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Why Is Jesus Real?

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posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:26 PM
Based on the Bible I would like your input (Holy Scriptures, please) on why Jesus Is Real, which I do whole heartedly believe. I'll make a list of the Scriptures you all give in time. Please, no debates in this thread or harsh comments back toward those who have their option about believing in God. Please.

In hopes that those who believe that 'Jesus' could be a Conspiracy, in the True Religion, might come to know they are loved by us Christian's.

[edit on 8/11/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Based on the Bible I would like your input (Holy Scriptures, please) on why Jesus Is Real, which I do whole heartedly believe. I'll make a list of the Scriptures you all give in time. Please, no debates in this thread or harsh comments back toward those who have their option about believing in God. Please.

You have to admit, that "based on the bible" Jesus is real. It's based on everything else that his "reality" comes into question.

I don't understand your point with this thread. Using only scripture is like preaching to the choir.

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Based on the Bible I would like your input (Holy Scriptures, please) on why Jesus Is Real, which I do whole heartedly believe. I'll make a list of the Scriptures you all give in time. Please, no debates in this thread or harsh comments back toward those who have their option about believing in God. Please.

By harsh comments do you mean any veiw that is not the same as yours?
That would be sort of pointless, wouldn't it? You are putting a thread under Conspiracies in Religion but you do not want a debate? To this day the is no historical proof of Jesus' existance. Oppss, sorry that wasn't based on the so called holy scriptures. [sarcasm]

posted on Aug, 10 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by Quazga

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Based on the Bible I would like your input (Holy Scriptures, please) on why Jesus Is Real, which I do whole heartedly believe. I'll make a list of the Scriptures you all give in time. Please, no debates in this thread or harsh comments back toward those who have their option about believing in God. Please.

You have to admit, that "based on the bible" Jesus is real. It's based on everything else that his "reality" comes into question.

I don't understand your point with this thread. Using only scripture is like preaching to the choir.

Questions or not, I use to be (also) without excuse in my own questioning. But even Creation stands as a witness to Him, without one doubt.

Rom 1:18-20 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: KJV

Now about using Holy Scripture The Holy Spirit tells us that we are deptors to all by using the Gospel of Christ, so that some might be Saved:

Rom 1:14-16 14 I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.

15 So, as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also.

16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. KJV

Believe you me, the wise and the unwise will view this, not only the choir.

And Harsh comments I mean by 'word bashing' others who don't believe your opinion; that includes me as well. Thanks.

Holy Scripture, please you all. Thanks.

[edit on 8/11/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real

Originally posted by Quazga

You have to admit, that "based on the bible" Jesus is real. It's based on everything else that his "reality" comes into question.

I don't understand your point with this thread. Using only scripture is like preaching to the choir.

Questions or not, I use to be (also) without excuse in my own questioning. But even Creation stands as a witness to Him, without one doubt.

Uhm... Well all of creation stands in witness to great and powerful principles. I've never seen a morning bird sing "Glory to God in the Highest".

Anyone who sees the beauty of creation will be rapt with awe. How we interpret that though depends on how we were raised. Since you were raised a Christian, you are obliged to pin it on Yahweh. Other might pin it on Baal, or still others might just feel as if creation is an extension of themselves and they see it as a brother.

You're right though, theres no getting around how beautiful nature is. And there is no putting a label around it either.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:10 AM
So you won't assume upon me (no offense taken though), when I was growing up my Father was an atheist and those who spoke about God near him he would rage out to them, 'there is no god'.

So no, I wasn't raised up as a Christian. I wasn't Born from above until I was 23 and on my own from the age of 17. My son, at that time, was 2 1/2 and God touched His heart as well. He even had his own 'baby revelation' about God one night in his bed just before I was about to leave his bed room having tucked him into bed.

Yes, even the Creation that is seen shows that God exists displaying His very Eternal Power and Godhead. God gave those song birds their song and He knows they sing of His Glory. The singing of the song birds has come and they give Glory to God, as sure as the Heavens declare the Glory of God. See Song of Solomon 2:12 and Psalms 19:1.

