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Minorities Becoming Majority in Some Areas

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posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:42 AM

Whites are now in the minority in almost one in 10 U.S. counties.
And that increased diversity, fueled by immigration and higher birth rates among blacks and Hispanics, is straining race relations and sparking a backlash against immigrants in many communities.

As of 2006, non-Hispanic whites made up less than half the population in 303 of the nation's 3,141 counties, according to figures the Census Bureau is releasing Thursday. Non-Hispanic whites were a minority in 262 counties in 2000, up from 183 in 1990.

But that diversity is now spreading to the suburbs and beyond, causing resentment in some areas.
In northern Virginia, Teresita Jacinto said she feels less welcome today than when she first arrived 30 years ago, when she was one of few Hispanics in the area.
"Not only are we feeling less welcome, we are feeling threatened," said Jacinto, a teacher in Woodbridge, Virginia, about 20 miles southwest of Washington.

Nationally, the number of minorities topped 100 million for the first time in 2006 -- about a third of the population. By 2050, minorities will account for half of U.S. residents, according to Census Bureau projections.


The sad thing about this is that there are going to be people who will get angry about this
simply because Caucasians are not holding the super majority of the population.

Personally I don't have a problem with this, the color of someones skin is of no
importance to me, rather who they are as a person is how I determine judgments
about people.

I remember reading something years back that said that in the next century or two
Caucasians will be the majority in America, though in all fairness I don't think any
one ethnicity is going to be the majority for very long in the future, since eventually
we'll interbreed (I hate that term) to such a point that a single amalgam ethnicotype
will emerge, possibly looking somewhat Mediterranean or like a naturally tanned white person.

Comments, Opinions?

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:52 AM

As you said, it doesn't matter which color is the idiot that govern offence .
By the way...I have heard some time ago that not only white will diminish in the spectrum of American populace, but also English language will be taking over by Spanish.


posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 08:55 AM
one can say that ethnic communities are growing larger and maturing

or one can say the area ghettos are threatning a stable U.S. society

in either case, the group dynamic is evolving,
and that fact can be presented to the rational public,
or distorted by propagandists for their own agendas, causes,

here we go again...

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 09:00 AM
The problem is there is undeniably more crime in these minority populated areas.Its not that their minorities its the fact that violent crime seems to match the population level.Why would this be welcomed??

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Great, more crime, more welfare, just what the United States needs

Open your eyes America, quit with this political correctness crap and look whats happening around us, REALLY say and THINK what you mean and don't beat around the bush for worries of being labeled that much overused word "Racist."

Our country is going down the drains right in front of our eyes.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 05:20 PM
In the UK, our present government has tried to institutes a multi cultural policy, supposedly to celebrate the diversity of the population.

It's achieved little more than the creation of miniature enclaves, each devoted to the majority population prevalent in a particular area.

The goal of integrating immigrants into the UK way of life has failed miserably.

My thought has always been "when in Rome...... etc"

When I have visited different countries, I have always done my utmost to abide by their rules and culture.
It should be no different for any other people when they visit other countries, either as a guest, or as an immigrant - integration is the key - not a multi cultural society.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 05:55 PM
immigrants are not the problem, this is the problem...

Originally posted by ShooterSix
Great, more crime, more welfare, just what the United States needs

Most crime is committed by white guys, and far more of your money is spent on the military, and furthering the agenda of the elite than welfare.

Our country is going down the drains right in front of our eyes.

You better look at your government if you want that to change.

Remember if there were no immigrants you wouldn't even be American...

Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think. Emma Goldman

[edit on 9/8/2007 by ANOK]

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:03 PM
The government wanted a multi cultural nation. Now that they have it
citizens are going to complain about no jobs, welfare, crimes and such.
Your country will continue to grow because your borders are still open for
people to come and live as they wish.
That is how the terrorists come in, that is how the crime keeps going,
and that is how your SS will decrease over time.

PS. I am not saying immigrants are bringing that but over population
lead to those things.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by ShooterSix

Open your eyes America, quit with this political correctness crap and look whats happening around us, REALLY say and THINK what you mean and don't beat around the bush for worries of being labeled that much overused word "Racist."

Shooter, forget about people giving the political correctness crap up. Unfortunately, that's never going to happen; it only gets worse every day.

Anyway, about the subject at hand, I guess it really doesn't matter. The thing I fear is the minorities in this country turning this country into the hell hole they just left. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't relish the idea of Hispanics gaining a bunch of power in this country and turning our government into something that looks like a form of government you would encounter in south America. I just don't.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
The government wanted a multi cultural nation. Now that they have it
citizens are going to complain about no jobs, welfare, crimes and such.
Your country will continue to grow because your borders are still open for
people to come and live as they wish.
That is how the terrorists come in, that is how the crime keeps going,
and that is how your SS will decrease over time.

How true... Most of the problems that the U.S is experiencing is due to our own inaction.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Hey Anok,

Want to see the prison population levels?

White: 35%

Black: 48%

Hispanic/other: 17%

While keep in mind, that blacks are just 1/5th of our countries population.

