' this stuff. I'm not a believer in the God havin' some sort of physical form, In my opinion it's a supernatural force or" being" that helped spark all forms of life from this planet and other planets out of our galaxy. To me a physical being has limites and doesn't have eternal life, our spirits may have it but our bodies (vessels) are discarded after it's been used to its fullest. I'm a firm believer in reincarnation and in animals havin' a spirit as well. (I expect nobody to believe anything I've said since everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, so don't bash me for my post !!)

[edit on 14-8-2007 by steve-o]

posted on Aug, 14 2007 @ 06:55 PM

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:42 AM

dbates posted on 14-8-2007 @ 03:00 PM Please take the reincarnation discussion to an appropriate thread. Nothing wrong with the subject, but it's off topic in this thread. The subject matter here is "Lust of the flesh".

I thought this was the case in this forum.
I am wrong, it's pretty selective around here.
Which isn't bad, but I wish it was told me before
I even registered. This is what struck me as odd,
after reporting 'off topic' posts and nothing was corrected,
like "dbates" did. No love lose.

but it's off topic in this thread. The subject matter here is "Lust of the flesh".

I haven't been saying any different.

And that's all I was trying to adhere to in my thread "Why Is Jesus Real", to say that many posts were 'off topic'. I don't know why it seems hard
for you Zedd but I now accept that it does in Loving Patience. I'm sorry,
that my reports could not have been seen as correct in doing so.


This is my last post in this derailed thread:
I was asking to understand this forum if 'off topic' is permitted.
I've seen in other threads it's not and assumed it to be the case
for all threads in the forum. And when I addressed it, I was shot down,
and you became religious in accusing and judged for me not obeying
God's Word. I hope you work out those verses the next time someone
comes in and their thread is thoroughly hijacked, since you seem to
preach them. I haven't seen this in you, but when we fall - get back up.

Actually, the truth be told you are against me for not obeying you,
though I was obeying the forum and reporting off topic posts. I wasn't
reporting because they disagreed with me, but because the thread was
getting derailed - BIG TIME.

I was assumed upon because when I questioned the rules, of them
not being adhered too, you were found wanting. On those lines, not I sir.

So I was ~found wanting~ in trying to speak to you.
Forgive me for this, I didn't know any better.

Good bye.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
I wasn't reporting because they disagreed with me, but because the thread was getting derailed - BIG TIME.

This thread is on, our off-topic general chit-chat discussion board. Generally, there are looser standards for the "control" of thread topics and the evolution of topical drift within threads here because this is intended to be a more casual environment.

We attempt to maintain stricter standards in this regard on our more focused boards at and

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 09:02 AM
Thank you Bill.

Why didn't Zedd just 'say so'. *chuckle

Zedd I hope you can say this to other new members, just as clear
as Bill had, when they first arrive.

You got us both in the mud here. For that I'm sorry, please
forgive me. If you believe I got us in the mud here, I take it,
and accept my apology just the same.

Bill, So "off topic" is considered causual speaking here which is permitted.
Got it. And thank You, again.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Bill, So "off topic" is considered causual speaking here which is permitted.
Got it. And thank You, again.
[edit on 8/15/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

I have not been too involved in this thread, however I can't help it...

You have an interesting way of twisting words around.

Off Topic - continuing a conversation that has nothing to do with the original subject.

Casual Speaking - Just more laid back, wider range of subjects to be discussed.

There is a difference in my opinion.

[edit on 15-8-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Aug, 15 2007 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by steve-odon't bash me for my post

Not in the least.

Have a great Day, friend.

[edit on 8/15/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 16 2007 @ 08:07 PM
here's how i view it, there are no reliable sources that show us that jesus was a living flesh and blood being... therefore his existence is thrown into question. even the entry from josephus seems to be a bit of a forgery...

so, my view: not enough evidence for jesus to be real.

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