If we knew the language of the song birds in the morning we would know that they are exactly singing of God's Glory. We have God's Word on it, if all of the heavens declare,....well we are a part of the heavens. Meaning, we are all here with everything else.

God Is God,

[edit on 8/11/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
So you won't assume upon me (no offense taken though), when I was growing up my Father was an atheist and those who spoke about God near him he would rage out to them, 'there is no god'.

So no, I wasn't raised up as a Christian. I wasn't Born from above until I was 23 and on my own from the age of 17. My son, at that time, was 2 1/2 and God touched His heart as well. He even had his own 'baby revelation' about God one night in his bed just before I was about to leave his bed room having tucked him into bed.

[edit on 8/11/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

I remember the time my son saw the future in a crystal when he was 3. My little soothsayer....

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:24 AM
Back on Topic please, ok? If you have Holy Scirpture to show that Jesus Is Real please share in here. I'm asking for input to make a list in time.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Back on Topic please, ok? If you have Holy Scirpture to show that Jesus Is Real please share in here. I'm asking for input to make a list in time.

You're on the wrong forum then. This is about conspriacies and the duping of humankind.

It doesn't really matter if Jesus is real or not. All that matters is that you believe in him. Even Erasmus pointed that out as a tennant of the Church.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Quazga

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Back on Topic please, ok? If you have Holy Scirpture to show that Jesus Is Real please share in here. I'm asking for input to make a list in time.

You're on the wrong forum then. This is about conspriacies and the duping of humankind.

It doesn't really matter if Jesus is real or not. All that matters is that you believe in him. Even Erasmus pointed that out as a tennant of the Church.

Even in this forum, knowing the Truth does matter and it's a good thread to have in here on that subject.

Please back on topic, if you have a Holy Scripture to share, please share it. If you don't, I suppose you can watch and learn from God's point of view in The Bible.

Good night friend,

[edit on 8/11/2007 by Jesus-Is-Real]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 01:09 AM
one doesnt need the bible to see gods perspective. One need only see past themselves and their own beliefs

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 07:09 AM
the bible doesn't contain anything written before 55 CE, that would make it a fairly weak source to use as a proof of the existence of anyone who supposedly died in 30 CE

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 09:50 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
the bible doesn't contain anything written before 55 CE, that would make it a fairly weak source to use as a proof of the existence of anyone who supposedly died in 30 CE

Lol. I know you can try a little harder to deceive the people than this.

In one hand, you're right. The new testament was, at earliest, written down in its completeness, or compiled together, or finished around 55 CE. And this is guesstimation by anyone; we are guessing when the ink pressed parchment. If we carbon dated parchment, who is to 100% say it is the oldest?

The old testament, no one knows when these stories were originally written on paper. But the same argument applies here.

Every single story in the "Bible" is based on supposed events that took place. Whether the story is true or false or blown out of proportion, the world may never know. The word is not infallible because it is copied by Human Hand and spoken with Human Tongue. Therefore, it is literally exposed to dirt after its divine creation, and it must be bound to dirt for us to even be able to read it, in our simplicity.

Anyway, these events take place at varying times, some of which B.C., some of which C.E., and theres no way to truly know for any of them. You can get close. And on top of that, they are all of different authors, entire books are of multiple authors, and picked up and put down at multiple times throughout history until they were finished. You can't date that!

But .. our calender is off when trying to calibrate Zero Year with the birth of Yeshua Meshiach. It's 4 years off, 1AD should be 5AD, and so forth. Also, Yeshua Meshiach was either born in the Spring or Fall as described in the Bible, not in the Winter, not on Dec 25th. The wisemen from the East (Parthia; Zoroastrians, also Monotheists. Coincidence?) had to be able to make the journey to and fro as well.

Since this thread said QUOTE a verse from the bible proving Jesus to exist, I will be the first damn person to actually do it.