These are plain straight and arrow facts that our media and goverment simply ignore, all due to my favorite word... "Political Correctness."

I'm really not sure how you brought the elite into this equation, (I'm sure you are referring to Bush in some way). But these crime and jail statistics have only been rising since the black/hispanic population have been increasing dramatically.

Are country was founded on immigrants, but times change, times have to change to meet the situation at hand.

For more information on actual crime statistics, please view:

Bureau of Justice Statistics

US Department of Health and Human Services

And even American Immigration Lawyers Association

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 06:58 PM
I say the only way to fix these problems is to close the borders for moving
into America, and change the laws around. I understand that this may never
happen, but it would be the best solution. What is the best way to prevent
a criminal from doing another crime? More harsh sentencing, tougher
laws towards people who repeat the same actions.
I'm sorry but other wise you will still have criminals in the ghettos, mafia
in the suburbs, senators sitting on gold chairs.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Equinox99
I say the only way to fix these problems is to close the borders for moving
into America, and change the laws around.

Well, I haven't had any qualms voicing my opinion about the whole border issue. I personally think that we should take these troops that we have spread all over the world and place them on our national borders and ports. While this isn't a cure all, it certainly will eliminate much of the problem.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:06 PM
As you're "white" population grows increasingly elderly and outnumbered you'll need more and more people to do the nescessary jobs. In essence it's conquest by other means and has always been a sign of an Empire changing (I refuse to say "decline" since the empires evolve into a new form, maybe smaller but different and invigorated).

This is not negative by any means, it is the natural order of things. I define myself racially, but that is because I have a measure of pride in my ancestry but this does not mean that I consider myself better than anyone else.

So what if "whites" diminish? Your Native Americans declined a long time ago, I imagine they considered the white immigrants to be unwelcome interlopers. What is so precious about whites anyway? There are an awful lot of them, and eep! they might end up speaking Spanish! What a calamity, maybe your new Hispanic overlords will be kind enough to print the roadsigns in Spanish and English.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by DenyAllKnowledge

So what if "whites" diminish? Your Native Americans declined a long time ago, I imagine they considered the white immigrants to be unwelcome interlopers. What is so precious about whites anyway? There are an awful lot of them, and eep! they might end up speaking Spanish! What a calamity, maybe your new Hispanic overlords will be kind enough to print the roadsigns in Spanish and English.

Well, I don't think there is anything "special" about us at all. However, given that you are living in the United Kingdom and not the U.S, why the concern on your part as to what we do in regards to our national security? It's really none of your business. I am not trying to be persnickety, but that's just how I feel about it. Thank ya.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:24 PM
Just read an article on Drudgereport about Denver and minorities. This is one of those events that are really non-events.

If anything, the laws need to be changed in America to allow for the new truths. Affirmative Action, Quota anything, even Women in Minority Business status for federal contracts needs to be looked at.

The real loser in all this will be the poor, inner city black population. They have gone from the primary minority, for which all these programs were made for, to an even lower social strata level. This is the kind of economics that will cause problems within cities.

Also, when thinking in terms of illegal aliens in the USA, Mexicans come to mind, but this is just part of the problem. EVERYONE wants to come to America, go figure....

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, I don't think there is anything "special" about us at all. However, given that you are living in the United Kingdom and not the U.S, why the concern on your part as to what we do in regards to our national security? It's really none of your business. I am not trying to be persnickety, but that's just how I feel about it. Thank ya.

My pleasure,
I have a large number of friends and relatives that live in the US, I've also lived there, as well as in a number of other countries. I'm also allowed to voice whatever opinion I choose on whatever subject I desire. People on this website are constantly giving their opinions on countries they've never been to, and about people they've never met let alone lived with. I'm not suggesting for a moment that you're one of those people.

My point was based more on the cycles of empires, how they naturally rise and fall and how they will inevitably fall unless they change and adapt to pressures. The america we know will inevitably turn into something completely different since resistence to these pressures cannot last.

Apologies for butting in on an American only thread.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by ShooterSix

But these crime and jail statistics have only been rising since the black/hispanic population have been increasing dramatically.

Did it ever occur to you that minorities are being treated unfairly? That could explain your statistics.

Are country was founded on immigrants, but times change, times have to change to meet the situation at hand.

Times do change. Our problem is that people never change.

Great, more crime, more welfare, just what the United States needs

While I respect others' opinions, I can't help but point out how ignorant this statement is.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by DenyAllKnowledge

My point was based more on the cycles of empires, how they naturally rise and fall and how they will inevitably fall unless they change and adapt to pressures.

Well, if that adaptation and change means that we continue to have the open borders policy that we currently have, I will fight it, as will hundreds of millions of other Americans, with the last dying breath in my body.

posted on Aug, 9 2007 @ 07:33 PM
This thread isn't a border issue thread... it is about a growing minority.. As I stated, I personally don't have a problem with it. What I will/do have a problem with is if the Hispanics try to turn this country into a third world slum.

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