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Voices in your head... Random conversation made up by the mind?

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

For me it sounds like an old tv show that is just below my hearing or a song that i cant quite make out. I looked it up and they say its fantom sound syndrome. That it is our mind interepreting the things we are hearing. I dont buy that. Its like i am channeling old tv waves or brodcasts. I know THAT sounds crazy but really i'm a sane, reasonabley well adjusted person. Hope someone finds a cure, its really annoying. Especially combined with tinitus. Sleep is elusive! I wouldnt mind if it was good music or a good tv show but its BARNY MILLER!! I am 40. I'm to young to remember Barny Miller!!! I remember watching it once or twice as a kid. Ok i will shut up this does sound crazy. Nevermind.

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by fiftyfifty

When falling a sleep a few years ago I started to get sudden flashes of light and a loud sound sometimes that at first made me wake right up and look around the room. I later got use to it happening and realised it happen when a sound was made while I was falling a sleep. I looked it up and found a thing called exploding head syndrome. Thought wow that is weird... Then about a year ago only when falling a sleep I would a part of a conversation like mans voice say a few words that sometimes were in the middle of some conversation or a womans voice and the same, at first I thought it was like a radio or something but I dont know... I do know only once or twice did it make any sense and one time a name was actually mentioned so I searched for the name online and did find someone that matched but heck I kind of knew that would happen. I found that if I went to bed earlier or had a glass of wine that evening it didn't happen... Strange but thats my story.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 11:28 AM
Well coming across this post has to fall into the range of serendipity.

Being an avid info junkie, the first thing I do on awakening is roll over, grab my cell phone, check the time, then check the news headlines for the day. While reading the news, I became aware of the background noises in my house, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary so I stayed in bed reading the news. Slowly I became more aware of the background noises because there was something different with what I was hearing. It was very subtle so while I became aware, I really didn't focus my full attention to it; until it became obvious what was strange about what I was hearing. Again it was a passing recognition, I still hadn't become fully aware of what I was hearing. I suddenly realized that whatever was being said was being repeated. It was the same words being said over and over. When I realized it wasn't the radio or TV in the background but more of a voice inside my mind, I stopped reading and listened to what was being repeated; "130 days". Over and over, not very loud, with no urgency, in a soft matter of fact tone, "130 days". "130 days". I then focused all of my attention on what I was hearing, and even asked out loud, what is 130 days? Is this supposed to mean something? What about 130 days? I listened for an answer, and just as before, clear as a bell and without any changes in pace, tone or volume, just as if I had never spoken, "130 days." "130 days", twice more, so I jumped out of bed, and ran to my mother's room. She had just gotten out the shower. I asked her to think of a number and tell me the first number that came to her mind. She said, "7". I said now tell me the first 3 digit number that come to her mind. She said, "777".

So there you have it. Why, what, when and how I can't tell you. It is probably nothing more than the inner workings of the mind of an info junkie. A mind that never sleeps, and is a lousy communicator, and just in case it might mean something to someone else, with great hesitation I decided to share.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by silhouett

I have only had that happen to me once and it was quite a long time ago. I heard a man say, "You really f## up this time. After a 4 to 5 second pause I heard a woman say, "It may not be too late". The man said something I couldn't make out. I was getting ready to go to bed, so I went to the foot of bed to turn off the TV. Thought about it for a second; realized it wasn't coming from the TV. I don't have a TV at the foot of bed. I took the TV out of my bedroom years ago. There was no radio, or any other sound producing device in my bedroom, not even a clock at the time. The closest TV or radio in my house is across the house and in the living room. Checked my cell, it was still in the room that I use as an office.

To tell you the truth I had forgotten about this incident until reading your post. I even slept for about 3 nights with my head to the foot of bed, just to see if I heard anything again and could pinpoint were it came from. Laughed about it with my mom. I told her the folks sitting in their van with their ease dropping devices, must have accidentally pushed the button on their directional receiver and accidentally sent instead of receiving.

posted on Mar, 31 2018 @ 12:56 PM
I searched this up to see if anyone has had the same experiences I have been having. I recently have been getting short phrases out of random conversations in my head. I didn't know what to think but I'm not alone.

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: fiftyfifty
hahaha you're not crazy! I am a black South African woman and a random Chinese looking lady by the boarding gates at the airport popped in my head and said "I didn't know you didn't kweystion ( question) the employees" seemed like there was a customer complaint .. then later another stranger was telling me interesting things about someone I know, but I couldn't remember what exactly was being said.

I'm glad to know I'm not alone

posted on Feb, 13 2019 @ 06:32 PM
I also have this happen when I’m really tired, almost as if a dream has started in my head without me is the only way I can explain it.

posted on Jan, 2 2020 @ 05:44 AM
i have the same issue that always happens almost everyday!! it only happens when you are tired than fully awake & distract i think because younare finally paying attention to what’s going on &’giving your head a rest. I don’t know what those voices are i think it’s like the government in my head or something but that sounds too crazy but it’s very weird sometimes & how come when you pay attention to the voice somehow it just disappears??? i think it can sense when your paying attention & when you are not. it could be telepathic or it can be the government lol both sounds ridiculous but whatever those voices saying needs to shut up!! lola reply to: fiftyfifty

posted on Jan, 2 2020 @ 11:03 AM
It's very important to remain mindful, if you experience these things.
All it takes for this to become a Schizophrenia diagnosis is a lack of insight, which can easily happen under stress.
I personally would keep some antipsychotics on hand, just in case.
If you let this kind of thing get out of hand, it can become very uncomfortable. (NOT FUN)

posted on Jan, 9 2020 @ 01:13 PM
just watched healing voices on amazon prime. Good documentary about people that hear voices and choose to embrace it instead of taking medications

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