Joh 1:15 John witnesses concerning Him, and has cried out, saying, This One was He of whom I said, He coming after me has been before me, for He was preceding me.
Joh 1:16 And out of His fullness we all received, and grace on top of grace.
Joh 1:17 For the Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Joh 1:18 No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, that One declares Him.
Joh 1:19 And this is the witness of John, when the Jews sent priests and Levites that they might ask him, Who are you?
Joh 1:20 And he acknowledged and did not deny; yea, he acknowledged, I am not the Christ.
Joh 1:21 And they asked him, What, then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you the Prophet? And he answered, No.
Joh 1:22 Then they said to him, Who are you, that we may give an answer to those sending us? What do you say about yourself?
Joh 1:23 He said, "I am a voice crying in the wilderness:" "Make straight" "the way of the Lord," as Isaiah the prophet said. Isa. 40:3
Joh 1:24 And those who had been sent were of the Pharisees.
Joh 1:25 And they asked him and said to him, Why then do you baptize, if you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet?
Joh 1:26 John answered them, saying, I baptize in water, but One stands in your midst whom you do not know;
Joh 1:27 This One it is who has come after me, who has been before me, of whom I am not worthy that I should loose the thong of His sandal.
Joh 1:28 These things took place in Bethabara beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing.
Joh 1:29 On the morrow, John sees Jesus coming toward him and said, Behold! The Lamb of God, taking away the sin of the world!
Joh 1:30 This is He about whom I said, After me comes a Man who has been before me, for He was preceding me.
Joh 1:31 And I did not know Him; but that He be revealed to Israel, for this reason I came baptizing in water.
Joh 1:32 And John witnessed, saying, I have seen the Spirit coming down as a dove out of Heaven, and He abode on Him.
Joh 1:33 And I did not know Him, but the One sending me to baptize in water, that One said to me, On whomever you see the Spirit coming down and abiding on Him, this is the One baptizing in the Holy Spirit.
Joh 1:34 And I have seen and have witnessed that this One is the Son of God.

[edit on 8/11/2007 by runetang]

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 10:46 AM
Surely it doesn't actually matter if Jesus was real or not. It's his philosophy of unconditional love that is the most important of things. In fact any historic reality to the existance of Jesus is not needed in order for His word to get across.. Surely any Christian could understand that?!

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Back on Topic please, ok? If you have Holy Scirpture to show that Jesus Is Real please share in here. I'm asking for input to make a list in time.

There is no scripture that proves Jesus is real, otherwise there would be not debate. If you really want to "prove" that Jesus did or did not exist then take an objective look at both sides. It almost sounds to me as if you don't really want objectives answers as much as you want people to help confirm what you already believe. This is not really the place to accomplish that goal, as most of us here seek the truth, regardless if in concurs with our current beliefs. Check this site out!

Good luck in your search. I hope I was helpful

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by FrankGoggles
Surely it doesn't actually matter if Jesus was real or not. It's his philosophy of unconditional love that is the most important of things. In fact any historic reality to the existance of Jesus is not needed in order for His word to get across.. Surely any Christian could understand that?!

It actually matters quite abit if the grounds for your beilefs are that Jesus walked the earth, performed miracles, and was truly the Son of God. Like most Christians actually believe.

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by kleverone

Originally posted by FrankGoggles
Surely it doesn't actually matter if Jesus was real or not. It's his philosophy of unconditional love that is the most important of things. In fact any historic reality to the existance of Jesus is not needed in order for His word to get across.. Surely any Christian could understand that?!

It actually matters quite abit if the grounds for your beilefs are that Jesus walked the earth, performed miracles, and was truly the Son of God. Like most Christians actually believe.

It matters only to those who don't understand theology. In other words.. the cattle

posted on Aug, 11 2007 @ 06:41 PM
As Quazga says, theology is the fundamental foundation to any religion. Any Christian who is dissuaded from their religion from revelations that Jesus was not real do not understand their own religion...

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:09 PM
Thank you all, but I'm looking for Scriptural input.

posted on Aug, 12 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Jesus-Is-Real
Thank you all, but I'm looking for Scriptural input.

Well, then you can stop looking because you're not going to find it.I don't mean to sound harsh but that's the only way to put it. It sounds to me like you are waiting for someone to prove it to you. Why not examine all possibilties and then make an educated decision regarding what you believe. I'm trying to see what you are trying to acheive with this thread that you don't want debated? I would say you have come to the wrong place. my 2 pennies

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